#people who remember the queens ruling see that laufey is just as kind and caring as she was
louthegothartist · 2 years
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Queen Keth (soft E sound) was Laufey's mother and was the Blood ruler of the realm, she was born to the Throne and had rule over everyone. She was a kind hearted and forgiving Queen that all loved and once she was married her husband Batin, he became a King that was equally as kind. But once their 6th and final child was born, Laufey, Batin became cold and cruel to not only Keth herself but to Laufey and only Laufey. Because Keth was the Ruler by blood even her own husband had to obey to her commands and she commanded him to leave Laufey alone once he became abusive to him.
After Laufey ran away to be with Farbauti (the man Batin forbade him to be with because he was a commoner even though they where soul bonded) Keth had to go across the realm to attend to things, she saw Laufey from across a town, he saw her and they both smiled and waved, without getting closer Laufey lifted his sleeve to show his wedding band to show he was married, safe and happy. Keth blew her son one final kiss then Laufey turned and walked away while pulling his hood on.
Once she got back to the palace she confronted her husband by slapping him in the face, a fight broke out with Keth being killed by her husband making him the Ruler of Jotunheimen until his eldest was ready to take the Throne. Batin started the war between realms that Aagard had won but he and the rest of his children all died by trying to hide and not fight leaving Laufey the only one left to take the Throne. Once he and Farbauti moved back into the palace Laufey ordered every painting of his father and older siblings to be burned, only paintings of his mother and past rulers could stay up.
Helblindi looks a lot like Keth, because she had to stay and rule inside no one really remembers what the past Quenn looks like so people thing that Helblindi isn't Farbauti's son.
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blackypanther9 · 3 years
Part 7 - After so many years...
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Your POV....
352 years had passed and I was on the planet Jotunheim. I got a new family and name and King Laufey said that I will be the future Queen, if he dies. I still remembered Loki and my other friends, but I hated Odin. I was a Frost Giant too, but I already knew that at the very beginning. Firstly I hoped that Loki is searching after me, but my hope died as I grew up to 20 years. I guess Odin said that I disappeared, because of something and Loki then thought he should let me come back by myself or so... Anyway, today is my first day to command these idiots with Laufey together. He was like Odin. He treated me like his Daughter he never had, somehow. I felt here welcome and he didn't even mind, that I rule in my Asgardian form and use my Frost Giant form just if it's absolutely necessary. Anyways fate was mean to me again... Everything went well, just that the planet is slowly falling apart... Later, almost afternoon, the Bifrost portal hit our planet for 5 seconds. Someone or something got here.
"Should we go look ?", one of them asked us.
Laufey looked at me and I knew he wanted me to chose.
"No. Whatever or whoever it is, it will find it's way to us. I won't risk any life's unnecessarily. Hide in the shadows and wait for our commands. Okay ?"
"Okay.", the Giant said and told the rest the plan.
After 2 minutes they were all gone.
"Excuse me, Laufey. I will be back...", I said and went away after he nodded.
I went to a free, hidden place, because I needed to pee. After 5 minutes I was back and saw THEM.
Thor, Sif, Volstagg, Fandral, Hogun and....Loki.... He changed much. He had longer hair, which looked like he used some kind of spell or hair gel to make them look like...I don't know...but he looked more attractive...DESTINY STOP IT !!!
"I am Thor Odinson !"
"We know who you are."
"How is it possible that your people could enter Asgard ?!"
Laufey stopped there and looked at me then at them.
"The house of Odin's is full of traitors."
"Do not disown my Father's name with your lies !!"
Laufey stood up, angered.
"Your Father is a Murderer and a Thief !"
"Laufey...let me handle this...", I said.
He nodded and sat down again. I stayed in the shadows.
"Are you here to provocate us or are you here to make some new deals of the truce ? Why would you ? In your voice and eyes, I just see some little boy, who still wants to take the same place as his own Father. You are screaming, for war and trouble. You don't even know, how deep you already are stuck in the shit. Odin will be mad if he finds out. You don't even know, what your actions could do here, we know it. You are just a little boy, who wants to prove himself a man."
"This little boy, is sick of your mockery now. Tell me what I want to know, woman !"
I snarled and got in the spotlight.
"You want me to punch you, after years, again, Thor ?"
Loki stared, but didn't say anything.
"Oh it's you Juliet."
"IT WAS ALWAYS LUCIELLA !! And now it's Lucifer."
It echoed and I smiled at them, in a crazy way.
"How is that possible ? Odin said you died. You fell from the rainbow bridge...", Loki now spoke.
"Oh Loki...He lied. And his dirty, traitor face is not allowed in my presence anymore. And don't say that name again, please. I hate his name."
Loki stared at me.
"Don't you dare- !!"
"SHUT UP THOR FUCKING ODINSON !!!", I screamed at him.
Thor silenced and gave me a death glare. The others already surrounded them. Thor laughed then.
"You aren't even a Frost Giant."
I smiled at him and jumped down.
"Oh really ? And why do you think that ?"
"Because you are a woman from Asgard.", he still laughed.
I frowned, summoned some Ice and hit his laughing shit face with it. Now I was the one who laughed.
"And Princess ? Do you still think that ?"
I went back up, to Laufey. As I was there I looked at him and he gave me a death glare.
"I have had enough.", Thor angrily said and took his hammer ready to fight.
The other Frost Giants had Ice on their hands, ready to kill. Loki ran to Thor.
"Thor stop and think, think about it, it's nonsense we are outnumbered !"
"Know your place Brother !"
"Now go as long as we still allow it."
A Frost Giant of us walked infront of them.
There was silence. Loki stared at me, like Thor. Loki opened his mouth.
"We will accept your most gracious offer."
With that Loki slowly turned around, to show respect and went.
"Now come Brother.", Loki said angrily.
Thor still gave me a death glare, then turned around and started to walk away.
"Yeah, go home little Princess.", one of our Giants said.
They stopped and Loki said...
Thor laughed and hit our Frost Giant with a hammer, the fight started. I got down.
"ENOUGH !!!"
They all stopped.
The Asgardians stared at me, Loki nodded and the others waited for Thor. He threw his hammer at me, I catched it and threw it into the ground.
"That's it. You disgusting, little, wretched, dumb, ugly boy ! That was my last help, sorry Loki...but he didn't wanted it any other way. ATTACK HIM ! KILL HIM !!"
But instead of attacking Thor, which I held my finger on, they attacked everyone of them. I cursed under my breath, teleported away and they all started to fight. I got my daggers and teleported back. I cornered Loki and pressed my dagger at his throat.
"Go home, Loki. Take your friends with you. I don't want you to die."
I took my dagger away from him and went to Thor. Suddenly I heard a scream, Fandral got prong. In his middle of his chest an ice spike went through him. Loki killed the Frost Giant and I took him off of the spike and gave Fandral to the others.
"Go. NOW."
"WE MUST GO !", Loki screamed at Thor.
"THEN GO !", Thor responded annoyed.
I got angry, summoned a dagger and walked to Thor, before I could knock Thor out, I heard Ice breaking. My pet got awoken and send after Loki and the others. I shot a death glare at Laufey, then ran and teleported as far as I could after Loki and his friends. Thor damaged the planet more and the ground fell apart with my pet, but I knew he can walk under the Ice too, so I followed them still. Loki and his friends stopped running after they came to a canyon 30 miles down. Their death. Suddenly Jack appeared and growled at them, he will eat them, if I don't do anything ! I ran in front of everyone, transformed into my Frost Giant form and stretched out my right hand, for him to sniffle at me. He did and was quiet. I stroked him.
"Shhh. There, there my boy. Go back home, Jack. They are friends of mine. Everything is alright."
He made some sounds and then looked up, he growled again. I turned around and saw Thor flying at my pet. Jack tried to protect me, Thor flew through him and made a hole in his head, he was dead. Thor landed infront of us, as soon as he turned around, I kicked him in is balls and slapped him across his grinning, shit eating, face 2 times. Then I turned back to my Asgardian form and I looked at him blankly, turned around and wanted to go back, but I froze up. They were all there, together and cornered us. Someone wanted to attack Loki, I jumped infront of him and stabbed the Giant. Now it was clear, I was again, an Asgardian...fuck. They started to attack, I was still infront of Loki in a protective fighting position, ready to kill and die. Suddenly the Bifrost was open and I stepped one step back, I didn't look out and got stabbed in my right shoulder.
"GAH !!!"
I turned around and stabbed with my right, wounded hand, the Frost Giant. My shoulder made a sick crack and I screamed again. Great, I did it ! My shoulder bone is now broken ! Fantastic ! I am going to die here... I heard a horse, I turned around again and saw a black horse with Odin sitting on it. My eyes widened.
I facepalmed myself and went behind him.
"Silence !", said Odin.
Thor wanted to say something again, but before he did I knocked him out.
"Done. ....Odin....", I said and stumbled away again.
The Allfather and Laufey talked to each other and I saw someone trying to kill Loki, I jumped to him and got stabbed in my right chestpart. I fell silent and screamed in my head, I couldn't move. Luckily Loki noticed me behind him and he killed the Frost Giant. He whispered to me...
"I want to take you with me."
"Loki...don't you understand ? I am banished in exile. Odin did that. I can't go back. Not without his word."
I could move again, but stumbled more then before, away from Loki and the circle of the Bifrost. Loki stared at me. Before I could walk away more Loki said.
"Odin, with all respect, can we take Luciella with us ? She is badly injured and she saved my life 2 times and Fandral's too. She even calmed a wild beast down, just to save us. Please Odin."
"Loki, leave it be... Odin... hates me... Goodbye my old friend and take care, Okay ?", I said.
"I won't leave you here in this state ! You are my friend !"
"Odin banished me 352 years ago, Loki ! He won't change his mind. You know him. And now leave, finally !"
I stumbled over my left foot and fell in the snow.
Odin sighed.
"Loki, pick her up and take her with us. We need to talk anyways."
I gulped. Thor woke up as Loki picked me up and dragged me, bridal style back into the circle.
"You don't need to do this, Odin. I know where I belong and what you want. I don't need another punishment."
"You won't get any. I promise, Luciella.", Odin said.
And then the Bifrost got opened and I stood with the others in the capsule of the Bifrost. Heimdall looked at me, throwing at me a quick smile.
"Why have you brought us back ?", Thor asked.
More I didn't hear, I blacked out, because of too much bloodloss.
"LUCIELLA !!", I heard someone scream.
Loki's POV....
I saw her blacking out.
"LUCIELLA !!", I screamed.
"Someone bring her to the healing wing ! Fast !!"
Heimdall came and picked her up.
"I will bring her there."
"Thank you Heimdall. Please hurry. Take my horse to be faster there."
He nodded and sprinted to my horse. He jumped on it and rode to the castle with Luciella on his chest and between his arms, so she won't fall down.
Heimdall's POV....
I rode there as fast as I could. I found a person immediately.
"Help me please ! That girl here is dying."
The person, which was a girl, ran to me and brought me to one room. She called some helpers and started to heal and save her. After 10 minutes or so I rode back to watch the Bifrost again. As I got off of Prince Loki's horse, he already stormed to me.
"Did she survive ?!"
"Oh thank Valhalla."
"You should go see her, the girls said that she may wake up any moment."
He nodded and jumped on his horse, he rode as quick as he could to the castle. I guess he never changed his feelings towards her... Hopefully it will stay like that...
Part 8
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