#people who think they're progressive saying heinous shit about unhoused people needs to stop
unhoused people are vulnerable members of your community who deserve basic respect and solidarity!!
we owe it to the unhoused people in our communities to fight for their rights to live unharassed by police and to get their needs met in ways that preserve their autonomy!!
if you see people living outdoors, especially when the weather is bad, your first instinct should be concern for their wellbeing!!
If you hear people talking about vulnerable members of your community like they're vermin, SPEAK UP.
speak out against your local government responding to vulnerable people having no place to go by sending cops to steal all their stuff or imprison them!!
If you're a "respectable" Nice Middle Class Citizen, USE THAT to protect people in your community treated as disposable!!
agitate for housing first programs and aid programs, and to end police harassment of encampments!
unhoused people are our neighbors!! they are human beings worthy of protection and care!!
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