bellsyafterdark · 2 years
It's Paz whump hours: while Din is away on his long, protracted "court all the mates with meaningful gifts" mission, Paz is abducted.
It's not an easy feat. He's a big guy. Boba and Fennec might not have believed it without the fact he went down protecting Drash on their walking patrol of the town, and when she woke up in safe shelter of the locals, they told her they saw him dragged away unconscious.
Boba and Fennec are livid when they find out: Boba gently examining Drash's bandages to focus his ire and worry somewhere as Fennec summons Krrsantan, hatching a plan. If there's one thing this pack of former bounty hunters know how to do, it's find people.
They know they have a limited window. The longer Paz is missing the lower their chances of finding him-- alive or at all.
The palace is shut down, all business is routed through Garsa with Krrsantan and the modders supporting her. Boba and Fennec depart to find their would-be mate. They all agree not to tell Din until Paz is home safe... or his body recovered.
The alphas' search takes them deep into the unmapped regions of Tatooine's desert which is almost as difficult as if Paz had been taken into space. Boba has never been more grateful for the burgeoning network and alliance of the Tusken tribes.
Their search leads them to an old munitions storage bunker neither of them even knew existed. It looks like part of an abandoned town almost buried beneath the sands. There are transports parked nearby. Unfamiliar figures stream in and out. Fennec sends in her miniature reconnaissance droid.
They find Paz. He's been stripped of his armour, strung up and appears he was beaten like an interrogation. His helmet and armour is being poured over and priced by a cluster of what looks like surviving members of the former crime families, the ones who would not accept Boba's rule. The drone only captures still images to provide a scan. It's impossible to tell if he's alive or just unconscious.
Boba barely strangles the keen in his throat. They must have done this in retribution against him. Fennec's cold anger focuses his grief like a laser sight: it doesn't matter if it was for revenge, the bounty of his armour, or their personal enjoyment. These people took what is theirs, they desecrated his honour, and they are going to die.
It takes them almost an hour to cross the remaining distance at march. Thanks to the borrowed robes of the sand people, their approach is undetected.
Their careful, steady pace breaks into a run when they hear blasterfire, the muffled boom of an explosion. They finally reach the storage munitions' tall blast doors as the rusted, jaws of the door shudder open.
Paz staggers into the late Tatooine sunlight, bloodied, bruised, the tatters of his flight suit pulled to his waist, half his armour re-clad and the rest dragged in a sack at his heel. His helmet is back on. His other hand is clamped over a blaster shot at his gut. More score marks of burnt flesh litter his exposed skin where his captors clearly tried to stop him when he refused to go down in a last, desperate bid to live.
Paz has the constitution to take the damage. Privately, he's glad it was him and not Din.
The moment he sees Boba and Fennec, he collapses to his knees, the remaining fight and adrenaline leaving his body.
Boba and Fennec are immediately at his side, checking over his shoulder for lingering threats.
"Dead," Paz croaks, voice destroyed from days of dehydration, starvation and torture. "A-all dead." He's a Mandalorian, after all, it just took him a while. He slumps forward, burying his visor against Fennec's soft front and shaking as his alphas carefully wrap themselves around him, mindful of all his wounds. "W-what are you doing here?"
Boba and Fennec exchange a pained look over his head.
"We... we came to rescue you," Boba says, guilt choking his throat because their failure is written all over Paz's body. And those bastards took his buy'ce.
Paz could truly never return to the covert now.
"Oh." Paz's arms close around Fennec's waist, holding on. "Thanks."
Fennec clutches him back, arms carefully wrapped around the back of his helmet. Her mouth pulls in an involuntary grimace of pain. "We're going to take you home."
Paz's arms tighten around her and he nods.
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bellsyafterdark · 3 years
I know you have the bobadin talk underway but I'm having Thoughts and I just. Boba asking Din to promise to tell him if he ever wants to leave again. Not so Boba can talk him out of it. But because whatever reasons he has for leaving -- whether they fuck up again or if Din just decides this isn't what he wants, if for any reason he decides he'd be happier elsewhere -- Boba just wants to know he's safe. He doesn't want to ever again feel the way he did when Din vanished and they didn't even know if he made it to town. He'll give Din credits, supplies. He'll give him his pick of ships from the hanger and weapons from the armoury. Din could chose to take the Slave I and Boba's gaderffii, he doesn't care, as long as he knows Din's leaving armed and protected and safe. He wants Din to know he's not a prisoner and Boba would never, never choose to leave him alone and vulnerable.
thank you for PUNCHING ME IN THE HEART GODDAMN I will write something for this once I reclaim all the shattered pieces of myself lying around here somewhere 💀💔
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bellsyafterdark · 3 years
ngl I love the focus on boba and fennec and paz taking din apart and taking care of him etc etc but im r e a l l y curious to see more of like. how paz fits into the dynamic? he undoubtedly does, I just want to see how and where and elaboration on "puppy" since it's been used several times and it sounds like some truly d e l i c i o u s content 👀 also the way he seems to switch between dominant with din and submissive to the others? and not to mention how boba and fennec interact.... I just--id love to know all about this au is what im saying I guess lol. you write so damn well and your characterization and ideas all just got me like
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😂💛 thank you, thank you
I wrote a whole side story for it on Twitter that I'll paste below. I tend to blurb there and only write here when it's in reply to asks.
You can imagine this is set after the published story on AO3 "something borrowed...."
I've thought about how Paz and Din's old tribe could react to learning about their new lives. How they might ask Paz, so infamously proud, how he feels about being second choice for Din's attentions.
"You are generous to think I rank so highly for his affections," Paz would say.
Because he only found Din again after the man had been taken in by Boba and Fennec, their claim clearly stated, and they were gracious to find space in their lives for Paz because Din asked. Slowly, the three alphas have grown closer in understanding and appreciation. But Paz made the decision to stay for Din; any method to keep the man in his life. He's learning to be less jealous (yearning and needy), temper his greed, crush the ache that echoes in his chest watching Din bloom, sigh and his body cry out for other people.
Paz can share.
He thinks he's convinced others and himself until the morning he wakes, senses tingling on alert, and rolls on his back to find his hands have been cuffed to the above bed rail in his sleep.
Boba and Fennec kneel at his sides, startlingly naked, gazes predatory.
"Those muscles," Fennec praises, slanting an appreciative look at Boba by Paz's other thigh.
"You're not getting out that way, pup," Boba says, voice warm.
Paz scowls at the endearment. "I am NOT your pup."
Boba's stare pins him still. "Yes, you are."
Paz's abdomen tenses under Fennec's roving hand, breathing out harshly with her possessive grope at muscle beneath the softer padding of flesh.
"And it's time you learned that if you're going to stay," Boba says. "
There's so MUCH of you," Fennec purrs to herself, a small smile.
A soft, familiar sigh catches Paz's attention and he finally notices Din reclined in one of the large seats across the room. He's watching them, skin flushed pink. His feet are planted on the chair's edge, thighs spread and his fingers swirling over the dark bud of his clit.
He's enjoying this?
Desire curls low in Paz's gut at the familiar sight. A low groan gutters out of him with the hand that closes over the slack girth of his cock, squeezing firmly.
Boba's hand pumps him, slow and strong. "Everything in this palace is mine. You understand?"
Paz swallows, glutes tensing as his cock fills quickly. Teeth close over his nipple and he gasps at the unfamiliar texture of wet, slick heat as Fennec takes an open mouthful of his pec, groaning in delight. The vibrations earn his moan, his skin lighting up under their touches.
The full muscle of his other pec is crushed under Fennec's exploring hands. She twists back to look at Boba. "I want his face."
Paz's stomach leaps in alarm until Boba orders, "The helmet stays on."
And then Fennec is prowling up Paz's body, eyes dark and smiling. "That IS his face," she purrs, narrowing Paz's world to the strong, bare thighs that straddle his buy'ce, and then darkness. A moan of pleasure shivers from her above him. "Mmm-- nice and cold," the sound is muffled by her thighs. "Did you have him ride you like this, baby?"
The words surprise him, groin tensing with the memory that yes, Paz did, and then the admission is pulled from him in an audible cry with Boba's firm upstroke, Paz's hips rising to follow it. The sound is wrenched from him, distorted by the rough modulator of his voxcoder.
"More of that noise for us, pup," Boba growls, fingers tightening to a ring beneath the head of Paz's cock, grip sliding faster. Paz's knees bend with his groaning cry, thighs openIng, and his heels drag along the mattress. "I want to hear you understand who's doing this to you."
It's confusing: the parts of Paz that want to wrench free battling with the unfamiliar swoop in his gut telling him this feels nice, pleasure sluicing over him like warm syrup at the greed in their touch and the rumble of their words. He's not used to being the recipient of that.
"... Followed that pretty pussy across the stars, didn't you?" Fennec is grinding a hypnotic rhythm back and forth across his visor, Paz's audials bringing the slick sounds of her arousal. "Would have followed him into the heart of a dying star-- just to know he's yours--"
Slickened hardness startles Paz in its slide down between his cheeks, a heart-stopping press at his rim of muscle, his heavy thigh is pushed up and back, and then he's staring into the dark of Fennec's cunt, unseeing as he's parted on searing thickness.
"Nnnngh--" The steel of the bed rail creaks under the strain of Paz's strength as he pulls, arching away from the intrusion of Boba's cock-- so full-- but the other alphas laughs, easily keeping him pinned.
"You're not the first who tried," Fennec soothes him. "They all want him."
A grinding drag against his inner walls, blinding push back in. Paz cries out at the burning frissons of pleasure.
"He's ours, you understand, pup?"
Light floods in, startling him as Fennec slides back to straddle his chest, gentle smile curving her mouth. Paz's body rocks beneath her from Boba's driving thrusts, the generous swell of Paz's chest tickling her wet folds! the local King finds his rhythm, slow and heavy, sinking deeper on every thrust.
"You want to belong to us too, baby?" Fennec croons.
Paz trembles, chest heaving. His head is spinning. He can't get enough air, his breaths loud and ragged in his helmet. With every thrust, it feels like Boba is feeding him more and more. How big is he? Is this what Din feels when Paz folds him open? Boba's next thrust makes him buck and moan. What was that?
His feet plant in the mattress thighs falling wider against Boba's hips and the other alpha rewards him with a hard snap inside, growling.
"You take orders well," Boba praises him, hands braced like iron on his hips. "I need someone to look after him when we go away."
Din did not need a guardian or protector; this is what Paz might have reminded them if Boba didn't choose that moment to fasten his grip under Paz's thick thighs and start pounding into him.
"Fuck!" Paz shouts, writhing.
Fennec's weight keeps him planted.
Boba's pace is fast, plunging into his tight channel with claiming thrusts, made slicker with the pre-cum being drawn from his cock.
Sweat beads on Boba's brow and he was snarling, "A good s-stud to keep nnnh bred an-and happy. Pound his little hole for us-- open-- keep him--"
A thin, fluting whimper of need reaches his ears: Din.
Shuddering, Paz's eyes roll, head falling back and his neck arches as Boba shifts, striking that molten spot of low burning bliss over and over.
"Fill him up 'til-- until we get back-- you can-- I know you can--" Boba panted.
God. Paz could. He could be so good for them-- for Din--
Strong, slim fingers close low on his throat. Fennec. "You close? You wanna come, baby?"
A storm of turmoil churns in Paz's chest-- submit-- don't-- the moan breaks from his chest before he can stop it, throaty, begging. His cock throbs, neglected. He wants to come so badly.
Boba growls as though in rut, low and feral. "You're gonna wait."
The order punches a sharp moan of lust from Paz's chest and he almost comes, surprising himself. No one had ever used him like this before. None had dared. Paz tilts his hips up when Boba pauses, breathing harshly, toes curling in the sheets.
"Come here, sweetheart," Boba says.
Paz's heart leaps with understanding before his conscious mind catches on.
The bed dips with new weight and then Din tumbles against Boba's side, clumsy with need. Boba laughs gently under his breath, brushing kisses over his forehelm.
"You're gonna climb on this. We're gonna see how far it spreads you," Boba said.
Din trembles, looking down at the intimidating girth of Paz's cock standing straight from his body.
"You're gonna let me eat you open." Fennec's fingers trail down Din's scarred chest.
Din accepts her stabilising hand and lifts a knee, straddling Paz as instructed.
"And I'm gonna show your stud how to fuck you," Boba promises, but Din may not have heard him, falling back against his chest with a high moan as Paz's cock cleaves him open on a spine-melting sink to the root, so hot, so perfect, God this was home.
Paz's eyes squeeze shut, overwhelmed, desperate-- desperate not to come yet, but throbbing heat bears him open and slick, clenching muscles massage him tight-- what is he supposed to do?
His heels dig in deep and the rail above him creaks as his body pulls taut. Din cries out as Paz's hips snaps into him, pumping helplessly with the hot groan spilled from deep in his chest, shuddering at the force of his full body orgasm.
God... G od....
His pulse roars in his ears, time suspends, and when Paz comes back down to his body, Din's hand clutches his belly where Paz spilled.
His breath catches at the alphas' twin looks of disappointment.
"Oh, puppy," Fennec sighs, pushing Din's thighs wide for the view where he stretches thin around Paz's cock. "Now this is gonna hurt."
TL;DR Paz is Boba and Fennec's stud to breed Din for their amusement, their bull to keep him full, and they enjoy domming tf out of him to remind him of the pecking order (and sometimes just because, as a treat)
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bellsyafterdark · 3 years
Ok so. Beginning of the pack relationship, still figuring things out. Before they fix everything w Din.
Paz submits the first time w fennec and boba, but afterwards I think he isolates himself for a bit, and Stews on it. lots of “ur an alpha, u shouldnt submit to another alpha, not one that HAS Din, even if he’s willing to share,” kind of thinking.
Eventually, boba and fennec end up cornering him. He’s tense and unsure, struggling with the fact that he dOES want to submit.
I think boba and Paz get into a bit of a tussle (not trying to kill or seriously harm, it’s more of a dominance thing, and Paz has convinced himself he wants to win.)
when boba manages to get him in a hold he can’t escape from, body pressed into the stone floor, he thrashes and struggles to escape. He snarls and snaps, trying to use his strength and size against boba, but he can’t get enough leverage to do much. “Shhh puppy,” Boba rumbles. “No need to fight. Can’t you be good?” “Not- your puppy!” Paz growls, baring his teeth. Fennec snorts, standing over them. “Yes you are. do you think it was just for Din?you know what we said. You’re ours.”
Boba teases him as he waits him out. “Hm? you don’t want this? Pet, I can feel how hard you are, don’t lie to yourself.” Paz freezes for a second, face going hot under his helmet. “I know you loved it when I fucked you… felt good, didn’t it puppy?” Boba suddenly adjusts his hold, and shoves Paz’s helmet to the ground, pressing him harder into the stone floor with his body weight. He grinds his knee against Paz’s crotch roughly, teeth flashing in a smug grin when the other alpha can’t stop a whine from escaping. “Submit.” Boba growls, his grip tight enough to bruise wherever his armor wasn’t.
Paz tries to muffle a whimper, wavering for a moment, hardly noticing how his hips buck up against Boba’s knee before he goes limp.
“That’s it, pup.” Boba rumbles, keeping Paz pinned as one hand gently strokes him between his armor. Paz shudders in Boba’s hold, panting heavily.
Feel free 2 add more to this, and if u don’t wanna that’s cool too! i. Have to write an essay now, otherwise I’d continue w this. I also feel like maybe boba n fennec would be a little bit more mean? but idk. Still getting used to writing them!
I love that people are getting the chance to practice writing for these characters, enjoy writing for this au, and I really don't mind what you guys do with them, your stories are your own and you're welcome to play. 💛
The first time Paz submits to Boba and Fennec, he's definitely trying to reconcile a few things about himself at the same time coming to grips with who Din appears to be now, and what is the nature of their relationship.
Boba and Fennec make it a point to put Paz "in his place" so there's no mistaking they're in charge but also doing what they do best, which is helping people discover what they're not even aware they need. It's a fine line between influence and manipulation, at this point they're still very bad at communicating their intentions, but they wouldn't push if he was clearly saying "no"' and they hadn't agreed to that beforehand.
Part of this is the interesting consideration of how the different cross-cultural attitudes about alphas present conflict vs what Paz actually wants for himself. He's hardly allowed let himself be taken care of. But more than what Bobannec similarly confronted with Din, is Paz sees submission as a betrayal of his responsibilities to protect the covert.
Although he's no longer at the covert, he still intends to return one day.
So until then... can he let himself try something different?
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bellsyafterdark · 3 years
I really love Paz’s internal conflict with himself on submitting to boba n fennec. the implications of him submitting meaning he’s failed the covert etc, vs his desire to actually.,, be taken care of for once. To not have to think.
I think once boba n fennec realize he just needs a firm hand and lots of praise to get him squirming, they use that to their advantage relentlessly. And they find themselves wanting Paz, not just bc of his interests in Din, but truly interested in Him.
Id imagine having such a big alpha submitting to you would be a bit of a rush as well. Boba loves that he can get a hulking Paz to submit willingly. I can’t stop thinking abt these two
Boba and Fennec really do need to connect with Paz directly, understand him, his needs and how he fits in their dynamic to mitigate any future conflict.
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Oh my god honesty pollen yeeeeeees 😍😂
It's a sneaky gift from Chirrut, he thinks Paz would do well nurturing something that grows and the blue blooms complement his armour so well, doesn't he think?
Paz: ... Are you sure you're blind?
Chirrut: The force sees things in mysterious ways 🥰
Baze, from across the room: I told him it was blue.
Chirrut, ignoring him: This is a traditional gift of devotion among partners on Jeddah.
Baze: No it isn't.
Chirrut: Share it with your bondmates and it will bear fruit 😌✨
Paz comes back a week later very bewildered when he eventually did share the gift with his pack, and he's not quite sure how to explain it but Fennec ended up sobbing in his arms, Boba would not let go of him, and Din made them stay together in bed a full day cuddling while they just... talked.
baaaaabbiiieeesssss 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
I love it, this is an excellent idea lol
I was gonna suggest making it like, a tea or smthn but this is adorable
Chirrut, you TROLL 🤣🤣🤣🤣 and Baze 😂😂😂😂
the fact that Baze didn't refute "she it with your bondmates and it will bear fruit" 😂😂😂 sneaky old men
I fuckin love this au so much lol omg it's so excellent
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bellsyafterdark · 2 years
Maybe Boba and Fennec fall into bonding with Paz because of his insecurities? Like while Din is away, he finally accuses them of not actually wanting (loving) him, of only tolerating him for Din, of being ready to drop him if/when they decide he's too much of an inconvenience one day. Boba is shocked and sad and Fennec is furious bc she can't believe she's in love with such a bone headed man. She sinks her teeth into him to get him to shut up, and that's that.
Exactement, but in less words ;)
It's one of the few times Paz's usual bombastic grandiloquence veers in the opposite direction. It's too raw and vulnerable to voice how small he feels among them. He would sooner change the topic, talk over the other person, or leave the room if the conversation leaned that way.
Boba and Fennec have to pin him down, figuratively. He's been avoiding them because they're starting to figure it out.
It's all but an interrogation as they ask what's going on, what he's thinking, throwing out possible reasons he's acting the way he is, things that require only frustrated affirmations or denials as they get closer and closer to the truth until Paz blows up at them and storms out of their private suite (or wherever they are at the time, it's non-specific atm).
Maybe it's the sort of "conversation" that takes a few rounds, carefully broaching it in different times and places, lulling him in with false sense of security under the guise of "we're just here at Garsa's enjoying a nice meal" or "the modders just wanted the pair of us to patrol this quadrant for them".
The closer Boba and Fennec get to the truth, the more they hope Paz will just come forth and be plain what he's struggling with.
And when Paz finally makes a break for it, frustrated, humiliated and hurting, it's still Fennec who finds him. She's just faster and more agile than Boba. It was never a question she'd get to him first. If she was a lesser person she would be brag about it-- more than once.
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