ofspvrta · 1 year
i don't want comfortable. i want passion.
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μ::|| meme: QUOTES TO A LOVER, PART TWO | accepting [ Ξ ]
θ::|| @pentaghest
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There is something about that answer that just tugs her lips into the biggest smirk. Comfort could be found in other places, in a good drink, a warm bed, or in a poem. Passion set her heart on fire and let her feel like she was truly living for something, something teetering on a dangerous precipice of becoming something more. But for now, for now, she was happy with this passion that the Seeker demanded of her. Whether it was the passion of her sword cutting through the throes of enemies, or a shared passion in the Seeker's bed.
Hands reached out and grabbed her by the cuirass pulling her a little closer as she leaned in, their lips dangerously close. "Good, because I'm not a comfortable person to be around."
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afraidofchange · 1 year
01. hand kiss for Shepard!
@pentaghest | smooches.
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"Now, Seeker, to whom do I owe the pleasure?"
A grin splits the Warden's scarred face, from ear to ear; coming to Skyhold seemed like the right choice for the Inquisitor, though it was the Right Hand of the Divine who garnered Alice's attention these past few weeks, a leader in her own right and certainly one who holds her own in the sparring ring.
The way the other woman has sat herself down at this corner of the inn suggests one of two things - exhaustion (which is likely), or frustration (which is also a possibility). Even before Cassandra can respond, Shepard gives a wave to the innkeeper to bring two steins of ale this time around. Her own resurgence from beyond the grave, hearing the calling has brought a confidence unmatched, and so, as a greeting - and perhaps, as influenced by the nearly empty ale in her other hand - she reaches for Cassandra's hand, lifting it by the heft of her calloused palm to press a kiss against her knuckles, gentle as the flittering of a butterfly, but lingering close with such an earnest look from bright, brilliant blue eyes.
"Thank you for joining me. I wasn't sure if you found my note."
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ada1r-arc · 1 year
@pentaghest said ' the past is immutable. '
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" yes, unfortunately. and it always tries to find ways to ruin the future. " this conversation feels very philosophical and she nods along in agreement. the past is fixed, but it can certainly change the present and the future. " sometimes it feels like i'm constantly running from it. but it's always right on my heels. "
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abomines · 1 year
37. — gone
@pentaghest / send a number!
         A LIFETIME AWAY, interrogation. The storyteller and the Seeker. In search of answers. Truth, maybe, all of it muddied in the aftermath, Kirkwall ever a husk. The city fragmented by forces outside of its control, its people be damned. Questions and accusations like trails that lead to the other. Where are they now? What did they do? How could they have done this? The mystery is that there is no mystery at all.
         Here and now, the Anderfels. Dust like you would never believe. In the night, in the dark. Like a spectral horseman, half-real, half-alive, only barely. Galloping on halfheartedly like in the aftermath of it all there is no salvation and there is no hope and only a barely-tethered will to live. How many Sisters? How many templars? How many people seeking guidance, or prayer? How many mothers and how many children? How many more engulfed in fire and flame, and how many more confined to judgment and war and slavery? And what is the difference.
         He would do it again. Willingly take in this spirit and corrupt him. Who did the corrupting--whose voice speaks now? Blue light eroding his skin. Cracks in the earth, molten core, the ground opening up against the will of its natural host. He is slumped over. The horse takes him where he cannot, dry aridity, nearly inhospitable. Or Justice does. Barely lucid, barely alive--the flesh goes on.
         I don't know, Varric says. Gone. The spirit consumes him and he consumes the spirit. The serpent swallowing its own tail.
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stcrforged · 1 year
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@pentaghest asked ❝ you mumble in your sleep. ❞ ( any of ur da muses ! )
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the seeker NEVER stopped to surprise varric, whether it was her stubbornness, raw (and terrifying) strength or her passion for romantic novels. sunkissed hair swayed as head moved from side to side, shaking in disbelief as a grin appeared on lips (as it usually did in moments like THESE). " i'm flattered, really, but i won't reveal the plot for the next book in swords and shields. not sure there even will be a next book. you know, depending on how the sale and such goes. " a lighthearted and warm chuckle sounded in the air. " i would think that you're OBSESSED with me if it weren't for those two times you tried to kill me. "
lost meme / accepting
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pentaghest · 2 years
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I can see through you, we are the same—it's perfectly strange, you run in my veins.
Independent, selective and private Leliana (@divinesleft) and Cassandra Pentaghast (@pentaghest) from the Dragon Age series. 18+ only, coined by Georgia and Mei.
psd credit.
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viintcge · 1 year
i had it under control. you didn't need to do that.
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AN ASSORTMENT OF PROMPTS - accepting // @pentaghest ✧
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     Elyse simply pins the Seeker with a borderline exasperated look - a look that quickly softens into something warmer. Something more grateful. Cassandra was INCREDIBLY able, Elyse had no doubts about that; she was sure the woman would fight the world on her own if she could. But Elyse wasn't about to sit idly by and let her companions do ALL the fighting.
     ❝ We're a team. You don't have to do everything by yourself. ❞
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ofspvrta · 1 year
i like you most with a smile and without clothes.
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μ::|| meme: QUOTES TO A LOVER, PART TWO | accepting [ Ξ ]
θ::|| @pentaghest
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Were they getting a bit more careless about sneaking around and trying to keep the entire affair secret? Maybe. But they were in too deep at this point and it was becoming harder and harder to keep away from each other. There were stolen glances, hands brushing against the other subtly. They longed so much just to be in each other's presence and get lost in one another. Kassandra would always tell herself that she could worry about what this really meant later but later kept being pushed back further and further. Maybe one day she wouldn't be able to put it off any longer and she'd face her feelings that she denied so vehemently. But not today. And certainly not with the Seeker saying things like that in her ear as if she was passing on important information.
And most importantly, she couldn't hide the smile that crept onto her features. "You already got the first part out of me..." Amber eyes glanced around the surprisingly quiet hall in Skyhold. "Now you just have to work on the second part."
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kremisius · 1 year
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Send ✉ for Krem to write your muse a letter - Accepting
Cassandra's letter is found on her desk, propped up against an ornate, leather-bound book with gold accents across the edges. A bottle of Orlesian wine sits next to both items.
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afraidofchange · 1 year
@pentaghest | (x)
T'WAS AN ODD THING TO FIND A NOTE FROM A GREY WARDEN ON HER BUREAU. As much as they had been relevant in the last decade or so, Cassandra found herself in dealings with them few and far in between. The Blight had been over now for some time, and the Wardens retreated to the shadows once more, save for Blackwall, who they had found in a stroke of luck. Where the rest were... the Nightingale did not know just yet. In encountering Alice, Cassandra wondered if she held information they did not know of.
She was not sure what to expect in this meeting, but it was not the butterfly-gentle kiss to her hand, nor the sincerity in Alice's pleasure taken from her company.
"I was scarcely able to miss it, what with it being squarely in the center of my desk," the Seeker responded, her lips twitching upwards in a tentative smile. Rare was it to catch the Nevarran off guard, and here Alice presented herself an exception. The innkeeper set down their ale and the Seeker was quick to take her own tankard.
"Now that I am here, I find myself wondering why a Grey Warden is so intent to speak with me," Cassandra remarked. Dark, stormy eyes met blue ones unflinchingly as she drank from her ale. "Is this how you conduct your business, Shepard? Out of Skyhold and in a tavern?"
  Still with Cassandra’s hand in her own, Shepard allows one more mere moment to pass before releasing it. With elbow leant against the bar, a comfortable smile settles upon her scarred face. 
 “Oh, good. I was afraid you might’ve been too busy for paperwork,” The Warden quips in return, quickly and confidently; even with one ale already in her system, as it were, she seems to be just as sharp as ever. Reaching for the next, she mirrors Cassandra in taking a hearty swig. 
“Well,” Calloused, pale hands link together in her lap, feet crossed in the ankles; out of armor, Shepard has a tall, lean figure, though through the tight and tailored fabric of a woolen shirt, it’s certainly clear she bears the muscles of a lifelong soldier. “Were it a more serious affair, I would certainly conduct my business out of the range of prying eyes and eavesdropping ears, but... is the business of buying a drink for a beautiful, powerful woman inappropriate for a tavern?” 
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redridcr · 1 year
how can things go from bad to worse so quickly? (red!)
@pentaghest is a babe and sent a thing for red - still accepting!!
The Rider and the Lady Seeker sat on different stages at Skyhold. Red was strapped to the saddle and stayed in the stirrups, running messages back and forth between battlements and scout base camps. Cassandra stood strong at the war table, helping the Inquisitor wear the weight of the world and figure out the future of an entire country. It was Charlie Howard who was called into behind the closed doors and mulled over the map with Leliana and Commander Cullen, planning every stride and predicting the exact seconds that the Riders could arrive to a destination.
But regardless of shield or saddle, every person had something in common that brought up a simple understanding between them. Their place was here at the early morning Chantry prayer that took place before even Lelianna's crows cawed at the newborn, burning sun. Cassandra had taken up station on his right side ( Red's blind side ) and he gave a small start, snapping his head towards her so she came into view.
( it wasn't every day that Red was silent and concentrated instead of running his mouth off to a crowd - - - )
" Hell if I know, " Red admitted, not seeming to assume that his cursing in such a sacred place might be a little sacrilegious, " Everyone thinks they have the answer to everything. Me?
Think we're all standing in the same pile of horse shit. "
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bliighted · 2 years
          ❝we missed your sunny disposition at the war table this evening.❞ he leans his frame against the doorway, arms folded over his chest. a quiet laugh echoes around the otherwise silent room, but he takes the silence as his cue to enter further, closing the door behind him. 
          ❝how are you feeling?❞ his voice is lowered, a hand reaches out for her shoulder, before he thinks better of it and returns it to his side. 
           ❝this isn���t easy, cassandra. i just want you to know i’m here, if you ever need to talk about it.❞
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bladewarde · 2 years
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❝ everyone’s gone mad ! ❞ / @pentaghest​
Where Cassandra might find madness, Laera finds quite the opposite. A celebration, if it were to be called that. Another area of the Hinterlands seized and properly under Inquisition control brought out the festivities in a way Laera didn't imagine possible. They were a pious lot, and an odd mismatching of people that came from every walk of life imaginable, but vowing to serve under one whom they called the Herald of Andraste. Funny then, how said Herald was nowhere to be found, but Laera couldn't care less so long as drinks continued to be poured.
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She sits at a makeshift table made from the siding of a barn, propped up on two bales of hay, already working on filling her third cup when Seeker Cassandra comes storming up. ❝ Relax, Cassandra, It'd do you well to lighten up a wee bit, ❞ Her words are punctuated with a hefty swallow, filling her cheeks with sweet ale, before offering her cup to the other. ❝ You're missing out if you decide to stay sober for the entirety of this. I think we well deserve a break for all our 'ard work, don't you? ❞
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ada1r-arc · 1 year
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send 📜for an incorrect quote!
cassandra & lena / @pentaghest
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ofspvrta · 1 year
What was your family like? You have never mentioned them.
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θ::|| @pentaghest
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That was a question she wasn't sure how to answer. She was forced out of Nevarra as a child for an accident. All she wanted was to save her brother from an unjust fate and then killed a holy man in the process. So she was meant to die too, but she didn't. And she ran. A child. As much as she wanted to return she couldn't. Once it was discovered she had survived she was declared exiled. Leaning forward, she rested her arms on her thighs, her expression distant and solemn.
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"I don't have much to say. I hadn't seen them since I was a young girl. My parents were very caring and I had a younger brother, but... I had to leave Nevarra when I was seven." It took so much effort to hide the pain in her voice. "I can't remember much of it."
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stcrforged · 1 year
" i will never forget that she tabbed my book, tried to kill me and dragged me to haven, but i suppose she had her reasons. the seeker thought that i could help, that i knew were hawke was. i'm actually glad that she dragged me halfway across the world. i would never had met the inquisitor or others that i now consider as friends. " a smile tugged at his lips while arms were crossed, resting over his chest. " i know we keep sniping and bickering like an old married couple. " a chuckle escaped the dwarf as he shook his head, but there was something warm in his gaze. fondness. " she is beautiful, but not in your average way. cassandra is sharp and cutting, like a rough diamond. she is strong and could kill me. it seems like i have a thing for women that can kick my ass, so i say smash. "
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