#peadophillia mention
crayonurchin · 4 months
I feel like if I ever have kids, I'm going to need to be 100% transparent about the internet from the get go, and spend all my life staying as up to date as possible with it.
I am 27 years old, and it's only started to truly dawn on me how badly I was groomed by adults from aged 12-17. I never sent photos, only did a few face calls, was dropping hard NOs on sexual stuff, and yet it still happened. I was too young to understand the severity of the situation- I literally did not have a brain capable of understanding what this was.
But I don't want to just, gatekeep shit. Because that's not fixing anything.
idk, I talked to some 60+ year old friends today and they were saying about how some things never need to be spoken about to kids. I understand this sentiment to a degree, but nah, we need to tell kids what happens on the internet, give them space to be free but still be there to make sure some manipulative cunt isn't weeding their roots under their skin to grow something horrible.
All I was doing was drawing Lilo and Stitch fanart, and I still ended up with an adult man guilting me into reading his pregnancy fetish writing while telling me if I didn't he'd kill himself. I still had a 'friend' send me hundreds of dollars of gifts then have me draw corset fetish art while saying I was the only reason he didn't kill himself. I still had a supportive friend who, can you guess, had me draw fetish art while saying I was the only reason he didn't kill himself.
I want kids to know the importance and joy of the internet but my god the second they're ready for it we're having a SERIES of honest conversations
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spaceminxx · 7 years
Jehovah's witnesses: *say being gay is a conscious decision you make* *call Homosexuality sick/disgusting and compare it to peadophillia* *write articles implying that homosexuals are naturally promiscuous* *encourage their members to be homophobic in private*
Jehovah’s witnesses: We aren’t homophobic!!! We just love the sinner hate the sin:) :) :)
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itsisismate · 9 years
if i see rick x morty again i might actually throw up.
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spaceminxx · 7 years
I've seen 3 trailers for this year for movies containing relationships involving minors. Fuck hollywood, don't let them get away with this shit.
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