#pedri looks so baby 🥺🥺
grizou79giroud · 1 year
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moonpedri · 1 year
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summary: though it was spontaneous, you decide to tag along to ibiza when your best friend and her boyfriend invite you. the only problem was his little brother, barcelona's number 8, pedri, and his red swim shorts.
pairing: pedri x reader
genre: fluff, smut (suggestive)
warnings: making out, petting, swearing, pedri is a little shit
word count: 3.2k+
a/n: i orginally had this planned as a little imagine. if you've read honey, you may remember a beach scene being mentioned very briefly. and since i recently got a similar request, i fleshed everything a little more out and birthed out this big baby lmao. hope you enjoy!!🤍
PS: while proof-reading i noticed that i completely messed up the timelines, this fic actually happens before honey and not after, but oh well. 😭 this is super annoying but i liked the way this fic turned out so deal with it pls 🥺i may turn this into a little ibiza trip series with multiple parts and other places!!
It is the middle of summer and the sun was blazing unforgivingly over you that not even your sunshade could help you escape from the heat.
You look at your friends over the rim of your sunglasses, as some of them currently play around in the water. The radio stations all reported well above average numbers for the coming weeks and so naturally your friends would want to go on vacation somewhere near the beach.
Originally you had nothing special planned for the summer, but since your best friend Sofía is dating Fernando González, who just happens to be the older brother of Pedri González, Barcelona's young star-midfielder, you somehow happened to get dragged along to Ibiza.
This wasn't a rare occasion, because ever since Sofía started dating Fernando, you ended up with this whole new lifestyle consisting of football matches, special events, galas and travel.
And with FC Barcelona winning LaLiga and the season ending, all the players want to make the most off their freetime.
"Fer wants to book the tickets, __, you're coming with, right?", Sofía asked you last week. It was super spontaneous and honestly you were a bit annoyed that you got asked so late, giving you no time to prepare or clear your schedule (not that you had much written on it anyways lol)
But you would also lie if the idea of going to Ibiza didn't excite you. You always wanted to go to the infamous "party" island, but it was a costy dream - one you couldn't afford. Well, until now.
So you agreed and found yourself only 5 days later at your dream destination. One of the perks of having a friend like Sofía is that with trips like these, you didn't have to pay a cent. As a close friend, the whole thing basically got financed for you. Only shopping expenses and maybe food you had to cover yourself - of course.
The single downside of it all was the fiancier of it all himself: Pedri.
Ironic, right?
But there was no way you couldn't feel that way towards him. He is simply infuriating. When the two of you were introduced to each other over dinner at their home, Pedri wasted no time trying to subtly smooth his way into your pants.
It was almost unnoticeable to be honest and you know no one paid attention, but you did. You noticed how his arm brushed your shoulder, how his hand grabbed your waist when he wanted to move past you and his hips grazed your ass. It seemed like his eyes were glued to your cleavage and somehow no one took notice.
In his defense though, you weren't a saint either. Where he pulled, you just let yourself get tugged along. When he moved past, you purposely arched your back; just to test the waters and pushed out your chest to maybe rile him up a bit; you don't know really.
There was something entertaining about an attractive guy like Pedri showing his interest for you so blatantly and pursuing you in such a secretive way.
Yet for all it's worth, you never went further than touching and looking, sneaking a kiss here and there. It's clear what type of guy Pedri is, if all the buzz around his rather promiscuous love life, filled with influencers and models, is any indication.
You heard what people said, what the articles reported. Pedri is young, rich and successful, he would be a fool to immediately pursue a serious relationship at that stage in his life. He liked to enjoy life, be wild in his early 20s and keep the monogamy for later.
And it's not like you could blame him, honestly. You're sure that if your roles were switched, you would enjoy his lifestyle too to an extent. You are you though.
And you wanted something serious, someone to treat you with respect and loyalty. Surely, Pedri saw you more as a way of passing time, just having his fun with you. But you had enough self-respect to not give in to his troublsome ways.
Also, you barely had the nerves to put up with all that.
That's what you liked to tell yourself at least.
With a sigh you turn your head to where Sofía suddenly sits up. You're about to close your eyes again, ready to fall under the sun's mercy, when you hear your best friend scoff next to you.
You bring your sunglasses up and follow her sight. "Can you fucking believe that?", she says agitated.
A loud giggle errupts and you watch as two girls talk animatedly with both Fernando and Pedri.
The brunette one subtly scratches over Fernando's arm, as she seems to listen intently to whatever he's saying. Fer doesn't really engage her, keeps his visible distance, though Sofía doesn't seem to care. Her eyes shoot daggers in their direction.
What bothers you though was the blonde one clinging like a koala onto Pedri. She seems so....you can't find the word but it irritates you. And he did absolutely nothing about it, actually rather enjoying it. Not that he shouldn't of course, but he could keep his distance as well. Also, you didn't want to have to deal with two horny people during your vacation (one you didn't pay for but you get the gist), and an angry best friend, if they were to stay.
It also doesn't help that Pedri looks the way he does. Absolutely gorgeous.
You never thought to be admitting to this but he almost looks like sex-on-legs in those red swim shorts of his. The sun burned his skin in the most beautiful way possible, accentuating his natural blush and his slim but toned body. It's been nothing but torture the entire day.
The two of you watch them for another minute, none of the brothers noticing any of your hard stares, when Sofía stands up determined. "If he wants to play, I'll play."
When she notices your indifferent state, she looks at you expectantly.
"What?", you ask.
"Come on, I can't do this alone."
Reluctant you get up as well and shake non-existent sand off your legs. "I don't know Sof...Fer doesn't really seem too into it."
She cocks an eyebrow and the expression on her face says enough for you to not press any further.
"Yeah, yeah alright.", you say. You don't know what plan she has in mind exactly but you follow her anyway. You get increasingly confused when she proceeds to take her bag and go to the changing rooms. She closes the door behind you and rummages in her bag and only when she pulls something out, you realize the absolute stupid plan she has.
No, you don't think even scriptwriters could come up with such silly ideas.
"I cannot believe you."
In her hands are, what you believe to be, the flimsiest bikini pieces you have ever seen.
"I always pack a pair or two for emergencies.", she says and gives you a pair. A red brazilian bikini, the ones with high-cut strings. "And as you can see, this is an emergency."
You hold the garments up. "I thought Fer doesn't like you wearing those, why did you pack them for emergencies?", you ask confused.
Fernando is a sweetheart. You really think there could have been no one more perfect for your best friend than him. He's not controlling, always puts her first and you genuinely believe that he always has her best interests in mind. Fer is not the type to forbid Sofía anything, especially not in regards of clothes. He let's her wear whatever she wants, no matter how short or ridiculous it looks. However, for some reason, he has often voiced his strong dislike towards those brazilian bikini bottoms that recently started trending.
It didn't bother Sofía at all, she didn't really wear them often anyways. But you guess she never got rid of them either.
"Precisely that's why. Also, they tan better.", she says as she takes out a white pair for herself. You don't think she really understood your question and you make a point to ask her later. For now though, you have another problem at hand.
"Ok ok, so you try to rile him up one way or the other. I get it. But why do I have to wear one as well?"
Sofía looks at you like it's so obvious and you're dumb for even asking, "Because there's two of those skanks? We can drive one off, but as long as the other stays, none of them will leave."
Your brows shoot up and you groan frustrated at what this means. "Oh come on, Pedri is not that bad.", Sofía reasons.
If only she knew, you thought. You want to protest but you think back to the blonde girl that threw herself onto Pedri and something bad bubbles up in your stomach.
With new determination you two change and make your way back to the beach. Sofía looks gorgeous in the bikini and for all it's flimsiness you think it suits you pretty good as well. Okay, who are you kidding. It looks fucking sexy on you, hugging you in all the right spots and making your ass look extra perky.
And you know you're not the only one who thinks so, as you feel the eyes of several men and women alike on both of you.
It gets even more apparent when two certain brothers look your way. Comically enough, the two girls shamelessly joined them on your sunbeds. By now your other friends joined as well and Sofía walks in front of you to where the others are; pointedly ignoring Fernando's presence.
You aren't as strong-willed though and can't help but sneak a look at Pedri. He already looks back at you, a smirk playing on his lips as his eyes scan your entire body.
You immediately turn your head back, feeling your cheeks heat up stupidly enough, despite the weather, and sit next to Miguel.
"Ohh, what's the occasion?", Samuel whistles when you two settle down.
Sofía shrugs and you feel uncomfortable with all eyes on you. It becomes worse when the conversations stop as well suddenly and Fer stands up. "Why did you change?"
"Felt like it. Also we can tan better now.", Sofía says indifferent.
He frowns, "But you looked pretty before." Bless his heart you think.
Sofía ignores him, and you think she's going a bit too far but it's not your relationship to intervene. "Samuel can you help put sunscreen on my back, I can't quite reach it."
The flabbergasted look on Fernando's face was both priceless and heartbreaking to see and you slowly begin feeling bad.
Both answer at the same time and you grimace at the awkwardness. Fer goes and grabs the bottle out of her hands, the pretty brunette completely forgotten already. "What do you think you're doing?"
"I don't know what you mean."
He turns to the rest of you with an apologetic but upset expression, "Will you excuse us for a moment?"
He proceeds to take Sofía to a more quiet place on the beach. You see them argue in the distance but ultimately decide that for now it's not your business anymore.
Samuel and Loréna already went back into the water, Pedri is occupied with the two girls and only Miguel was with you.
The sun hasn't gotten any less warm and now that you wore this criminal bikini, you could at least put it to good use, right? So you take the sunscreen and hold it out to Miguel. "Can you?", you say pointing to your back.
It takes him a moment to understand what you mean, but when he does, he nods and reaches out but someone else happens to be faster than him. "Let me do it."
You look into Pedri's honey eyes.
Next to you, the blonde girl scoffs and regards you with an angry face. Miguel leaves as well and you want to say something to stop him, begging him not to leave you alone, but Pedri beats you to it. "Turn around and lay down." His voice is firm and it unwillingly sends shivers down your spine.
And for some reason you listen.
Your stomach retracts slightly when your belly touches the cold sunbed. But you forget everything the moment the cool sunscreen touches your skin and Pedri begins spreading it.
It's too sensual for your liking and he's gentler than you thought. Pedri goes all the way up to your neck, massaging the spot thoroughly and when he slowly goes down, his hands reach under your bikini top. Embarrassingly enough, pleasure fills your lower stomach.
Yet, you don't know what overcomes you, but attraction makes you do stupid things, so you simply reach behind your back and open the knot. "It'll be easier.", you explain with a small voice.
You get an answer in the form of his hands, when Pedri touches the exact spot and slowly glides his hands to your sides. His index fingers barely graze the sides of your boobs and goosebumps erupt all over your body.
If Pedri notices, he doesn't say anything.
Instead he just continues spreading the cream all the way to your lower back, his fingers once again invading places he shouldn't, much to your own excitement though.
It's quiet the entire time, you barely register Miguel talking with the two abandoned girls and going away with them. Light chatter and laughs, the splashing of water and the moist sound of Pedri spreading the sunscreen are the only audible things around you.
But you should know by now that it's only a matter of time before Pedri decides to ruin peaceful moments.
"Need me to put some on your ass as well?"
Shameless is the only word good enough to describe the football player. "In your dreams maybe.", you say and turn your head to watch him through your glasses.
His eyes are glued to your backside, "Oh if only you knew, princess."
You bind your bikini top back together and sit up, "You're stupid, González."
"For you, yeah."
You resist the urge to punch him and ignore the fact that it affects you more than what is condemned good. "Will you stop?"
"Why, do I make you nervous?"
You cross your arms over your chest, his eyes immediately zoning in on the movement. You (un)consciously press them together tighter, for no particular reason.
"Really?", he extends the 'e' sound and leans forward. Not expecting him to, you automatically fall back. He grabs the edge of the sunshade and pulls it down until it completely hides the two of you.
"What are you doing, they'll see us!"
Pedri chuckles and you can't help but peak at his pink lips, only inches away from yours now. "That's what you're worried about?"
"What else?" You think maybe the heat has gotten to your head, but really it's just Pedri's presence on top of you.
You see the way Pedri's mouth opens, ready to continue the banter but with his entire body pressed into yours, his natural scent mixed with the sea, his honey eyes boring into yours and exploring your entire face and his hands itching on your hips, you do the only thing possible in this situation.
You grab his neck and smash your lips against his.
He responds immediately, reciprocating the kiss. You hate how good it feels and despite how confusing it is with him, no moment has ever been clearer than right now.
A whine leaves your mouth when Pedri presses his hips into yours, the pleasure inmessurable. It's an indecent thing to do at a public beach (even though this is a private part of the beach Pedri specifically rented for the vacation) so he pulls back but right now you can't care at all.
All rationality leaves your body when you grab his red shorts by the hem and pull him back. You cling your legs around his back thighs and butt.
"Woah there, sugar, slow down.", he laughs, while caringly pushing a loose strand of hair out of your face.
Honestly, you would be flustered in any other moment but this. You can't think straight, the need to have him currently overweighting any other feeling.
His left hand slides from your waist to your ass, massaging the flesh. His other hand is clasped around your jaw, keeping your lips firm against ist.
You lose yourselves in the moment, Pedri's left hand close to where you need it the most. It's embarrassing how easy his fingers manage to slip under your bikini. And when he touches your clitoris, you're on cloud nine.
Your hands wander down to his beautiful red shorts and waist no time to wrap around his dick.
He groans into the kiss, "Fuck."
You begin moving your hand up and down and that's when all the weight on top of you suddenly disappears. "Shit, I hate to be the one, but we-"
"Yeah, I know.", you immediately cut him off and organize yourself a bit. Your head spins a bit, everything going too fast for you. Your body and mind haven't completely sobered up yet, and it stings a bit to be turned down like this. It's also confusing. But he's right.
Pedri seems to read you well enough by now, when he says, "It's not because I don't want to."
You hold up your hand, not ready for any kind of rejection, "I'm not dumb, Pedri. This is the fucking beach." Yet you wonder if he would have gone further if it was the pretty blonde and not you.
He goes through his hair and laughs, "Not because of that. My brother is coming and I don't think now is the time to explain ourselves, is it?"
You immediately spin around and indeed, Fernando and Sofía are walking in your direction; hand-in-hand, you might add. Luckily they seem too focused on one another and their ice cream to notice you and Pedri.
When you turn back, Pedri winks at you. "I'll choose a more private place next time."
You scoff, "There will be no next time."
He rubs his chin thoughfully and looks at you in an actingly confused way, "The way you were going at it, I could have sworn you were down for another- Ow!"
You hit Pedri angrily, the redness on your face surely visible, "Don't ever mention that again."
"And what if I do?", he smirks cockily.
"__!", he imitates in a high voice and this time you can't help but laugh. You roll your eyes playfully and shove him away. It gets increasingly hard to not crush on him. Maybe you already do.
The sunshade moves then and Fer and Sofía hop next to you two.
"Nice to see that you two love birds made up, I was beginning to worry.", you comment and Sofía lovingly puts her head on Fer's shoulder.
You four chat around a bit more, when Fernando suddenly chuckles and points at you and Pedri. Confused, you both look at him.
"You two look more like a couple than we do. Did you notice that you're matching?"
You did, in fact, not notice. And neither it seems, did Pedri.
You make a gaggig noise then and shoot up, "Whatever, I am going to change."
Pedri follows close behind, "Want me to help?"
"Shut up!"
© moonpedri - DO NOT copy, translate or post my work anywhere without my permission!
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yoyokslut · 1 year
Swiftie effect. (Smau)
Pedri x reader
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Liked by pedri, ansufati, ferrantores, pablogavi, alejandrobalde and others.
y/n all eyes on you my magician...
View all 67,578 comments
pedri all eyes on us...
ynandpepi my favorites 🫶🏻
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr get a room 🤢
lovepepi parents<3
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Liked by yourbff, pedri, feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr, ferrantores and others.
y/n i'm so thankful for all of the girls you loved before...
View all 26,687 comments
pedri but I love you more
ynloves look at her 🥺
pedrifan she's so in love omg 😭
loverpg8 she's turning him into a swiftie and I'm here for it
ynfan adopt me
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Liked by y/n, feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr, pablogavi and others.
pedri she is the best thing that's ever been mine
View all 75,686 comments
y/n I can see it now
pedrifan they're so happy together I love it ❤️‍🩹
ilovepedri get away from him 🙄
ynmysun that's my girl 🤩
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Liked by y/n, yourbff, pablogavi, ansufati, pablotorree and others.
pedri you've got a smile that could light up this whole town ❤️
View all 95,596 comments
y/n you're my sunshine ☀️🤍
lovexpepi he's a sucker for her
• liked by pedri and y/n
ynlover him being a swiftie>>>
pedriyn4life he's wrapped around her finger 🥹
ynpedrischild them in their lover era is just 🥺💗
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Liked by y/n, feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr, alejandrobalde, ansufati and others.
pedri and that's how it works that's how you get the girl 🥰
View all 86,688 comments
y/n that's how it works that's how you got the girl<3
pablogavi you two went to see taylor and didn't invite me??? Traitors
↳ pedri 😬 (in my defense I have none)
↳ y/n 😬 (great job there, baby)
ansufati este niño está bien enamorado
• liked by pedri and y/n
ferrantores sí, es oficial, perdimos a Pedri
• liked by pedri and y/n
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr así o más cursi? 😶
↳ y/n you really wanna know?
↳ pedri shut up, baby (respectfully)
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flwerzye · 5 months
Gavi with lipstick and in a dress making pedri lose his shit because the sight is surreal
i loved writing this, i hope you like it🥺🩷
TW:Crossdressing, Dacryphilia, Lightly Rough Sex.
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Gavi looked pretty like that, in Pedri's eyes Gavi was perfect in everything, so much so that Gavi said that even if he wore a potato sack with clothes he would look beautiful
But like that, with a delicate pink dress that outlined his thin waist and left his thick, milky thighs on display, he looked like the most beautiful boy in the world.
Gavi loved this, wearing dresses, skirts and delicate clothes when he was just with Pedri, only he knew about his delicate and careful side. And Pedri loved seeing him like this so much, it was the most perfect thing in the world, seeing him so happy to wear his new clothes and doing a fashion show for Pedri
Gavi also wore makeup, and specifically had red lipstick on his lips, well outlined by lip liner, Pedri didn't understand any of this and thought that just applying lipstick was enough.
And as much as Pedri is loving this, he also promised that he would spend the afternoon playing with Ferran and Eric, he was in his gaming chair with his PS5 controller in his hands while Gavi finished putting on a butterfly necklace he had bought
"Baby, do I look pretty?" Gavi asked as he twirled, his dress spun with the movement of his body, Gavi looked like a princess
"You look pretty, love, the most beautiful in the world" Pedri replied, getting distracted from the game and soon being caught by Ferran, he looked back at the screen and Gavi didn't like that at all.
Gavi bluntly climbed onto his boyfriend's lap, hugging his neck, wanting his attention. Pedri silenced the call only to say "Baby, I really need to concentrate"
"I want your attention, I look all pretty for you" Gavi said while kissing Pedri's neck, leaving lipstick marks there making the tanned skin like his work of art. Along with this, Gavi moved his hips, he was needy and the lace of his panties on his half-hard cock made him whimper in Pedri's ear.
Pedri took a deep breath and went back to playing, or tried to because he was so bad that he was stressing his friends and because of that, he was also stressed. Gavi looked at Pedri with his cheeks flushed because of the pink blush he wore "Pepi, please" Pedri rolled his eyes, he was pissed and only relieving himself on his needy boyfriend in his lap would solve it
Pedri hung up the call and left the game and took Gavi's mouth in a fierce kiss, grabbing his ass under his dress so hard that he wanted the marks of his hands to stay there.
Pedri took him to the bed and threw him there, getting between his legs. The dress had ridden up, leaving the panties showing, Gavi's cock was so hard that the wet tip was sticking out of the lace.
Pedri had little patience, put the boy's panties aside and he just took the lubricant and put it on with 3 fingers while he inserted it quickly, without delicacy. The desperate moans of the boy below him were all he needed
When he saw that Gavi was open enough, Pedri entered, his dick was going hard inside Gavi, he was pissed that his boy was irritating whenever he wanted
Gavi looked beautiful, red lipstick smudged, mascara and eyeliner stains in his eyes due to the few tears that came out... It was a work of art, he looked divine, perfectly divine
Gavi came quickly from this, soiling her panties and dress. More tears came out of his puppy eyes due to Pedri still fucking his sensitive body, but he wanted to be a good boy, he had already irritated Pedri enough.
Pedri came inside Gavi, but still in the orgasmic haze, he looked at Gavi with great hunger, as if just once wasn't enough.
And it wasn't, because Gavi was fucked all night with his lipstick smeared and his dress
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canirove · 6 months
In The Name of Love | Chapter 33
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Congratulations on that goal, bro 😊
Thank you, Pepi 😊 How is your injury?
I may start training next week
Oh, that's great!  Miss seeing you on the pitch  How is your other injury?
The one in your heart
So poetic, Ferran 😂
But that one is the same, not healing
And it will probably never will
Don't say that, Pedri
It's the truth
I should have fought for us instead of breaking up with Val
Now she has moved on and we will never get back together 
How many times do I have to tell you that she hasn't moved on, Pedro? 🙄 She still loves you 
That's what you say
Because it is the truth, you idiot Yes, she has good days where she is the Val we all know and love, she is healing  But she also has others where she just cries and doesn't want to leave the house And that's because she still loves you
Oh, great. So I still am making her feel like shit
Pedri… 🙄
Anyway… Did you know that she and her mum made up?
How am I supposed to know that? 
I don't know, maybe Marina or David had told you I know you keep talking with them 
I do, but they haven't mentioned it
How did that miracle happen?
It was all thanks to that amazing girlfriend of mine ☺️
Yep Val and her mum had had an argument, the usual between them. And while talking about it Ana suggested that maybe her mum had always wanted for Val to settle down and find a good job, a good husband and start a family, because she didn't want her to go through the same she went through Because she didn't want her to end up alone with a baby and her career and dreams ending too soon like had happened to her
Oh… I had never thought about that
Neither had she
It makes sense tho
She was protecting her and just wanted the best for her
Though she could have done it better, tbh
Like with better manners
Yeah…  And that's why she said she didn't like you despite knowing the feelings you and Val have for each other She didn't want her to get hurt
I still hurt her, tho
That was just a little bump on the road
Yeah, one that ended up with Val in the hospital 
Pedri, for the millionth time: stop blaming yourself for that
I'll try…
You better 😠
But then Val and her mum are good? 
They still are working on it, but things have improved a lot So if they've been able to fix things, so will you
It isn't that easy, Ferran
I fucked up
Yes, you did But you still love her, right?
Of course I do
Well, she loves you too, so 💃🏼 And besides, you are meant to be together
Doesn't look like it… 😔
You are, Pedri Don't give up, ok?
Ok, no need to yell 😂
I needed to make sure you heard me Manchester isn't close to Barcelona, you know?
I know
But Ferran…
Yes, Pepi? 
Do you really think she will come back?
Like, over there no one knows her and she can have a normal life
Here, on the other hand… 
It won't be that easy, no But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger like the song says, and that's what has happened with Val Her home is in Barcelona with her family, all her friends, and she's gonna go back there and fight for a certain kid she is madly in love with and WHO CAN'T GIVE UP ON THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE EITHER, OK?
Ok, message received 😂
What about you, tho?
Will you ever come back to Barcelona?
I don't know, bro I'm loving the red side of Manchester, it's better than the blue one
Yeah, the red side and a certain redhead too 😏😂
I'm glad you found someone, Ferran
You deserve to be happy 🤍
Thank you, Pepi 🥺
Will you EVER stop calling me that? 🙄
I know you only like it when it is Val the one saying it but… no ☺️ And speaking of Val… DON'T GIVE UP ON HER
I heard you the first time, Ferran 🙄
Just wanted to be sure Because she wants you back, Pedri So you know what to do…
Don't give up
Exactly 💪🏻
"Oh, Val, I'm gonna miss you so much" Ana says while hugging me.
"I will miss you too."
"Are you sure you don't want to stay with us for a bit longer?"
"I'm sure. You and Ferran deserve some alone time, I've bothered you enough."
"You haven't bothered us, Val" he says. "But yeah, you are right. We deserve some time alone. I'm tired of having to always wear clothes around the house and close the bathroom's door when I want to pee."
"Ferran!" Ana says.
"It's ok, don't worry" I laugh. 
"What are your plans now?" he asks me.
"I want to take my mum somewhere for the holidays, have like some proper mother-daughter time now that it looks like we've fixed things."
"Aww, that's lovely" Ana says.
"I also want to go somewhere with Marina and David to thank them for always being there for me. And I have to pay my cousin a visit and meet her baby."
"So family time" she smiles.
"Exactly" I smile back.
"And the school?" Ferran asks. "Are you going back?"
"I am. These months away have reminded me why I love teaching so much. Why, despite all the ups and downs, it is all worth it. And I miss Emma, Beth and Luis so much… They are like my second or third family."
"Third. We go first" Ferran says. "But I am so glad to hear that, Val." 
"Me too" Ana says, giving me another hug. "And about you know who… What are you going to do?"
"He still loves you and wants you back, you know?"
"I know, Ferran. You've reminded me of it many times over the past few months" I chuckle. 
"And you also love him and want him back."
"I do. Now that I feel like myself again and also stronger physically, mentally and emotionally, I want to fight for him. For us. Now more than ever I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with him. But I don't want to rush anything, you know? I want to let things flow and let it happen when it has to happen."
"You are letting destiny do its work." 
"That's it, yes. You all say we are destined to be together, so…" I shrug.
"You are, Val" Ana says. "I've not known you and Pedri for that long, and I probably didn't meet you at the best moment in your relationship… but I know true love when I see it."
"Awww, look at her going all cheesy" Ferran says.
"Oh, shut up" she replies, rolling her eyes.
"I'm gonna miss you, guys" I say, trying not to cry.
"We will miss you too, Val" Ana says.
"Group hug?" Ferran asks, opening his arms.
"Fine" I sigh.
"I love you so much, girls" he says while squeezing us. "Not in the same way, but you know what I mean."
"Love you too" Ana and I reply.
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grizou79giroud · 1 year
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Our little influencer ❤️🥹
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yoyokslut · 1 year
Used to it. (Smau)
Pedri x reader
a/n: got a bit (much) carried away lol but I hope you like it<3
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Liked by pedri, pablogavi, yourbff and others.
y/n petition for pedri to bring up the beard again ✋🏻
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pedrifans where do I sign?
ynandpedri I agree
pedri I'll think about it...
pepifans yes please, yn help us
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Liked by y/n, yourbff, pablogavi and others.
pedri umm... Where's my personal space?
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y/n it doesn't exist when you're with me 😋
pedrifans they're so cute 🥺
loveyn my favorites
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Liked by pedri, pablogavi, feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr and others.
y/n he really said 🤨
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pablogavi you okay @pedri?
pedri 🙄
pedrifans 🤣
lovexpepi the rock is that you? 🤨
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Liked by y/n, ansufati, ferrantores, alejandrobalde and others.
pedri she stopped paying attention to my jokes to start reading 😞 #hurt
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y/n baby... How can I tell you this without hurting you? 🤔
pepixlover #fuerza pedri
pablogavi they're not funny bro...
↳ ferrantores x2
↳ ansufati x3
↳ pedri traitors
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr can you blame her?
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Liked by pablogavi, feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr, pedri and others.
y/n rude 😣
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pedri this is for saying my jokes are bad 🙃
↳ y/n I'll pretend they're funny and laugh next time I promise 🥺
↳ pedri now you're making it worse
pedrifanclub I love yn
↳ ynandpedri I love pedri
↳ pablogavi I love McDonald's
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Liked by pedri, ansufati, ferrantores, pablogavi, alejandrobalde and others.
y/n looking respectfully...
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pedrisgirl I'm a simp for your man yn
↳ lovexpepi me too
↳ loveyn x3
↳ y/n x4
pedri if you keep looking "respectfully" we'll end up doing not very respectfully things tonight 😉
↳ y/n PEDRI
↳ pedri you started, babe
pedriyn4life she's so lucky 😩
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Liked by y/n, pablogavi, yourbff, pablotorree, feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr and others.
pedri spoiling my baby 🫶🏻
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ynandpepi pedri swiftie era... Loading
y/n I love you almost as much as I love ts ❤️
↳ pedri better than nothing ❤️
pablogavi no more listening to taylor swift by myself
pedrifans taylor and quevedo... I wonder how their playlists are when they ride together
↳ y/n you don't wanna know...
↳ pedri well...
y/n and pedri added to their stories
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flwerzye · 11 months
i love your new fic so much! they’re too cute!! gavi will wake pedri up in the middle of the night “your baby want a strawberry cake!!!” and pouting
thank you babe🩷🥺 i see this happens, and pedri loves gavi so much, he will look for a strawberry cake just to see his boy happy
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