#people demanding Sophie's mind get broken that she get sent into exile that she get banished that all these bad things happen to her and
"We've heard your many cries for various punishments for the child you see before you--- and I can assure you, we considered each one at great length. It's an extremely complicated issue. On the one hand, many of the actions that have angered you were things that Sophie didn't necessarily choose. Others---while wrong---were largely the result of a lack of experience. We all must remember, Sophie Foster is not normal." Sophie closed her eyes as the words rattled around her mind. She knew they were true. Yet somehow that made them hurt more. "This child---through no fault of her own---has been given abilities she neither understands nor is able to control. Pair that with a lack of education and experience in our laws, and we have the perfect formula for disaster. But do we blame the out of control cart for crashing? Or do we blame the driver?"
--- Everblaze, by Shannon Messenger. Page 482.
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