#people can say lukagami is a cliche ship but at least it's healthier
aliesawaheeda · 1 year
Why do you ship lukagami
I really like both of the characters heck they're still my top favorite character despite I don't enjoy watching Miraculous anymore. I always have been quite positive about them since they were first announced (I've been in this fandom since 2016) even welcoming the upcoming rival ships from those two as much to the dismay of other fans at the time.
I didn't think to ship them although I reblog a few awesome Lukagami fanart available as I really like the two characters so much. Here's the first Lukagami fanart I reblog. I began shipping those two together when Frozer came. Sure that episode didn't have them interact with each other at all (holy crap I can't believe we had to wait for 4 years to have them actually talk to each other in season 5 which is unbelievable :/ ) but them being good ice skaters really started up my shipping brain and realizing the appeal of this ship especially when this post simply points out the contrasting personality between the two, I was on board. On top a few fanarts of the two especially this from the same artist of my first reblog and this!
Honestly, I don't think I would be super into this ship if it weren't for these two artists, @/15megapixels and at Instagram lilbeanie.artz / smol_bee.doodles that had created many contents for this rare pair especially the former. Here's my favorite art from 15megapixels (a picture of only their hand linking each other is quite touching for me which reminds me of that popular ladynoir hand holdings fanart and the caption related to S4 Truth and Lies) while this comic from lilbeanie.artz is my fav overall because I like it revolved around "second chance" which is one of the few things that specific phrase connects to both characters. The artist also created a Lukagami Bad Little Boy animatic which is awesome to see and should be checked out.
I began doing more Lukagami fanart of my own (unfortunately you can't find it here as I had deleted my old art account and restarted a new one due to the blog for some reason getting shadow banned) until 2020 when my interest shifts to another fandom. Not as great as the previous two artists because I'm quite a rookie in drawing but still it does inspire me to make content of my ships. Hence why I do have such fondness for this pair. They had been the first ship that fuels and explore my creativity which I didn't realize until my late teens.
I'm not going to list out the reason and appeals for this ship as this post is already too long but most of the posts I've seen listing out the reasons, I most likely agree with their points, and makes much more sense in my personal opinion than the canon ship they went for Kagami. I hope if there's a reboot for this show, the future writers see this ship's potential.
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