radiolewes · 4 years
The Velvet Curtain Mix Tape October 25th 2020
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juliet-7 · 7 years
Everything is spiritual
Just because it doesn’t belong to your world doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
Just because there’s no war in France doesn’t mean war is not raging right now.
There is so much more than the eyes can see. There is a spiritual world, and the place where visible world and invisible world collide like two tectonic plates is Africa.
Open your eyes, man. How can you say there is no such thing as spiritual things ?
We make fun of it, we write books about it, we watch horror movies, exorcism movies, we play games of calling spirits and moving tables, we go to cards readers, we wish we’d receive a letter from Hogwarts and we could cast spells like Hermione, we go to cinema or think about it the same way as superpowers, Asgard or avengers.
Man, go the fuck to Africa. Spiritual world is as real as what you call “the real world.”
Have you ever heard of Jesus ? Oh yeah, ya know, that guy from the old-school dumb christians's good stories, the one who was all nice and peace'n'lover, teaching to love our enemies, all that stuff. Well, he is a little more than that.
In Africa, possessed people get free. Deaf people hear again. Sick people get healed. Crooked-legged people dance again. Dead people raise to life.
Let me say this again. Dead people raise to life.
Jesus was already doing this two thousand years ago and it still happens because Jesus is alive. He is not the good guy from two-thousand years ago. He is the living God. And by His spirit that he gives to everyone who trusts in him, through their hands he still blesses, heals, loves, calls, as much as he was doing two thousand years ago, for he never stopped one single second. Jesus raises dead people to life every day since he died on the cross. Every single person on this planet is both spiritually dead inside and ends up knowing physical death. Jesus came two thousand years ago and gave up his life for the whole world. Let me say this again, for I am talking about the life of God. Jesus came two thousand years ago and gave up his life for the whole world. So that spiritual death would be broken forever, and that’s why he can still save and restore and change people today, from the inside out. And so that physical death would mean nothing but half a second of passing -not away but into ; into His face-to-face presence. Passing from “real world” to actual real real world : the spiritual world. Not some kind of Waka Tanka great mystery like Native Americans or some cosmic thing like Buddhism or some cloudy boring full-of-little-naked-winged-angels sky like catholicism, or anything.
I’m just saying there is someone right here, right now, casting out demons from tormented people, raising dead people to life, making cut-off arms grow again, giving sight to blind people, and he loves you ; and nevermind you’re not “real world” blind or sick or dead, we all are spiritually blind, sick or dead, and he’s got some powerful stuff for you if you wanna know about His love. He’s been looking forward for all your life to showing you his heart and calling you “my son” and “my daughter”.
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trajektoria · 11 years
I never realised how calming it is to listen to The Hobbit's soundtrack. Where has it been my whole life?
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I just can't give up on you
You are often on my mind, but not for selfish reasons, I don't expect you to be thinking and worrying about me.. I missed the opportunity to really bring attention to and help you with your problems, but if you could use me as your shield, be vulnerable, let me help you out of this mess maybe there is hope...
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