javi-ballestero · 2 years
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#powerlink #wahoo #pedal #cycling #pedalesautomaticos #pedale #bici #potenciometro #cyclinglife #bikes https://www.instagram.com/p/CpE_GwvIFDt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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designmiss · 10 years
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Connected Cycle: L'antifurto per bicicletta https://www.design-miss.com/connected-cycle-lantifurto-per-bicicletta/ Presentato durante il #CES2015 di Las Vegas, Connected Cycle è il pedale #antifurto ideato da una giovane startup francese. Semplicissimo da installare…
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primepaginequotidiani · 2 months
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PRIMA PAGINA Il Romanista di Oggi venerdì, 26 luglio 2024
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warumichradfahre · 4 months
Clip Clap im Dauerbetrieb.
Über Clip Clap habe ich ja schon ein paar Mal geschrieben. Clip Clap Mit Clip Clap kann man erreichen, dass man mit normalen Schuhen eingeklickt fahren kann. Das hilft mir sehr, denn ich hatte in letzter Zeit ziemliche Schwierigkeiten mit meinen Füßen, was zum großen Teil wahrscheinlich an den starren und harten Fahrradschuhen lag, die ich immer benutzte. Seitdem ich Clip Clap nutze, fahre ich…
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indigo6f00ff · 1 year
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need to share an experience i had 30 minutes ago
(edit: thanks to @walks-the-ages for providing and reminding me to put alt text, sorry it slips my mind alot lol)
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2t2r · 9 years
Un raton-laveur fait du vélo [vidéo]
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/un-raton-laveur-fait-du-velo-video/
Un raton-laveur fait du vélo [vidéo]
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a7xitalia · 1 year
Il pedale di Zacky in collaborazione con KHDK
Eccolo qui, il pedale di Zacky, Night of the Living Shread, creato in collaborazione con KHDK electronics. Zacky aveva conosciuto la KHDK acquistando il pedale in edizione limitata dei Misfits e aveva contattato l’azienda per averne una sua copia personale. Ecco come nasce la collaborazione. Zacky voleva che incapsulassimo il suo tono distintivo con una pesante distorsione e aggiungessimo fuzz…
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actuallytweaking · 1 month
Happy 27th anniversary South Park ! even if I am a day late
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So this was Mumbo’s most recent video, right?
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snapscube · 1 year
so lucky that my interest in sailor moon and my interest in stationary biking both converged at exactly the same period in my life so i can just really really enjoy and resonate with this usagi gif even though it’s from an episode i elected to skip
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like she’s sooooo me
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designmiss · 10 years
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Connected Cycle: L'antifurto per bicicletta https://www.design-miss.com/connected-cycle-lantifurto-per-bicicletta/ Presentato durante il #CES2015 di Las Vegas, Connected Cycle è il pedale #antifurto ideato da una giovane startup francese. Semplicissimo da installare…
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computerexploder · 1 year
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old blood noise endeavors sunlight dynamic reverb (art by jon carling)
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warumichradfahre · 5 months
Pedale sind sooooo wichtig
Das ist natürlich eine Binsenweisheit und auch nur als witziger Titel für einen Blogbeitrag gedacht. Aber eigentlich geht es mir heute um die Frage, wie ich das mit dem Pedalieren an meinen Trikes handhabe.Grundsätzlich unterscheidet man ja bei Pedalen zwischen Flat Pedals, also normalen flachen Pedalen, und Klickpedalen. Klickpedale bestehen aus einer Aufnahme am Pedal selbst und sogenannten…
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maxlarens · 3 months
Max and 10 please <3
10) spooning at night
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Despite the soundproofing you’d installed during Covid, you can still hear Max’s pedals going thunk against the walls of the apartment. The sound accompanied by faint chattering, occasional laughter, cries of outrage as he talks to his friends on stream.
He worries sometimes. But you’d tell him if it bothered you— besides, you like hearing sounds of life in the apartment. You’ve not quite adjusted to the sheer square footage of Max’s penthouse apartment yet, even though you’ve lived with him for years. You grew too used to New York apartments where your bedroom, kitchen, and dining room were always piled on top of each other. It’s strange to have so much space, more rooms than you know what to do with.
Anyway, no, the noise doesn’t bother you. You like to hear him enjoying himself, laughing with his friends, doing something that doesn’t have so much pressure attached to it. You don’t like to take him away from that prematurely, even if you’re missing him.
And you are missing him.
It’s the middle of the night. Maybe past midnight now. You’ve got the windows in your bedroom open, letting in the Monaco sea breeze in a futile attempt to cut through the sweltering heat. The overhead fan whirrs above you. Some mindless show you love drones quietly on the TV, casting you in ever changing colours as you twist and turn in the sheets. Trying to keep your mind off things you shouldn’t be worrying about.
You wait a while, watch an episode.
Then you give in to your selfish tendencies and pull up your Discord chat with Max on your phone, sending off a simple message— come to bed?
You put your phone back on the nightstand and try not to smile too wide when you hear the sim rig thunk and thud as Max climbs out of it a few minutes later. His footsteps on the hardwood floors as he stops by the kitchen and then makes his way to the bedroom.
The door creaks open. Max comes inside, stepping quietly as if you’re already asleep.
“Sorry, liefje,” he says softly, before he ducks into the closet to change, “I didn’t mean to keep you up.”
You shake your head even though he can’t see, “You didn’t. I just couldn’t sleep.”
“You should have told me,” he sighs, coming out of the walk in closet wearing the oversized cat shirt you’d bought him and worn sweat-shorts with holes in the waistband, “I don’t mind cutting the stream short, not for you. They will survive without me.”
You hum and nod placatingly, knowing you wouldn’t ever ask him to do that. At least not for something like this. You’d only sent that message tonight because you knew he’d already been on for hours and would be wrapping up soon anyway.
“Got it,” you say, opening your arms and beckoning him to get into bed already.
He sighs again, an exasperated little exhale through his nose, and then climbs under the single sheet you’ve got draped over you. He shuffles into your space, pressing a wet kiss to the side of your chin as you press a kiss into his forehead and adjust your arms around him.
“Where are the cats?”, you ask, while Max busies himself with turning around.
You feel Max shrug. He’s adjusting the sheet so it sits over him perfectly and then fluffing his pillows so his head sits comfortably. You reach out to scratch the back of his neck, with three fingers, the same way you scratch the cats out of habit.
“Jimmy’s sleeping in the spare room,” he says, reaching blindly behind him to catch your shirt and drag you closer, “Dunno where Sassy is.”
“Causing trouble,” you laugh, slotting into place at his back.
You nudge your nose into his shoulder and sling your arm over his waist. Curling it around to press into his stomach. Your legs end up tangled, one of yours bent and hiked on his hip. Later, he’ll nudge it off because it twists the material of his shorts, but he tolerates it until you’re asleep.
“Mm,” he agrees, finding your hand splayed flat on his tummy and intertwining it with his own, “Always.”
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a7xitalia · 1 year
Lunedì uscirà il pedale di Zacky in collaborazione con KHDK
Zacky aveva annunciato durante qualche chiacchiera su Discord che aveva lavorato ad un pedale tutto suo e finalmente possiamo dare un primo sguardo al risultato finale! Si chiamerà “Night of the living shred” ed avrà una grafica proprio in stile horror/Zacky V Come riporta il post sul profilo Instagram di KHDK Electronics, il pedale e le relative informazioni dovrebbero arrivare questo lunedì……
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sabbathbloodysabbeth · 3 months
Sorry, but I just had a thought and I’m exhausted and don’t know if I’m going to write anymore tonight.
Just Steve holding a slight grudge against Nancy after she pretty much calls his love bullshit in the bathroom. He feels lead on, he’s slightly bitter but he knows how to be discreetly passive if he needs to be. But thing is he doesn’t have the energy in him to be passive. If this had been before the monsters, and someone who he thought was the love of his life did what Nancy did and proceeded to end up dating the guy who she said not to worry about within days after getting into a fight, he would have probably done something stupid. Probably would have ruined her locker with mean words or something like that.
He wasn’t sure what he would do, he was exhausted and couldn’t think of what used to come easy to him. Or maybe he’s grown to realize how immature that was, how it didn’t even seem all that fun to do to someone. Just thinking back to spray painting slut on the theater makes his gut twist uncomfortably. Once, he used to be the one to climb up there and spray something even worst. Now the thought made him want to throw up.
And maybe the grudge he is holding against Nancy isn’t really a grudge. Maybe he has matured to realized that the grudge he held was within himself for how fast he had fallen. For how stupid he was for thinking the girl would ever end up with him. He should have seen the signs. How she defended Jonathan even after he took non consensual photos of him and her about to have sex. Which he still felt disgusted by, his skin still crawled uncomfortably around the little creep whenever he was close by.
Though when the time comes, he realizes he was holding a grudge against Nancy. When he falls harder for someone new he realizes within minutes that something was different about this one. Instead of smacking him in the shoulder and scolding him for staring to long, Eddie would pull his hair in front of his face with bright eyes. Would do something dramatic to snap Steve out of the trance he was in. Like lick his face instead of kissing him.
That was the other thing Steve discovered. In the moments where it was just the two of them, it seemed like every other minute time would stop and Eddie would be in the same bubble as him. Lost in the same spell that Steve had tumbled into, needing to kiss the other just as much as they needed oxygen to breathe.
Nancy rarely had those moments with Steve, and they had stopped right around the time she started hanging out with Jonathan.
And Steve does hold a grudge, for how she stayed with him longer than what she had to.
Eddie made him feel in love and loved. Whenever Steve watched the other man he could barely keep his hands to himself and the best part was Eddie didn’t care. Steve could bite off Eddie’s remaining nipple and the man would still let Steve do whatever he wanted to him. Nancy never trusted Steve and never earned Steve’s trust the way Eddie did within one week of knowing each other.
Eddie was the moon and Nancy had been the sun for Steve. The sun burnt his skin and left him blistered while the moon wrapped his arms around him and rocked him to sleep every night. While Steve worried about when the sun would explode, he never had to worry about the moon disappearing for to long. It always came back, no matter what happened. Even if Steve had been an asshole.
God was Steve in love. This was it for him. And maybe at one point he had loved Nancy just as much as he did Eddie.
But now, as each day passes he only finds himself falling more in love with Eddie Munson.
He slowly comes to the conclusion that his love was and will never be bullshit.
And when he finally sits down to talk to Nancy about it, he finally gets it off his chest. What had been bugging him for almost years before falling for Eddie.
“Nancy, we were bullshit. But my love, it was all real. Maybe not as strong as it is for Ed’s but I know that if … everything wasn’t such bullshit I could have gotten there.” Steve says softly to Nancy. Shortly after she confessed she still had feelings for him. He seen this conversation coming from a mile away, especially with how many one sided sparks happened between the two of them while running for their life’s on spring break.
And as he stands up, leaving her in her own shock. Letting her process that he was with Eddie, a man. He can’t help but feel proud of himself.
He didn’t intentionally hold this grudge, but he felt as if he got back at her the healthiest way he could. By maturing and moving on. And looking down at Nancy, he could tell that she needed time to do the same. Not to be with another man or date in general, but to just grow as a person. But that was no longer his problem. His problem was currently running up the steps of the trailer with what seemed to be a moving snake.
“Hey Stevie! Look what I found.”
Steve was in love, and it wasn’t bullshit.
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