#pearl's face in panel 20 and 21 and 23 is so funny
squisan · 2 years
Pearlina (Pearl x Marina) Comic... made with just sticky notes
No idea how to use Tumblr, but I'm gonna post something regardless, so I want to talk about a comic i made entirely in school over a few days, literally just while i was bored in class.
They're all drawn in tiny little sticky notes, and there's only one chapter so far, and I want to make it a whole series. i will work on making a digital art version, cuz you know, i'll actually have time to make it look good there, because this comic... is very low quality. But it makes sense, it's literally drawn on sticky notes.
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So, this comic is set in Splatoon 3. Since Pearl and Marina aren't seen in-game (yet), I imagined them being on vacation, so this comic is set as if Pearl and Marina are on vacation.
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not gonna lie, i'll probably remove this part in the digital version. Why would Callie call them asking for help when she's literally part of the Squidbeak Splatoon? lol
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This might be removed too, i'm not sure. I thought it would be funny to add an observer spying on the two, trying to find info about them and post it online.
They say "I KNEW IT, THEY ARE MARRIED!!", but i don't think that's really what I want to be canon for this. It's just a theory that this character immediately jumped to. I think Pearl and Marina are dating, but not married. Though, I do think that they both dream about marrying each-other every day.
Who knows, maybe I'll draw them getting married in the future...
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Is it too early to be cooking up some drama? I mean I suppose the first chapter just being setting up the scene is fine, but also... kinda wanna get people hooked on the story from the start.. gotta keep them entertained quickly or they wont stay for long.. maybe?
Anyway, I headcanon that Marina keeps a photo album that's absolutely jam packed with photos of her and Pearl, from their first few moments all the way up to today. The photo album has a ton of those sticky tabs on pretty much every photo, each coloured tab having it's own meaning.
She looks at the photos when she's feeling down, and it helps her feel better. Of course, she couldn't help bringing it with her on her vacation — or, well.. she meant to, but as it appears here, it's gone missing...
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I wrote this part based on a real event, one that actually took place while I was drawing this comic, actually.
As I said, I drew all of this in school, so I brought a little copybook where i had all the panels stuck together to create the comic.
One day, I took it out of my bag to take some photos of the panels, because I wanted to show them to my friend.
The next day, I put it in my bag, and went to school. Later, I realised that, the copybook.. wasn't in my bag at all. I couldn't find it.
I couldn't stop thinking about it. Did I drop it on the road, to be ran over by cars? Did someone find it, read through all the drawings, and laugh at how stupid it was?
I went home after school, and looked for my copybook. Nowhere. I tried to remember the events of that morning, when I put my copybook in my bag. I remembered picking it up from my desk, walking down the stairs to put it in my bag, then.. I don't remember what I did at my bag. My mind went blank, there was a gap in the middle.
I went about a week or two without the copybook, and I gave up at that point. However, I was called to the office one day, and they asked me if the copybook that they had in their office was mine. No idea how they somehow found it, someone else probably found it and gave it to the office. Which means.. yeah, I was probably right about someone looking through it and laughing, but nobody approached me about it, so it's probably someone that doesn't know me, and I don't know them, so to be honest, I'm fine with that.
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Pearl giving out a heartwarming speech, very rare... just kidding, she cares about Marina, of course she'll try to keep her calm during this!
I wrote these panels as just Pearl talking to Marina, but I'm hoping this speech speaks to other people as-well, about how people never try to see the bright side, and always consider the absolute worst has happened.
It's normal for humans to over-exaggerate things. How many times have you had an upcoming exam, and been really stressed about it, but then when you get the exam paper, you realise, "Oh.. this is.. way easier than I imagined it being."?
The second last panel talks about being sentimental, about how we treat things, physical or digital, as if they will be forever gone if lost. It's a hard thing to lose something you've held onto for years. I had my 5-year-old Discord account banned and deleted, and just like that, every single conversation i held so close to my heart was lost.
It's not easy to let go of something like that. It may sound stupid, but yes, I did cry over pieces of text being lost. Even if I never looked through old messages, it's really nice to just know the fact that they're there, and I can look back through my past.
But we need to remember that, even if the visual form of something we love is gone, we will always have the memory within us. I will never forget meeting some of my closest friends, and all of the great times I had. Never.
That's the end of the first chapter. If I do end up creating the digital version, I'll post it here. Until then, stay tuned for the next chapter..!
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swynlake-spill · 4 years
Screw Robinson’s ranking. What’s your ranking of the secondary students?
Oooooo yes, I think it’s about time we get a more objective point of view around here don’t we? Now, my sources tell me that the Ashleys’ ranking system was based on a combination of style, looks, and...personality or cool points or something like that. I’m assuming that Wilbur is using about the same system and so I will honor it, but I’ll add it all up to a score out of 30 in the end! 
also this took so long will someone please venmo me a quid for coffee or something 
Bae “Nemo” Nam-min
Looks: 8/10 he’s legit hottie when he actually puts effort in 
Style: 4/10 leaves MUCH to be desired. He has two looks-- sweatpants or skinny jeans. With a friend like Finn, you’d think he’d be more educated
Personality: 7/10 He’s very easy to be friends with, but an airhead and drama magnet. Don’t be fooled by the smile-- he’s more trouble than he looks!
Overall score: 19/30, or about a 6.33 on the old scale. 
Ferbs Fletcher
Looks: 9/10 LEGS LEGS LEGS LEGS LEGS. points off for hair rip 
Style: 4/10 why are all men fashion-challenged, why are all boys addicted to the skinny 
Personality: 5/10 I honestly don’t know what to make out of Ferb b/c he’s more of a tall, mysterious type, so I’m giving him a very neutral score here. If he opened his mouth more, I might like him less. 
Overall score: 18/30! 6 even! 
Mei Kusakabe 
Looks: 8/10 EEEE she’s a real cutie with serious selfie game! 
Style: 9/10 As you all know, I’m super obsessed with her look! Point deducted for those misses, which are SERIOUS misses. Miss Mei needs to float some of those looks past a panel before strutting into school and embarrassing herself. 
Personality: 6/10 Here’s where she’s losing points and it’s because she talks to ghosts. Mei! Ignore them, jfc! Save it for your free time! 
Overall score: 23/30-- a 7.6! 
Jack-Jack Parr
Looks: 5/10 oh boy does JJ Parr need an intervention. I just don’t understand why so many boys’ mothers don’t teach them how to properly care for their hair. Honey, you need to be using a special shampoo and a mousse for those curls!! ldsajflk let me help you 
Style: 2/10 ooooh boy does JJ Par need an invention. Everything he wears looks like hand-me-downs from Dash. It was cool when Dash wore it... several years ago! 
Personality: 6/10 I think he’s funny! He’s nice! He’s um, creative! Like if I went to secondary and got paired with him on a group project, I would absolutely be doing most of the work but at least he’d probably try. Maybe? Well. I could think of people who I would want to work with less.  
Overall score: 14/30 --4.6! 
Su Qin
Looks: 7/10. My problem here has everything to do with the weird staring thing. We all know the weird staring thing. None of us like the weird staring thing. 
Style: 7/10. I like her style as I’ve said before! I think she’s super unique, but I also think she could go just that extra step further. 
Personality: 2/10. Oh honey. I hate having to score you so low, but right now your personality is if Mei’s personality was a sandwich, you’d be the crusts that no one wants to eat. 
Overall score: 16/30-- 5.3 
Brandon “Barrel” Adamson
Looks: 5/10. PLEASE CUT UR HAIR CUT UR HAIR CUT UR HAIR. There’s a cute boy under there somewhere! 
Style: 2/10 Barrel knows one colour and that colour is black. His clothes also don’t seem to fit him very well. Hey Wilbur, can you do something about this?
Personality: 2/10. It’s only fair to give him a similar score as Su, since they like each other so much. He is also the leftover crusts to Lock’s personality sandwich. 
Overall score: 9/30-- a 3. Ouch. 
Romeo “Roo” DeRosa
Looks: 8/10. He is extremely good-looking! Like that’s a smile that is doing him every favour in the world. I can certainly see why he lured an Ashley in. 
Style: 6/10. ugh all these teenage boys exhaust me with their lack of style why even bother having this as a category. what kills me is Roo’s shoes are never clean, like they’re caked with mud. Wash off your shoes!! 
Personality: 8/10. I have almost no complaints with Romeo. He’s a sweet boy, he’s hardworking, he’s funny and even talented! I also think he’s kind of gullible...might even go with stupid. You’d have to be to knock up Ashley A. 
Overall score: 22/30-- 7.3! 
Finn Flounder
Looks: 9/10 hELLO face personally i dont understand why we have not talked about Finn’s face sooner and also more, like we just have dedicated Finn Face Appreciation Time, like, I’m talking artistically speaking is anyone else with me or
Style: 10/10 Colour! Variety! Texture! Pattern! Finn knows how to pick a concept and nail it, and he makes so much of his own clothes! 
Personality: 1/10 oh right this is why we don’t talk about his face, it’s because his personality is the equivalent of the puddle of water you squeeze out of a dishrag. He is such a sweet boy with no spine whatsoever. It drive me CRaZY.
Overall score: 20/30-- 6.6 
Phineas Flynn
Looks: 7/10. He is cute! He has a perfectly pleasant face with nice features. He is tall, though not as tall as Ferb. He looks, in a word, harmless. 
Style: 5/10. Once again, he looks like his mother dresses him, and I mean sometimes that’s a blessing because who knows what he’d look like if his mother didn’t dress him, but way to look like 95% of the teenage male population. 
Personality: 6/10. Phineas is charming, but only if you talk to him for about 20 minutes. After twenty minutes, there’s this quality in his voice that will worm inside your head and get stuck there. It’s like nails on the chalkboard. Once you hit forty minutes, you’ll realize he’s still talking (though you haven’t said anything in over twenty minutes), and that he really loves to hear himself talk so then it just becomes an exercise in watching Phineas impress himself. 
Overall score: 18/30--6, like his brother. Appropriate! 
Haley Long
Looks: 8/10. She’s hella cute! She’s got to be, sharing the genes of one hottie Jake Long! 
Style: 8/10. She’s got the whole ‘am i gay’ vibe going for her, which I love. I love when I can’t tell, when it’s like, does she like flannel, or is an avid fan of Lost Girl? She went with Ashley A to prom, so I mean we know she’s at least a LITTLE wlw--I’m getting off track, the point is, I’m into her masculine-feminine energies. 
Personality: 5/10. Hayley confuses me. Like, on one hand--she went to prom with Ashley A so maybe she’s an insane person. On the other hand, she ended up with Vee at the end of prom, so maybe...oh yeah, she’s still an insane person. She feels unpredictable, and maybe in a good way, but also maybe I need to run for my life. Haven’t decided! 
Overall score: 21/30-- 7! 
Dewford “Dewey” Mallard
Looks: 5/10. The Mallard boys are very interesting looking to me, like they have some of the most beautiful hair in Secondary but they prove time and time again they have absolutely no idea what to do with it. They’re also tall, but so skinny, like slendermen. Would like to enroll them all in a zumba class, maybe even yoga. 
Style: 5/10. I’ll be honest, my eyes glaze over when I look at Dewey/Huey b/c the only difference between them is the general colour scheme. I like that they do TRY for some individuality. 
Personality: 4/10. Dewey is...quiet. And weird. And alone a lot. He actually concerns me a little bit, like is he okay...? It’s not really my job to know, but it should be someone’s! 
Overall score: 14/30-- 4.6 
Hubert “Huey” Mallard
Looks: 5/10 please see above 
Style: 5/10 please see above
Personality: 8/10. I like to think of Huey as the capable, family-friendly Mallard. He’s like a glass of milk with a chocolate biscuit. Everyone likes it, even if it’s not everyone’s favourite dessert. I mean, he’s smart, interesting, he has a wide group of friends! If I had to choose anyone to be put on a group project with, it would be Huey Mallard 
Overall score: 18/30-- 6!  
Llewellyn “Louie” Mallard
Looks: 5/10. u know what to do 
Style: 7/10. GASP. Yes! A decent score! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Louie tries to have a unique style. He experiments, he’s not scared of looking like an idiot--he often looks like an idiot-- but he at least intrigues me. And next to so many boys who literally don’t know what they’re doing, he really stands out from the pack. 
Personality: 6/10. While Huey is family-friendly, Louie is an acquired taste. You might really like all those wacky Louie antics, or maybe you’re allergic! He’s definitely trouble all the way around, so my personal opinion is that he’s best in small doses.
Overall score: 18/30-- 6! 
Moon Yeongtae
Looks: 7/10. He pisses me off actually because he’s genuinely quite a handsome boy who is genuinely trying to look as un-handsome as possible. I should put this way lower out of sheer spite, but I want to encourage the rest of the teen population to exercise because at least Tae has that going for himself. Take the Mallards to the gym, Tae!
Style: 3/10. He also only knows the colour black and I think I’ve seen him in jeans three times in my life. I’ve never seen a boy so dedicated to sweatpants as a personality trait
Personality: 5/10. Speaking of personality, sweatpants isnt a personality trait! What’s his other personality trait? Arguing with people? Grunting? 
Overall score: 15/30-- 5. 
Pearl Park 
Looks: 10/10. YES our first perfect score! But is there any question when you have a face like that? Just check out her insta. The likes speak for themselves. She’s GLOWING, she’s RADIANT, she’s going to bring this school to its knees
Style: 8/10. Obviously she has more style than 80 percent of this list. It’s only this low because we haven’t seen her full potential yet, or so I like to think. She’s playing it very safe, even if she’s playing it in her own league. I would like to see her push the envelope!
Personality: 7/10. Once again, this is low because we are still getting to know the alluring Miss Park. She seems to be super nice! No enemies yet. But I know there’s something spicy hiding under all the new girl niceties. I would also like to see it! 
Overall score: 25/30-- 8.3
Pip Seville
Looks: 7/10. Personally, I like he’s adorable! He might not be topping any Most Handsome Buzzfeed lists anytime soon nor is he anyone’s secret crush but we love a boy who had good hygiene and perfect skin! 
Style: 9/10. Yes yes yes!!! He might be a theatre kid cliche, but I’ll take one of those over another awful pair of joggers! Pip would never wear all black unless he’s in tech rehearsal, and we respect that. 
Personality: 6/10. Soooo he’s pretty loud and a bit of a risk, like if you partnered with him on a school project, the odds of you getting an A are very high, but the odds of you crying by the end of it because you didn’t meet his expectations are also very high. So you know....take your chances. 
Overall score: 23/30-- 7.6! 
Wilbur Robinson
Looks: 8/10. Well OBVIOUSly Wilbur is a hottie. Did I deduct points for his new hair. Maybe I did. 
Style: 9/10. FINALLYYYY Yet another boy who can dress and dress well! It helps that he can afford nice things of course, but you also have to know how to WEAR the nice things, and Wilbur does. 
Personality: 7/10. Wilbur is funny, opinionated, stubborn, a go-getter, generous, and these days, even charitable (those are two different things). Does Wilbur have flaws? Sure. But from what I’ve seen in my ask box, people can’t decide what those flaws are. Is he ... too nice? No wait, he’s actually too mean! He’s an asshole, oh wait, he’s a simp for Barrel. Bla bla bla. Point is, if you add everything up, he’s a decent dude. I don’t agree with all his choices, but I’d also rather hang out with Wilbur than most people on this list! 
Overall score: 24/30-- an 8! 
Ariel Triton
Looks: 4/10. Boy did the Tritons really mess it up on this one!! I love the pixie cut, but Ariel always lets it grow too long and doesn’t keep up with it. It’s like at this point just shave your head-- tbh, i bet you’d look pretty good. 
Style: 4/10. BOY of all the girls she really has no idea what she’s doing either. I admire Alana and Adella deeply for letting Ariel find herself in her own time. I’m just hoping it’s going to work out at this point, maybe we’ll transition from Dumpster Girl to punk rock when they actually get the band going. 
Personality: 6/10. You know, I have a healthy level of respect for Ariel. Some people will say she is too fightey, but she stands up for her friends and her beliefs! I’m into that. I mean, she’s usually wrong, but at least she has conviction. 
Overall score: 14/30-- 4.6 
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