hpdabbles · 4 years
Hello, I just found your blog and wanted to let you know that I absolutely adore your writing! Honestly, I've spent the past few hours just scrolling and reading and honestly it was time well spent!!
I absolutely adored your fae!Harry story (I think it was called 'what's in a name') and the time travel one where Harry takes after Lily, if you were thinking of writing a part 2 for either I'd absolutely read them! 😊💞
(But also absolutely no pressure or anything like that, you write what makes you happy! 💗)
Hello! Thank you so much for your sweet words! I’m really glad you like those two they are some of my favorites. Sure I’ll write ya a part 2! This is for the time travel one where Harry takes after his mom more, I’m dubbing it “From Your Mother’s Side”. Enjoy!
James kept a closer eye on Harry as they “lead” him back to the Gryffindor’s tower after the welcoming feast. He found it rather interesting that this pretty redhead seems to know his way around the castle, and entered the Gryffindor common room like it was second nature.
He didn’t once falter in his steps, sure where he was and where he was going all the way up to the fifth year dorm. It was rather fascinating for someone who claimed to never been to Hogwarts. 
Sirius and Remus were glad to show him about anyway but he was sure the two picked up on the same thing after allowing Harry to go and unpack not once leading the boy. The Mauraders are six years now and unfortunately for his two mates that means Harry will not be rooming with them. 
Harry will have two roommates- the year following the marauders was a sad year for the house of Gryffindor- who are eager to take over the tour. 
As a group they all relocated in their dorm, ignoring their other roommate Simon Minsky who did his best to stay as far away from their pranks as he could and piled on James’ bed. Peter charmed the curtains shut, Remus fluffed up the pillows to lean on, Sirius stretched out and took more space than he needed to and James provided the sweets.  
Once James was sure everyone had either a sugar quill, chocolate frog, or Carmel caldron  he spoke “So the new transfer....anyone thinks he’s a little off?”
“Very off,” Peter said around his quill. 
“If by off you mean he looks like every wet dream come to life then yes” Sirius sighs fanning himself. “I’ll love to take that boy on my motorbike.”
“Sirius please your embarrassing yourself”  Remus cut in without any real bite so James didn’t have to yell at him for it. “Yes he is pretty but even you know that something about the way he walks and talks is strange. Moon after him once we figure out-”
“Funny you should say moon, Moony” Sirius wags his eyebrows which prompted Remus to pick up a pillow and hit him in the face with. The dark hair boy laughs as he nearly falls off the bed but his strong grip on James keeps him right on the edge.
“Getting back to the point,” Peter says rolling his eyes which makes James crack a smile. “I don’t think he’s up to anything dangerous, the bloke doesn’t look like he could hurt a fly. If anything he looks rather delicate.”
“So does my Lilypad” James counters. “And we all know Lily  Evans could kill us and then go paint her nails with our blood.”
“Looks can be deceiving. Take my cousin Bellatrix, for example, she seems like a proper lady to the public but I’m telling she suffers the worst case of Black Madness the likes which haven’t been seen in the last few generations” Sirius adds, shifting his body closer to the others. “He also didn’t seem like the cowering type. Humble and more reserve yeah, but not cowering.”  
James nodded his head at that.  “I think he is hiding something. Did anyone notice just...how much he seemed to recognize us? Or the way he reacted to being introduced to Longbottom?”
The seventh-year perfect stopped them earlier when they first entered the common room to greet and welcome Harry but the fifth year hadn’t reacted much to him until he learned Longbottom’s name. 
For a moment Harry looked like he choked on his spit in shock and James bet his left shoe it wasn’t because Frank Longbottom was unfairly naturally built like a brick house.
“Maybe we can test him,” Remus suggests, making the others turn to their strategist with interest as the werewolf was the one usually behind the most successful pranks. The half-blood smiles at them innocently.  “What if we give him a false sense of security with us, slowly condition him into revealing what he is hiding? We could also keep an eye on him with the map and see where he goes.”
“Why would we need to do that?”
“Because he’s sneaking out of his room,” Remus says pointing down at the Maurder’s map where Harry Hedwing’s foots steps were in fact moving away from the tower. The other blink surprise the werewolf activated the map so quickly without them the wiser but lean in to see where Harry is going.
They watch him make a full circle around the castle somehow barely dodging the patrolling perfectly until he seems to tried and goes towards the headmasters’ office. There he wanders around the room, pacing a few times stopping every few steps and James thinks he may be talking to the portraits if he is mentally recalling the room correctly.
Bizarrely, Harry then makes his way to the ground floor girl's bathroom the one Moaning Myrtle haunts and simply, disappears.
“What? Where did he go!?” Sirius gasps jumping up as the others also jerk in surprise. This never happen before, their map never lied and it always knew where anyone in Hogwarts was. No one had just disappeared from the parchment. 
“M-maybe he did apparition?” Peter suggests. 
“On Hogwarts ground?” Remus counters, climbing to his feet. “The wards wouldn’t allow it.”
“Well what do you think happened?” Sirius snaps also getting up. The werewolf gives him a sour look but they all know the Black tends to snap at anyone close by when nervous so he lets it go after throwing his hands in the air.
“Did..did he die?” James whispers because it’s the only explanation he can think of.
The other three twist to stare at him in horror, none of them liking the suggestion but none of them able to deny the high positivity. Peter hugs himself, Sirius goes pasty white and Remus’ already tense face tightens even more. They sit around not know what to say or do. Eventually, after who knows how long, James takes the initiative. 
“We have to go get his body.” He holds up his hand to stop whatever the others are going to say while biting his lip.  “Look, we can’t send a professor ahead of us without basically admitting we know where his body even though we didn’t see it and not make us look like murders. We have to give up the map to prove we didn’t do him in and you all know most of the charms in that parchment are illegal. We can’t have anyone from the government get a close eye on us, not with Moony. Leaving the bloke there until some unlucky girl finds the corpse is not right either. We have to go.”
Peter starts to shakes and Remus has to push his head between his knees to get his breathing back to normal. After much debate, it’s decided that James and Sirius would go to the bathroom to set up a prank and would “stumble” across the body. 
Then they would come racing back to wake Remus so the perfect could alert the professors. Peter had been fed a sleeping draught since he couldn’t handle lying about such a thing and he needed an alibi should the professors come question him.
The two set out with paint balloons and heavy hearts, the map tucked safely in Sirius' pocket while they moved at a steady pace underneath the invisibility cloak. As they walked not one dared to say a thing, even though they desperately wish the silence was gone. 
The darkness of the castle, with it’s sleeping portraits made the trip that much more eerie. 
James half wanted to tell Sirius to go back because he knew his best friend wasn’t really in love with Harry Hedwig but that didn’t mean he didn’t feel something for the teenager they met earlier that night.  Another selfish scared part of him didn’t want to be alone open the bathroom door. 
James hated that part of himself.
They stopped in front of the door, removing the cloak to carefully roll up, and stood there for a few minutes. As if through, deep down they didn’t want to push open the wood and come face to face with the reality that waited for them. 
Eventually, James sigh stepping forward and reaches for the knob-
Only to jerk back when the door moves on its own, Harry Hedwig’s startled green eyes boring into his, very much alive and very much covered in some kind of dark liquid, carrying something wrapped in his school robes. 
“Oh! You surprised me!” The boy says, his red hair falling around in a wind blow mess. He looks like he just came out of a losing side of a fight, face bruised and gashes on his knees where the trousers have been ripped.
“What brings you out this late at night?” Harry asks casually acting like this was a common everyday encounter and not one of the strangest nights of James’ life. 
“What brings us-what about you! What are you doing? Why are you covered in-is that blood!?” Sirius blurts and true enough the dark liquid James had noticed is in fact blood. He feels sick. 
“I had stuff to do,” Harry says shrugging not looking like the delicate flower that he did at his sorting “That stuff put up a fight.” 
Harry studies them closely and James feels like he should take out his wand in order to defend himself but then he remembers he left it at the tower. He always had the bad habit of forgetting his wand, his mother once warn him it could one day kill him but James never thought she would be right. 
Hopefully, Sirius wasn’t as forgetful because, with the map on them, their friends would never know what happen to the two if they do not make it out of this alive.
“Any of you good at skinning a snake?” Harry jerks a thumb over his shoulder. “You have a nasty pest in your pipes.”
James takes a chance to look over his shoulder and faints when he sees the giant basilisk head that is laying in a pool of blood with its body half leaning out of a giant hole leading from the sinks. 
A second thump is heard later as Sirius like the loyal friend he is follows suit. 
The next morning everyone is talking about Harry Hedwig not only finding the Chamber of Secrets, slaying the Slytherin monster with the help of the Gryffindor Sword but also being strong enough to carry both his new housemates to the school healer. 
He’s only been on Hogwart grounds for a grand total of twelve hours before everyone knows how utterly insane the transfer student really is, pretty or not.
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weilongfu · 4 years
Could I request kissed them as a distraction while stealing their wallet au for Jack/Zhao Zi please?
“Shorty, please stop pouting,” Jack said as he continued walking ahead. “We’ve got a lot of food at home! Food you asked me to make!”
“But Jaaaaaack!” Zhao Zi tugged on the sleeve of Jack’s leather jacket. “The pineapple bun looks so tasty! Just give me a few dollars to buy one! I’ll even split it with you!”
“Zhao Zi.” Jack pulled Zhao Zi into a nearby alleyway and pinned him to the wall. “Are you really acting like this over a bun?”
Licking his lips, Zhao Zi tilted his head upwards. “Why?” He fisted his hands in the lapels of Jack’s jacket. “Are you going to feed me if I say I am?”
Jack’s eyes darkened. “Shorty...”
Zhao Zi tugged just a tiny bit and Jack’s mouth fell upon his. Of course, as someone far more experienced and with plenty of understanding of how Zhao Zi worked, Jack used all the tricks he knew to distract Zhao Zi from thinking of the illustrious pineapple bun. 
Lips separated with a wet pop and Zhao Zi’s eyes were just lightly glassy as they gazed into each other’s eyes. Zhao Zi licked his darkening lips and Jack went in for one more kiss.
It was then that Jack failed to notice wandering finger tips, searching the inside of his jacket. And it was when Zhao Zi had nipped at Jack’s bottom lip, that Jack missed the moment when Zhao Zi palmed his wallet.
Separating again, Jack straightened out his jacket while Zhao Zi looked down bashfully.
“Are you going to be patient and wait for us to get home now, Shorty?”
Zhao Zi suddenly looked up, face all cheery and smiles. “I have to go pee! I’ll be right back!”
Before Jack could protest, Zhao Zi bolted back down the street. As long as he got a large enough head start, there was no way Jack could catch up to him in time to stop him from buying the bun, even with his ridiculously long legs.
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pigeon-princess · 4 years
So I've just spent like the past hour or so scroll through you blog and I just wanted to tell you that I absolutely love your PCs. 😊💞💖🤗 If I was better with le words I'd probably write some really long thing just gushing about your characters, but me and writing don't get along so you're stuck with this.
AWWWWW Thank you SO MUCH!! 💖💖It honestly just makes me so happy to hear that you like my PCs so thank you so much for going out of your way to send a message!! I’m really fortunate to have such wonderful DMs who let me play out awesome stories with these characters! I’ll definitely be sharing more dnd art in the future! 💖 
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alette-stars · 5 years
Hey I just wanted to know that I love your writing sooo much! I've spent the past few days bing reading your stuff but didn't want to spam you with comments on each chapter of your completed fics so I thought I'd just let you here. I'm currently catching up on wrong(right) ID, I'm only I few chapters in but I'm already way to invested! You are an amazing, incredible, talented individual and I can't wait to see what you do next! 👍💕🤗
Ahh thank you so much!!! I’m so so honoured to know you enjoyed my work! You’re too kind, i’ll work hard to be worthy of your lovely words ;;;;;; i hope you enjoy id too! The next chapter should be up soon ^^
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atomi-cat · 9 years
I was just wandering if the rest of the boneheads know that Lewis died or have no clue?
I don’t really understand?
Are you asking if the other boneheads know how Lewis died yet?
If that’s what you’re asking, then no. They don’t know yet. Someday, but not right now.
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weilongfu · 5 years
Merry Christmas! For the prompt week I was wondering if you could do a thing where Hao Ting is Xi Gu's secret admirer and leaves like a bung of little anonymous notes and snacks on Xi Gu's desk and stuff like that please. Hope you have a happy holidays!!! 🎄
The first time was on a cloudy morning. Xi Gu walked into the classroom as early as ever, but found a bag of steamed buns and a cup of milk tea waiting for him on his desk. Xi Gu stared at them as if they were an illusion, but they didn’t seem to fade. Approaching them like he’d approach a snake, Xi Gu circled around but found no obvious trap. When close enough, he finally found a note, scribbled on a bright blue sticky note.
“To Yu Xi Gu. You always look so hungry. Please eat today, on me! From your secret admirer.”
Xi Gu frowned and rubbed his stomach as it grumbled. Money had been particularly tight this month and even though Zhi Gang gave him food when he worked his shifts, Xi Gu was loathe to depend on it. Although it was in him to refuse, a night with only half a pack of very watered down instant noodles was hardly enough to keep a young man like him going. 
Xi Gu looked around, as if someone would jump out and take such a nice breakfast away from him. Finding no one watching, hunger won out, and Xi Gu sat down and tore into the offered breakfast. Through the corner of a window, another man observed and internally cheered before running off.
The second time was during lunch a few days later. Xi Gu found himself confronted by a delivery man just as he was about to step out to the infirmary for a nap. “Yu Xi Gu? A delivery for you. Braised pork belly, rice, extra carrots.”
“But... I didn’t order it! I can’t afford this.”
“No need, it’s already paid for. They said to also give you this.” The delivery man handed over a note. This time, it was a soft yellow sticky note. 
“To Yu Xi Gu. You really need someone to take care of you! I saw you liked carrots, so please eat your fill this time! From your secret admirer.”
Xi Gu wound up accepting the delivery. The food was delicious and the extra carrots were something he savored. However, Xi Gu now had a mission. As nice as it was to receive such attention, the part of him that hated taking advantage of people and being pitied was now picking at his insides. It was time to find out who this secret admirer was and politely ask them to stop.
Xi Gu paid extra attention to the classmates around him, but most of them never paid him any mind. The only different one was Xia De, and even he was primarily off and about with his batch of loud and obnoxious friends. Their energy and carefree attitude had caught Xi Gu’s attention more than once. Especially their ringleader, Xiang Hao Ting.
Nothing ever seemed to bother Xiang Hao Ting. His poor grades were casually ignored. Rain or shine, his energy seemed to be high. Even money problems were easily solved by working some minor jobs around town while skipping school. 
Such a carefree life. Xi Gu wondered what it would be like to live like that. But there was no place for idle dreams in Xi Gu’s life, and thus his fascination with Hao Ting was shelved.
The third incident surprised Xi Gu, in that Hao Ting himself, had somehow been roped into presenting his secret admirer’s offering. 
“Yu Xi Gu, my, er, friend! Yes, my very good friend, asked me to give this to you.” Hao Ting handed over a bag full of snacks from the local convenience store. “Also this note.”
Xi Gu picked up the note from Hao Ting’s hand gingerly. It was slightly sweaty, but fortunately the ink had not bled. 
“To Yu Xi Gu. Have some sweet snacks, perfect for a sweet boy. From your secret admirer.”
“Your good friend is telling you to give these to me?” Xi Gu pushed the bag back at Hao Ting. “Then tell him I don’t want them anymore.”
“What?! No! You can’t refuse them! I- I mean he- He insists!”
“I don’t need your friend’s pity!”
“It’s not pity!”
“What else could it be, trying to feed me all the time?” Xi Gu frowned and crossed his arms. “I don’t accept. I don’t want to be a burden.”
“Don’t be so stubborn, Yu Xi Gu. It’s... It’s from a secret admirer! They’re trying to woo you!”
“Woo me?” Xi Gu blinked. “Why would someone woo me?”
Hao Ting looked ready to either cry or pull out his hair. “What wouldn’t someone like about you? You have such nice skin! Such clear eyes! Such full lips! Such... I mean... Uh...” Xi Gu stared at Hao Ting and tilted his head. Hao Ting put his smile on full blast. “Yu Xi Gu, accept the sincerity of my friend. Here you go. Bye!” Shoving the bag into Xi Gu’s arms, Hao Ting ran out of the classroom.
“Sun Bo Xiang, that’s you, right?” Xi Gu asked as he faced down the slightly taller boy with hair buzzed close to his head. “You’re Xiang Hao Ting’s best friend, right?”
“Yu Xi Gu? What are you doing here?” Bo Xiang looked around, just barely catching Hao Ting’s stare from the corner of his eye. 
“You sent Xiang Hao Ting to me yesterday, right? He said he was handing me something from a friend, from his very good friend. And you’re his best friend, right?”
“Uh...” Bo Xiang glanced in Hao Ting’s direction. Hao Ting’s expression was slowly turning murderous. 
“I can’t accept you or your feelings. Please stop giving me things.” Xi Gu shoved the bag into Bo Xiang’s arms. “I’m sorry to have inconvenienced you.” With that Xi Gu bowed and ran off.
“Yu Xi Gu! Wait!” Hao Ting had bolted out of his seat and chased after Xi Gu before Bo Xiang could even reply.
Hao Ting chased Xi Gu down to the infirmary, tackling the other boy into the bed he’d chosen. “Xi Gu, you’re not allowed to reject my feelings!”
“Xiang Hao Ting, what the heck are you talking about?! You said it was your friend!”
“Who honestly admits it’s them when they’re trying to be a secret admirer?!”
Xi Gu’s eyes widened. “It was you?”
Hao Ting sat back and scrubbed at his face. “Yes.”
“Then why...”
“I was nervous! And I wasn’t ready to admit I was your secret admirer!”
Xi Gu sighed. “Then it doesn’t matter. My answer is the same. Please stop buying me things.”
Hao Ting pulled his hands away from his face to look Xi Gu in the eye. “I like you, Yu Xi Gu. I want to take care of you, I want to love you, I want to make you feel like no one else has before.” Hao Ting pressed a hand to Xi Gu’s chest, pushing him down into the bed. Xi Gu gulped, feeling his heart race. All the feelings he had about Hao Ting, his carefree life, the thoughts about his smile, they all came rushing back. “I know we don’t know each other that well yet, but give me a chance, Yu Xi Gu.”
“Xiang Hao Ting- You-”
Hao Ting leaned in. “Just once chance is enough.”
“One chance?”
“Let me date you, until you say yes or no.”
“How can that count as one chance?!”
“One chance to make you love me as much as I love you. One chance to make you see how much I treasure you.”
“I...” A feeling of being loved. A feeling of wanting to love. “One chance.”
Hao Ting smiled again and Xi Gu felt as if he couldn’t breathe. “You won’t regret it!”
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weilongfu · 5 years
Could you write something for guardian set when Yulan time traveled please? I really wanted to see more interaction between Yulan and young Shen wei.
Zhao Yunlan fought the urge to continue walking, remembering that during this time, he had to respond to a different name. He turned around and smiled. “If it isn’t the young Shen Wei. And again, without your mask today. Has our talk last time had an effect on you?”
Shen Wei bowed and Yunlan moved to stop him. “I will continue to consider the wisdom Lord Kunlun has imparted upon me.”
“Eh... heh... It’s nothing so serious,” Yunlan said as he waved his hand. “What can I do for you?”
“Lord Kunlun... Do you... Would you happen to have more of the sweet that you gave me the other night?” Shen Wei held out the lollipop stick, cleaned of all candy. “I found I enjoyed the sweetness very much. I’d like to taste it again.”
Yunlan unconsciously licked his lips. “Of course I do.” He dug around in pouches and pockets until he produced the desired candy. “For you.”
Shen Wei reached out for it as if it were a precious artifact. “Lord Kunlun is too kind.”
“But when will you give me something sweet in return?” Yunlan mumbled.
Realizing he’d been caught, Yunlan slapped his mouth. “Nothing, nothing! Here, take this and go. I have a meeting to attend.” Yunlan shoved the lollipop into Shen Wei’s hands and ran off.
“So gracious, to take the time to talk to me during all this trouble and to give me such a thing...” Shen Wei smiled at the lollipop before slipping it into his robes. He’d find the time to enjoy it slowly, as Kunlun had told him to, later.
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weilongfu · 5 years
Not sure when I started following you but I'm pretty sure it was because of the tincan fics you were writing for the gifs andwebegin made and after that I found out you'd also writen a few fics I'd liked on archiveofourow so decided to stick around. After that you just sort of grew on me.
I’m glad you decided to stick around! I hope you’ve been continuing to enjoy my fics!
Anon or not, tell me why you followed me
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weilongfu · 5 years
I'm not sure if your still taking votes on this but I'd really like to read option 1!
Noted! Option 1 is actually being written semi-simultaneously as Option 7 so you can expect to see it reasonably soon!
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weilongfu · 5 years
Hey me again, sorry to bother you but I just finished reading your 'of gods and men' series and I just love it so much!!! ❤️ Honestly how have I not read your stuff sooner!!! But yeah, you're really an incredibly talented writer and I can't wait to read more of your stuff! 👍 💕👏 I'm off to go watch love by chance so I can read your fics on it!
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weilongfu · 5 years
Oh my gosh I just finished reading you fic 'the moment after' and it was amazing!!!! You made my heart hurt in the best way!💗 The way you wrote everyones characters and the way everything came together was just perfect!!!!!!! ❤️😄💕👏👍 Now excuse me while I go bing read everything you've written!
Oh my gosh, it’s been AGES since anyone read The moment after!
I’m glad you liked it! I hope you find the rest of my fics to be just as enjoyable! 
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