#do i need to talk about why this is fricked up? i think i want to
Can you believe it?
Can you fucking believe it?
As most of you know, I'm working for LifeCorp, and you won't believe what they just did to me! I'm pissed!
My job is, apparently, becoming 'obsolete' with the whole AI thing bla bla bla. But! Of course, they don't want to fire me. Instead, they're offering me alternative positions. So far so good, right? But do you know which positions they offered me?
- Security Guard
- Janitor
- Escort
Not that bad, right? I mean I don't have the skillset for any of those, but that is apparently no problem, because these jobs come with a fucking mandatory life change if I take them?
Apparently, my usual charming self is not enough:
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What kind of bullshit is this? Normal companies ask you to move if you want to keep your job, LifeCorp requires you take on a whole new body, just to keep working for them.
You think that's outrageous? It gets better. Apparently, none of those jobs is suitable for a woman. I can be a male security guard, a male janitor or a male escort. And when I complained about it, they just said that for security guard and janitor, a strong body is a requirement, and they have enough female escorts already. What a bunch of assholes! There's absolutely no way I'm gonna take one of those jobs.
Love, Tracy
Have you seen LifeCorp's newest shit post? The valentine's day special? The audacity!
Stacy and Zara are now fricking men? No doubt they have been bullied to make that change. You know what this company has? A fucking frat-boy attitude. More and more people are becoming guys, "BeCaUsE tHeY wAnT tO". Bullshit. It's clear to me that the upper management wants to see more dick in their company. Probably a cocksucker like Stacy and Zara have become. I'll talk to them first chance tomorrow.
Oh, and Matthew? Why would anyone want to become a Latino?!
Love, Tracy
Okay, I talked to Stacy and Zara (No, I won't call them "Steel and Zacharias", these are still women!). They were all "Oh, we're so much happier now" and "We're finally being our true selves" and "You should do the same, really."
It's a fucking brainwash. I mean, they haven't been right in their mind to begin with (they had the delusion of being a couple - ha! Couples are one man and one woman, nothing else!), but it's becoming veeery clear to me that they have been forced and brainwashed. And I will find proof for that!
Love, Tracy
18.02.2024 - 2
Okay, I'm fuming now. I told my boyfriend about that whole job situation. And you know what he said? You know what he fucking said?
"Ok. Do whatever makes you happy."
He just said "Ok" and was all cool about it! He even had the audacity to tell me that they didn't force me to do anything and that I could just find a new job if I didn't want any of that bodies.
But the best part is still to come. He said, and I quote, "Just make sure to ask them to make me gay if you take any of those jobs, so we can still be together." I mean... wow. That's a reason for a breakup just there. He's a fricking man, or at least that's what I thought up until now. The thought of becoming gay should have been something that made him sick!
But, oh no. He's fine with it. Disgusting! I need to re-think this relationship.
Love, Tracy
I have a plan!
I'm going to accept one of LifeCorps offers. No, hear me out. I'm gonna accept - and then I'll sue them. Discrimination, kidnapping, something like that. I'm gonna be rich. Oh, and about my boyfriend? He's gonna have it his way. I'll make sure they make him the fag he begs to be and then break up with him. This'll teach him. Good thing he doesn't read this feed.
I'm just too clever for this world. Take that, LifeCorp!
Gonna take the janitor, though. With all their fake diversity and stuff, the guard and escort probably aren't even white.
Love, Tracy
I just got a letter congratulating me on my choice and that they are happy to keep me as an employee. Ha. If these losers knew.
Love, Tracy
Holy shit! How do you guys even walk with that thing?
Needless to say, I got my new body. Here's what I look like now:
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Apparently, they meant it well with me, cause my new dick is just... enormous. And they gave me some huge balls to match it, too.
The muscles aren't all that bad, either - I just feel big and powerful all around. The hair will take some getting used to, but it's not for long, after all. After I sue them, I'll demand my original body back.
I do have to admit, I'm feeling good, though. So much more powerful, but calm and happy at the same time. I wonder if this is a guy thing or a me thing? Is that how my boyfriend feels all the time?
Oh, gosh. My boyfriend. He's probably gay already, so I should break up with...
But that would be really mean. Also, thinking about him just made my new member react. It's kinda straining my underwear now. These things really do have a mind of their own, right?
What was I writing about? Yes, my boyfriend. Why did I want to break up with him? I mean, he's just cute like a button, right? I just realize what a gigantic asshole I was, planning to break up with him. I'll have to apologize. Or, even better, I'll apologize by showing show him this huge package I got. That's what he wanted, right?
I should really go. Don't want to keep him waiting.
You know what? I think I'll try out this new life before I make any more rushed decision. So far, I enjoy being a dude a lot and I'm actually looking forward to my new job. And my new-old boyfriend. And they didn't even force me to do anything. Perhaps I should ask them to adjust my ethnicity later on, though - I feel a bit more adventurous now. Also, I think I'll go by Trace now. It's an unusual name, but I like it.
Sorry for being such an ass before. Well, speaking of ass - off to get some.
- Trace
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The goon throws a punch at Red Robin but he dodges. Spoiler grabs his fist and punches him back.
The goon shakes his head startled, but when he sees Spoiler he grimaces.
Goon: Um, can the guy come back?
Spoiler: What why?
Goon: You seem to be a female and I don’t hit females.
Spoiler and RR, both stunned: What?
Goon: I dare not want to hit a female. It's a known fact that you are far too delicate to fight. I could seriously injure her
Spoiler, laughing: Freaking what?!
Red Robin: She caught your fist and then punched you back.
Goon: Merely caught me off guard. To be honest she shouldn’t even be out here. Females should be at home, maybe getting ready for a date, cooking a meal or reading a good romance book.
Spoiler rolls up her sleeves as Red Robin eyes her warily.
Red Robin: Hey man, maybe it’s best you give her shot.
Spoiler: Nah, nah, nah let him cook. You don’t need to help me. In fact, keep talking sir. I want to hear it.
Spoiler taps her comm in her ear so the entire batfamily could hear the conversation.
Spoiler: What were you saying about females? We should know our place, correct?
Goon: Yes, you’re getting it. Females aren’t fighters. Think about how a strong man, like me, can do serious damage to your soft features.
Red Robin: Why do you keep saying female and why like that?
Goon: That's what they are. I am simply respecting females. Traditional females.
Spoiler: Traditional?
Red Robin: Why do you speak like a pervert. We were only going to take you in because you're stealing car radios... why are you talking like this?
Goon: Classic beta male. Is this scrawny loser making you fight, ma'am?
Red Robin looks at his body.
Red Robin: Scrawny? This is just how my body is.
Goon: Oh sure, you probably can't even lift. So you make your girlfriend fight your battles for you? Shameful.
Spoiler & Red Robin: Girlfriend?!
Barbara cackles hearing the conversation through the communication device. Many of the batkids are heard laughing along with her.
Spoiler: He is my brother!
Goon: He's a beta who makes his sister fight? Dude you are gross.
Red Robin: She was raised by a c-tier villain, no offense Spoiler.
Spoiler: Frick my dad, you're cool. He's not wrong, I'm pretty sure I have warrants in three countries.
Goon: You poor thing and now this beta-
Goon: Silence. My lady leave us, I will take care of this beta for you. You run home, maybe find a better man, probably me, who can treat you like a possible wife. I would say lose that muscle though. Very off putting.
Red Robin: You shut your mouth!
Spoiler: Bro, let him continue. He’s almost there.
Spoiler crackles her knuckles. Red Robin shrugs and crosses his arms.
Goon: He continues to talk and uses this female as a tool. I would have you cook and clean, teach you how to be a proper woman. Learn today where your place is. Okay, darling?
Cass and Jason covered their mouths as they listened in.
Nightwing chuckled knowing what was about to happen.
Barbara had popcorn at the ready.
Even Batman listens in and stifles his laughter.
Batman: Oh he's dead.
Back with Red Robin and Spoiler, they look at each other then at the goon.
RR waves his hand for Spoiler to take the first strike. She nods and spin kicks the man.
He staggers on his feet just as Red Robin punches him in the jaw sending him to the ground dazed but conscious.
Spoiler: How’s that for not strong enough, prick?
Spoiler kicks the goon in the stomach.
Red Robin: And you don’t judge us when you were stealing from peoples cars!
Red Robin and Spoiler continue to beat up the goon as their family listens in. Barbara chuckles as she messages Batman on his communication device.
Barbara: Need me to tell them to stop?
Batman (stifling his laughter): Give them another minute.
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luckykiwiii101 · 9 months
The Blair Bitch Project
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And who am I? That’s one secret I’ll never tell. You know you love me. XoXo - Gossip Girl 💋 💌
Welcome back, Upper East Siders.
Call me superstitious, but I’ve got a feeling this winter could be your last season on this app. Let’s face it, I’ve been at this a long time. But age breeds wisdom. And this I know: the best is yet to come.
From all around the world our favourite Upper east siders are asking the same question. “How do i get what i want?!”
“Why can’t I have it?!?! ughhh this isn’t fair!!!”
Well, call me crazy, but bitching about it, won’t get you to your final destination. Only if you use it the right way………
Think fast B, bitch about it? or BITCH about it?
Yes, I’m talking about the Blair BITCH Project.
Since the Blair Witch Project is SO LAST SEASON, I’ve got something new to bring to the table. And no, it’s not a 5 star meal, it’s much sweeter, or should i say sour.
No one said being a Bitch would be easy.
Well……I could make an exception if your name is Georgina Sparks or Serena Van Der Woodsen. But the Bitchiest Bitch of all Bitches Is our Queen B, Blair Waldorf. It’s the season to put on your louboutons and do what you do best, Bitch about it.
They say history repeats itself. But looks like B is charting a brand new course to success. Who knew being such a B-word would get you so far? Gotta take a few notes from Queen B herself.
As Blair said “You can’t make people love you but you can make them fear you.”
Yes i’m talking about those pesky little negative assumptions you hold in that thick little head of yours. Holding on to the seats on the limousine like Blair and Chuck. Speaking of Chuck, let’s Chuck those assumptions away, far far away.
“How am I going to do that?”
Just be yourse-
Oops. The inner Georgina jumped out just there. I was going to say be a bitch, but I guess there’s no difference……… (Just kidding……or am I? XoXo. Nothing Gossip Girl loves more than a little mystery).
It’s B’s party, and she’ll cry if she wants to. Everytime you open this app, you will bitch about how easy it is for you to enter the void state and how you always wake up in it. It’s your choice really. Vaunt about it in your posts, or the replies to any void related post you see. Bitch about it randomly in your mind everytime the void state comes to mind. Shouldn’t be difficult for a Stage 5 Bitch.
Careful ladies and gents. It’s easy to fall into the valley of overconsumption. Maybe you’ll even come across a faux bitch claiming to own a Chanel purse, but when they’ve been caught red handed, you may even start to think that you can’t have a Chanel purse. How tragic.
Fuel that energy into full bitch mode and vaunt your anger/frustration/sadness/irritation into bitching all about it, and replacing those ugly assumptions with prettier ones. They need a serious MAKEOVER! Ew.
SPOTTED: B taking what seemed like a innocent little stroll down central park, but we all know everything B does is NEVER innocent. She’s been caught RED handed, drowning her two-faced wannabes (negative assumptions) in a lake in central park, after crying them a river (vaunting) and drowning them in it. A classic Blair Bitch move. I like it.
Wait……? Can you hear that? It’s B. She’s at it again. OH EM GEE! Cover your ears. It’s a full blown bitch attack!!!!
Negative Assumption:
“No you can’t hahahah ur so ba-.”
Careful ladies and gents. B might be the Big Bad Wolf in designer clothing.
Don’t become a bitch in the process……Or do, I don’t care. I see you. XoXo.
Still reading an American Horror Story? Close that damned book and open a new one. Just make sure it’s not the sequel. We don’t need a repeat of past……events.
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womanpl3aser · 4 months
everybody knows that i am a good girl officer | | Po.f!abby x fem!reader
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mndi!!, 18+, you'll find the rest while you're reading;) also usage of y/n 2 or 3 times.
wc: 1,4k
Enjoy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It all started as a normal Tuesday, for you and all the people around the market that were in. Everybody seemed to be shopping, chit chatting, gossiping, laughing at something you couldnt quite catch buuuuut there you were, looking around for the last ingredient you needed for the dinner you'd be making later tonight.
You thought to urself "where the fuck could they put some fucking sauce." you sighed in defeat and went to a nearby woman who worked there and asked her "excuse me ma'am do you know where's that sauce that had a swan outside its can?" "it's at section 2, you should find it mixed with the poultry" she'd answer to you bitting on some donut walking off?? like excuse me miss you're there to help the customers. what a bitch you thought to urself, "thank you!'' you exclaimed with some sarcasm at the end. You were sure she didn't hear it, "okay now who the fuck puts some sauce mixed with these poultry shits" you said under your breathe cause god damn. Your shopping didn't even take 10 minutes and last time you checked your phone it was 11:36 and now it was 11:59.
Fuck you muttered to yourself. After searching for that fricking sauce you finally found it. You immediately grabbed it and threw it into your cart and rushed to pay. you were waiting in line until..
a woman barged in the market yelling while wearing no sandals or whatsoever shoes u guessed and looked.. off. Nobody commented on that neither her appearance just had some judgemental stares. You also brushed it off cause it was literally none of your business nonetheless just as you were about to pay with cash, a worker who curiously walked past her saw her holding a revolver?.. at least that's what you heard with all the panic breaking out in mere seconds.
EVERYBODY GET OUT OF THE STORE! ooh shit. the popo squad must've been called or they just tracked her you thought as you were rushing to get out of the store with your groceries(probably half of them). An officer yelled while charging at the woman aiming at her weapon. Another officer escorted the other officer who had managed to tackle the threat down and kick off the gun of the woman's hands. GET ON YOUR KNEES NOW. the woman said after punching her back for resisting her. STOP FUCKING RESISTING WOMAN after several kicks and hits and punches the woman finally stopped moving around and complied to be cooperative because it would get her nowhere, just charged with more felonies and she didn't want that did she?
You were watching with a mind full of "what just happened or when did all of this happen" while you had your bags in your hands ready to get into your vehicle to go home. But just as you were to step your foot into your car trying to leave the scene and forget about what just happened youd force yourself to forget about what had happened earlier to be fair, an officer calls you out.
HEY, MISS YES YOU COULD YOU PLEASE COME HERE? she yelled because you both had a pretty average distance "oh yes of course" you answered. Great now why would she want to talk to you thoughts started to gather around your mind was it something you possibly did in the market, maybe they found out about your attitude towards the worker in the store?(but to be fair they fucking deserved that) you were thinking of all that as you were walking towards the direction she was with your head down the pavement too scared to look up as if something horrible would happen to you.
Ma'am first of all are you okay? did you get harmed in the process of all this? was the first thing that came out of the officers mouth and you got kind of relieved, you were so glad it wasn't about something you did "y-yeah of course just a little bit shocked about what had just occurred some minutes ago" you painfully laughed with some tremor in your voice. You don't have to be scared, everything is well taken care of and is on our hands.. maybe I ask you some questions? you silently mumbled a "fuck me" that didn't go unnoticed by the officer but decided to brush it off and went on with a "sure!" still while looking down. "Ah.. alright then but you gotta look at me 'kay? now." the officer demanded you do so. You finally got the courage to look the woman in the eyes but instead of fear to overcome you, you were met with some blue ocean eyes, honey blonde strands that had fallen off her tight braid while she was trying to pin the woman on the ground and some tight ass dark green cargos that hugged her thights so so deliciously.. and not to talk about her turtle neck black shirt with her armor and a bunch of stuff thay kissed her biceps exactly how u had imagined..
"Ma'am? ma'am are you still with me? I'm talking to you. Eyes on mine." She spoke to you snapping you out of your imagination "Uh uh yeah I'm here I'm sorry" you apologized pathetically and she smirked.. oh boy. "Its fine angel" your cheeks turned crimson red who also didnt go unnoticed by her well trained eyes and just like that her cocky usual attitude had switched to something you couldn't actually figure out. "Since you were in the store I need you to be one hundred percent honest with me, got it sugar? if not there will be charges pressed against you" she'd say "umm yeah ask me anything, I promise I will not lie to you officer" "glad you're one of these people who listen to my commands, I like that." You'd nod your head not breaking eye contact with her because who were you infront of this tall ass hot as fuck woman? "Since you were in the store, what kind of gun did she hold?" She'd take her notes out and start putting down whatever came out of your mouth.
10 minutes had passed and you were almost done with your interrogation
" 'N lastly why is a pretty woman like you doing here?" She'd ask "j-just some shopping you'd mutter" "Speak up baby cause I cannot hear you" she'd say firmly yet flirty to you. And oh boy you did not answer because of how fucking flustered and wet you were getting and thats when she saw red. Yes, red. she was short tempered if you didn't already notice "fucking ANSWER ME"
she'd raise her voice slightly but not loud enough to draw attention from by passers "i-im sorry officer I'll be good, i didn't mean to offend you in every way i-I promise y-you'' "I-i y-you, shut up and get yourself together baby or should I teach you a lesson?" she'd smirk to herself and slightly giggle. Apparently.. you were a goner. like an actual goner your brain couldn't function properly anymore, it was all filled with wanting some friction from her. "I'll be a good girl officer" You'd nudge her with your hand as a sign of intimidation and just as you both pressed lips and almost got dragged into her police car's backseat to absolutely fucking ruin you a shot was fired. She stroke up from her current position and looked at the sight of her colleagues and that's when she'd realized a mate of hers got shot "OH FUCK, ILL BE BACK REAL SOON OKAY?" She'd reassured you and sprinted towards her hurt inmate just leaving you there with your thoughts coming back "damn I didn't even get her name.." You'd complain to yourself.
30 minutes had passed.
And she finally came back to where she had previously left you "Hey sweetheart, I'm sorry for leaving you here all alone but it was my duty to go check him out" she'd kiss your forehead like it was nothing taking some steps towards you. You'd flush again as a loser and assure her that it was okay and that she needn't have to be apologetic towards you "Oh and by the way my name is Abby but you can call me as abigail or abs as a short cut" "Mines Y/n" "such a pretty name for such pretty girl" she'd slightly push herself on you. You'd smile at her grabbing her waist "oou getting touchy already y/n huh?, you wanna resume whatever we were about to do before?" She'd say a step back from gropping your fucking ass devouring you alive, you were driving her fucking crazy "Yes please, I'd love that abigail" and oh well she went feral after the way she heard her name rolling off your tongue like honey.
Aaaaand lets say that you were limping and couldn't walk straight after her 7 inch strap that got buried into you for fucking hours.
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thefiery-phoenix · 1 year
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Ight, so just imagine that you were there along with the Big 3 and Deku at the Eri mission, but you didn't go to the UA. After you saved Eri, she had taken a liking to you and pretty soon, you got an invite from All Might himself to join UA'S hero course and yeah, you became a part of the Big 3 pretty quick
During the mission when you didn't know anyone, Mirio saw you trying to protect Eri with you super fabulous quirk and the way you were so.... brave..... 
Tamaki and Nejire see you too and they stare at you in shock and wonder..... you were PERFECT for them and they HAD to rescue you from the horrors of the world no matter what 
So, when you got into the UA, they ALWAYS made sure that you stayed with them and yeah, they were kinda clingy to you. Like, KOALA BEAR kinda clingy, and that's when 3 delusional obsessed yanderes get added to the mix of your fan club 
Tamaki doesn't go insane so quickly, but he agrees that you're very cute and fragile and despite you being strong with a powerful quirk, you could get hurt and that's why Mirio, Nejire and Tamaki wanted to protect you at ANY cost and YES, that also includes kidnapping you but we'll get to that later. You're patient and friendly with him and you like his shy manner and his cute elf ears (lol, who doesn't?)  And as you grow closer and closer to them, Tamaki can't help but think and wonder how blissful and amazing life would be with JUST you, him, Nejire and Mirio and no other distractions in the way 
Nejire, on the other side, decides that you were MADE for each other after she sees you in action. She and the others CANT allow their darling to hurt themselves!! So, expect them being all fussy over you. She is the DEFINITION of clinginess; She'll either be holding your hand or hugging you like a koala or something else. You are of course, oblivious to her signs of actions and you think they're just friendly gestures from a friend, but she sees it as you liking her back and YES, I mean the romantic way. If you do something nice for her, she'll think that you're doing this for HER out of love (WHEEZE- OMG I CANT!!!! XD ) 
Compliment her dress? You must have a crush on her and love her. Invite her for a sleepover or to go out for a snack? She loves you as well. Going for a walk in the park with her? Are you planning on PROPOSING to her? She doesn't bring up whatever you do since she thinks that your gestures are really cute and adorable and you're just shy to cane in to your feelings. And THAT'S why Mirio, Tamaki and she are there to ''HELP'' you understand yourself better and take care of you. On the outside, she just thinks that you're shy but inside, she's BURSTING with her feelings of how cute and shy you are and she starts cooing and squealing all over the place till Mirio and Tamaki have to calm her the FRICK down
Mirio, on the other hand comes up with thousand and one nicknames for you and spends ALL his time thinking about you. Since Mirio is kinda muscular and strong, he'll just smile and stare creepily at the person you're talking to. If it's a girl, Nejire does the honors and if it's a guy... well... He'll make sure you stay away from him. Expect Mirio to be VERY VERY OVERPROTECTIVE of you and yeah, don't forget.... he likes hugging the HELL out of you so don't be shocked when this cuddly hug monster hugs you out of nowhere
Well, they pretty much team up together to keep you safe, but they HATE it when you smile with others. Tamaki is good at manipulating you since his shy personality can come into place (Oh, this boi KNOWS how to play dirty) whereas Mirio and Nejire prefer coaxing the hell out of you like some puppy. If you get hurt, they will by absolute means not leave your side like, AT ALL, and they'll get even MORE clingy than usual. And if it's because of someone, well.... they can kiss the world Sayonara~
But.... yes, every story DOES need some action and drama and kidnapping and all that, so *POOF* (Insert dramatic drumroll here please and cue the suspense music) The LOV KIDNAPS YOU!!!!!!!!!
Well, after the initial freaking the HELL out and after Tamaki crying and everything, they DO eventually manage to save you but they're convinced that their WORST fears of you not being safe anymore is confirmed so they do the only LOGICAL thing that your everyday yandere does: Kidnap you
But... on the bright side, you get to see Eri and WHAT A SHOCKER: SHE'S A PART OF IT TOO!!!!!!! She liked you ever since you saved her and yeah, she likes clinging on to you since she feels safe when she's with you and the Big 3
And yeah, so they kidnap you and assure you that it's for your own good and safety and they put a quirk cancelling cuff on your wrists and baby-proofed the entire house since they obviously don't want their precious little sweetheart (ie, YOU) to get hurt
''It's only a matter of time sunshine that you realize you aren't safe out there''
''Bunny, don't worry, everything's going to be all right''
''Oh sweetie, we'll ALWAYS protect you no matter WHAT and NO ONE is going to get in our way....''
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skyward-floored · 22 days
I’m sorry to be pestering you about this but now that it’s in my head it won’t leave
Oma and I were laughing about Power and Dragon Warriors and just… Peggy, before Power realized that Volga could turn into a Hylian he’d be doing so many things to try and figure this out 🤣
Warriors flicks his scarf a little to move it and Power immediately hones in to see if he’s hiding a tail under his scarf and tunic.
They’re sitting by the fire and Power tosses an extra log on with more gusto than he should so that embers fly everywhere to see if it affects Wars at all.
The stink eye he gives Impa every time she walks by. He won’t even talk to her, he’s so baffled by everything about her decisions. His Impa would never find a lizard attractive and abandon her kid.
The amount of times Power wanted to ask if Wars hatched out of an egg but held himself back.
Power watched a little salamander basking on a rock one time and just cringes and Warriors is like “uh u good bro”
When Volga does finally show up and Power gets all the relief in the world at learning who he is, he just subtly trails the guy all over camp because how is he a dragon?? He uses transformation magic too??? But Link’s magic doesn’t change his anatomy, it just fools others into seeing something that isn’t there!
Power’s way too polite to ever specifically ask anyone, but he’ll just stand in dark corners and blend into the shadows and observe so he can figure out what the frick is going on. Warriors thinks he’s being really weird.
Wars: Uh… Zelda. That new Hero…
Artemis: Yes?
Power, in the dark, red eyes glowing: 👀
Wars: Idk man. He’s kind of weird.
Power, internally: Everyone here is insane
My Mom walked in right as I was reading this and wanted to know why I was laughing and I couldn't just tell her without explaining twenty different things so I was like "you know, the... the internet..."
The thing is, like, some of that stuff wouldn't bother Warriors. Like he is moderately fireproof, and sometimes he does sun himself, so like... not super obvious dragon things. but enough to drive Power even more insane. Thank goodness he wasn't there during the steak thing LOL
I also think Volga would know full well that this weird kid is stalking him (can probably scent him or something) so at some point he wanders off somewhere more private, then whirls around and is like "is there something you need, Sheikah child??"
and Power Link, being caught in the act, is a little flustered and just blurts something out like "HOW ARE YOU A DRAGON BUT ALSO NOT"
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sakuraryomen01 · 1 year
Valentino /Sukuna Ryomen x Reader/ .o8
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warnings: asshole sukuna, college prep. school (aka bitch u at an expensive ass school), former friends to lovers, slow burned love, yuji is sukuna's little brother, some light teasing, more tutoring sessions, and Sukuna punches a pervert!
reader: female reader; 23 years of age, college prep.
plot: It's been years since you've moved from country life, since you've forgotten about all the things you used to love about your hometown and where you grew up from... you didn't think it'd chase you to college in the city after almost a decade..
words: 1.125k
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fanfic masterlist: .o1 .o2 .o3 .o4 .o5 .o6 .o7 .o8 .o9 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .17 .18 .19 .20
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a/n:: I've felt mentally drained so I'm going to finish this dang chapter holy frick did this take so long :D
. . .
Thank you for reading this bit! Enjoy! ❤️
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Sleep didn't come easy to you, and it was expected. Seeing Sukuna in his vulnerable state, having him confirm a small doubt in your mind, and having Shoko spur on your aching heart.
It was a hard pill to swallow, but you needed to force it. You can't force someone to love you back.
Sukuna had his reasons, and it didn’t concern you in the slightest. You told yourself that as much as possible when you felt the need to say something to him after lessons and classes, or do simple things like ask about his day. When you wanted to ask, you bit your tongue and stayed silent. Sticking to the normal day to day chit chat between classmates.
Don’t bug him more than you already do. You say to yourself as you lift your fist up and knock on the door a few times.
There was a quiet "enter" from his side of the door, and when you did as told you didn't see Sukuna in the living room or kitchen like normal.
"Sukuna?" You asked, confusion filling your brain. You continued to wander around the dorm until Sukuna's bedroom door opened up, revealing a disheveled man.
His hair a mess, t-shirt lopsided and somewhat dirty, and boxers on full display. You quickly averted your eyes, trying to save Sukuna his dignity. "Hello to you too."
He waved before heading into his bedroom to change and look cleaner. Moving yourself to your usual space on the couch, you pulled out your things and started flipping through a notebook.
There was almost no noise, besides the random grunts of Sukuna shuffling through his things. Even your thoughts going quiet and jumbled with the notes in your book. Writing things down and not noting the shadow being cast over you by Sukuna.
"Hey, what're you working so hard on?" His voice broke your train of thought, making you look up at him.
"Uhm, tutoring?" You responded, a questioning tone in your voice. "Why?"
Sukuna sighed, resting his cheek against his fist, maroon eyes scanning your figure. "Don't you wanna have fun instead?"
The question catches you off guard and you chuckle, patting his knee in an almost loving manner. "I don't think you should have fun until you get better grades."
"God, you sound like my mother!"
You crinkle your nose as Sukuna's rather modest laughter fills the air. It had been a while since you saw a smile.
With a sigh, you straightened your posture and started to the session, seeing Sukuna's eyes begin to glaze over in a bored pout. You didn't like doing much studying either, but keeping your grades up mattered to you.
Sukuna knew this, watching you diligently work with him to help. So determined..
"..How are your parents?" He asked, his eyes lazily looking towards you.
It had been an hour since the tutoring had started that day, and Sukuna's mind was elsewhere. It was dull, the schedule he has wrapped himself into. It was the same thing everyday, seeing the hundreds of students around campus and ending up stuck in his dorm with you.
Talking about equations and random stuff he was already familiar with became tedious. Even though he was willing just to see you.
Never say that out loud though.
"Oh, they're fine," You answered, a slightly confused look on your face as you tapped the cap of your red pen on the notebook.
Sukuna raised a brow, scooting himself closer into your space, a small smile on his face. "That's not specific enough. I wanna know how they're doing."
I just told you– "Well, my dad's working on some project for the house apparently. He wanted to make a garden for it."
"Your dad's still the plant guy, huh?"
You pout your lips as Sukuna's curled into a smirk. "Not always. He got into sports cars for some reason, even though he's a planet health guy."
Sukuna chuckles at this before starting to write a few things down in his notebook. You grumble with a slightly warm flush filling your cheeks. Either way, you couldn't really complain much, his smirk made you feel warm inside.
"Are you done with the questions I gave you?" You asked, leaning your head over and bumping your cheek against Sukuna's shoulder.
"Yeah, the last one stumps me though.."
After teasing him for a few moments about his blunders and getting side eyed for the next twenty minutes, you eventually were able to explain the problem before Sukuna pointing out how late it had gotten.
"I could order a pizza and you just sleep over again." He said as he put away his things, placing a hand on his hip. "It'd be best, this dorm is filled with shit drunk guys."
"Aw, you're so sweet," You responded, lifting your bag over your shoulder strap while hiding all the giddy cuteness inside you. "But it's just a five minute walk to my place. I'll be fine!"
There was a hostile look of discontent in his maroon eyes that read: How dare you say no to me?
A confused shiver was sent down your spine before you sighed and pat Sukuna's arm, heading towards the door. "I'll text you when I get home, promise."
Letting out a small grunt, Sukuna eventually caved and you went home. Although he did threaten that he'll give you a stern talking to if he didn't get a text.
He's got more layers than an onion.*
Though, as you made your way home, you bumped into someone. His hair was messy, sunglasses barely hanging onto his head with his hair pushed back, and pants dirtier than your crustiest sock. But his pink cheeks and glossy eyes didn't betray you in recognizing one of your weirdest friends to date.
"Satoru? What are you doing out?" You place a hand on the males exposed forehead and humming to yourself. "..Are you high, drunk, or sick?"
With a delayed reaction, a hiccup, and a pout, you got this. "My girl, you're judgy so muchy~ Let me life without demands!"
You raise a brow and scoff. I know he'll regret this drinking in the future.
"Fine, but I have to go home now," You say, patting the disheveled mans shoulder, a smile on your face. "Don't trip walking up those stairs!"
But as you said goodbye, Gojo leaned in and placed a soft peck on your cheek with surprising accuracy. You blink in confusion as Gojo smiles loosely and pets your head. "Don't hurt yourself either, Miss best friend chaser!"
Before words could process, or a thought was able to work the cogs in your headspace, there was a grunt and a very big "someone's jaw might have gotten broken" sound.
. . .
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a/n: hope you guys have been doing well! srry i haven't posted in almost two months maybe really, so many things came up. I was worried about mental health for a while, wasn't feeling motivated to write much but then smthing else happened. Huge changes are happening so we might end up with another writer's drought lmao (I'm going to college soon and do adult things ⊙⁠﹏⁠⊙;;;)
*and if u didnt get the reference I'll scream*
Chapter Song Theme:
— Ariana Grande - God is a woman (Lyric Video)
taglist: @mageyboo, @mzladyd , @mysticwonderlandangel, @sukunaspersonalfleshlight, @kawaiipenguin20, @k-indie, @okkotsufav, @cafeinthemoon93, @pulchritxde, @bontenbunny, @deepinballs, @kleeboomed, @fallenfeversstuff, @fiierytearzx, @wo-ming-bai, @ririkaxbz, @instantgalaxysheep, @watyousayin, @z3r0art, @sukunaobsessed, @lik0, @sukunasfirstlove, @princesstiti14, @nemoyr, @ladywolf44005, @cat-mak20, @coffee-on-a-rainyautumn, @hxlalokidottir, @instantgalaxysheep, @domainofmarie, @the-moongoddess, @dark-n-dirty-duchess, @agentdedf1sh, @sukunastoy, @lyn-soso, @bao-yu-sarah-morningstar-wang-9, @heyitstacy, @lost-in-tokyo, @marksassybanana, @bozos-r-us, @gumis-girl, @p-3-4-c-h, @chaoticqueen33, @dxxny-loves-u, @l0tus-n-l0ve, @jiordeci
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galactic-rhea · 2 months
irt your latest midi-chlorian/mitochondria post - what do you think would happen to him??? :0
See, this is why I shouldn't make that type of posts sleep deprived and away from home in a college field trip in which we were in four different states on a single day.
This is the post anon is referring to
Logically (now that my mind is more clear) the answer should be that he would die, if it's severe enough as how the analog fungicide i mentioned worked lol
See, the fungicide I was rambling around forces the rRNA to malfunction and thus the nucleus stops producing certain proteins needed for the cell. And is just deathly, there are certain fungi that can handle that better, if the application of that fungicide isn't consistent and thus they become resistent, but fungi are impressive organism that can multiply faster and live on incredible conditions, given that they have like, at the very least, three different types of spores (there are ascomycetes that have like 6-7 different spores through their cycle).
But allas, back to my favorite deranged blorbo.
That's stright up a death sentence for anyone, really. But especially for Anakin who has only half of human genetic material and the other half is just the force. With me theory about the midi-chlorians being the mithocondria equivalent, Anakin would be on such a perilous spot between dying on the spot and being basically a pseudo-god, because he has so many midichlorians in his cells that his cells are dying at an extre rate, but he needs the midichlorians to be able to live (and handle) that much power flowing through him due the force. This hypothetical scenario would break this balance to the core, and even if a normal person could survive until reaching an hospital and being given a diagnosis, Anakin could probably drop death on the spot, like I said, is cellular death and growth must be on record time, and this could be helpful with other ailments.
But with the midichlorian failling him and not enough energy because the new midichlorian would be failing as well, there's a chance that The Force would kill him, the equivalent of overheating or when a lightning strikes and you get too much electricity on a single lightbulb.
HOWEVER, to make this interesting and because let's be real, this is fricking Star Wars and this is fricking Anakin I-Survived-More-Deathly-Accidents-Than-I-Can-Count-Skywalker, let's pretend this midichlorian killer chemical isn't as effective as the analog fungicide I was talking about, it doesn't affect ALL of the midichlorians, but just a few to get our good-and then evil-and then good again-boy.
Whump makers take note, please:
It would depend, honestly, but generally speaking, it would mean he's out of all that supply of energy he uses the keep going. He would get something akin to chronic fatigue, momentarily he's all righty, and then of all sudden lifting a pencil is too much.
Being so strong in the force, but without the biological resources to handle it, he would like, pass out after using the force. Meditating could be the equivalent to ask him if he wants to go into comma. If he already felt cold, he's about to start shaking just by going out, this boy has not enough glycogen storage.
But that's the best of the diagnosis, the worst ones are if this affects the neuronal and nervous system cells. I mentioned briefly that an excess of ATP was linked to autism, ADHD, ocd, and other neurogivergencies, and even neurodegenerative diseases and dementia.
Well, the lack of ATP can do this as well, so there's that.
To name some few, very general ones:
-Epilepsy and seizures
-Vision loss, audition loss or auditory hallucinations.
-Muscular pain.
-Problems with reflexes like swallowing or breathing.
-Accelerated (even more, in Anakin's case) cellular death.
-Loss of hair and muscular mass.
Given that in this second scenario, the midichlorians-killer hypothetical chemical isn't as effective and wouldn't case an inmediate death, then Anakin's fast healing qualitys would actually be super duper helpful then, it would be great to compare his healthy cells with the sick ones. In this case, I bet a doctor would be more than eager to take a sample of Anakin's stem cells.
He would be a great lab rat for both the hypothetic evil mad scientist, AND for the eager doctors looking for a treatement and cure, and since this is a chemical and we're on a far far away galaxy, I'm pretty sure the cure would be not-too-hard to find.
Oh gosh I didn't expect to write this much, sorry for that anon, but I hope this satisfied you curiosity? ^^;
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(roger taylor x y/n)
No lock in the studio
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tw: NSFW and explicit language!
word count: 2,790
tags: fem! reader, big age gap, unprotected sex, sex in the work place, dirty talk, sassy roger, quickie, oral sex (giving), penetrative sex, nipple pay, aftersex care
You're 24, you work as a sound engineer for a famous label but you didn't realise today would be the day you'd be left alone in a studio with Roger Taylor.
Peter. I need to find Peter, you think to yourself. You're frustrated and it shows. I'm not a fricking secretary. You're walking through the hallways of the studio looking for the sign S-16 on the door. It's the best studio in the building, which makes sense because Peter is very respected here. It's also the furthest and the longer you're walking, the more annoyed you are. You're really hoping he's alone in there right now. The whole reason why you're walking in the first place is because he cut his phone line off. He really hates to be disturbed.
After hopping for a good 5 minutes through the endless hallways, you finally find the said S-16 door. If he was recording right now, the big red sign above the door would be on. You still discreetly check though the small round window and only see him sitting on his chair, his back turned to you, so you knock.
"Come on in.
- Peter, I'm sorry to disturb you, but Carl is out there fuming about god knows what and obviously he sends ME because I've got nothing better to do than run around like his secretary."
He looks amused, which is reassuring for Peter, but you quickly understand when you hear someone coughing behind you. This day isn't getting any better. You sigh and turn around only to find a familiar face smoking a cigarette on the couch behind the door. It takes you a minute to realise who's standing up to greet you and you feel embarrassed for showing your bad temper in front of a client, especially this one.
You know you should get used to meeting artists and act professional but you weren't expecting to meet Roger freakin Taylor.
He smiles at you and you proceed to shake hands.
"Y/N, please meet Roger, Roger, this is Y/N, our very promising sound engineer.
- Very promising, you say? Nice to meet you, Roger greets you.
- Well, I wouldn't go that far, but it's a pleasure to meet you Sir, you smile back trying to keep it cool.
- Sir? God, don't ever call me Sir, I'm not that old, am I?"
Roger and Peter laugh while you stare in disbelief. You stutter and try to take it back but they seem to forget about it when Roger sits next to your colleague. It took you only two minutes to embarrass myself and insult the greatest drummer of all times, great.
"Y/N, what does Carl want that is so urgent?
- A client is freaking out up there and he thinks it's your fault, but this is all I could understand before he sent me off to fetch you like his little pet."
Now, Peter looks pissed. He gets up from his seat with little to no conviction and says:
"I think I know what this is about.. Rog, let me go check on him really quickly. I'm sorry but Carl can be a real pain in the ass sometimes and he won't let it go unless I come find him."
Roger nods and looks understanding. Peter proceeds to go out, so you start following him outside, eager to watch him put Carl back in his place, but a voice stops you.
"Y/N, can I ask for your opinion?"
The drummer looks at you from his seat, waiting for an answer, but all you can think about is how Roger Taylor wants your opinion.
"I'm sorry, he adds sarcastically, I should have called you Miss, I knew I was moving too fast."
Your laugh lights up the room and the tension your previously felt vanishes.
"Much better, thank you, Sir."
Gosh, he looks handsome when he smiles. And when he doesn't smile. Or when he laughs. Of course, you know who Roger Taylor is, you've seen him before on pictures and on the telly, but now that you're face to face with him, you only have one word on your mind and it's gorgeous.
He doesn't look like he needs much to look good. He's wearing a plain white shirt and somehow looks like the most beautiful man on earth. Although, you have to admit that the way he's wearing it, rolled up sleeves, not fitted, with a button that shows a little more than it should, is very suggestive.
"I would like you to hear this demo I recorded with Peter. I think it's missing something but I don't know what."
The music resonates in the studio and you carefully listen to the arrangement. It's got a rock vibe, with a bit of grunge. For a full two minutes, you're focused on the song, so much that you forget about Roger's presence. The music stops but you hit play again.
"Listen here. Great beginning. But how about you take out some of the guitar harmonies to have a much clearer sound in the first verse to build it up towards the end."
Roger frowns and nods, he is focused on what you're saying. You go on about rhythms, musicality, what adjustments he should make to your opinion. He looks surprised, like he didn’t expect you to be invested like this. When you're finally finished, he gives you an impressed look.
"Now I get what Peter meant when he said promising."
You're flattered but can’t hide your smile.
"How long have you been a sound engineer?
- Well, I'd say for about two years.
- Two years and you talk just like Peter.
- That's because he's kinda my mentor and he's the reason why I came here.
- Wait, hold on, how old are you?
- I'm 24, you were not expecting him to get personal with you this quickly which makes you smile.
- Shit, I'm way out of your league then."
You both look at each other with a hint of challenge in your eyes.
"And you're like what? 40? you tease him.
- Try 36, he takes out a cigarette and stares at you while he breathes in.
- I don't mind, you say, looking straight in his eyes with a smirk.
- You don't mind?
- I don't mind, no, you say with a softer voice, never breaking the eye contact."
You don't understand how the mood shifted so quickly, but the room is now filled with an invisible tension. His eyes linger on your body and lurk you up and down. You love how he doesn't even try to hide his attraction to you. He fully looks like he could devour you right now.
You stand up from your seat to come closer to him and sit on the corner of the control table. You're only inches away from each other. His leg is slightly touching yours and this simple friction is almost too much to endure.
You're looking at him from above but his stare makes it so hard to maintain. His gaze is burning your skin. He’s sitting down, full of his cocky attitude, looking up with his doe eyes.
"I think that Peter, you pause, might be coming back, you almost whisper.”
He stands up and slowly pulls you closer with every word he says, his eyes locked into yours at all times.
“Yeah, he says, I think he’ll be back soon.
- We shouldn’t stand so close to each other, then.
- No, you’re right, we shouldn’t.”
But he doesn’t move. If anything, the tension makes it hard for you to not get any closer. His face is only a moment away from touching yours. His eyes, his piercing blue eyes, move between the tip of your nose and your eyes because you’re so close that he can’t even see your lips anymore.
A warm feeling arises from your lower back. It’s his hand, placed on your Venus dimples. It tickles you, very slightly, and the feeling grows on your stomach. The warmth climbs to your chest and shrouds your bosom.
Roger’s raspy voice suddenly brings you back from wherever you were mentally. You almost forgot about where you were.
“What should we do? his hand slowly lingers on your body.
- Maybe, lock the door? you ask with a smile.
- Or maybe not, says Roger.”
He loves the surprised look on your face. There’s something in his eyes - he’s provoking you. It’s impossible to look away, you are entirely focused on him and start to feel dizzy from the heat. His hand, previously placed on your lower-back, embraces your hip while finding a way under your tee-shirt. You shiver. His hands feel so cold on your burning skin.
With his other hand, he lifts your chin up then cups your face to get a good look at you. He tucks his fingers between your ear which makes you feel the need to gently rub your cheek against his palm. The scent of his perfume mixed with cigarettes completely takes over your analytical judgement; you give him one last look before you lose yourself and lean in, gently placing your lips on his.
Your hands find a way to bury in his neck while his right palm brings your hips together. The kiss is slow, very slow, so slow but so wet. It didn’t take you long to find the way to his pink muscle and yours are now dancing in each other’s mouth. Fingers buried in your hair, tongue caressing yours, pelvis pressed against his very tight pants; it’s almost too much to bare, you want more. No, you need more, you need him whole.
The kiss escalates quickly, making you whimper at how well he explores your mouth. His hands linger around your body, teasing you by caressing your sensitive breast, although he doesn’t yield to your moaning; he seems to like to torment you by grabbing you everywhere else. The feeling gets too overwhelming. You find your way to his shirt and start unbuttoning it until his chest is bare. You sense him smile against your lips. He must like your initiative.
He pulls you out. You instantly feel the need to reconnect with his lips.
“I want you so bad, doll.
- Do you want my mouth too? you say with your doe eyes.
- It’s already mine.”
The heat in your lower stomach migrates to your inner thighs and you can’t ignore the wetness anymore. Your hands brush his chest until they find a way to unbuckle his belt and open his pants. When you look down, you wonder how his pants did not explode. It’s so big you can’t wait to feel it inside of your drenched walls. But you’ve got something else in mind for him.
You kneel. He stares at you from above which makes him sexier than ever. He grabs your hair into an improvised ponytail. You take his member with your hand, slowly lick every inch of it, bottom to its wet tip, before shoving it in your mouth. Roger groans and lets go of the tension. You start moving a little bit, your hand follows your movement and you let your tongue play with it. It feels so freaking good. How can it feel so good? It’s unreal.
You look up to find him already looking down on you, mouth open, eyebrows frowned, wild blonde hair that he keeps pushing from his face. You want to hear his voice again, so you really shove it, deeper, until you feel it in your throat. The most beautiful sound comes to your ear while you’re trying to stay still. You would be moaning so loudly if he wasn’t in your mouth.
“Love, may I help you with my hand?”
You know exactly what he’s referring to because the grip on your hair gets tighter. You nod obviously, eager to see a glimpse of dom Roger.
You resume your sucking and moaning. You’re so dirty, he says, and with that, he thrusts his hard cock deep into your throat. You’ve never been taken care of like this. He’s intense, but not too quick, enjoying your wet mouth between each thrust. You can’t ignore it anymore; you’re drenched.
He gives it a little more strength before he finally pulls out. You can finally breathe. You hadn’t realised you couldn’t, you were too focused on the way he filled your mouth. You’re both panting - not for the same reason though.
“Come here, Y/N.”
He helps you back up, but doesn’t spare a second to pick you up and place you on the edge of the control table. He undresses your lower body, throwing your underwear in the room, and you lift your shirt to unravel your perfect tits, as he says.
“Roger, please, I need you in me, you whine. - Fuck, Y/N…”
He brings his hard cock towards your entrance and moans at the wetness of it. Slowly, he goes in while leaning in to kiss you, but you can't stop moaning, even against his lips. For a second, he intensifies the kiss and goes as deep as he can inside of you. You grab him by the shoulders, by his neck, ready to exhale due to the pleasure but he surprises you when he starts going faster, deeper, and groans while he fills you in really good. He grabs you by the back of your neck and goes faster. He doesn’t miss one opportunity to make you scream.
He slows down and locks his eyes into yours. His movements are like torture. So slow. The wet sounds fill the air and mix with your heavy breaths. He resumes kissing your lips then slowly goes down your neck. Oh my God, he's so hard. You're so hard, Roger. His lips go down and finally find their way to your breast. He licks your hard nipples and you let out the loudest moan while he's fucking you good. He licks them again and grabs your tits in his hand before whispering in your ear:
“You're such a little cunt…”
You don't think you've ever been this wet at the sound of someone's voice. Roger just knows how to make you horny for him and the thought of being his little cunt makes you so aroused that you forget how to breathe properly. The thrusts fill you again, and again, and again before you eventually feel it coming; your hands grab tightly onto him and you desperately look for his eyes before you manage to say:
“I'm coming, Rog…”
The world stops turning for a second. But he doesn’t stop. He’s harder than ever and your mind is completely empty. Your stomach tightens as well as your inner walls The air has left your lungs and your heart just might come out of your chest. 
And then the tension just explodes in a loud moan. He's still going hard, frowning his eyebrows and you suspect he's not too far either. Every movement he gives you is like an electric choc that makes the pleasure last longer. It's like a wave of relief that takes over your whole body. You take his hand and place it on your tit before locking eyes with him.
“Don't stop looking at me, you tell him.”
He doesn't. In fact, he's as deep in your eyes as in your pussy and he feels like he's losing control over his own body. He’s going fucking crazy. Absolutely feral for you. He gives you a few more powerful thrusts before he pulls out and spits his thick semen on your stomach. You hear again his raspy voice groaning and he finally stops moving.
His forehead is pressed against yours and for some reason you both can't stop smiling. He leans in and kisses you, softly this time. His lips are so soft, gosh.
Roger helps you clean up and picks up your clothes on the floor to help you with that too. How was this man a literal beast moments ago and acts like the sweetest man alive?
You're both fully clothed now, cheeks still pink, and he takes it upon himself to make your hair look presentable. Roger grabs you by the hips and pulls you closer to him.
“I wish I had more time to actually taste you. You were so wet for me.”
But you don't have time to answer because you both hear footsteps approaching, and the door opens with Peter. A little bit disappointed, you let go of each other but not without a shy smile.
“Y/N? You're still here? Don't you have work to do?”
You hurry to the door, worried he might notice the state of your hair and make-up. 
“I asked her to stay so I wouldn’t get bored.”
You don’t need to see him to picture the smirk on his face. Although, before you go, you look back and catch him already smiling at you. 
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@gaygoose09 Ik you wanted to see the shitvideo I was working on so here:
Paragraph below about how I believe Morgie acts if y’all care btw! ^_^ (if I had to do an essay about Descendants I would get the best grade fr [ESPECIALLY if it’s about my favorite characters])
I know Morgie has a lot of different headcanons for how he acts since we don’t see a whole lot of him. Some think he’s a little dumb, some think he’s the most vicious, I like to think he’s just a regular boy who wants Uliana’s acception & has a bit (“a bit” is an understatement) of anxiety from that. As seen in the video he gets afraid of messing up in the last little bit, he’s been told by Uliana that he’s not “evil-looking” enough so he tries looking eviler, etc. Now, of course this video isn’t what they are really thinking, I just made this for fun, but this is just how I believe he acts & thinks & I’m just giving out why I believe this. 99% of my headcanons for Morgie (& Uliana but we aren’t talking about her) come from my own life. I guess to put it short, Morgie is a people pleaser. He wants to please Uliana or anyone he looks up to more than anything. I believe he’s like the opposite of his mom. He will be what others want him to be rather than be who he wants to be. Who does he want to be anyways? He has no fricking clue because he’s so caught up in being this persona that Uliana wants rather than figuring out who he wants to be. Sure, his favorite color is green, that’s just naturally his favorite color, Uliana didn’t cause that or anything but that’s because that’s not someone he thinks Uliana needs him to fix. If Uliana says his hair is messy, his outfit doesn’t look right together, this, that, you know, he will work hard to make sure his hair is what Uliana likes, he wears what Uliana wants him to wear, he will do whatever Uliana likes. He will even do things Uliana hasn’t even told him but if he believes Uliana would like it then he will do it. EEE idk what else there is to explain but I hope this made sense! (This was inspired A LOT by someone but I forgot their name😔 Also, I hope this is Saturn-worthy😭)
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I accidentally assaulted Clarisse
summary: A new girl at camp, but…. She’s different..
warnings: minimal swearing
Ow. “Ow” is a onomatopoeia, I think, but it didn’t matter if I was grammatically correct, because I had just hit Clarisse La Rue in the head with a rubber axe during practice with the Stoll brothers, and she was now sitting on the ground in a fetal position, holding her head in agony, and staring at me with anger in her eyes.
“Oh my God” I muttered under my breath, as I slowly backed away. “Avery, come back, she’s, she’s not going to hurt you!” Connor Stoll pleaded, but then Clarisse began to get off of the grass and I sprinted towards the strawberry fields. I looked around frantically, trying to see if Clarisse was still following me, but then I caught a glimpse of Beckendorf scolding Clarisse, and I visibly relaxed. 
Okay, quick Backstory: two days ago I nearly got killed by a big bear-wolf thing. A goat-child told me that my mom fucked a Greek God and I’m the offspring. If that makes sense. I thought my mom was Hindu, can multiple Gods exist at once? Anyways, the goat guy brought me back to this cool camp and I got to talk to a horse man and a LITERAL GREEK GOD but he was an asshole so I don’t really care about him to be honest. Fast forward to now, this is my first day training, and I somehow managed to injure 5 people, including myself. 
I was sitting down under a tree, trying to catch my breathe after running a fricking marathon trying to not get stabbed by Clarisse, when I noticed one of the Stoll brothers coming up to me, Connor, was it? “Hey, Avery,” he greeted 
“My name is Aikaterini”
“…Can I call ya’ Avery?”
“Fair enough,” he nodded, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah” I responded “She’s just… She’s terrifying” and Connor chuckled.
“She’s not that scary, give her a chance, she’s tolerable” he said, and gave me his hand to take to get up off of the dirt, and I took it and dusted off my pants when I was off my butt, “She wants to kill me” I retorted and Connor grimaced. “Stay outta trouble, okay? And be careful”, I nodded and he offered a hand on my shoulder as comfort before heading off somewhere to scold an Ares kid, or kill a small child, one of the two.
I awkwardly walked to the Hermes cabin, in which I was staying in, since my father hadn’t claimed me as yet. I hope he does. I heard a lot of undetermined kids get stuck at the Hermes cabin because their bitch-ass parents didn’t claim them. Anyways, I was like, an Inch away from the cabin, before the boat goy came up to me, wait, no that didn’t sound right, anyways, he came up to me, “Chiron needs to talk to you” he said and he practically dragged me by my arm towards a big building “Who’s Chiro- woah! Okay, so I guess I don’t get to say no”
We arrived inside the building and I paled at the sight of the old horse guy. “Aikaterini Balakrishnan, how are you? Getting along well with the rest of camp?” I could tell that he was trying to make conversation, but I couldn’t focus when there was a 7-foot centaur standing infront of me “I… uh… yeah” was what I managed to choke out before glancing around the room, and noticing that the asshole of a Greek God was sitting at the table, with a irritable look on his face and I rolled my eyes.
The centaur sat down on his hind legs and offered me a seat at the table, where I noticed that they were playing a card game “You’re playing Pinochle.” Chiron raised an eyebrow “Why, yes, do you know how to play?” “Yeah, my mom taught me, well, actually, she taught me Bezique, but I taught myself how to play Pinchole” Chiron nodded in approval “You know how to play Bezique as well, that is quite impressive for a girl your age” I blushed in embarrassment, “Yeah, I guess, why did you call me in here?” “Ah,” he put down his pack of cards and looked at me.
“Do you know what tomorrow is?” He asked
“Friday” I responded confidently
“Yes!” He clapped his hands excitedly and I squinted my eyes “Huh?” Mr. D groaned and stepped out of the room, and Chiron waved him away “Don’t take him on. Tomorrow is Friday! Which means we are playing capture the flag!” He explained and I pursed my lips “You guys actually do things in this place besides trying to impale people or set people on fire?” And Chiron grimaced, “Now now, girl, what happened yesterday with Sanya was a mistake, she was just trying to make a sword and her hair caught on fire, it was a, what is it you children say now-a-days? No biggie” I raised my eyebrows “So why don’t you go find a group to be apart of, huh? Get out there, make some friends, I heard you were training with the Stoll brothers, cheeky bastards, aren’t they?” I furrowed my eyebrows “No, no, they aren’t cheeky, they seem really nice” I said and Chiron chuckles, “That is until they steal a family heirloom from you” “Why would they steal from me?” Chiron seemed suprised I didn’t know about these things, “Aikaterini, their father is Hermes, the God of thievery” “I thought he was the God of messengers?”
Chiron looked at me with a thoughtful look on his face, “Has your mother not thought you anything about your roots?” “Not really, I’m Hindu, I grew up believing in Hindu Gods, now, I don’t know what I believe.” If my mother knew that, that Greek Gods are real, and not just fiction, then why would she grow me up with a religion?” “I am sure your mother had her reasons, that of which, I do not know, but you will come to find out anyways, now, I’d like you to meet some people, if that’s okay with you,” I nodded. Chiron called the goat boy, in which I learnt his name, being Grover, into the room, “Yes?” “It would be appreciated if you could kindly locate our respective leaders, those being one for Team Blue and another for Team Red." Grover nodded and came back into the room shortly with a two girls, a pretty one, with long box braids, and then Clarisse.
“Ladies, we have a new camper joining us, I’m sure you have seen her around, I am going to be making a public announcement soon, tomorrow, before the tournament, but for now, you can introduce yourself to her, and maybe recruit her to your team,” Chiron smiled and I looked at them and awkwardly waved, “Hi, uhm, hi Clarisse, sorry for hitting you, uhm, at- at the uh, the axe throwing thing, sorry” I swallowed nervously “My name is Aikaterini, it’s long, I know, you can call me, Kat, or whatever” my voice cracked and I made a mental note to hit myself in the head with a bat later.
“Hi, I’m Annabeth, I’m blue team leader” “You’re not joining the red team”
“Clarisse.” Chiron butted in, “Atleast see what she can do before you make a decision, now go on, bond, I want to finish this game of Pinochle.” We left the building and Annabeth made conversation “So, do you have any special training? Or any training at all?” “Uhm, I can do kumon?” Annabeth looked at me, a puzzled look rested on her face “What is that?” “It’s like… maths” and Clarisse snorted, Annabeth glared at her, “I mean, physical combat. Do you know any form of self defence?” “I, I can dance?” Clarisse butted in “Yeah, no, Annabeth, you can have her on your team.” I looked down in embarrassment, God, I wanna go home. “What kind of dance can you do? Ballet?” “Kuchipudi,” “Okay, I don’t know what that is, how hard do you have to train for that?” “Not as hard as ballet, probably, but if you saw me do it you would be terrified” “You can’t be any scarier than any monster I’ve ever fought, if you put the same energy that you put into dancing into training, then you’ll be a pro in no time” 
I smiled at her, she was nice, unlike Clarisse, who was walking away, I didn’t mind though, being on the blue team seemed like the better choice. I guess we’ll see how the tournament goes tomorrow, but for now, I’m going see if I’m any good at hand-to-hand combat.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hey guise 😁 I hope you enjoyed the first part of this Pjo fandom seriesssss 💗💗 nones of the characters in this stories except my oc’s (Aikaterini Balakrishnan) that were used in the story so far are mine. I wanted to add a Desi character to this story because they don’t get enough recognition 💗💗 Please lmk what you think about this in the comments and lmk what else you would liek to see in this series 💗 idrk where I’m going with this but I am not gonna let this story go to waste, I’ll try to get it done but I got school and stuff so 😪😪 thanks for reading 💗
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kangmoon27 · 1 year
Lick Frick | Jungkook ff oneshot
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Pairing: Manipulative King Jungkook x Married villager Y/n
Summary: When your husband use you to get his position higher by giving you to the King who's overly obsessed with you.
You aren't a tough girl.
You're just a weak little villager girl who do and follows everything they says, you've always dream about being strong and powerful but it's very impossible to happen.
Mens are the powerful, at least that's what they believe but you believe that everyone is equal, woman can be men and even better than men but if you would say something like that Infront of everyone they would think you're crazy cause in this current time, mans   are the one who's in power and woman's only servers for them and satisfied their needs.
As much as you wanted to prove them wrong the destiny wasn't on your side. You wanted to grow, be a strong and respected knight but that will never happen cause someone is already waiting for you.
Your parents agree for you to marry one of the council's son and all you could do is to agree, your family needed the money that they offered so without thinking twice or even asking you, they've already signed a contract saying you will be the wife of the counselor's son.
The wedding was over, the two newly married couples are laying on the bed, you sigh and turn to face him, mesmerizing his face while watching him just staring at the blank ceiling.
"What are you thinking Tae?, You don't seems happy that we're married" you said.
The man turn around and slightly smiled at you, he caresses your cheek and peck your lips. You don't know if you should be happy that you're married to a handsome and one of the best knight of the kingdom or not.
"Of course I'm happy that I'm married to a wonderful woman like you, a pretty woman like you just deserves more than this, like a castle, a kingdom that you will rule.
You just laugh at him, he chuckles while looking at you, how could he say something like that, you aren't even well educated, well mannered and he thinks you deserve to rule a kingdom?.
"Hey come on take me seriously, I promise you. You will be a queen and be a powerful woman that you've always wanted." He said while caressing your cheek.
"I'll only agree to be the queen if you will be my king, let's rule that imaginary castle that you're talking about." As soon as you said that you ruffles his hair and giggle.
"You're so cute, I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy this marriage with you." You smile at him while he just did the same. Closing your eyes preparing to sleep, the man sigh.
He's scared of his life, he should be running away now but he just had to accept his faith. He loves you so much he's been inlove with you for so long without you knowing and as much as he wanted to keep you safe by staying away from you the destiny is the one who made a way for both of you to be put you together and because of that it's game over for him.
He kissed your lips before closing his eyes and whispered "I love you, and I'm sorry that you will go through so much because of me"
One of the king's best and favorite knight was late making the king more mad then he's already is. Soon Taehyung arrived riding his horse, he bow down to the king with respect and immediately ask for forgiveness.
"I'm really sorry your majesty, I woke up late" Taehyung look up only to see the king already glancing at him as if he's ready to throw a blade at him.
"Why did you had so much fun with your new wife?" Tae gulps, he knew something was up with just those stared and now the way that the king is talking so cold to him is terrifying him.
"We made an agreement right Knight Kim? Do you still remember that?" The king ask making Taehyung wishes for the ground to open up and eat him. He slowly nod his head and closed his eyes tight as soon as a cold sharp metallic is placed next to his neck.
"If you remember then state what we have agreed. I commanded it." The king said.
"I agree to not be her husband cause she belongs to you your highness." Taehyung said.
"And what did you do? You betrayed your own king, don't you think you deserve a punishment?"
Taehyung knew exactly what the king wanted to do. He wanted tae to disappear from this world and take you, he also wouldn't stop till he made all of his families and relatives suffer.
"N-no Your highness, I promise to take her with you, she belongs to you so I'll taking her right where she belongs just please spare my life." The man begin to beg making the king satisfied.
The next thing you new was that you're getting married to the king and made you his queen. Taehyung was right, he will make you a queen that will rule a kingdom.
He lied to you, he's a big liar, he made you believe that he's happy in your marriage but turned out he only used you to higher his position in the palace.
He became the chef knight after he surrendered you to the king, you're so mad at him but at least he didn't let anything between the two of you deepen more and the way the king is treating you is way better, he nice, and very sweet. Well at least that's what he shows you at first.
You couldn't do it anymore, you couldn't even feel your legs as they because numb but he didn't care even if you passed out he just keeps on thr"sting deep inside you while looking at you in anger.
His eyes are red, they are burning in anger, he couldn't understand what does Taehyung have that he doesn't for you to keep on chasing after him.
After he saw you staring at Taehyung he got made and started forcing himself to you.
Right now he's on his knees l"cking you out while all you did was to stare at the ceiling, you couldn't feel your body anymore, you're already filled with bruises and wounds.
While he's l"cking you, he also slide his fingers inside you and started moving and didn't even care if his fingers are already covered with blood after being so harsh on you, he just keep on going till he's satisfied, he pulled his fingers and s"ck it getting the taste of your c"m and blood mixed together then he starts l"cking you p"ssy and slide his tongue in and out.
He's like a hungry beast that is eating you up, he climbed the bed and stared at you, caressing your cheek before kissing you, you stared at him blankly.
"You know this wouldn't happen if you only keep your eyes on me right." The king said.
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mangogoop · 2 months
(i don't want to spoil people who didn't watch the early release and want to wait until it officially comes out so don't read if no spoil)
Okay so I have many thoughts about the rest of this season but we are mainly going to focus on jay (cus i want to)
WHAT I LIKED (my opinion):
- how he joined Ra's and that he owes it to him since he 'saved him from the administration' amazing great love it chef kiss. Loved the reveal of it with jay turning around and the ninja responding with 😮
- Him losing to Nya in the fight. To be fair I would've loved it either way but i like it specifically because it gives Jay a reason for hating Nya (due to him failing Ra's) so potential for angst in the future
- Nya's 'i love you' to jay and then him responding 'and i hate you' hit me like a fricking brick love it
- Ra's saying to Jay 'i didn't save you to fail' (or something along those lines i don't remember BUT STILL) good line makes me feel bad for my boy. Because like Jay wanting to repay Ra's but failing making him feel weak and not useful and AH it hurts but we love the angst
- Jay being a menace. The shatter spin definitely adds to this cus I want the writers make me not like what this character is doing, hate his actions. And his attitude is a good place to start so hopefully he will start doing some messed up stuff in the future
WHAT COULD'VE BEEN BETTER (in my opinion):
- The portrayal of jay's power. I feel like him doing the shatter spin then immediately losing to Nya making him not really be portrayed as a threat at all (which makes me sad cus he's powerful pls he is). I'm not saying he shouldn't have lost to Nya but maybe make him show his strength in some other way (through another fight or training beforehand but he's not recognized by the ninja so the shock of it being jay is still there).
- How long he was on screen......we got like 5 minutes of jay AH. pls like i felt that through the posters for the rest of this season I got the impression he was going to play a huge role (aka be in more than 1 ep). That may just be me but i feel like they kinda just discarded jay and were like ya thats it he got sent somewhere else now lol. Like huh??? where he go???
- Again this may just be me but i'm not always the hugest fan of 'explains aloud during a fight where this character has been'. Like cus why would he do that, tbf it is Jay and he would explain in middle of a battle 'oh ya btw this is what i've been up to'.
- jaya angst (this is given shall i say more)
- more jay screen time. PLSPSLSPSSPSLSPSLSPLS
- Arin and Jay friendship. I can talk about my thoughts on Arin's journey in this season later because I rlly like the direction he's going so i'm hoping interactions with them are to come.
- Jay being actually portrayed as a threat. Have him win a fight please
- Maybe angst to come from how the other ninja speak of jay. for example earlier in the season (or season 1 i don't remember) when they described jay they kinda portrayed him as the worst/weakest ninja (i will need to find the clip of what they exactly say later but i believe that's what's implied). I believe that the ninja being like 'oh but we're your family we love you' and jay responding like 'bro nah y'all see me as weak wth you don't love me'. I think it could be fun
Overall, like any season there are parts I liked and parts I didn't, I'm just hoping we have more screen time for our boy jay in the future 🫡
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lovelyo · 3 months
You Can’t Spell Polin Without Colin
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Let me be clear. This ain’t a Colin appreciation post. Colin is an entitled, selfish dweeb but even I can see from his POV.
And somehow the Polin fans who swear up and down they love him can’t.
“Colin is a bitch boy”
“Colin stayed mad at Penelope for too long”
“Where’s supportive husband Colin? Where’s Colin ‘My Wife’ Bridgerton?”
“He just needs to forgive her already, get over it!”
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This is gonna be a long one.
“Colin is a bitch boy”
That’s a perfect way to invalidate a man’s feelings. Let’s rage about misogyny but talk shit about guys who has feelings 😒. How is he a bitch boy for being upset at someone he loves for lying to him for years, even before they came intimate and when they were just friends.
He was open and transparent with Penelope every step of the way, bared his heart to her, was vulnerable with her and was happy to see that what he wanted was right there in front of him… only for him to find out she’s LW, the person who has been dunking on him and his family, LW whom he loathed. He cried ffs when he found out. The reason that hurt the most wasn’t that she was LW, it’s that she lied to him. She didn't spare a thought that he needed to know about such secrecy i.e, not giving a shit about his feelings. It mirrored exactly what Marina did. (On top of that, he realized that it was her that sent Marina to her doom) She didn’t reciprocate that same vulnerability he did for her and by the end of the season, still chose LW over him and he just had to sit there and take it.
You wanna talk about men not giving a shit about women’s feelings but it’s alright for women to do the same for men in the name of “girlbossing” 🤢
Colin in 2 weeks simmered down about the hurt Penelope has caused him while it took Penelope several months to get over one comment he said about her, which isn’t even detrimental because COLIN DOESN’T OWE PENELOPE A GODDAMN THING! You can’t get mad at someone who doesn’t want to date you. Who do you think you are to even believe you have a claim to someone like they’re a possession. She ghosted him for months over this while he had and did get over lies, shame, and betrayal in, again, a small amount of time. Who’s the bigger whiny bitch?
“Colin stayed mad at Penelope for too long”
Staying mad for too long? He didn’t stay mad long enough! Please contextualize. This man has been in scheming scandals with the Featherington family since season 1 lol. People are forgetting the trauma that he got from the pregnancy scandal, mainly the embarrassment from it being exposed by LW and having the whole ton know his business, which is humiliating as fuck and made him look like a fool(this is why I keep telling you ding dongs to stop saying LW saved the Bridgertons, she did not!) He had to null the engagement with the diamond of the season.
The start of his hatred for LW started from season 1. Colin told Penelope that she should’ve told him to his face about the pregnancy.
“Aschually 🤓☝️, she did try.”
Actually, she did not.
She tried to hint that Marina was still in love with a soldier, not “hey, the misses you trying to spit game at is preggo.” So his friend, knowing this info, instead of telling him the proper information privately to his face as a fricking friend should, printed out his business.
And let’s play devil’s advocate. Ok, Pen told Colin about the pregnancy and Colin didn’t listen. In the same season, we saw Violet do damage control and spinning the rumor windmill to help her daughter get the fuck away from Berbrooke. Penelope knows how supportive and protective the Bridgertons are with each other and also knows how much they like her since she’s friends with Eloise and Colin. Violet would’ve definitely listened, told Colin, and stirred something up to aid the situation.
But nah.
So that happened plus before that scandal came out, LW mocked Daphne for her lack of suitors and said Marina was incomparable, not Daphne. And then the Eloise scandal, all because of LW. Three Bridgertons struck. Even Season 3, LW talked shit about Colin being fake, so Penelope embarrassed him in front of the ton twice. And of course, she had an excuse, “I just wanted the old Colin back!” So you embarrassing him in front of the ton was gonna make him sweet and kind again? 😬
The woman he loves belittled him twice and clearly stands by it 'cause she’s not giving up LW, just not writing it under anonymity. 'So imma acknowledge that I hurt you, the person I love, but I’m not gonna do anything to fix it, but I want you to still support and love me, regardless of what I do,' is essentially what she's saying.
What utter shit, and then we got Pen stans/Polin fans: “Stfu Colin, your angst is ruining my fantasy ship, go kiss, finger, and fuck Penelope already.”
Oh Christ. It’s like whoever doesn’t cater to Penelope deserves the noose.
“Where’s supportive husband Colin? Where’s Colin ‘My Wife’ Bridgerton?”
Where’s supportive wife Penelope? Where’s Penelope ‘I Love You’ Bridgerton? She has declared her love but hasn't really shown it throughout season 3. Show > Tell. Action > Words. With the lies told to him from past to current, this guy undoubtedly has trust issues. How can he believe her? We the viewers saw Pen Hilton pining after Colin through season 1 & 2, but Colin himself doesn't know that she liked him before then. He even said that he thought she wouldn't feel the same about him as he did about her. So when the feeling is finally mutual, Penelope just doesn't do much. It's like she tells him, "I love you" just so he can shut his fucking piehole.
We've seen, despite Colin being upset, him still loving her, wanting her and working through the pain so he can look at Penelope and not immediately think of LW.
"B-B-But, uh, the entrapment comment was too harsh!"
First off, you people act like you have never said mean things to someone out of anger during a fight.
Second, like how you guys say LW is harsh but tells the truth(which is a complete lie, but nothing surprises me anymore with this fandom) that comment was harsh, but he told the truth. She did trap him. While he did ruin her previous proposal, he did chase down her carriage, but right after he proposed, she blabbed to the whole ton the next morning about the engagement(this showed how much the Bridgertons are morons, but I digress). If anything happened, it’d be hard for him to back out without everyone knowing and questioning his honor. It’d be his second time cutting off an engagement and it’d be his 3rd time being humiliated.
He asked if she wanted to be intimate, she immediately said yes. Eloise told her to tell him even before they had sex, but she didn't. Penelope knew Colin hated LW but still agreed to sex before she told him. She didn't even tell him, he had to found out tailing her carriage! So screw you freaks, that comment was well needed for her ass. As said before, Colin has been duped by the Featherington family so him lashing out and saying that is him telling her, 'Prove to me you're not like Marina." (She isn't. She's worse).
"Book!Colin was more supportive!"
Of course he was; LW didn't hurt him, his family, or anyone else. LW wasn't vicious like she is in the show. When Book!Colin found out about LW, him and Penelope were still friends, they weren't engaged, they didn't have sex; Book!Colin didn't hate LW. He was just jelly that Penelope made a legacy own her and he was there still purposeless at age 33(something the show tried to emulate but fell flat in a pile of horse shit). The situation in the show is way worse than what it was in the book. Book!Colin would hate Show!Penelope.
Where was Penelope's support when she saw that he was emotionally damaged by the LW reveal? Where were her attempts to mend the drift when she saw that he wouldn't sleep with her in their marital bed? Where was the comfort when she saw him lying on the couch, mentally worn out? She just passed by him and even suggested leaving in separate carriages. She did not support him when he was at his lowest, his own wife. Now if the show showed Penelope trying to talk to Colin and comfort him and he responded, "Give me more time.”, then fine.
But that didn't happen. He had to be the one to fix the relationship when she was the reason he was depressed. He never considered giving up on her, clearly with him still marrying her and sleeping on the couch they screwed on right outside their room door where he could’ve slept in another room in that huge ass house. He wanted her to try and reconcile but Penelope gave him nothing.
But he’s being too sulky and not supportive enough though Penelope ain’t returning the favor.
We get drowned with LW drama with the Polin fans admonishing Colin for not being a proper pet to Penelope.
Isn't this show named Bridgerton? What in the fresh hell?
He chose her over his own pride, pain and emotions. Penelope didn't do the same but people want to act like Colin isn't supportive or barely supported her, when in a relationship, it goes both ways. His purpose shouldn't be to prop up Penelope but that's what the show limits him to, F his feelings, f his mental health, girlboss Penelope deserves her man and her HEA as if he's a reward or a consolation prize, not a person deeply hurt by someone he thought he knew.
“He just needs to forgive her already, get over it!”
Y'all are trash for this. After all what Penelope has done to him, you want him to get over it so quick so you can have more cringe romantic scenes and soulless sex scenes. It took Eloise a year to forgive Penelope(and it happened in the dumbest fashion, but that's another can of worms). Just because they're together doesn't mean a speedy recovery. Actually it's worse 'cause they are together. He even told Eloise that she’s lucky she’s never been in love; it hurt that much.
The fact he chose to stay is already a big step of him getting over it, but that’s not enough it seems. You want him to get over the hurt she did to him, the lies, the loss of his own agency ‘cause like it or not, Colin still wanted to marry Marina even after knowing the truth but Penelope took away his decision to ensure his availability for her. She embarrassed his family a good number of times. But hey, get over it Colin.
He’s second when it comes to Penelope. He asked this beotch to give up the gossip column, a thing that caused him and others pain throughout the years, to be with him, forget the past and start their new life together. Nope, she chose her career. LW is power and she still wants that manipulative power so take the L from your wife Colin. Her ego won the day, not their love; Penelope is Colin’s first. LW is Penelope’s first, get over it Colin. It’s harsh af knowing you’ll never be first in the heart of the woman that you love.
If anyone needs to get over anything, it’s Penelope. She should’ve been got over Colin’s comment, now stew in her own shit for months; she’s not entitled to his feelings. She should’ve gotten over the damn gossip column that does more harm than good ‘cause if she’s such a great writer, then explore other avenues of writing. You’re already established, it��ll be nothing of you for your works to become popular since the ton already knows you’re a great writer.
The damage for Colin is deep but he must get over it to be the cushion for Penelope, for him to be in the shadows so Penelope can take all the shine ‘cause “feminism woo hoo!” She’s a career woman and Colin’s purpose is just to love Penelope and nothing more.
Penelope, Penelope, Penelope, it’s all about Penelope.
Their relationship shouldn't be imbalanced like it is. The ship is called POLIN. Colin is just as important as Penelope, but the show and even the fans don’t treat it as such. He’s turned to some irrelevant sidekick who’s an accessory for Penelope and his purpose: well of course it is Penelope.
The show made him publish his journals at the end to be like “see look, he does have a purpose of his own!”, though we rarely saw a lead up to that. It’s addressed once, the LW drama comes in, that part of him is buried until the final episode where it’s framed that his anger was jealousy all along, not him having a vendetta against LW for harming him and his loved ones.
Bullshit on top of bullshit.
Yeah, maybe he should’ve went up there and stood with her when she was giving her god awful speech, but his ‘If my only purpose in life is to love a woman as great as you’ toxic feminism speech would’ve just dulled it. Plus, I don’t think people know how abusive that speech is.
They should’ve stood together, Queen deus ex machina gives her pardon, and then he gives her a speech about how the wound is still there but he knows it’ll heal, to be honest with each other going forward, to put the past to rest and continue on into the future, hand in hand as Mr and Mrs. Bridgerton. Cringe, but at least love is the focus. Him being the man behind the woman instead of the man beside the woman undermined their love story and undermined the ridiculous feminism narrative too, sacrificing the equality aspect of both of it.
I’m just ranting at this point but anyway, this ain’t the Penelope show. Give Colin some fucking grace like you do your Mary Sue.
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aannonn · 2 months
★ ─。colorful text , strong colors , bold text , brief mention of suicide , implied/referenced grief , swearing
okay i know we are all excited about the actual short that just came out but let me ramble a bit about Red cause im getting emotional about this stick ... ( before my motivation to type all of this ends and i dont feel emotional anymore lol )
Red in season 3 went through so much istg ;; not only did he and Sec went through a very tense (and needed) fight which almost caused the end of their friendship (+ Sec was clearly in the winning side here, or Red was just really terrified of her at that moment given to how he tried to run away from her - of which i will probably talk about it in a later post maybe), but he was also really fucking tormented in monster school (i felt so bad for him in this episode i legit wanted to cry)
+ after all of this fiasco he really went ahead and carried this thing (of which, given to how he hit it on the ground and it made a soft thump, it must have been heavy asf) all the way to the other side and??? fucking smashed King's chin which made him fly to so fucking far ;; which means he literally used all of his strenght to carry this staff, and dropkick King with it, even if it was so hard he almost even dropped it at first
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there are also other moments where i think he really deserves a break tbh ;;
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he lost a pet. i have a pet myself and just the thought of ever losing him hurts so fucking much to the point i can feel my oof'ing urges coming back.
;; granted; it was a minecraft pig and it was high with all the potions, and also tried to kill all of them, but he clearly atleast had some care for that pig ... (the fact that he immediately stood up and spawned another animal makes me think about that one post/tiktok (i dont remember the user) i've seen ; which talked about Red possibly hiding/bottling up his sadness from others , in order to stay happy and positive or because he doesn't think his struggles are important enough compared to the others' - which i think it make alot of sense since you rarely see him cry or something, just going numb and/or looking down in despair - the only ever time we ever saw him cry was when Green supposedly died.)
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i haven't talked about this actual short before since i had no desire to , but damn bro the way i felt bad for Red in this(っ °Д °;)っ he just wanted to have red stuff for him aswell, since apparently it wasn't dropping for him for some reason???? okay he should have included green and blue stuff aswell instead of possibly removing them but. still. Green and Blue were so fricking wrong in this
and !! his and Sec's tense relationship in the past seasons ... i love Sec he's literally my fav out of them all but i cannot defend xem on this. i know she had her reasons and im not saying Red was in the right either but, gosh ... pretty ironic given he's the one who inspired xem to break in in their site and join them in their battle
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... i dont even need to explain do i
he lost a pet ... again. and because of his own fault aswell ! he knew the possible dangers of fusing the command block and the staff together , given how he almost got possessed alongside his friends the first time something like this happened , and yet ... he did it anyway . and beeper died as a consequence . i cant imagine how much guilt he must have felt .. (probably one of the main reasons why he didnt put up a fight when they put him in the timeout box)
i think he wanted to cry at this scene ngl ,,,
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thinking about this ; they are all really tragic characters tbh ,,, stepping away from the heavy angsty all of c!Alan's stickfigures go through , rygb goes through a lot of shit aswell , and tbh i just feel bad for all of them ; they are all such tragic characters that deserve a very well-needed break break/_ \
since we are in this topic aswell , i would like to mention how i really love Blue and his immediate rush in being a comfort for the others<3
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i used to think Yellow was the therapist friend but we only ever saw him comfort Blue lolll ( i love him anyway ;; i think Blue is more of a therapist friend than he is though )
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asukaskerian · 4 months
monthly word count - may
TOTAL: 3 026... :((((((((( this month has been BAD for my concentration. upside, i plotted out several things like cherry wine and also wasted idk how long making family trees for uchiha and senju. totally essential, glad you all agree. u_u;;;;
ok i also tried to come up with a quick svsss arranged marriage bingqiu and got so into "no but i need more setup for it, it makes no sense like this" and now it seems to be SQH crack with qijiu instead because *shen yuan hasn't been born yet* what the frick self.
POSTED : nothin.
IN PROGRESS -svsss cracky plot divergence (1 545 words) -bleach suburban ot4 (1 481 words)
-- svsss -- The truth wasn't that Airplane had hatched a master plan to sneak out from under his System's unforgiving yoke.
The truth was that he'd been buried in emergency inventory lists to his eyebrows for the last two weeks, and just that day had to deal with eight different customers who couldn't understand why heightened demon-human hostilities would mean their ancient viagra tea would be harder to procure, all because his shifu thought he could do with more asshole-handling practice. The last thing he needed was Shen newly-Qingqiu getting in his face about the wrong wood being used in his tranquility-promoting benches.
Who the fuck caaaaaaares bro shut the FUCK up we all know it's because the wood grain's not the right swirliness for your "artistic vision"!
So he lost his temper.
In true Shang Qinghua fashion he lost it in the privacy of his own mind and nowhere else. "Ah, shixiong, you understand, we're too understaffed to send a team! It would be months before an expedition could be justified."
"Why is that."
Airplane had created Shen Jiu to be a bitch, but sometimes he was still surprised at the depths of bitchiness he managed to plunder with a single eyebrow.
"Because I try not to feed more than five shidis a week to Colossal Orchid-Faced Ants when I can help it?"
The way Shen Quingqiu paused and gave him a considering look had Shang Qinghua freeze solid for a second. Fuck fuck shit abort--
"Shang-shidi's tongue seems in fine form today," Shen Qingqiu commented in a silky way that Airplane translated into 'ooh, a challenger to my bitchy crown'. "One would almost think he didn't find his mistake anything to complain about."
... Jjghbgffhhh.
-- bleach --
Karate chop: umm. Hi! I hope i'm not bothering you, Grimmjow-san? Karate chop: we found new kittens! Kazui insisted we show you. :) Karate chop sent a picture Karate chop: they're hanging out behind my father in law's house, haha Karate chop: wonder where they were born? Surely not too far from here. Karate chop: ohh, there's one more kitten! She must be shy, it's the first time i see her! Karate chop sent a picture Karate chop sent a picture Karate chop: i'll stop spamming you now. Have a good afternoon, Grimmjow-san! Me: no new cats Me: rat royale battle tho if youre into that You sent a picture Karate chop: ahahahah oh nooooo, their little fists! Karate chop: :D :D :'D You sent a picture Me: lil flower in between two bricks Karate chop: oh! That's a carnation! How did she get there? How pretty. Karate chop: Kazui found you a buttercup!  Karate chop sent a picture Me: heh Karate chop: ~^_^~ Me: hey kurosaki Karate chop: yes?  Me: the fuck happened to your house Karate chop: oh Karate chop: haha Karate chop: Nel-chan didn't tell you? :) Me: She did Me: The little you told her anyway Me: s'about the other day? Karate chop: aheh... yeah. Karate chop: ( ; ω ; ) Me: im bothering to tell you im sighing irl is how much im sighing abt this. wtf nerd glasses kurosaki  Karate chop: ._. Karate chop: it's not a bad thing, really! The neighbors... Me: yeah i aint ever left a roof over my head over neighbors unless there was a knife fight involved. What else was in his moron cheeto head? Karate chop: aheheheh Karate chop: you don't mind if i talk to you about it? I don't want to bore you Me: i'm ASKING ABT IT do you want me to put up a sign too Me: give me the deets already woman Karate chop: :O grimmjow-san is a gossip!!!!!!!! GASP. Me: do i gotta pull out the emoticons
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