thatsabae · 6 years
Payback - Jungkook | Chapter 4
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genre: romance/comedy/friends-to-lovers
summary: “Revenge is sweet”, that’s what they say, and your plan is to find out if that statement is true. After finding out about your boyfriend’s infidelity, you seek after his lover’s boyfriend, cause mama always told you that sweets are better when shared. But first, you need to convince him to join you.
prologue | chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4 | chapter 5 | chapter 6 | chapter 7 | chapter 8 | chapter 9 | chapter 10 | chapter 11 | final
Jungkook: Can we talk rn? [received: 06:23 p.m.]
Y/N: Sure! Something is up? [sent: 06:24 p.m. / read: -]
Right after you press “send”, you were surprised by his call. It was not the first time you were talking to each by a phone call, but it was not something common too. And certainly not unexpected.  
“Hey. I thought you meant texting.” You laugh. “Is everything alright?” Worry got over you.
“Oh, sorry. Are you busy?” Jungkook made you smile. “What is this noise? I can call you later…” 
“Not busy, I just left the office. I’m waiting for my ride.” You sighed, knowing it would take a while until you could get home. “What’s the occasion?” 
His laugh echoing is enough to make you feel warm. Since the beginning of your plan, Jungkook and you became friends. To be honest, you doubt that if weren’t for these “special” circumstances, you would never be friends with a guy like him. At least something good from this horrible situation. 
“It’s just that… Calli is coming, in like, maybe twenty minutes, and I thought we could mess with her a little bit”. 
You bite your lip. The boy was learning fast. 
“Sure, but, care to explain your plan and how can I help it?” 
“I won’t stop talking with you when she arrives. I hope that it bothers her.” He confesses. 
You thought a little about it. 
“Jungkook, I have an idea.” You hold back your laughter. “When she arrives, you keep talking with me, then when you see she’s completely frustrated, you finish the call and tells her you will be taking a shower. But…” You keep the best part for the end. “You take your cellphone with you, and, will she sleep there?”. 
“Yes. Why?” 
This time you can’t hold your laugh. He’s so innocent. 
“Because she will be curious. And if you don’t let her touch your cellphone this evening, she will be so pissed to the point of even calling me. I’m sure that I will receive a call before tomorrow ends. Please, delete my contact so she will have no idea who she’ll be calling”. 
“I just wanted to make her frustrated. This seems too elaborated. Are you sure this all will happen?”
“Of course I am. Do you forget I’m also a woman?” You roll your eyes, knowing he’s not seeing it. “Oh my God. I’m adding you on Facebook right now”. 
“Didn’t we agree it would be better if we did not? Less suspicious?” 
“She will probably ask my name when she calls, if we have each other on Facebook, it will frustrate her even more! Don’t worry if I like all your pics too.” 
You both laugh and then there’s a silence for a moment, and it makes you feel anxious like something should be said. 
“Should we plan our next step while we wait?” 
“Yeah.” You answer quickly, still anxious. “Totally. Any idea?” 
“Not really, but Jordan must be in it, too. How can we be sure she’s telling him her worries?” 
“What if we all went to a party, and somehow, we meet up? Coincidences do not exist at all” 
“That’s a nice…” You can hear Jungkook’s breathing. “She’s here.” He whispers. 
“Okay. I’m also here. Let’s keep talking like before. Get calm and act.” You can’t blame him for being nervous. You were too and wasn’t even there. 
You mute your cell while a car is passing and honking. Suddenly you hope your brother to not arrive so soon.
“Is she inside already?” You ask very softly. 
“Yeah.” You hear a few noises. “Hey, Calli. Just a second and I will end it”. 
You can help to laugh. Jordan always did it to you, ignoring you while talking on his phone. Nothing is more frustrating than it. 
“So, what should we talk about?” 
“When is that thing you were talking about before?” You get the hint. 
“The party? I don’t know of any. What about you?” 
“I think is this Friday, at Seokjin’s house. You remember him, right?” Wrong, you thought. “If you’re up to… We could go together.” 
Oh no. 
“I know that a house party would be perfect for our plan, Jungkook, but I can’t go to your friend’s house. How will I explain that I know him to Jordan? Or even, how can I get in?” 
When he chuckles, you realize his plan. 
“Oh. Oh. You’re so mean. A crime genius.” You whisper. “ That’s your idea, right? Them wondering how I knew it?” 
“This could work for you?” You understand what he meant again. 
“Your plans are way better than mines. I envy that.” Your lips form a pout. “And I’m glad you joined me”. 
This could go perfectly. Jordan would be dying to know how you knew about the party if you’re not friends with Seokjin, Calli would be confused too. All his friends would have to do was tell that they knew you because of Jungkook and everything would start to go down. Like you wanted. 
“What can I do? This could be great for us.” He sighs. “Calli, wait for a second, I’m talking here”. 
“She is already curious?” You’re surprised. “I would wait a little bit more before questioning”. 
“Yes, I also thought that”. 
You both laugh, and you can’t feel bad for her. She probably laughed more when with Jordan. At least you both were not cheating. 
“We just need to make sure that your friend will tell them the right things”. 
“What do you mean by that?” 
“I mean, if somehow he ends up chatting with Jordan, or if Calli questions him why I was invited. We need to use that in our favor”. 
“Why don’t we talk about the details tomorrow at lunch?” 
You barely had time for your lunch today, it would be an impossible task leaving for such a distant place. 
“I can’t at lunch. Can it be later?” 
“Look, I’ll take a shower now, I’ll text you later”. 
After saying goodbye to you, Jungkook had to hold back his smile so Calli wouldn’t notice it. He was enjoying this more than he thought he would. 
When you talked to him, all he thought was exposing them and leaving Calli, but now… This was way better. 
“Babe, I’ll take a quick shower, okay?” 
“Who was that?”
“Who?” He asks, trying to sound silly. “At the call? A new colleague at work. I wanted to be friendly in the name of all the department and since Seokjin will be throwing a party…”
Jungkook tried to look guilty. 
“Did I forgot to tell you? Oh babe, sorry. You can come, right?” Jungkook asks her, before entering the bathroom.
Calli only nods. 
“Great. I won’t take long.” And he closes the door and turns the shower on.
 Jungkook: She’s mad [received: 18:39 p.m.] 
You smile reading that message. It would only take time until Calli called to whoever Jungkook was talking before. 
You hear a hunk, and there’s your brother waiting for you. Then an idea comes to your mind. 
“Hey, wanna go to a party?” You ask, before even closing the door again. 
“Sure. When?” 
That same night, you proved you were right. She called you at 1:43 a.m. exactly, and before you realized what was going on and that you didn’t recognize the caller, you already answered, sleepy. 
“Who’s there?”
That’s when you look at those strange numbers and your sleepiness is gone. 
“You’re the one calling. I should be the one asking”. 
“I think I typed the wrong number. I was trying to call my boyfriend”. 
“It’s really late, you shouldn’t wake people at this hour. If you don’t work, you should know that I do”. 
You should receive another Oscar, not only the one you deserve from the acting at the restaurant. 
“Sorry.” You can feel she’s wondering if she can ask something else. “Do you work at Emes Publishing House?” 
You wait, trying to seem suspicious. 
“Where did you get my number?” 
That’s the last you can say before she ends the call. You were so right. 
Jungkook: So? [received: 9:07 a.m.]
Y/N: What? [sent: 9:10 a.m. / read: 9:11 a.m.]
Jungkook: Any news? [received: 9:11 a.m.]
Y/N: I was right, of course. She called me two in the morning [sent: 9:12 a.m. / read: 9:12 a.m.]
Jungkook: **laughing faces** [received: 9:12 a.m.]
Jungkook: Can I pick you up today? We can talk about the details after work. [received: 2:56 p.m.]
Y/N: I’ll text you my work’s address. See you later. [sent: 3:02 p.m. / read: -]
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thatsabae · 6 years
{GITM} Payback - Jungkook
Here are some musics I use to inspire me writing! If you have any recommendation, I would love to know! 
Bad Girls by MKTO
Gashina by Sunmi
Same Old Love by Selena Gomez 
Irreplaceable by Beyoncé
On My Own by Miley Cyrus 
Cry me a River by Justin Timberlake 
Sweet Despair by Cher Lloyd 
How to be a Heartbreaker by Marina and the Diamonds 
Why Won’t you Love Me by 5SOS 
Bad Boy by Red Velvet 
Confident by Demi Lovato
Best Thing I Never Had by Beyoncé 
If I Were a Boy by Beyoncé
Talking Body by Tove Lo 
Heroine by Sunmi
Solo by Jennie 
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thatsabae · 6 years
Payback - Jungkook | Final Chapter
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genre: romance/comedy/friends-to-lovers
summary: “Revenge is sweet”, that’s what they say, and your plan is to find out if that statement is true. After finding out about your boyfriend’s infidelity, you seek after his lover’s boyfriend, cause mama always told you that sweets are better when shared. But first, you need to convince him to join you.
prologue | chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4 | chapter 5 | chapter 6 | chapter 7 | chapter 8 | chapter 9 | chapter 10 | chapter 11 | final
Jungkook: Almost there! [received: 07:48 p.m.]
Saying that your phase ‘pos-breakup’ was changing you was probably an overstatement. You were pretty much the same girl. You changed? Yes. But not really, if that even makes sense.  
It took you a few hours thinking about it after the whole chaos passed to make you realize what they meant when they said: “breakups are new chapters”. Life was full of chapters, each one leading you to a grand finale. 
At least you thought that the moment you ended things with Jordan. A new person, making changes and growing up.  
You were changing, yes, but you still had the same dreams and ideas. You would smile to the same things that used to make you smile. You still felt like there were butterflies at your stomach sometimes. 
“I want to study another language.” You told your parents the morning after the breakup. And then you told them that you already found a school for it. They never looked prouder than that day. 
You were trying and challenging yourself. You were growing, not only maturing but improving yourself. 
“We should ask Taehyung to bring something takeover.” You father said, without moving his eyes from the news on TV. “How about Chinese food?” 
“I prefer pizza.” Your mom said, by your side on the sofa, pausing the fruity game she was playing. 
That was Taehyung’s first day at Emes Publishing House and you were so proud of your brother, and so were your parents. 
But that didn’t make you less excited. 
Your parents knew you were seeing someone else right after ending things with your ex, but they haven’t met him. And Jungkook was coming with your brother. Not that your parents knew yet. 
A smile appeared in your face just because of the thought of him. 
Jungkook was great for you, comprehensive of taking things slowly but also being a constant presence the last month. 
You took two days before calling him. You wanted to be sure you were making the right decision. Not that you doubted your each-day-growing-more feelings for him, but you were not sure if jumping into another relationship was right for you at that moment. 
At first, you were afraid of what people would think. What your friends could think!
But the second day, you couldn’t wait anymore. You missed him. 
So what if you were pushing things too fast and way too hard? If Jungkook was so sure about his decision, you could be too. After your fiasco with Jordan, you knew that heartbreak was nothing careless. 
“What?” You ask, surprised, only know to notice your parents were staring you. 
“We were only wondering…” Your father mutes the tv before saying it. 
“Why would you be so dressed up for a dinner at home.” Your mom finishes the sentence. The fruity game no longer seen at her cellphone's screen. “You don’t have the excuse of work anymore”. 
“Ah. It’s just, we never know who might show up with Taehyung”.  
When the door was opened, you felt like saved by the bell. By the look in your mother’s face, you knew she was pretty pissed at you. 
But your relief soon vanished, seeing your brother standing next to the door, alone, with his pizza box. 
Taehyung just motioned outside with his head, and as quick as you could, you went there, finding Jungkook scratching his hands, walking back and forth. 
“Is there something wrong?” You whisper, worried about him. What if he decided to regret being with you the last minute? 
“No, I’m just…” He moved his hands to take his bangs from his eyes. “I’m nervous. I’m meeting your parents. Taehyung told me they are not expecting me”.
A smile emerged on your face. 
“That’s sweet and all, but the pizza is getting cold, let’s get inside”. 
“How can you be so confident? I’m sweating”. 
You look at his eyes, those brown and deep iris. Gosh, you were so in love with him that you felt like jumping around as if you were a kid. 
“I’m super nervous too.” You touch his smooth skin, Jungkook is clean-cut this day, as handsome as the first day you met him. “It’s just, I’m excited too. Thrilled. I want them to like you, and I know they will”. 
He still looked hesitant. Where did all his confidence go? 
“Jungkook, we faced much worst than my parents. I can’t accept that you’re gonna chicken out now. We’ve come so far.” You looked at him, pretending to be disappointed, but by his looks, you realized he was being serious. “They will love you. You’re great. The perfect son-in-law”. 
“You sure we’re not going too fast?” 
You didn’t feel like you needed to answer his question. Of course, you were. And if, for some unknown reason, you were not, you would have to be. You needed to be impulsive sometimes. That had already lead you to great achievements. 
Your head is moving, nodding, before you realize, your smile only growing bigger.
“Kiss me then. Give me some of your courage”. 
“As you wish”. 
His mouth felt like heaven. So soft and… Kissable. God, you loved kissing him, moving your hands through his dark hair, pulling it and leaning your body against his. You could kiss him the whole day and not get tired of it. Well, you actually did it before, so you knew first-hand it was true. 
“You’re both lucky that I decided to come to call you instead of dad.” 
Feeling like a kid that got caught, you step away from your boyfriend, ashamed. You could sense your lips swollen. 
When you finally decided to spy Taehyung’s face, he was already inside the house, left with the door open wide. His way to tell that next time wouldn’t be him calling you. 
“Was that enough?” You offer your hand to Jungkook, smiling at him. 
Hesitating for a moment, a shy smile appeared at his face when he took your hand. 
“Kissing you is never enough”. 
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thatsabae · 6 years
Payback - Jungkook | Chapter 7
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genre: romance/comedy/friends-to-lovers
summary: “Revenge is sweet”, that’s what they say, and your plan is to find out if that statement is true. After finding out about your boyfriend’s infidelity, you seek after his lover’s boyfriend, cause mama always told you that sweets are better when shared. But first, you need to convince him to join you.
prologue | chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4 | chapter 5 | chapter 6 | chapter 7 | chapter 8 | chapter 9 | chapter 10 | chapter 11 | final
Calli: Jungkook, where are you? [received: 12:09 a.m.]
Jungkook’s heart was still racing fast when he left the kitchen, a few moments after you. He didn’t know if that was the alcohol speaking, or himself, but he felt the urge to follow you and understand why he felt the need to kiss you so badly. Shit.
He was not attracted to you like this. You were his new friend. Pretty and smelling good, but a friend that had a boyfriend. Well, if the plan was following the right steps, not for too long. And so was he. But he only remembered that because of an angry Calli in front of him. You were gone. 
“Where were you, Jungkook?” Her voice sounded annoyed, not trying to hide her feelings. He felt numb seeing her. He really liked her before? 
“I was in the kitchen. You just saw me leaving there”. 
“Having a beer bath?” 
That would be harder to explain. 
“What’s wrong?” He tried to change the topic.
“Let’s leave. We need to talk”. 
“What?” She tried pushing him, but he stood there, strong like a tree. “But I don’t want to leave, yet”. 
Calli’s face at that moment was something Jungkook wanted to take a picture and send to Y/N, priceless. She was disbelieved. 
“What do you want to talk about?” He asked, not really interested and sick of her lies, while walking back to his group of friends. 
She followed him, getting angrier each step. 
“About your friend, to begin it”. 
He stopped, thinking of ways to get her angrier. 
“Jin?” He wondered, pointing to the mentioned, across the room, not trying to hide their discussion. “What do you want to talk about him?” At that moment, all his friends were paying attention. 
“No, Jungkook, not him.” If looks could kill, he would be dead and buried. “I want to talk about the friend you said with all the words you didn’t know.” She whispered. 
He didn’t answer her, waiting for Calli to finish whatever she was going to say, before he gave his own check-mate. Crossing his arms, he sighed, waiting for her, not caring if his drink was falling from his cup. 
“Even your friends know you’re ‘friends’ with her.” She crossed her arms, too. He almost pitied her sad look. “Let’s leave and discuss this at another place, please”. 
“There’s nothing to discuss, Calli. So what if I’m friends with her? I can be friends with who the fuck I want to.” Her face was a pure shock. Jungkook were never this rude to her. “If you want to leave, the door is right there,” He pointed at it. “and you came on your own, you can leave the same way. I’m staying”. 
So Jungkook turned and started walking to his group again, that was watching the whole conversation, with their mouth open. Jin was gone now, probably paying attention to his other friends. He would have loved seeing it.
“I think you just lost your girlfriend” Hoseok remarked, watching Calli leaving the party. 
Jungkook took a glance and smiled. 
“Let’s commemorate, then.” But he’s not happy. Not when he couldn’t talk to you because of Jordan.
“Hey!” You scream, almost falling. “Can you please walk slowly?” You hope on your brother’s arm. 
“No, Y/N. Let’s go.” Jordan shouts back, not glancing you. 
That was not what you expected. You expected a fight right there at the party, not to tell him you knew what he have been doing -of course-, just… Just not this. For the first time since you started the whole plan, you regretted it. 
“Are you okay?” Taehyung asks you when he notices you did not open the car’s door. 
“I’m just not sure if I want to get in”. 
“You want to go back to the party?” You felt him judging you, so you just smile and deny. The mood of the party was long gone. 
“Just get in.” Jordan seems impatient and angry. 
It’s not like you were feeling scared of him. Jordan was not the type to be aggressive or lose his temper easy. If you ever felt insecure with him, you wouldn’t think twice. You just felt that it was taking too long. Too much stress, when you could be living freely. The pain could have already left your chest. Was it all really worthing?
If you had ended it sooner, you could be there at the party, finding out if Jungkook is really a good kisser, like he surely seems. But if you had done it, the chances of knowing Jungkook were really small.
You shake your head, trying to erase that thought. 
It’s not the time to think about your accomplice and how close his lips were to yours. How hot he felt so close to you. Or even how much you wanted to taste him better than just that touch, long enough to get used to his flavor and need air. How soft his lips were? You would never know since you lost your chance. 
Gosh, you were in trouble. 
“What’s taking so long?” Jordan asks, leaving the car. His face was red. Oh boy, he was angry.
“I don’t want to go with you.” You whisper, before realizing. “I mean. You’re angry, I have no idea why…“ You lie, and you’re sure your brother knows that. Even Jordan probably knows that.
“Ah, you have no idea?” He laughs, ironically. “Well, maybe because suddenly I’m the clown of the party, is that enough for you? Was that the reason for forcing me to come to this shitty party, Y/N?” 
“Jordan, babe, can we talk about it tomorrow? You’re angry and I don’t want you to take any precipitate action”. 
“Precipitated action? What do you think I’m gonna do?” 
“Honey. Please. Let’s talk when we are both calm”. 
Jordan entered his car and left without any word to Taehyung or you. Stick to the plan, Y/N, not the time to give up. 
Walking back to the party to wait for a cab at a place with more “security”, there’s a silence between your brother and you that’s unbearable. Worse than having to deal with all the mess you created. 
“Aren’t you gonna ask me anything?” You break the silence, already in the cab. “Just please, talk to me”. 
“I know what I saw today. And last week. There’s nothing to explain.” Taehyung doesn’t look into your eyes. 
“It’s not what you think. I know it sounds cliche, but this time it really is not what you’re thinking”. 
“We can talk about it later, Y/N.” He mentions, looking at the driver. 
You wanted to listen to what he said, but the truth was that it didn’t matter if he was paying attention, all that matter was what your brother was thinking about you. 
“I first met him almost three weeks ago.” You look at Taehyung, but he’s still not looking at you. “Jungkook, I mean. And that girl at the party, her name is Calli. She’s dating Jungkook”. 
That got Taehyung’s attention. 
“She was one of Jordan’s clients. Let’s just sum up and say that they did not keep the professionalism”. 
“Why did…” You raise your hand, asking him to wait. 
“I wanted to try them, so I asked for Jungkook’s help. And also because he deserved to know what was happening”. 
“That’s why you’re seeing Jungkook? You’re cheating Jordan because he cheated you?” You didn’t feel him judging you this time, but trying to understand. 
“I’m not cheating Jordan. I can’t deny that I’m feeling attracted to Jungkook, but it was never part of the plan”. 
“What was it? Expose them?” 
“Not publicly.” You shrug. “Just make them a little paranoid. Wondering what is happening. Talking about it now, it sounds silly, but I wanted them to wonder if they were being cheated until they realize”. 
He stays silent for a moment, thinking about all the leads he caught these weeks, all the information you just gave him. 
Jordan was cheating on his sister. And he had the courage to just talk normally with them, not ashamed of his own actions. Taehyung decided that he approved her plan. 
“So that scene in the kitchen… Jordan was supposed to see it?” 
“No. That wasn’t even supposed to happen. He was drunk, the music was beating loud, it was just the moment.  And I already feel single, so I didn’t think about it”. 
“I guess you like him”. 
“No, I don’t. It’s too soon to like someone I barely know”. 
“May I tell you something?” The cab driver asked, and that made you realize that you were not alone with your brother and going back home. “It’s never too soon to like someone. You can take years to fall for someone that is right by your side, the same way that you could take only a minute”. 
You start to think about what he said when you see the familiar houses that were in your neighborhood. You were so confused. 
“Thanks for your advice.” You smile at the guy, after paying him. 
“Hey, miss.” He calls you when you were almost reaching the door. “Enjoy your revenge”. 
You smile, watching the car leaving your front door. Even a stranger supported your idea. 
“By the way, that guy… He was so drunk that he could have said something wrong and ruin your plan”. 
“Jin? He was not that drunk”. 
“Wait. He was part of it?” Taehyung seemed shocked, you just smile. “Oh my God. We were completely fooled”. 
He opens the door and you both enter, quietly to not wake up your parents. 
“Wait a second. Does it mean that Jimin was part of it, too?” He looked even more shocked. “He was lying when he told me to call him Monday to talk about my photos?” 
Was it the thing Jungkook once mentioned? 
“Tae, I’m not sure if he knew something, but I don’t think he was lying. Why would he?” 
You enter your room, after saying goodnight to your brother, and wondering what was happening at the party. Did Calli and Jungkook enter a discussion? Did Jordan get okay at his home? 
Y/N: Hey, how’s the party? [sent:-]
 You felt insecure of sending it. What if the friendship you both had developed these weeks were now ruined after almost kissing? Thinking about it, you hit send by accident and you can’t help groan really loud. 
If you delete the message, he would still know you sent something. 
Just let it be. There’s nothing wrong at that message. 
With that in mind, you lay in your bed, ready to sleep. 
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