middlebury-college · 7 months
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It’s Peace Corps Week and we’re celebrating the many returned Peace Corps volunteers among our faculty, staff and students.
Career advisor Scott Webb shared: “Peace Corps was the defining experience of my career. Niger is generally one of the poorest countries in the world on the UN Human Development Index. I was exposed to life in a rural village of subsistence farmers and pastoralists – the challenges they face are hard to understand from a desk in the US. Being there and experiencing poverty, while also experiencing the incredibly diversity and hospitality of the Nigerien people, made me fall in love with Africa and humanitarian development work. One of the reasons I served in Peace Corps is because a Dean at the Middlebury Institute told me in 1996 that to get into the school, I needed more international experience, “like doing the Peace Corps.” So when I decided after Peace Corps to become an international development program manager, MIIS was the natural place to go to complete the circle. When I graduated with my MPA in 2007, I then worked for 8 years in International Development for 3 different NGO’s, working across a dozen countries, mostly in Africa.
RPCV’s all have developed a strong ability to adapt and improvise, and their cross-cultural skills end up highly developed once they come back to study with us here. The culture of innovation and the focus on strengths-based, appreciative program design is a perfect fit with the MIIS mission and methodologies. We at MIIS care about making the world a better place – RPCV’s come here bringing their diverse experiences from so many corners of the planet, we are always benefiting from their creativity and passion.” #PeaceCorpsWeek
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Lake Chamo
After our first miserable night of sleep (if you can even call it that) in Arba Minch, the six of us rented a boat with our hosts and went out onto Lake Chamo. We eagerly searched the water for wildlife and we were lucky to see pelicans and other fascinating birds, looming crocodiles, warthogs, monkeys and FOUR hippos! It was the perfect way to escape the heat for a few hours. I was tempted to jump in the water...but those hippos were giving me a “I double-dog-dare-you,” look. So that was a no-go. But hey, at least sweating in the boat is better than getting charged by a territorial hippo.
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midnightmurauder · 7 years
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This week is Peace Corps Week and it marks the 4 year anniversary of my COS (Close of Service) from Panama 🇵🇦. What a life changer. Here are photos that bring me take me back to my time there. Either interacting with youth, Mi Pueblo ( muchos gracias a mi tierra PORTOBELLILO), or my fellow PCVs. It's the hardest job you'll ever love and I'm grateful. #peacecorps #peacecorpsweek #peacecorpspanama #3rdgoal #bpcv #panama #nostalgia #friends #travel (at Clayton, Panamá)
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dumbonem · 7 years
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Long post alert! It was Peace Corps home and week. Usually in Jamaica we live with host families, for safety. It can be a great experience and or a tough one. It's always tricky to share space with someone else, especially strangers, and find your place in the home. Not to mention navigating personalities differences, boundaries, problem solving, etc. It can be an overwhelming, thrilling, horrific, or a lovely experience. I started reading this book given to me before left the States, "The Girl on the Train", and this page resonated with me soo deeply! Update: In the spirit of staying real about my experience, due to some unfortunate circumstances, I'm also getting a housing and possible site change. Don't worry, I'm ok. 👍🏾#PeaceCorps #PeaceCorpsJamaica #Travel #wanderlust #bloggingabroad #Livingabroad #JA #Jamaica #Volunteer #PCJ #PCV #HowISeePC #PeaceCorpsWeek #PeaceCorpsHome (at Saint Thomas Parish, Jamaica)
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two-for-luck · 7 years
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Remembering Rosalie and Albertine today. 
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New blog post! “So You Want to be a Peace Corps Volunteer? Thoughts and advice from PCVs and RPCVs” Link in the bio! #peacecorpsweek #peacecorpsday #peacecorps #howiseepc https://www.instagram.com/p/BuiKQG7la8j/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15okar8pn90s8
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colorsofcambodia · 6 years
Hello Family and Friends,
I am very excited to announce that the grant project for my community, “Let’s Get Moving,” has been posted online.
I am aware that it says I’m from “Iowa.” I am very confused as well and I’m currently in the process of changing it.
This project aims to tackle the current and future health issues related to non-communicable diseases. Naturally, as cases of communicable diseases decrease, NCDs become more prevalent. We will build a shaded space on the health center property to hold weekly health education workshops and daily exercise classes. NCDs can be prevented and mitigated by practicing healthy lifestyles and community members are interested in learning different types of exercises. We want to increase the general knowledge of health of the community.
Thank you so much for your support throughout my Peace Corps journey and this grant. If you feel inclined to donate to “Let’s Get Moving,” go to this website. Whether $5 or $50, any amount is wonderful. My counterpart and I are very excited to get this project started ASAP. Our goal is to be fully funded by March 4th.
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lehmanrl · 8 years
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With our final selfie, Peace Corps Week in Criuleni wrapped! It has been an amazing week of guests, presentations, films, and building stronger friendships with our younger community members. I'm so grateful to all the speakers who travelled here (12 of them!), all our community members who partnered to make the events possible (our public library and the Youth Resource Center), and the dozens of people who came out (including seven kids who came to all six events!). #PCW2017 #SCP2017 #PeaceCorpsWeek #HowISeePC #SelfieMD (at Criuleni)
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moldoovis · 8 years
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O floare frumoasa și o găina gustoasa... o primăvara cu multe bucurii, zâmbete, și voie buna! Today is the first day of spring, or in Moldova, a holiday called "Mărțișor." Today (and for the rest of the month of march), friends, family, classmates, and colleagues will exchange mărțișori like this, which they wear pinned close to the heart. All mărțișori feature a red and white string tied in a bow. Some more extravagant ones (like these) also include other symbols of health and prosperity. The red and white pennants symbolize spring and life. It is believed that the wearer of the mărțișor amulet will have a healthy and prosperous year. #howiseepc #peacecorpsweek #mărțișor #1martie #moldova (at Moldova)
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kelseysabo · 8 years
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Meet my neighbor, Fiona. And also, go watch my the video I made! "Highlighting Hospitality in Uganda: Ama Wuro Tualu!" captures the heart of Uganda through the words of my friend, Inizu, sharing about hospitality here. Especially now, his words about Uganda can be taken as a message for our world. -- We are all One. "It doesn't matter if you're rich and I'm poor. It doesn't matter if you're white and I'm black. It doesn't matter if you're Christian and I'm a Muslim." It's better to build a sense of community and compassion instead of large fences and walls. We are all together. Ama wuro tualu. -- [This video was submitted for consideration in the 2017 Peace Corps Week Video Contest, 'Highlighting Hospitality'.] 🌻✌🏽🌍 LINK: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_qhyzjLfzTQ #peacecorps #pcthirdgoal #howiseepc #blogithome #vscocam #hospitality #uganda #amawurotualu #canon #peacecorpsweek
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peacecorps · 8 years
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2. Think global and local - let international and local events inspire and inform each other.
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doriscahill · 7 years
ბაბუა (Grandpa)
It was apple picking day and I was invited to the family home of my colleague Keti, in the village Uraveli.  We drive up a modestly paved road, all packed in the car with the children and husband at the wheel. We arrive, are greeted by her parents. Keti points  to the majestic mountains to the south :”over there is “Turkey”. I smile.  
We walk all the corners of  her small  farm, between the fruit trees, down steep paths, past the spent tomatoes and peppers, a few still dangle for picking; not yet bit by the frost near the cabbage readied for harvest.  We spend our afternoon picking apples and beans.  We continue to walk, pick and talk. Her mom says “ the work always goes quickly with extra hands”. .She points out the most precious spots, where the church once stood and candles are still lit; layers of wax from years. The church was destroyed in the war.
But is was on entering the family house, my heart filled, and eyes welled.Built in 1939, no longer lived in, only tended to on the weekends by her, her mother and father. It was so very care worn, yet “untouched”. Images of my grandparents’ home flashed; the smell of food, the chattering of relatives and warmth by the heater; here the pekchi.
 This was  her grandfather’s house, built by hand and with his brother; every stone placed and board hand-cut. We walk in and she navigates me to “his” room, it was filled with his favorite books; so many, a desk, and personal effects,  now all covered in dust. The draws and shelves were packed with his journals. She glows and tells me how smart he was, that he was in the war and had many honors he earned in his life, he was even  mentioned in a printed book. She was so very proud of having him as grandfather. Like my memories of my  papa’s desk; with his papers, pens and diplomas. 
She continues to what was her grandparents bedroom. Opens the armoire and brings out his jacket filled with medals. “may I take a picture?”,  “Yes”  I take a few, one is perfect.  
Unable to forget the emotion as as few weeks had passed. “Would you please write me a short note about your grandpa  in Georgian?” She said she needs to ask her father about this. Today, with tears in both our eyes remembering those who served in the war and those who are no longer with us. She passes this along to me and now I pass it to you.  
ნიკოლოს კოსტანიშვილი - მისი ახალგაზრდობის წლები მთლიანიას ომის ქარ-ცეცხლს უკავშირდება. მე-10-ე კლასის მოსწავლე იყო როდესაც ოჯახს ომში გაწვევის ცნობა მოუვიდა და ისიც, მის სამ ძმასთან ერთად ჯარისკაცთა რიგებში ჩაირიცხა. პატარა ბიჭმა მისი ემოცია ერთი პატარა ლექსით გადმოცა: „მიმაცილებდა მეობარს დედა,ცრემლი უკრთოდა მოხუცს თვალებში.მისი ოცნება მეც თან მიმსდევდაძლიერი სიტყვა, ტკბილი ალერსი..“ სრული ექვსი წელი დაჰქო ომში, იყო მუდმივად წინა ხაზზე, 3-ჯერ გადაურჩა სიკვდილს მძიმედ დაჭრილი, თუმცა ვერ შეაშინეს, ვერ გატეხეს.... ომიდან  დაბრუნდა 5 ორდენით, 10 მედლით, 14 მადლობით და მომავლის გეგმებით. მას შემდეგ დაამთავრა ორი უმაღლესი სასწავლებელი სპეციალობით აგრონომი და ქიმია-ბიოლოგი. შექმნა ოჯახი, გაზარდა 4 შვ���ლი და 8 შვილიშვილი, რომელიბიც არასოდეს დაივიწყებენ მის დამსახურებას და აუცილებლად გადასცემენ მის შთამომავალს.
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This is a translated version. Some words do not translate to English correctly from this ancient language, please consider this.
Nikoloz Kostanashvili - his early years of the war entirely wind-related fire. I- 10th grader was a family when war recruiting news, and he too, his three brothers enlisted in the ranks of the soldiers. One little boy of his emotions a little poem gadmotsa: "mimatsilebda meobars mother, tears in her eyes, the old man. The dream I had of mimsdevda strong words, sweet caress .. "a full six years dahko war, was always on the front line, 3-times survived badly wounded, but not frightened, not broke .... returned from the war 5 Order, 10 medals, 14 gratitude and future plans. After the two finished a degree in Agronomy and chemistry-biologist. Married, 4 children and 8 grandchildren increased, the romelibi never forget his contribution and will hand over to his offspring.
We had a lovely dinner that evening, all gathered around the table toasting to goodness,  life and friendships.
 I asked first and place a few peppers in my pockets, then fill a bag of apples to bring home to my host family. No preservatives. Thanks for listening. Doe
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midnightmurauder · 7 years
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I learned so much about Afro Latino(a) culture and history while doing #peacecorpspanama . Everyone just thought I was from Colon or Bocas Del Toro because of my Blackness but there are #aftodescendiente everywhere in Panama 🇵🇦 Thankful to all my teachers. I learned how to Dance Congo y bullerengue. How to fry Peacao y Patacones and so much more. #peacecorps #panama #peacecorpsweek #culture #culturalsharing #imadethemsoulfood #afrolatina #africandiaspora (at Portobelo, Colon, Panama)
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rcpc · 7 years
Day 14 - Project Highlight - Peace Corps Week! Săptămâna Corpului Păcii!
According to Peace Corps itself, ”Peace Corps Week commemorates President Kennedy’s establishment of the Peace Corps on March 1, 1961. During this annual event, the Peace Corps community celebrates all the ways that Peace Corps makes a difference at home and abroad and renews its commitment to service.”
Celebrating this week has been part of our service from Pre-Staging through our second year (and I only imagine it will continue in the future!). We memorably watched a Moldovan partner and their PCV during a webinar in 2015. We participated in these ourselves in 2016. We had a blast being a part of seven programs in seven days in 2017!
Peace Corps Week provided us the opportunity to connect with other PCVs - both our peers in Moldova and with the international community through PC Stories. It helped us connect with local leaders and local future leaders, the great youth in our community. It helped us refocus on our service, how this is part of an international effort, and delight in all who are doing the work.
The photo below is from the final Peace Corps Event I’ll have participated in as an active PC Volunteer. It reminds me of everything I love about our organization, our service, our creative & inspiring Volunteers and partners!
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To see all of the 100 Things We Love About Moldova that have been posted so far, click here.
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frankiepink · 8 years
Happy Peace Corps Week! #peacecorps #peacecorpsweek #rpcv #peacecorpsproject #wehelpourown
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Second Peace Corps Day post! I feel so very blessed to have ended up on Maewo and in village and school, as well as blessed for the friends I’ve made on other islands. Maewo is magical. Vanuatu is magical. Here are some of my favorite pictures from my time here, so far. ANNOUNCEMENT: I will be extending to my site so I’ll have a whole additional year in this beautiful place that has taught me more than words could ever explain. 🇻🇺☮️🇺🇸 #peacecorpsvanuatu #peacecorpsday #peacecorpsweek #peacecorps #vanuatu #southpacific https://www.instagram.com/p/BudmW6gFzp5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11gsikzfq3zr5
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