#people like me are the reason I do not participate in creative endeavours I'm too judgmental
reno-dakota · 26 days
Behold me resentfully researching punnet squares and eye colour inheritance because someone decided to get shady about other people's fanart in the notes of the epilogue of their fic.
"I don't like when people dra-"
"Well statistically they would have had to have 100 children to have a chance of one of the-"
Shh. Stop. Maybe mendellian inheritance doesn't apply in this universe where platypus bears and giant 6 legged flying bison exist. One guy's girlfriend turned into the moon. You are not the fanart police, please let people enjoy creating their fan works just like you enjoyed creating yours and stop applying real world science to them in such a snotty way.
BUT. If you are going to insist on sniping from your notes, and then arguing at length in the comments... at least get the basics right? Don't bring up your masters in biology and then get high school level punnet squares wrong.
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