#pelatihan iso 9000
bintangsolusiutama · 11 months
Meningkatkan Daya Saing Dengan Pelatihan ISO 9001
Apa itu ISO 9001 dan mengapa itu penting untuk bisnis Anda? Temukan di artikel terbaru kami yang menjelaskan keuntungan memiliki sertifikasi ini. #ISO9001 #QualityManagement
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dutaprotraining · 4 years
Training Quality Representative
Training Quality Representative – Pelatihan ini ditujukan untuk profesional dan umum dari semua bidang industri yang berhubungan dengan dasar-dasar manajemen mutu dan ingin melaksanakan fungsi QR (Quality Representative) di perusahaan. Peserta akan diberikan kompetensi dalam bidang struktur dalam manajemen mutu, dasar-dasar manajemen mutu, ISO 9000, proses manajemen mutu, pengukuran, inspeksi,…
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Benefits of Taking QMS Lead Auditor Course in Jakarta through IAS
How to Choose:
First of all, you must find a course that is accepted worldwide, because your personal certificate (in case of successful completion) depends on this.
Courses are normally organized by accredited (approved) bodies like certification bodies (UQAS, JAS-ANZ, etc.) or approved training organizations (IAS ,EAS, etc.) and run by approved lecturers (tutors). However, there are many “approved” and “accredited” organizations, but some of these approvals are only valid in the country where that body is located, or regionally accepted, or accepted in various countries based on multilateral agreements and so on. It is probably a good idea not to invest your money and time into courses that give certificates accepted only “somewhere,” but not everywhere.
As of now, the only globally accepted certificate for Lead Auditors comes from courses that are run by IRCA (International Register of Certificated Auditors)-approved organizations. So, first of all, you must find an organization that runs ISO 9001 LA courses under IRCA accreditation. Note that official ISO 9001 LA courses cannot be organized by person, but only through the above-mentioned organizations or organizations which have a partnership with approved organizations.
The prices of the courses differ greatly from country to country and depend on local market trends. Note also that during the approval process you are usually not paid by the certification body.
Hence, if you are looking to develop the required knowledge and skills to carry out Internal Audits with the applicable management system standards then you can get registered for this course. This ISO 9001 Lead Auditor Course will fill all the needed practical skills into the trainee that are very much essential for becoming a competent lead auditor in an organization. Learn more at http://ias-indonesia.org/pelatihan-auditor-utama-iso-9001/
This updated ISO 9001 training course provides participants with the knowledge and skills to perform first, second and third party audits of quality management systems against ISO 9001 in accordance with ISO 19011 and ISO/IEC 17021, as applicable.
What Will You Learn?
After completing your ISO 9001:2015 auditor training course, you will understand:
The purposes and business benefits of a quality management system, quality management system standards, management system audits and third party certification
The role and responsibilities of an auditor in planning, conducting, reporting and following up on a quality management system audit to establish conformity (or otherwise) with ISO 9001, in accordance with ISO 19011 and ISO/IEC 17021, as applicable
Students taking this course should have prior knowledge of:
Management systems, including the core elements of a management system, the responsibilities of top management and the Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) cycle
The fundamental concepts of a quality management system and the seven quality management principles of ISO 9000
The requirements of ISO 9001 and its commonly used quality management terms and definitions
This course is certified by the International Register of Certified Auditors.
Trusted ISO 9001:2015 Training from IAS
As a leader in professional training, we draw on years of global experience. Our courses are delivered by specialists who will support you on your professional journey.
Contact us today to book your place on our ISO 9001:2015 quality management systems auditor/lead auditor training course.
IAS provides ISO 9001: 2015 Main Auditors Training in Indonesia. We have good experience in conducting real-time audits and trainers have in-depth knowledge of the subject matter and are ready to offer in-house training as part of an open course to create a confidential environment to share the experiences of other delegates. . Training materials and packages for IRCA ISO 9001 Main Auditor Training in Indonesia by IAS are prepared by experts in designated fields who have been involved in developing standards. Successful completion of the ISO Quality Management System Major Auditor Training course intensifies the delegation's learning experience and helps to gain in-depth knowledge of the subject matter.
Here are a few of the benefits than an individual can avail by undertaking an ISO 9001 Lead Auditor Course:
All the students or employees who have completed the course will be effectively able to apply ISO 9001:2008 standards to a set of process in an industry or an organization.
All the individuals who have taken such kind of training will be qualified to understand and identify all the objective evidence in any process of the company. By the early identification, the process will be rescued from lateral conformities that can both add up cost investment and time needed for the completion of the process accurately
Through this informative course all the individuals will get the expertise to effectively use their interviewing skills and hence will be capable of deploying the right personnel at the right position in the company process.
The persons who undertake such program will be able to correctly identify which requirement of ISO 9001:2008 applies to which given set of findings or process. Hence, they will be able to effectively implement the industry set standards.
The reports generated by the qualified personnel will be clear and precise post this training program.
Key Benefits of the ISO 9001 auditor course
Be confident in effective ISO 9001:2008 audits and QMS compliance
Manage risks and maintain and improve global quality standards
Be confident that your organization can rely on ISO certified lead auditors
Build employee awareness of quality standards and associated responsibilities
Benefit from regular ISO 9001 audits to improve performance
Build customer confidence with greater efficiency and assurance standards
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sinarantraining · 5 years
Kurangnya pelatihan  tentang teknik dan metode penulisan SOP menjadi penyebab para Penyusun/ Penulis SOP tidak memahami dengan benar bagaimana membuat SOP yang efektif.
SOP yang dapat diartikan sebagai Who Does What and How merupakan salah satu metode kerja yang dibuat sebagai panduan untuk memastikan bahwa proses bisnis berjalan sesuai rencana, standar dan aturan untuk kepuasan pelanggan—baik internal maupun eksternal.
SOP yang dapat diartikan sebagai Who Does What and How merupakan salah satu metode kerja yang dibuat sebagai panduan untuk memastikan bahwa proses bisnis berjalan sesuai rencana, standar dan aturan untuk kepuasan pelanggan—baik internal maupun eksternal.
SOP yang mudah dipahami terbukti meningkatkan produktifitas kerja dan dapat meningkatkan hubungan kerja yang harmonis antar bagian/ proses. Namun, apabila SOP tidak mudah dipahami dan menimbulkan multi tafsir dapat membuat kesalahan kerja dan pada akhirnya merugikan pelanggan.
Keefektifan sebuah SOP dapat dilihat dari a) sejauhmana ia digunakan dan memberi nilai tambah b) sejauhmana ia digunakan dan dapat menyamakan persepsi antar bagian/departemen c) sejauhmana ia dapat berfungsi sebagai pengendali dan pemantau kinerja proses. Apabila SOP ditempat kerja anda tidak demikian, anda wajib meninjau ulang SOP atau bahkan menulis ulang SOP yang ada.
* Apa bedanya Prosedur dengan SOP, Istruksi Kerja, Pedoman Kerja, Protap, Juklak, Juknis, User/operating manual dll?
* Bagaimana membedakan dan membuat Pedoman dan Panduan?
* Mengapa Prosedur Penulisan Prosedur harus dibuat terlebih dahulu, dan bagaimana membuatnya?
* Bagaimana membuat Prosedur berbasis Proses?
* Mengapa SOP Teknis sudah tidak disyaratkan lagi oleh ISO 9000, dan apakah 6 Prosedur manajemen yang diwajibkan?
* Bagaimana mengantisipasi Prosedur yang dinamis oleh karena Peraturan Bank Indonesia yang sering bertambah dan berubah?
* Bagaimana membuat hirarki dokumen dari PBI hingga Prosedur dan Instruksi kerja?
* Apakah  3 anatomi SOP yang mendasar (Format, Elemen dan Atribut)?
* Mengapa SOP tidak boleh dibuat atas dasar ”Write what you do”?
* Bagaimana merubah fungsi SOP sebagai alat pandu menjadi alat pandu dan alat ukur, alat kendali, alat audit, alat reward and punish?
* Bagaimana membuat SOP dengan dua macam profil pengguna (Pemula dan Ahli)?
* Kapan harus menambahkan masa berlaku SOP?
* Mengapa Flowchart tidak dimulai dengan ”Start” atau ”Mulai”?
* Bagaimana mengintegrasikan SOP dengan Risk Management, Key Performance Indicator dan Service Level Agreement?
* Mengapa kebanyakan Penulis hanya menggunakan format Narration dan Flowchart, dan tidak tahu bahwa Anotated Pictorial atau Video sering kali lebih efektif?
* Bagaimana mengendalikan SOP dengan Document control dan Master lists?
* Mengapa SOP yang dibuat berbasis Struktur dan Uraian Kerja tidak sehandal apabila dibuat berbasis Process Business Map?
* Mengapa SOP harus berbatas waktu (SOP Lifecycle)?
* Bilamana SOP diberi tanda (distempel) ”Controlled”, ”Uncontrolled”, ”Archieved” atau ”Obsolete”?
Jadwal training sop for banks terbaru :
23 sd 24 Januari 2019
13 sd 14 Februari 2019
20 sd 21 Maret 2019
17 sd 18 April 2019
28 sd 29 Mei 2019
25 sd 26 Juni 2019
16 sd 17 Juli 2019
15 sd 16 Agustus 2019
17 sd 18 September 2019
22 sd 23 Oktober 2019
20 sd 21 November 2019
19 sd 20 Desember 2019
Catatan : Jadwal tersebut dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan calon peserta
Biaya dan Lokasi training sop for banks terupdate :
Yogyakarta, Hotel Dafam Malioboro (6.000.000 IDR / participant)
Jakarta, Hotel Amaris Tendean (6.500.000 IDR / participant)
Bandung, Hotel Golden Flower (6.500.000 IDR / participant)
Bali, Hotel Ibis Kuta (7.500.000 IDR / participant)
Lombok, Hotel Jayakarta (7.500.000 IDR / participant)
Catatan : Biaya diatas belum termasuk akomodasi/penginapan.
Investasi training flowchart tidak dimulai dengan ”start” atau ”mulai” murah :
Investasi pelatihan selama dua hari tersebut menyesuaikan dengan jumlah peserta (on call). *Please feel free to contact us.
Apabila perusahaan membutuhkan paket in house training, anggaran investasi pelatihan dapat menyesuaikan dengan anggaran perusahaan.
Fasilitastraining :
FREE Airport pickup service (Gratis Antar jemput Hotel/Bandara)
FREE Akomodasi Peserta ke tempat pelatihan .
Module / Handout training sop dengan dua macam profil pengguna pasti jalan, .
FREE Flashdisk .
Sertifikat training sop for banks terupdate .
FREE Bag or bagpackers (Tas Training) .
Training Kit (Dokumentasi photo, Blocknote, ATK, etc) training flowchart tidak dimulai dengan ”start” atau ”mulai” terbaru .
2xCoffe Break & 1 Lunch, Dinner .
Souvenir .
Nama : Aryo Nugroho
CP : 081296794263
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lokerindonesia · 6 years
Lowongan Kerja Administrasi Trust Consultant
Lowongan Kerja Administrasi Trust Consultant
Trust Konsultan adalah konsultan dan organisasi pelatihan yang mengkhususkan diri dalam solusi sistem manajemen yang mengangkat kinerja organisasi klien. Trust konsultan didukung oleh konsultan yang memiliki pengalman lebih dari 10 tahun di bidang sistem manajemen seperti ISO 9000, ISO 14000 & OHSAS 18001. Trust Consultant juga didukung oleh lembaga sertifikasi dan lembaga…
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