#people are too used to shonen mc always ending up the strongest of the universe that they can conceive of nothing else
cursedvibes · 1 year
Guys, please, Yuuji does not need a God-like power-up to defeat Sukuna. Why do you think the other characters are there? Clearly just sending one strong dude out there shooting energy blasts around isn't working. Not to mention that it would ruin their entire dynamic. Yuuji is weak, much weaker than Sukuna and Sukuna hates the sight of him. Him getting defeated by someone strong like Gojo would never force him to reconsider his views. He'd just think that he made some mistakes and that person that he already considered relatively strong ended up besting him. It's entirely different when he gets overwhelmed by someone weak like Yuuji. Yuuji has already managed to suppress him despite being no more than an insect in Sukuna's eyes. An insect that just won't stop struggling and he's still seething over that. Yuuji has to make him choke on the weakness that caused him so much suffering or Sukuna's defeat/death will be meaningless. He will be out of the way, another threat taken care of, but his character would not be complete.
Yuuji is the only one who knows how to get under his skin. Quite literally (soul abilities). He has learned during the time skip and he has gained some new skills through the Death Paintings, he might also utilize the last finger. He will however not suddenly be Yuuta 2.0. That's just not the kind of character he is and not what this fight is about (thankfully). We already had two fights revolving around strength, what's between Yuuji and Sukuna is more than a mere test of power.
he's taking after his mom, Kenjaku defeated Gojo without throwing a single punch
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ladycibia · 5 years
Hogwarts Mystery Asks
So yeah, I’m going to answer the ones I’ve got in one, single post so I won’t bother anyone with my constant spamming ahahah it’s a long post though...I don’t know what’s the worst shut up cibia
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2. How did you come up with your MC and Jacob’s backstory (family, where they’re from, their relationship with each other, etc.)?
This is a tricky question (and it’s only the first one, hurray!) because I don’t know if I actually did that AHAHAH- well, they are my OCs, but only up to one point; they belong to an already-established fictional universe and so I personally like to connect those few, canon information we know about them to my own personal ideas! And those usually come at random :’) and change pretty often AHAHAH I’m a mess. For example, some months ago I turned their father (who died…for now?? I DUNNO) into an Arithmancer given Silaxiv’s name’s connection to numbers!
3. How did you come up with your version of Jacob?
My MC started off as a self-insert and so I took inspiration from my own older brother (for his physical traits at least - pale skin, black hair, blue eyes). At the beginning of the game we didn’t know almost anything about him (we still don’t…but that’s ok), but I’ve always liked the idea of Jacob being a sort of Ulysses from Dante’s Divine Comedy (extra points if he’s a Ravenclaw, like mine!) :)
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4. How does your MC cope with everything they’ve endured with Jacob, R, and the Vaults?
Uh, I love this question. Well, the thing with Xiv is- she’s very unpredictable and you can’t read her that easily. She suffers from the “shonen hero syndrome” and she’s usually very optimistic and happy-go-lucky, but those events did affect her. Her best way to cope with everything that happened so far is to keep herself busy with various activities (first of all, the duelling club – she also used to be its vice-president, but she had to give up her position during Year Five :( that was part of her punishment, sigh), but sometimes, she would just lock herself somewhere in the castle (Jacob’s room or the Owlery hi Talbott) and think and be a little sad for a while (also, the fact that people call her crazy, psycho, ecc. doesn’t really help). However, she also puts other people’s happiness before her own and so, even if she’s starting to have doubts whether this adventure will have a happy ending or not (remember: she’s also very naïve and she trusts people too easily), she’d keep that to herself. For example, she would never express her sadness over Jacob’s disappearance with her mother; she’d rather act as the ‘strongest one’, giving her mother all the support and reassurance she needs. “Don’t worry, everything will be alright. Trust me.”, she’d say, smiling.
8. Does your MC have any sentimental items? | 9. Does your Jacob have any sentimental items?
I’m putting these two questions together because the answer is basically the same! Yes, they both have a sentimental item, and that’s their “XIV” pin. As I’ve already said, their father was an Arithmancer and he was obsessed with the number 14 (he’s the one who decided Silaxiv’s name, much to his wife’s disappointment. She wanted to call her Rachel :’)) and he gave them both one as a gift. A silver one for Jacob and a golden one for Xiv.
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5. How does your Jacob cope with Duncan’s death?
I’ve still have so many doubts regarding Jacob and I still wonder what to do with him (help me, game) BUT even if my Jacob is a manipulative, sassy bastard, he’s not 100% evil (yet). He was extremely curious and he had an insatiable thirst for knowledge (as I’ve said, Dante’s Ulysses – with magic) to a point that he actually betrayed his friends. However, I think Duncan’s death (and Olivia – was that her name? – too? Maybe? What happened to her?) made him realize his mistakes and R’s true nature. He’d claim the contrary, but, deep inside, he regrets for what he did. Too bad it’s too late now…
17. Which Marauder is your MC most like?
Mmmmmm…sorry, no one. I mean, you could say Sirius or James, but that wouldn’t be correct. Sure, Xiv is confident and determined, but not in an arrogant way; she would never go bragging about her adventures in the search of the Cursed Vaults or about her duelling skills and she would never, never bully or make fun of anybody. She can be pretty direct sometimes (“HEY GREY LADY HOW’S THE BARON”), but there’s no malice in her actions or words. Her determination comes from the desire of improving herself and her own abilities: she’s competitive, but in a very healthy way (as I’ve already said, shonen hero syndrome, ahah!) Also, she finds no fun in the act of rule breaking itself, she doesn’t get pranks or jokes and she treats the school staff with respect (in a very cheerful way, but still- she respects them. All of them!)
21. Something your MC and Jacob like to tease each other about and use to embarrass each other?
Well…Xiv’s smart, but she’s also way too oblivious and naïve and she probably wouldn’t even realize she’s been teased (besides messing up her name, but you don’t want to do that), ahah…(she gave first-years Merula a hard time with this kind of attitude). She gets a bit shy around Barnaby, but she’s usually never embarrassed (and she does have a big crush on Lockhart – which she doesn’t hide,so). Jacob’s another story. :’) big guy’s a bit touchy AND A SORE LOSER. Xiv always managed to beat him in every game they played (and she’s always been much stronger than him, ever since she was a little kid) and that was unacceptable. Considering he acts big and tough like he’s the most perfect individual in the whole world and then he gets crushed at Uno by his little sister.
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(thank you!) 1. How did you come up with you MC’s name?
Oh dear, I’ll try my best not to get all nostalgic :’) alright, as I’ve already said, Xiv started out as a self-insert, but I never use my real name and I usually go for Cibia or (less often) Silaxiv. You see, I used to be a HUGE Kingdom Hearts fan when I was younger, to a point that I had proclaimed myself as the fourteenth member of Organization XIII (long before KH 358/2 Days came out, ahah). If you’re not familiar with the saga, the Organization comprises beings called “Nobodies” and each member’s name is an anagram of their original name, with the letter “X” added to it. My name is Silvia, and so I came up with Silaxiv, which is even cooler because it has the 14 roman numeral incorporated in it ~ I thought it suited MC best ^^ As for the last name, it has nothing to do with Lily Evans, despite the red hair I picked it at random and that was my first result and being myself a Luke Evans fan I was like ALL RIGHT ALL ABOARD.
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14. What is your MC’s fashion style? | 15. What is your Jacob’s fashion style?
Despite Xiv’s passion for duelling, scary magical creatures and cursed vaults, she’s no tomboy; she loves skirts, cute dresses & accessories and pink, light blue and pastel colours in general! If wizards knew how to use internet, she’d probably google “cute kawaii outfit”. As for Jacob, he would usually opt for a simple, yet elegant, style! He could have been your handsome, young professor, but it had to f*ck everything up :(
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