weevil-bby · 11 hours
I was thinking earlier about this post in which Zionists were flabbergasted that I pointed out Israel’s "shoot to maim" policy, which has resulted in a generation on crutches in Gaza between 2018 and 2019. 
Of course, Zionists were trying to paint this as a stand-alone policy for which Palestinians should be thankful Israel isn’t killing but disabling Palestinians instead.
But here’s the thing: Israel’s policy of "shoot to maim" can only be understood as an extension of Israel’s policies from throughout the years of breaking the bones of Palestinians, and I mean that in the literal sense.
How many of you are aware of Israel’s policy from the first Intifada of 1988, which was literally dubbed the "break their bones policy"?
This policy was initiated by then Israeli defence minister Yitzhak Rabin, who ordered and instructed Israeli soldiers to break the bones of Palestinian protestors with stones.
This was in 1988, over 35 years ago. Footage of Israeli soldiers capturing visibly unarmed, civilian protestors, hammering their elbows with bricks was broadcasted on TV screens everywhere. To this day I cannot unsee the gruesome footage, still etched in my mind as a stark example of Israel’s cruelty.
During the first Intifada, nearly 30,000 Palestinian children sustained injuries due to beatings alone.  And here we are, in 2024, where in Gaza alone, 10 children lose a limb every single day.
At this stage, you cannot view Israel’s terrorism as anything but connected; a continuance. All of these policies are connected by the same genocidal mindset of trying to break a people, both literally and figuratively, for decades on end. 
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weevil-bby · 11 hours
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my heart absolutely breaks for gaza. imagine screaming for help. for someone to save you and the world ignores you for the most part. shame on anyone and everyone who supports this. where is your empathy.
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weevil-bby · 11 hours
did I ever tell yall I used to think charlie chaplin was a drag king. for like three years straight
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weevil-bby · 15 hours
truly the wildest thing about all the Bridgerton discourse about "is Nicola Coughlan too FAT to be a convincing love interest???" is that in many ways she actually looks better in the period costumes than her thinner counterparts because she has the figure to really fill them out. those dresses are incredibly flattering on larger bodies because they emphasise the bust and cleavage whilst creating a very elegant silhouette. there's something unintentionally hilarious about hearing pearl-clutching in the distance over "idk is this FAT WOMAN sexy enough to be believable as an object of lust??" whilst Penelope Featherington's majestic heaving bosoms are almost spilling out of her dress in a category 5 titty event. if anything she's too sexy. they had to spend the first two seasons putting her in ugly dresses in a desperate attempt to conceal the fact that she's serving more cunt than the entire itty bitty titty committee combined
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weevil-bby · 15 hours
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weevil-bby · 2 days
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Ceremonial Sword for a Consistory Knight of the Sun, 28th Degree, Scottish Rite of Masons, early 19th century.
from The Worcester Museum of Art : Higgins Armory Collection
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weevil-bby · 2 days
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more fanart of famous isopods
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weevil-bby · 2 days
So I work at trader joes and as some of you may know TJS sells Israeli goods. Breads, cheeses, snacks, wine, etc. Wellllll recently there's been a big crackdown on lots of stuff especially individual expression. They took down our whiteboards and made it so that we aren't allowed to write on anything. We usually have chalk board lockers we can personalize and those have been replaced with sterile lockers we cannot personalize. We are also no longer allowed to wear bandanas because they have been used to make "political statements." I'm assuming they're referring to keffiyeh. I'm assuming this comes specifically from corporate trying to choke back and keep us from talking about Palestine.
I don't have much to say or any call to action other than maybe contact your trader joes or trader joes corporate and let them know how you feel about the sale of Israeli goods in their stores. Maybe also complain about how miserable your local trader joes employees seem as well. This company is always pretending to be so hippy dippy progressive but it's all for show. Don't fall for it.
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weevil-bby · 2 days
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Lanternfly, Pyrops clavatus, Fulgoridae
This species is found in Asia and is NOT an invasive pest like the spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) is in the US.
Photos 1-2 by saniyachaplod, 3 by weishou, 4 by tejkumarnepal, 5 by epiphytophile, and 6-7 by gonuu
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weevil-bby · 2 days
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“Pygmalionisme” by Simon Yotsuya in 2000
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weevil-bby · 2 days
i throw a drag king into a passionate dip kiss. when we emerge his extremely convincing false beard has been inexplicably applied to me
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weevil-bby · 2 days
if you dont like fat and hairy people i cant help you
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weevil-bby · 2 days
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weevil-bby · 2 days
Considering the recent targeted terminations against blogs run by transfems in the last couple of days (angel-athetos, fungalfaggot, coyote-roadkill, hound-mother, corpse-of-omelas-ageplayer and my previous blog, zebrabyopn3), some close friends and myself worked on a google form where users can make submissions for their terminated blogs. Too many of us have lost our blogs and everything in them, yet there's no existing record of blogs that have been terminated, so we want to change that. If you're not a transfem you can also answer, as we want data about all deleted blogs in general, like: the name of the banned blog, date of termination, and if there was a reason given or warning for the deletion (or not)
The form consists of 8 questions and takes around 3-5 minutes to answer. We'd appreciate sharing this with anyone that has been unfairly terminated, so we can create a record, so those blogs and their names can be remembered
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weevil-bby · 2 days
They never bring up bisexual boy with lame ass straight girlfriend. what about her
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weevil-bby · 2 days
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i think r/BenignExistence is my favorite subreddit 🥲 i love these pleasant little glimpses into strangers' lives
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weevil-bby · 4 days
Reblog for something t4t to happen to you this pride month
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