#people also said they killed bandits and heard their wife's dying voice so many times
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Nay: I NEED TO look like a warrior.
Faen: ... why?
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Nay: To impress some warriors of course!
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I started to recognize people's voice. I mean true they all have some same generic dialogue, or maybe I just talk to everyone way too often.
Or maybe I just love Farkas' deep voice.
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Manco Capac was the son of the Sun God Inti and the Moon Goddess Mama Quilla. Manco Cápac himself was worshipped as a fire and a Sun God. Together, the gods lives in the realm known as Hanan Pacha. This realm is where the Incan Gods resided. These gods referred to the Earthly realm as Kay Pacha, and watched over the realm with great interest.
Manco Cápac, along with his brothers and sisters, were sent to the earth by Inti and emerged from the mystical caves of Paqariq Tampu, high above Lake Titicaca in the Andes. Manco carried with him the Tapac-Yauri, a staff of wondrous magical powers, forged by the god of metal Urcaguary and enchanted by Inti himself. They were instructed to create a Temple of the Sun in the spot where the staff sank into the earth. With the staff, they traveled far and wide, facing many indescribable horrors along the way, and uniting with other tribes encountered in their travels. Eventually, the Manco Capac found the spot that would eventually become the Peruvian city of Cuzco, where along with their worshipers, built a temple in honor of their father, the Sun God. Manco Capac married a fellow goddess named Mama Occlo. The city of Cuzco was created, and the Incan Empire was born. The Incan Empire became the largest empire in pre-Columbian America, with the city of Cuzco at its center.
However, there was great unrest between the gods. Ayar Kachi, one of the crueler gods, was feared not only by the Incan people, but by the gods themselves. Manco feared that Ayar's cruelty would cause their empire to fall, so he planned to have his own brother imprisoned. Manco Capac told Ayar Kachi that something important had been left at the caves of  Paqariq Tampu. Once Ayar entered the cave, he was sealed inside. Before he was sealed off forever, Ayar conspired with Supay, ruler of Uku Pacha, the realm of demons and death. Ayar had Supay hide evil demonic huacas (spirit) within mystical ruins. Manco Capac discovered these ruins and hid the away deep under a temple, hoping their evil will never be unleashed to the world. As a countermeasure, Manco sealed the Tapac-Yauri nearby. It was said that if the evils were ever unleashed, one of the descendants of the gods themselves will take the staff, and vanquish the evil.
Many centuries later, in modern times,  Tristán Mendoza was a poor Peruvian farmer. He met a beautiful woman named Lilia and soon they were wed. Tristán and Lilia had tried to have a child for many years, to no avail. One day, while Lilia was tending to the llamas on the farm, she heard the most beautiful music being played. She went to the source of the music and saw a beautiful woman, playing a pan flute. The woman offered her some enchanted fruit, before disappearing into the night. A few nights later, Lilia had discovered she was pregnant, and the Mendoza family were happy. After his beloved wife gave birth to their daughter, Maria Mendoza, they drove back from the hospital in the valley to their home. But before reaching home they were stopped by highway robbers. Tristán refused to give them any money and in the ensuing scuffle Lilia was shot and killed. When the police finally arrived, they asked Tristán for money to track down the bandits, and ended up taking his truck as compensation. Tristán had to walk back to his village on foot, carrying his newborn daughter with him. It was one of the hottest days Tristán had ever experienced. He considered it a miracle he or the child didn't die from the heat that day. ��When Tristán finally returned to his village, he saw the cops and the thieves splitting the profits from his truck . From that day forward, in order to protect his daughter, Tristán resolved never to be a victim again and that like the dirty police, he would have money through whatever means were necessary. In time, he became judge in the small village of Santa Atalaya, and would often be paid off by the criminals of the town.
As the years grew by, Maria Mendoza grew to be the most beautiful woman of Santa Atalaya, being sought out by both men and women. She worked long and hard on her family farm, often looking after the poorer people in her village. She seemed to enjoy working in the sun, often spending most of her days in the outdoors, tending to the farm and the animals. She never seemed too bothered by the heat, almost rarely breaking a sweat. She was a very outspoken woman, very protective of the ancient ruins outside her village. She would often lead protests against those who wish to desecrate or damage the historical landmarks. One particular day,  she was protesting the illegal archeological digs being conducted at the men of the rich, influential crime lord Armando Guitez.
Guitez's excavations had an even more sinister goal than selling off Peruvian history on the black market. There were ancient mystical secrets hidden in the ruins and according to legend, the Incan sun god Manco Capac had buried great powerful evils under the city to imprison them. Guitez hoped to find magical powers in the ruins to use for his own personal gain. Guitez's quest for mystical power was making him aggressive and irritable, even by crime lord standards.
Maria sneaks onto the excavation site, where she finds an archeologist named Esteban, who was instantly attracted to Maria.  Esteban claimed he was attempting to keep Guitez honest by trying to preserve as much as the site as they can. The two are eventually chased away from the site by an unseen force.
Maria arrives at the courthouse and scolds her father for letting Guitez get away with so much crime. Shortly afterwards, Guitez arrives at the courthouse and begins to flirt with Maria, much to her disgust. She gets away from him, but Guitez vows to make Maria his.
While at the courthouse, Maria overhears farmers telling her Judge Mendoza about monsters attacking their land, and that Guitez had ordered the police not to intervene. The farmers beg for Judge Mendoza to help, only for Guitez to order the police to beat the farmers in the courthouse. One farmer escapes to the front of the courthouse and commits suicide in terror. This action finally prompts Judge Mendoza to speak out against Guitez. Guitez responds by ordering the police to drag the judge away to the Guitez estate. Maria witnesses this and attempts to follow them, with the help of Esteban, who uses his status as an archeologist hired by Guitez Industries to get onto the property. Maria splits off from Esteban, where she witnesses Guitez murder another farmer in front of Judge Mendoza in an attempt to get him to fall into line. Judge Mendoza, finally tired of all the horrible things he let Guitez get away with, refuses to follow the man's orders. Guitez responds by shooting the man in the face. Witnessing the death of her father, Maria runs to him and holds his dying body in her arms, giving her hiding position away to Guitez and the others. Guitez demands Maria be his wife, and Maria responds by striking the crime lord in the face and groin and attempted to run away. Unfortunately for her, she was quickly captured. Guitez once again asked for Maria to be his wife, to which Maria responded by spitting in Guitez' face. Guitez had his men beat Maria, stripped her clothes off, and have her chained up in a hot sweatbox for torture.  He hoped Maria would suffer humiliation, dehydration and heat exhaustion, and hopefully force her to agree to become his wife. By some miracle, Maria seemed mostly unbothered by the torture, something that confused the henchmen who watched over her.
Days later, she was rescued and freed from her cage by Esteban, and after a quick change of clothing, the two fled towards the ruins together. There, they found the ancient mystical ruins Guitez was searching for. Esteban explained he learned of the dangerous, powerful nature of the ruins and had two of the ruins shipped to America so the crime lord couldn't get to them. Esteban revealed he had recently found a third one and held it in his hand. In that moment, Guitez caught up with the pair and shot Esteban, shattering the mystical rune he was holding in the process, causing Guitez to gain the mystical powers of dark spirits within. He transformed into a monster and smashed another nearby ruin, also gaining its power. He vowed to head to America to find the rest of the ruins in order to gain ultimate power.
Meanwhile, Maria was drawn to a light in the mystical ruins and found Tapac-Yauri, the staff of Manco Capac, and turned Maria into the demi-goddess Maravilla. She hears the voices of the Incan gods, who instantly teach her how to use her abilities.
She chased Guitez to Los Angeles, where she found his crashed airplane near the Hollywood sign. The ensuing battle was witnessed by William Willard and the staff of the tabloid magazine The National Exposer.  They fought all over Los Angeles, eventually finding themselves at the Church of Eternal Empowerment. She eventually impaled the demonically powered villain on a spike on the top of a temple before summoning lightning to incinerate him.
Adapting to her new surrounding with her trademark courage and resourcefulness, Maria quickly became a reporter at L.A.'s tabloid the National Exposer . Her exceptional beauty made it rather easy to be hired by editor William Willard, who was earlier saved by Maravilla.
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captain039 · 6 years
blessing or curse
Vilkas from Skyrim x reader
Summary: Going to visit your sister Ria turned out more than interesting.
Warnings: M for mature idk
  Walking to Whiterun was no easy task it took about three days from her small home in the mountains she was going to visit her sister Ria. Walking into the city she felt odd for some reason this was were she grew up but, yet her parents did not approve of her, so she left. They still lived in Whiterun probably in dragonsreach. She walked to Jorrvaskr going up the steps seeing sky forge still burning brightly.
You walked through the doors everyone turning to you as Ria appeared around the corner you smiled at your sister as she came running to you embracing.
“Its been to long sister” She said you nodded a sad smile on your face.
“I came as soon as I could, but I ran into a few bandits along the way” You grumbled as you sister laughed patting your shoulder.
“Come meet everyone” She said you walked behind her shyly spotting a young man sitting in the corner watching you suspiciously.
“This Aela she’s a great hunter, the two brothers Farkas and Vilkas, Kodlak he’s like the boss here we have Skjor he’s a little grumpy all the time and then we have Vignar, Torvar, Athis and Njada she’s well she’s mean let’s just say” You nodded taking in everyone as you followed your sister to her room.
“You can sleep here while you stay toilets are outside just by this wall and yeah” She said smiling you nodded she was happy here.
“How’s mother and father?” You asked nervously.
“They’re well I suppose they live with the jarl now” She said you nodded they obviously didn’t pay any mind to Ria either.
“Ria who is this stranger you have bought into our house?” You turned around to see the famous man Kodlak.
“This is my sister Y/n” Ria said as you bowed your head in a respectful manner.
“New blood or not joining?” He asked you wondered maybe you could join you loved to hunt.
“Sister?” Ria asked.
“New blood” You said and Kodlak smiled.
“Excellent well see what you’ve got lass” He said walked off you turned to your sister who smiled giving you a hug.
So, there you stayed with the companions you showed your strength to them and Kodlak let you in willingly. Your sister was happy that was all that matter though something didn’t fell right here.
Joining the circle, you didn’t expect to be brought out one night with Skjor into an underground area. You stopped though wide eyed seeing a werewolf in front of you.
“Its ok this is Aela we have been blessed with this gift” Skjor said.
“And now to join us you must be one of us on the inside” He added you gulped a little walking forward as he sliced Aelas hand as blood filled the pot.
“Drink” He said you looked down at the blood your reflection turning into a wolf as you looked away for your sister. You drank, and power flowed through your veins as you fell to your knees your eyes going yellow as you groaned as the transformation began. As the pain passed you panted growling lowly as everything became enhanced hearing, scent everything.
“Go for a hunt it will help” Aela said and you ran out the secret tunnel out into Skyrim looking for prey. Vilkas heard the growling and smelt something new in the air unable to control his beast he changed going for a hunt as well. You were racing around after a deer striking it down as you feasted when you perked up hearing someone approach you growled lowly in your throat showing your teeth telling them to back off, but the smell was familiar, Vilkas.
“Vilkas” You said your voice huskier he growled at you coming up along side you his beast was larger then yours.
“Why did you do it?” He asked you frowned why did he care?
“For my sister” You said sighing.
“This isn’t a blessing this is a curse” He said, and you nodded.
“Then why?” He asked.
“I don’t know” You growled your temper not under your control. His scent though smelt rather inviting and you didn’t know why was it because maybe he was an alpha? You didn’t care you snapped your head though to the sound of voices when their scent floated in and you growled like a true predator.
“Don’t do something you’ll regret” You couldn’t hear him the smell to strong it was intoxicating you ran full speed Vilkas chasing after you as you strike down the bandit but there were way more then you expected they beat you down as you growled slashing away soon Vilkas had them all on the ground as you limped away slowly healing.
“You idiot!” He growled as you whimpered bowing your head his voice booming in your head making him frown.
“What are you doing?” He asked your head was still bowed as you peered up at him gaining reality again you frowned getting on your feet frowning as you ran away from him leaving him.
You woke up in the woods somewhere you groaned your muscles hurt, where were your clothes? You looked around seeing Whiterun not far ahead.
You walked back to the companions your sister looking at you with a worried look you assured her you were fine saying you wanted the night out saying the move was all a bit too much. You tensed his smell hitting you like a gust of wind as you turned around his face wasn’t too pleased.
“Come with me now we have things to discuss” he said, and you nodded quickly leaving Ria confused. He brought you to the under forge where you waited a lecture.
“What the hell were you thinking running away like that you do realise we are monsters and you could’ve been killed” You only listened nervous of him.
“Why to the gods why did Kodlak let you in you aren’t fit for this” He sighed leaning against the rock.
“Then what am I fit for?” You asked putting your hands on your waist.
“I don’t know being a wife opening up a store not this” He said you scoffed.
“And you?” You asked he frowned.
“How about you go open up a damn shop huh go find a pretty woman to tell your troubles on the daily” You growled at his face he was surprised by your sudden outburst when suddenly someone walked in, you stepped away from him realising how close you were.
“Am I interrupting something?” Kodlak asked.
“Just finished” You glared at Vilkas before leaving. Kodlak wanted to be cured he only spoke to you about it because you understood him you went to a small cave finding witches in there killing them out of anger for Vilkas. You sat against the rock the witches head in your hand as you sighed the beast made you stronger and angrier.
Going back to Whiterun you frowned seeing the silver hand around dead.
“Where were you?” Aela asked annoyed.
“I was doing Kodlaks bidding” You said holding up a head she sighed.
“The old mans dead” You froze, dead?
Attending the funeral was harder then you thought he was like the father you never had. You watched his body burn as anger burned inside of you as you stormed off you were going to give him one more chance at being free even in death.
Heading to the site of Ysgramor you walked in bow in hand as you walked through the tombs of the great companions. Disturbing the dead wasn’t the best idea but they came, and you fought gaining a few scratches but nothing you couldn’t handle. Finding the old man by a blue flame you withdrew your weapon walking to his ghost.
“Kodlak?” You asked he smiled.
“Ah my dear Y/n” He said his hand cupping your cheek even though you felt nothing.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there” You said a stray tear down your face.
“My child does not be upset I only ask of one favour though” He said.
“Anything” You said.
“The witches head place it on the fire” You did so as his ghost form began to glow red and a large wolf jumped out of it. You defeated the beast as he smiled.
“I feel it I’m free thank you my dear I know you are strong both in mind and heart you will lead these companions for many years child believe in yourself.” He smiled as you smiled back as his figure become nothing but thin air. You sighed sitting against the steps you could’ve saved him and now he made you leader?
“You cured him” You grabbed your bow pointing it at the voice seeing Vilkas as you sighed, you’ve been trying to avoid him.
“He had one dying wish I needed to do something” You said Vilkas nodded as he sat down by you.
“Look I wanted to apologise for the way I’ve been acting you are so much more then a house wife trusts me I should know you gave me a beating before” He chuckled as you smiled a small blush on your cheeks. Truth be told you had feelings for Vilkas, but you thought he hated you to the gut.
“Seems fate brought you to me” He whispered suddenly as you looked at him.
“Kodlak told stories of the olden werewolf’s packs way before he was born he said those two who deny each other only grow closer” He said you frowned.
“He also said about two wolves sharing a bond one can find the other even if there on the other side of the world” He added you listened still not sure though.
“Kodlak was like a second father to me” You whispered and Vilkas hummed in response.
“You two don’t see it” You jumped at the sound of Kodlaks voice as he chuckled.
“Your back again?” You questioned.
“Ever since you arrived my dear this one couldn’t keep his eyes off you always making sure you were ok even on your first hunt when he went out it was then I knew that the legends of old were true” You frowned seeing Vilkas embarrassed.
“Soulmates in the beast world are very rare but once you find one you cannot let go or ignore it their scent, their voice everything you will always come back to them” He added, and you froze Vilkas and you?
“You mean?” you didn’t finish as Kodlak nodded smiling before disappearing again.
“Damn man” Vilkas mumbled as you giggled quietly.
“Is it true though?” You asked he nodded as you felt your cheeks heating up and your heart racing.
“I thought you hated me” You said a sad smile on your face as he looked at you confused.
“Y/n I could never hate a woman like you” He whispered as you turned to him his face was sincere.
“I pushed you away because I don’t like letting people in they always get hurt” He sighed.
“Am I hurt?” You asked he shook his head.
“Exactly” He sighed smiling.
“You were always stubborn” He said, and you smirked.
“and you were always shy” He scoffed.
“I am not shy” He said as you shuffled closer to him getting in his personal space as his breath hitched.
“See?” You whispered as he growled grabbing your head and bringing you in for a kiss. The bond between those with curses or blessings shall not be broken.
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