#peach bougainvillas
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"You are a flower
which opens
petal by petal
in you I find
meaning of
~Avijeet Das
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rahirah · 4 years
via Barb's Place BUT THE FLOOR IS FINISHED. I left my phone at work on Friday, so I can't post pictures yet. But it looks really good. We disassembled the entertainment center Saturday morning – Kathy had taken everything off/out of it over the previous week. We laid the tiles, went out grocery shopping, and when we got back I made a peach/blueberry pie to use up some of the frozen fruit in the freezer. It came out fairly well, but it's a tad dry, because the peaches came from a not-so juicy batch, and the blueberries were older ones that were starting to raisinize a bit. Tastes good, though. We had our weekly online RPG game in the evening, and went to bed early. Sunday morning I did the biannual Trimming Of The Bougainvilla, with surprisingly little loss of blood. I had opened the gate to the back yard so I could wheel our organic waste bin back there and stuff bougainvilla trimmings into it, and left the gate open for wheeling it back out front for pickup. Normally, when I do that, Bo chills in the back yard, making sure I don't run off into the wild blue yonder without dogly supervision. However, this time, I noticed he'd disappeared. I found him in the front yard, under one of the grapefruit trees, scarfing something down. I assume it was dead bird parts, since the couple down the street that used to feed a feral cat colony has moved out, and the cats are ranging farther afield in search of sustenance, and I've seen the remains of several kills in the last few weeks. (Mostly sparrows, pigeons, and ring-neck doves, all of which are invasive species here, so no loss.) When he saw me, he did the guilty "Oh hi, fancy meeting you here, I'm not eating anything suspicious at all, why do you ask?" thing, and trotted back into the back yard as if butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. (Which it wouldn't; he'd eat it before it could melt.) We got the tile grouted after that, and then we went out to kill some time until it was dry enough to move the furniture back. We wandered around the local Goodwill, to see if they had any interesting thrift items in, and I picked up a couple of shirts, some unused stretched canvases, and a little wooden organizer for my sewing stuff. (I don't really have room to set up an area to paint at the moment, but some day...) I also grabbed some hospital scrubs that I plan to use as a costume for Halloween – add a mask and gloves, and I have a covid-friendly costume for handing out candy if we get any trick or treaters. After we got back home and put the entertainment center back together, we spent the afternoon moving all the stuff back into it. We cleared out about five boxes of old VHS tapes, cookbooks, and tchotchkes we weren't in love with any longer, which I will take to Goodwill tomorrow. It's the circle of thrift! I am more furious and terrified about the current Supreme Court shenanigans than words can say, but I'm trying to direct that energy towards long term goals. This battle is lost, but there's still a war to win. I volunteered to be a poll worker here; that's something concrete I can do to help. And now I'm gonna take a hot shower. comments
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mulberryrain · 7 years
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bonbon-a-la-menthe · 7 years
not too sure what im trying to say by this...i am very tired
Gold trimmed silks folded into pashminas, glass pots of apricot blush, Claude Monet "lily pond" style eyes, magenta bougainvilla flowers framing a garden arch, wearing delicate heels to bookshop to inspect the higher shelves, eating chocolates with white opera gloves, homemade lunches brought in jewelry bags, light pink blouses and black blazers, pleated skirts, overflowing journals, dog eared pages in stacked novels, untranslatable words and phrases, foreign philosophies, Japanese aesthetics, the concept of yuugen and mono no aware etc., the classics, independent movies and novels that nobody has heard of, classical music movie soundtracks, clear and light filled eyes, vivid bazaars filled with shrewd sellers, a line of maikos walking in exquisite kimonos, moon cycles, still lily ponds, early morning and twilight, sunlight dyeing a room, delicate and graceful dancing, light beige skin, melancholy permeating life, the bleeding water colors of nightfall, koi fish who stir, opalescent shimmer, dusty rose color, baroque architecture, winding staircases, cat statues, Paris throughout the ages, hedonism, chandeliers dripping with diamonds, ocean, Parisian bread, lightly lapping water, small hands and feet, eyes filling with tears but not spilling, matryoshka dolls, arched windows and window seats, shell collections, spinning hugs, empty concert halls, clare de lune, a woman dramatically draped on silver bedsheets, sheer shawls wrapping around an elegant neck, ethereality, tinkling laughs, wind chimes, overly polite men, honorifics, neck kisses trailing to eyelids, a troupe of bewitched ballerinas dancing eternally, lightly scented face cream, essence of lily, jasmine, and rose, multicultural gardens, soft moondust skin, floppy hats with outrageous flowers, drinking juice in wine glasses, laduree treasure chest filled with macarons, natsukashii, afternoon tea time, reading till you get drowsy, elaborately woven Persian carpets, intricate marble carvings, wall to floor tapestries, jade from the Far East, wearing a silk chemise to a dinner party, spends all day in the bath, smells faintly of bath salts, expensive and fragranced soaps cut in small quantities, lotus, origami that is made into extremely elaborate and complexly beautiful shapes, the detail of a kimono hidden inside its sleeve, oriental paintings, fragments of poetry recited in a dark, slow voice against a black and white backdrop of Paris, when the femme fatale of a film noir has questionable morals, anti-heroes, a struggling artist making a small success,existentialism, crying beneath black sunglasses, whispers and murmurs in foreign languages, willowy female figures fashion drawings, rustic nature resorts where there is absolutely nothing to do, tall pre-raphaelite painted ceilings, assorted home made fruit jams, falling cherry blossoms, handwritten letters, attic windows, dead languages, abandoned castles, dresses from the 1920s, Gatsby, the path of peach trees to become ripe, bursting fruit, fading silhouettes of mountains layering on each other, indiscernible figures wearing glittering robes climbing up foggy hillsides, subtle glances, lingering touches, picturesque landscapes, jewels glimmering at your throat, peacoats with every button done, lavender color bruises, baby pink velvet sofas, luxury power puffs laying around with no powder, drawing rooms with Victorian aesthetics, being extremely overdressed and not apologizing, Oscar Wile quotes, the relationship between Lord Henry and Dorian, very rich and deep colors, wealthy and self destructive people, sheer opulence
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