#pedro greeting card mailing list
dornish-queen · 6 months
The holiday cards arrived. It looks great. I hope you like it.
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fierceautie · 4 years
Who is Andreas Kalcker? Andreas Kalcker is a "German biophysicist who lived in Switzerland who has been researching for more than 13 years with chlorine dioxide for therapeutic use." In German speaking countries, Kalcker is one of the most well known promoters of MMS. He promotes it as a health cure. He follows Jim Humble, an American that founded the Genesis II church. He pushes the MMS protocol in Latin countries in South America. He is cited in numerous groups in videos. What about his education?Kalcker received his "Doctor of Philosophy in Alternative and Natural Biophysics" from a company called Open University of Advanced Sciences, inc. It is based in Barcelona. It has a branch in Florida. The company has no campus, offers degrees for sale. A doctorate costs 1,500 euros. The location of this "University"Kalcker's Degree Vs A real degreeKalcker's Mail order degreeAnd compare it to a real degree from an institution of higher learning:My bachelors degree of Applied Science in Veterinary TechnologyThe Open University of Advanced Sciences, inc is not accredited and is considered a degree mill. On the landing page of the Open University of Advance Science, inc there is this disclaimer:The Open University of Advanced Sciences clarifies that it does not maintain any type of link with the Genesis II Church, nor does it advocate for the medical or therapeutic use of MMS. On the other hand, the relationship with the so-called Chair of Naturism, in Madrid, is part of the old structure of our entity and the honorary titles that our previous Director, Pedro Carrasco (RIP) granted them, currently have only a symbolic value, not being part of the management staff. The purpose of this information is to provide you with the possibility of accessing higher education through the "Distance Learning" system , developed by the Open University of Advanced Sciences Inc. (External Degree of Campus). The Open University of Advanced Sciences Inc. was established mainly for the development, dissemination and teaching of study programs of all those subjects that have in common advanced aspects of science in any of the areas of knowledge. In this sense, it maintains relationships with leading universities, foundations, research centers and educational institutions around the world. The non-traditional teaching system that we propose is designed to provide, on an ongoing basis, updated training that enhances professional qualification, through personalized distance learning that establishes programs that are appropriate to the needs of each student and in which they are taken into account. All the knowledge you have is counted and valued, as well as the professional experience you have accumulated in your work practice. In the event that such training has already been provided by your center, it is possible to operate through direct validation in accordance with the applied study programs. This educational innovation is developed and implemented if necessary in a way that ensures the quality and integrity of the accreditations, while providing students with the possibility of enriching their curricular characteristics and therefore greater competitiveness in the workplace. We remain at your disposal for any clarification in this regard that you need, and in the meantime we greet you very kindly."How to Spot a Degree Mill:A degree mill is a fake university that sells college degrees and transcripts instead of the college experience. They are scam colleges that make fake diplomas to anyone who pays the requested "tuition." They often promise fast college degrees based on "life experience."The institution is not accreditedDegree mills love to use official sounding terms to impress potential students. The terms they use sound good but mean very little. The terms to look out for are "authenticated, verifiable, licensed, internationally approved, notarized, recognized by the Pope and accredited by UNESCOThe institution is accredited but not by an agency recognized by the Council of Higher Education Accreditation or the US department of educationAdmission criteria is solely based on the possession of a credit card. When academic recored, grade point average and test scores are irrelevant, it is not a real institution of higher learning. The potential student is offered a degree based on a "review" of work experience and a faxed resume. Most degree mills offer what is called experience degrees. This is credit for career experience is valid option at many universities for adult students. The process of evaluating work experience for college credit is complicated. No valid distance learning college int eh US will award a graduate degree solely based on work experience. The applicant is promised a degree in exchange of a lump sum. For an undergraduate degree it is 300-2,000. For a graduate degree it is up to 3.000. Colleges normally charge per credit hour. The applicant is promised a degree within 30 days of application, regardless of status. The university has multiple complaints on file. Your online "admission counselor" assures the student that international online universities can't be accredited in the United States by CHEA recognized agencies. This is false. The school's website either lists no faculty or lists faculty who have attended schools accredited by fake agencies. The university offers online degrees for only US citizens but is located in a different country. Pseudoscience ActivitiesHe previously worked at a research institute in Switzerland until it closed down in February 2020, according to Psiram, an internet encyclopedia that documents pseudoscience and conspiracy theories. The institution's website had been deleted. Its business registration had its mission: "Research and development of biophysical, pharmaceutical and diagnostic products and new technologies."Kalcker was involved with a Swiss non profit association called Swiss Association for Natural Scientific Biophysics that states on its website that it "seeks to appeal to people who are interested in the topic of biophysical medicine and who would like to take the responsibility for their health into their own hands." A large portion of blog posts on the website are written by Kalcker and promote his work. The membership section of Kalcker's website links to the association's signup page. Kalcker has written two books. "Forbidden Health - Incurable was Yesterday" and "CDS/MMS Healing is Possible."He has three patents. One is for an invention of "solution of chlorine dioxide adapted as a solution for rectal intestinal lavage" as an internal rinse. No Longer on Research GateAs of March of 2019, Andreas Kalcker's Research Gate Account has been deleted. The wayback machine link to his bogus studies is here. screen shot of Kalcker's Research Gate section of his website. It was deleted. Pseudoscience ClaimsThis section shows exactly what Kalcker promotes as fact, but it is not. Keep that in mind when reading this section.  His claims are not credible and unsubstantiated. He claims MMS is a cure for numerous diseases by ingesting the dangerous bleach substance. He misrepresents findings of published studies. MMS or CDKalcker does not like to call chlorine dioxide MMS because he says that he uses 4% hydrochloric acid instead of 50% citric acid that the Genesis II church uses. Claims about MMS:1. It is extremely water soluble without creating further chemical bonds. It is a gas which dissolves completely in water. The molecule structure is similar to the water molecule. This is true. 2. Chlorine dioxide is one of the most well known disinfectants known to man because it is able to eliminate bacteria, fungi, viruses and small sized parasites across a wide pH range. It has been used for over 80 years to disinfect drinking water, and has not caused any problems all these years. It is widely used in industry, including food processing industry, for disinfecting purposes. It is used to bleac paper and silk as it does not attack the material, but in extremely high concentration levels, a concentration that had nothing to do with the typical ingested dose of taking a few milligrams orally. 3. CDS is only pure water-guided gas, which pH neutral and has many advantages. Its main advantage is the even in high doses it usually does not have side effects of MMS and is explained in detail in his book. The molecule is similar to water but not the same. Hydrogen peroxide is similar to water too. Water is h20 and hydrogen peroxide is h202. No one is buying hydrogen peroxide to drink instead of water. This follows the same logic that Kalcker is trying to pull over on people. Claim about using MMS as treatments:"Please note, our results are only assessments of experimental research. They do not constitute any form of advice or prescription. It is not a recommendation to anyone …. for any specific condition or disease.Right now ClO² is evaluated many treatments for different types of disease because sickness is commonly based on the lack of energy . The simple fact that chlorine dioxide provides molecular Bio available oxygen  in the interstitial fluid and blood, induces better combustion of nutrients enhancing overall energy, which have been demonstrated in venous blood gases scientifically.If you are interested in knowing the results of experimental treatments please access the members section."AutismKalcker quotes Wikipedia:"Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, verbal and non verbal communication, and restricted and repetitive  behavior . . . While autism is highly heritable, researchers suspect both environmental and genetic factors as causes. Controversies surround other proposed environmental cause. For example, the vaccine hypotheses, which has been disproven .  . . there is no cure. "As most of this information is true, Wikipedia is not a quality source. Each article can be edited by anyone. Because of this simple fact, no one should be using Wikipedia as a source for any research. "AS THE TRUTH IS ANOTHER,1. It does not have its origin in the brain but in the enteric system usually induced by VACCINES (click here to see Video in English)2. I could not be of genetic cause, genetics does not change in 40 years from 1:10,000 to 1:50!3. The theory of oxidative stress is false and therefore everything based on it. (Mitohormesis) (Oxidative shielding)4. Normal “intestinal mucosa” does not produce eggs, ammonia or amphetamines, more research is needed.5. Vaccine Immunosuppression facilitates proliferation of toxin-producing parasites and disbiosis.6. more than 235 children cured ,including severe autism with my anthelmintic protocol and CDAutism is not permanent at all."This list of "truths" only supports the belief that autism is caused by parasites. Kalcker developed a protocol with Miriam Carrasco Maceda for "deworming." He says it deworms, reduces inflammation and detoxifies with the same protocols as Kerri Rivera. Kerri Rivera had her clinic in Mexico. Each case was evaluated with the ATEC score, which was developed by Autism Research Institute. VaccinesThis page on his website he has the quote "Is Wikipedia becoming CNN?"He also has a Youtube Video that has been removed due to quackery. Kalcker also has a video with Andrew Wakefield on this page. This should say all it needs to say. "Vaccinated die less . . . . so its better to be vaccinated?"There is not one coherent thought on this page at all. Autism Recovery Evidence. There is not any evidence on this page. There are many photos with Kalcker holding up a poster with photos of kids. No clear evidence at all. "Here is some evidence of recovery with incredible results thanks To Kerri Rivera.To date are more than 235 children recovered with previous and subsequent analysis of ATECThe 2 women who are with me are the mothers of children in each poster.I’m not saying here that all children recovering from this illness, even if autism is considered unrecoverable,  I can state that virtually all kids improve through specific treatment with Diet; classic antiparasitic drugs, plants and chlorine dioxide for enemas.I am aware that some critics try again seek lie or my personal benefit. Has anyone noticed that critics insist only economic benefit?  For my personal benefit is personal satisfaction of having done the right thing because I did not charge anything in autism till now it costed me a lot of money. When science becomes an almost religious belief is not allowed to change or the more compelling arguments. Some irrational critics do not realize that their actions can prevent children recover and are responsible , though they do not feel that way because they believe in his learned doctrine book without experiencing anything, using all means of defamation and even lies to achieve your goal. This is not science, this is sad … so I put here some photos with the children concerned and their numbers ATEC clearly showing recovery."Important Universal Laws according to KalckerThe law of causes and effects (always plural)Love=Resonance, being the biggest force existingEvery living being is opportunisticThe only constant in the universe is changeAll force creates a counter force (duh, that called inertia.)Every order is disrupts itself and every disorder organize itself Natural BiophysicsKalcker, the man who has a fake doctoral degree, is explaining Natural biophysics:"As much as we distinguish in allopathic medicine  medicine and natural medicine, I would also like to define it in the field of biophysics, a field little explored in reality, there is not only the common cell biophysics, but also the “natural biophysics” which is the search for the intrinsic logic of nature and mechanisms of it specifically in the field of health.This is opening up new horizons for developing treatment of degenerative and chronic diseases, which to date have no solution except pharmaceutical palliatives that lead to long term intoxication of the patient. Natural biophysics always tries to explain through pure logic since nature always is. An inconsistency or anomaly is usually the result of previous erroneous axioms, because nature uses the same building blocks and with the same formula in all its natural process.The basic principles should always be simple and science is increasingly difficult getting lost in details without knowing irrefutably the bases. There are many doctorates in physics but none can explain even the most basic things like why gravity  or a magnet works. There are many professors and doctorates in medicine but no one knows why a body gets sick with certain pathogens and other not,  in the official dictionary of diseases, the renowned Merck Manual®, most chronical diseases are of “unknown origin.” We must seriously ask ourselves what kind of mainstream medicine is this…?In order to advance we have to do the right question. The key question therefore is: What is the lowest common denominator of all diseases?"What is the opposite of natural biophysics? Unnatural biophysics? If it was unnatural, it would not have the prefix bio-. He says that chlorine dioxide in all forms provides oxygen to the intestinal tissue and to all the body fluids, activating the mitocondria, which turn generate more energy. This energy allows the body to recover and heal from most diseases. Oxygen is essential and the free radical concept, as it has been promoted in the past, is erroneous. The human body is not a petri dish in the lab. Everything interacts with everything else. THIS IS SCIENTIFICALLY INACCURATE!!!The immune system is much more complicated. Look here for a full explanation:https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/immune.htmlStructured WaterKalcker claims:"Regular tap water’s composition is H2O, while the fourth phase’s is in fact H3O2. The latter has more viscosity, is more organized and more alkaline than regular water. Besides, its optical properties are different since structured water’s refraction index is at least 10% higher than that of common water increasing flow of Biophotons.This fourth phase structured water is also known as EZ, which stands for Exclusion Zone. What this water is able to exclude are small molecules, such as toxins and pathogens and this occurs in nature in rainwater or deep sourced water and in all living cells.This water has a negative charge and therefore, all cellular water has a negative charge."Science says: What Kalcker is saying is misrepresenting a valid research study. The fourth phase of water is the boiling point. This EZ water is actually ionized water. Nothing more, nothing less. A water ionizer, requires electricity. The ionizer increases the pH of the water.The ionizer does not work with deionized or distilled water!The ionizer does not produce measurable oxygen gas (a smoldering splint will not relight in the vicinity)The device contains an electrolysis cell and an ion exchange resin. Kalcker puts up a front of being scientific but investigating in his claims, he is not scientific at all. He can dupe the average uneducated person about healthcare. He is very dangerous and needs to be stopped. Sources:https://www.newsguardtech.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/ENG-AndreasKalcker.com-UPDATED.pdfhttps://www.geteducated.com/college-degree-mills/161-college-degree-or-diploma-mill/https://chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/5925/ez-water-fraud-or-breakthroughhttps://observers.france24.com/en/20200721-business-fake-miracle-covid-19-remedies-booms-latin-americahttps://andreaskalcker.com/
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dornish-queen · 1 year
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It's that time of year again. For this years card, I wish to thank @88dragon06 for her generous donation and funding for the Pedro Greeting Card Project this year. It would not have been possible this year without her help, so thank you from the bottom of my heart!❤️🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻
As with all Greeting Card Projects, the card will remain a secret until people have received their cards in the mail.  If people choose to post their cards online, that is their choice to do so.  But I will not post any pics of the Holiday card until I know everyone has received theirs in the mail.
Here are previous greeting card projects:
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Here are some general questions regarding the greeting card mailing list:
General Information
New spots become available at the beginning of new greeting card projects. Availability will depend on funding for these projects.
How do I get on the mailing list?
If you have already received a greeting card from me, you are automatically on the Mailing List and will continue to receive a card from me for any future greeting card projects I decide to do, unless you wish to be removed or I choose to remove you.  If you have moved and would like to still receive a card, please DM me with your new mailing address. If you would like to be removed from the list, please DM me and let me know. I will make that space available for anyone else that wants it.
If you are NEW to the mailing list, just DM me with your name and mailing address to get on the mailing list. That’s it. All information will remain private and used for greeting card purposes only.
Do I have to pay for the card?
No, you don’t have to pay for anything.  This is a project of kindness and the goal is to spread a little bit of joy. The cost of the card and postage will be covered by me. Funding for these cards are from me and any generous donations I get from people who wish to contribute. Since the number of people on the mailing list increases with every greeting card project, the cost for each card project increases quite a bit. (one greeting card projects costs a minimun of $250)  Any donation to help continue to mail out Pedro cards in the future is greatly appreciated.  To make a donation you can contribute via Ko-fi HERE.
Not everyone is comfortable with sharing their mailing address. That is completely fine.  All mailing addresses are used for the sole purpose of mailing greeting cards only and REMAIN CONFIDENTIAL.
Please message me if you have any questions.
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dornish-queen · 1 year
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This year's card
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dornish-queen · 6 months
Greeting card update:
If you did not get a holiday card last year but are supposed to get one because you are on the mailing list, please check with me that I have your correct address.
Any cards that I got as RETURN TO SENDER will be removed from the mailing list.
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dornish-queen · 5 months
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All the Pedro Holiday Cards were just mailed out. I hope you like it. If you have not reviewed your card by December 16, please send me a dm and let me know. 🎄
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dornish-queen · 1 year
Since quiting my job (it was a toxic workplace), money has been really tight. Unfortunately, I will be unable to send out Christmas cards this year. I'm so very sorry. 😭 I really enjoyed sending out the cards these past 2 years. I hope everyone is doing well and I am thinking of you this season. Again, I feel really bad about making this decision and I am very sorry I can't do it this year.
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dornish-queen · 6 months
I just saw your post about the Pedro greeting card and I would love to be added to the mailing list if you have any spots available?
I don’t know if you post internationally? I’m in the U.K. and would happily contribute.
No problem if no spaces, it’s such a lovely thing to do 💖
Thank you
There is space. Just dm me your mailing address. And I hope you enjoy the card.
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dornish-queen · 2 years
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The Pedro Holiday Card
I forgot to post this for Christmas.
Greeting card info
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dornish-queen · 3 years
genuine question, why are you watermarking content that isn't yours? i mean no disrespect, but these shows and movies are not yours, you didn't make them, produce them or distribute them. it just seems a little strange to me. don't get me wrong, we all appreciate you collecting these shows to share with everybody, but they're not really yours to watermark or charge people to see.
Here is the simple answer to your question. Because I put a lot of time and cash into doing what I enjoy and share. And I don't think asking for a credit on content is unreasonable. Especially since I initially put it all out unwatermarked.
But here is the more detailed reason and bigger picture of what I do and how much stuff costs.
This is the description on my KO-fi👇
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Money earned helped pay for the $200 in website and video hosting fees.
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👆Remember this video that I paid to have access to? The software upgrades I put on my computer to grab content like this stuff cost me $200
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👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻You know those Pedro Art edits I do? Those editing apps cost an additional $60 per year.
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👆These pedro heart-ons and other heart gifs. I'm using 2-3 different apps sometimes to make these. I pay for the pro version for those as well too access more features. Add in another $60 per year because I'm using a different app and creation process. I haven't even mentioned the extra video editing apps I use and pay for those too. Add another $50 a year. Did I mention the other content like DVDs and Blu-ray's I pay for and rip and put out for you? All that adds up!
👇Finally the Pedro greeting cards. It was a complete joy to make and I didn't ask for a single dime from anyone. If you wanted one, I mailed you one. I used the above apps to create the design. Printing of the cards average out to $100. Postage costs me and additional $80. That's a total of $180 out of pocket to do something for free. For ONE card project. I have 90+ people on the mailing list now.
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Well...this was excessive... my explanation for what I do...even the work I put into something is excessive. You wonder why I get crappy when people flap their opinions about me watermarking (something I never wanted to do in the first place) you wonder why I get upset when all I want is an editing credit? I get it , oh it's only people's opinion! People need to say something. They always do. You need your outlet too. Well, this blog and my website were MY outlets to. People ask to be respected, while trampling on mine. All in the same breath. And when I take my gloves off and refuse to be treated this way, suddenly I'm not reasonable? Don't tell me you like my blog or website and then turn around and be an asshole to me. Don't ask me for the password to the NSFW section, then pass it around to other people in your chat. Don't remove my watermark when I ask you not to. And don't be MAD AT ME because I've had enough.
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dornish-queen · 3 years
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May the Fourth Be With You!
Here is the Pedro Star Wars Greeting card that was sent out to celebrate Star Wars Day!!!
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dornish-queen · 3 years
Pedro Valentine's Day Card
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Cupid Pedro
Here is the Valentine's Day card for those who requested to be on the Pedro Greeting Card Mailing List. I hope this little card brings a smile to you. ❤️❤️❤️
Next Pedro Greeting Card Info coming soon.
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dornish-queen · 3 years
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Pedro Pascal Star Wars Greeting Card
In celebration of May the Fourth, Star Wars Day, people on the Pedro Greeting Card Mailing list will receive the Pedro Star Wars card. The design will remain a secret until May 4, please do not share publicly until others get their cards. (The picture above is not the picture on the card.)
General Info about Pedro Greeting Card Projects
Space available on the Pedro Greeting Card Mailing List
New spots become available at the beginning of a new greeting card project.  The number of available spots will depend on funding for these projects. I have not turned anyone away who wants a card, you just need to ask.
How do I get on the Pedro Greeting Card Mailing List?
If you have already received a greeting card from me (New Year Card, Valentine, Mermaid Pedro), you are automatically on the Mailing List and will continue to receive a card from me for any future greeting card projects I decide to do.  If you have moved and would like to still receive a card, please DM me with your new mailing address.  If you would like to be removed from the list, please DM me and let me know. I will make that space available for anyone else that wants it.
If you are NEW to the mailing list, jJust DM me with your name and mailing address to get on the mailing list. That’s it. All information will remain private and used for greeting card purposes only.
Do I have to pay for the card?
No, you don’t have to pay for anything.  This is a project of kindness and the goal is to spread a little bit of joy.  I will cover all cost of the making of the card and postage. But if you are curious, the price averages out to about $2 for every card I mail out to someone.
Not everyone is comfortable with sharing their mailing address. That is completely fine.  All mailing addresses are used for the sole purpose of mailing greeting cards only and REMAIN CONFIDENTIAL.
Please message me if you have any questions.
Previous Greeting Cards
Pedro Star Wars
Pedro Mermaid
Pedro Valentine
Pedro New Year Card
Dornish Queen’s MASTERLIST
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dornish-queen · 3 years
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The Pedro Mermaid Greeting Card
Planning is underway for the next Pedro Greeting Card. The design for the mermaid card is NOT a secret this time. For anyone following my blog, you have already seen what the design is. However, I will not post pictures of the actual card until March 29, International Mermaid day.  Cards will be mailed out beginning at the end of February, for international.
There are 40 new spots available on the Pedro Greeting Card Mailing List
New spots become available at the beginning of a new greeting card project.  The number of available spots will depend on funding for these projects.
How do I get on the Pedro Greeting Card Mailing List?
If you have already received a greeting card from me (New Year Card, Valentine), you are automatically on the Mailing List and will continue to receive a card from me for any future greeting card projects I decide to do.  If you have moved and would like to still receive a card, please DM me with your new mailing address.  If you would like to be removed from the list, please DM me and let me know. I will make that space available for anyone else that wants it.
If you are NEW to the mailing list, space is limited.  Just DM me with your name and mailing address to get on the mailing list. That’s it.
Do I have to pay for the card?
No, you don’t have to pay for anything.  This is a project of kindness and the goal is to spread a little bit of joy.  I will cover all cost of the making of the card and postage. But if you are curious, the price averages out to about $2 for every card I mail out to someone.
Not everyone is comfortable with sharing their mailing address. That is completely fine.  All mailing addresses are used for the sole purpose of mailing greeting cards only and REMAIN CONFIDENTIAL.
 Please message me if you have any questions.
Previous Greeting Cards
Pedro Valentine
Pedro New Year Card
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dornish-queen · 3 years
Getting the design ready for May the Fourth greeting card. I think this will be a good one. It's coming along nicely.
Requests are open if you are not on the mailing list yet.
Greeting card info is on my masterlist
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dornish-queen · 3 years
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The first Pedro Star Wars Card is done! Yay!!!! You know how I love stickers!!!! I usually make them in groups of 20. This should take me a couple days. The international cards delivered outside of USA will be mailed around April 2 (Pedro's Birthday 🥳). Hopefully, friends far away will receive them before May 4th. Cards going to friends in the USA will be mailed a week later. If you are not yet on the mailing list and want a card, please DM me. FYI, tomorrow is International Mermaid Day. I will post a picture of the Mermaid Pedro card tomorrow.
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