My last Nsfw for awhile.
A commissioned Fic .
Summary. Hero Killer Stain finds a hell hound Reader who is hard to control and takes her in .
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“Easy..easy…” Stain whispered to you , reaching out to pet your head. “I know it hurts but - ow.” He chuckled looking at his arm in your mouth .
You had gotten hurt tonight during a purge , running straight for the hero without thinking, without hearing Chizome yelling for you to stop. The Hero got you on your side leaving a gash , you stumbled to the ground growling clutching the cut , blood seeping through your fingers . Chizome groaned jumping down from the building he was perched on landing on the Hero stabbing him in the throat
Chizome glanced up at your struggling body, tail going nuts setting everything on fire around you , smoke started to gather and Chizome pulled his sword free getting up walking towards you . You snarled up at him swinging your claws at him. Chizome crouched down putting his hand on your head, slowly you fought him , pushing at his chest biting him all over , “rrr!!!!! Raaaarr…!!!!!!!!” You headbutted his chest and Chizome let go of you standing up. He needed to get you home before you bled out . You got on all fours ready to pounce on him .
“Serra, Knock.It.Off.”
“Serrano.” He snapped his fingers watching your ears twitch and fall down, the flames dwindling.
Your legs got numb from being hunched over and gave out under you , your tail was still bright and fully formed and the fire was getting closer to you both. “Serra, come here.”
It took you a very long few minutes to crawl to him , fire ears fully down , tail the size of an actual tail now instead of a big long fire. He wrapped his arms around you placing a hand over the cut . “There we go…” he petted you pulling you into his arms . “Lets get you patched up Serra.” He jumped up a fire escape onto a building running along it, heading home.
Chizome scratched your head watching the blood creep out from his arm , he continued to scratch watching it slowly take over you. Your eyes got heavy and your jaws retracted to regular teeth. Your ears and tail vanished and you fell into his lap whimpering. “I know.” He told you, still scratching . “Focus on me Serra, not the pain. It will be better soon.”
You dug your face into his lap whimpering more and more while Chizome lifted up your bloody shirt to look at the cut . It was directly down your side under your breast to your hip . He wrapped you up in a bandage doubling it up and pulling the shirt off you . “Stay here, ill get you a new shirt”. Chizome started to get uo but you had your arms around him, he tipped your chin up to see your face full of tears .
“I know you're sorry Serra, but you can't run off like that so recklessly when we don't know what the quirk is. “
You hung your head in shame leaning into his chest , resting your head on his shoulder.
“Since you're genuinely sorry i won't punish you so hard , but tonight you can't sleep in my bed.” He kisses your head picking you up so he could get up and set you down on the floor.
“Ill be right back.” He waved going into his room.
Whimpering you crawled over to your makeshift bed that consisted of an old circle dog bed that you sunk into, a few heavy blankets and a pillow that said Angels Rest Here. It was full of teeth marks and holes. Quietly you gnawed on the pillow , waiting.
Chizome looked at the shirt in his hand thinking. He had a good hold on you but sometimes your quirk took over and you couldn't do anything about it. What could he do? He threw the shirt over his shoulder leaving his room and making a stop in the kitchen opening up a jar to grab something.
“Serra.” He said softly , returning to you.
Looking up your nose twitched and you dropped the pillow , mouth watering. “Sin..” you sat up whimpering.
Chizome put the shirt on you and held out a long cinnamon stick to you. You wiped your face and chomped down on the stick , your tail and ears popping out , wagging a mile a minute.
Chizome sat down with you pulling you between his arms looking at your tail while you ate the spicy stick. He grabbed hold of your tail not feeling any heat . “Serra, can you control the temperature ?”
You looked back , mouth full of crumbs making him smile , he wiped your face with his thumb . “Serra make this tail hot.”
You hopped away from Chizome sitting facing him tilting your head . Your tail was regular size right now, little flames falling off it disappearing. You looked back at the tail and it flicked getting bigger , a small heat coming from it now. Slowly your tiny claws crept out scratching the old wood floor.
The tail stretched over your head and Chizome could feel himself sweating. “Serra.”
No answer.
“RRR...rrr…” the tail started to burst sending fire to the floor catching it.
“rrrrRRRRR” you lunged towards him and Chizome fell back catching you holding your arms down. “So it's the .. tail..”
You struggled against him and Chizome rolled to his feet stumbling into the wall trying to keep you secure. You screamed, swinging your tail everywhere, knocking things down and burning Chizome.
“Serra!!!” He rubbed your arm with his thumb slowly walking towards the kitchen . “It's okay.. i know now.”
“The tail, the bigger it gets..” he slammed into a cabinet opening it up. “The faster you lose control.. but..” He grabbed a small tin sliding down to the floor prying your mouth open. “Maybe this can help..” He dumped Altoids into your mouth, shutting it and squeezing you.
Cold, you were cold . What is this? You looked down to see little bumps on your arms , your mouth felt like you swallowed a snowball. You gulped down the mints gasping, slowly calming down, shivering. The tail shrunk to normal size and the fires on the floor went out .
“Im here.” He heaved squeezing you.
In a flash you looked back at him and your ears fell. He was burned on the face and his neck. “Chi is here” His heavy hand fell on your hand. Your ears popping out between his fingers .
“Im okay. We know now..”
“Sshh…” gently he turned you to him kissing your forehead. “Calm down Serra, I'm okay. Right now I want you to focus on me.”
You whimpered hugging him tightly, sobbing loudly as Chizome held you with burned arms , lightly he rubbed at your back trying to sooth you. “Good girl… such a good girl..”
The next couple days Chizome did not go out, instead he spent his time training you, helping you get a hold on your quirk. You lost control a few times and ended up biting Chizome a few times but he didn't mind. He never yelled at you but he did firmly punish you. Usually he would put you on the leash and tie you up to the table while he went out without you.
When he came home he was always bloody and dirty. You would pull on the leash till Chizome unhooked it and you would run around his legs rubbing on him saying ‘Chi Home.’
“Yes yes, and your punishment is over so come spend time with Chi while he makes dinner. I even got you something!”
Your eyes got wide and your quirk popped out in excitement . He pulled a bone out of his pocket holding it out for you, tail wagging you sniffed up at it making a gross face.
He brought the bone back up setting it on the counter. “Hmm… “ He glanced down at you seeing your tail flick around. “I'll think of something.”
“I promise.” Gently he pet your head and turned his attention back to the dinner.
At the table Chizome was feeding you some blood stake from his fork. Petting you every time you took a bite. “Good girl.” He fed you more , offering you water between bites . When you were satisfied you nuzzled into his thigh and crawled to your bed to sleep, tail swaying.
Chizome watched you while he ate his food. Things were getting better , but he wanted to test it.
The next night you finally got to go out with him again. It had been so long for you the rush you felt chasing Chizome on the rooftops was enough to make your tail grow bigger and bigger. Chizome stopped on a red roof looking back at you, his long bandages flowing in the night sky. You stopped next to him panting, tail flicking.
He gave you a mint watching your tail shrink a bit . Slowly you felt more control over your quirk , your vision was clearing and your senses heightened.
“There we go.” He put his hand on your head crouching down next to you, his tongue slipping out of his mouth. “Lets see what you can do, Serra.”
You barked and your ears pointed straight up, you jumped off the building sliding down the fire escape down to the ground landing on all four.
The Heroes flinched watching you getting ready to fight , your tail stood straight up when you charged towards them grabbing on by the leg , your tail grabbing hold of the other hero by the waist sending him flying . You bit into the heroes leg crushing it causing him to fall , he grabbed your neck and you dug your claws into his arm deeply drawing blood . A crack could be heard along with a scream .
The arm fell to your feet and the hero screamed his lungs out , the last thing he saw was your happy face lunging towards him till everything went black .
Chizome walked over to you glancing at the hero who was in pieces and the other who was bended backwards against a lightpost . He crouched down next to you looking very pleased.
You panted glancing over to see his proud face. He patted your head and scratched your chin fast. “Good girl!!!!!” Your tail wagged and you yipped all excited. “Oh yes my good girl, my good little fire pup!!!” He scratched your chin more and picked you up hugging you. “So so so good!!!! You did it yes you did !!! I think someone deserves a treat!!!”
You yipped again, licking his face all over while Chizome brought you home.
Back at home you were sitting on Chizomes lap in your panties and underwear peppering kisses all over his face . Chizome was in his boxers grinding up into your clothed folds. “Your such a good girl for me..” he said softly into your ear . You yipped wagging your tail fast and lightly nipping at his neck.
Chizome slipped your panties off and rubbed the head of his cock against your slick slit smirking . “So wet already , just for her master .” He teased pushing into you . You giggled sliding down on his cock till you were sitting comfortably .
“Hm? Yes Serra?”
You started to move up and down on his cock , your breast bouncing lightly .
“Oh you little fussy pup.” He kissed your cheek laying back, hands behind his head. “You want to please your master huh? Go ahead Serra.”
Your cheeks flushed read as you humped his cock in a steady pace , whimpering from how good he felt against your walls squeezing you just right. Slowly you got faster, louder , your tail flicking all around as you leaned forward putting your hands on his chest to balance .
Chizome held your hips, praising you the whole time you rode his cock. ‘Good girl’ ‘Your doing great’ he told you over and over while he watched you .
“Chi…” you lifted your arms up to bounce faster , chasing your release.
“Oh Serra you feel so good yes you do.” He squeezed your hips and lifted one hand to grab your collar pulling you down , the little fish tag on it jingling all around. He kissed your lips thrusting hard .
Whimpers fell from your mouth as you sped up, your ears dropping . Chizome kissed your forehead talking low. “Go ahead fire pup, cum on your master cock .”
You fell into him cumming hard, feeling it crash down on your trembling body . Chizome grunted cumming too deep inside you . “Ohh.. good girl..” he pulled you into his arms slowly sliding out of you. Lightly he pet you to calm you down . “Sshh.. guess what Serra?”
You looked up, face red and fangs growing and shrinking with each pant leaving your mouth. “Stay here, master has a treat for you.” He kissed your lips, setting you on the bed.
You snuggled his pillow gnawing on it, watching him go to the kitchen. “Rr..”
“Shh..” he looked back after opening a cabinet . “I'm coming back.” He grabbed something and made his way back to you . “Here, open it.”
It was a little bag he placed in your hands. Tilting your head at it you bit into the bag ripping it . The bone fell out but it smelled… good. You leaned down sniffing it to see little red spots all over it. Lightly you licked at the bone and your tail spiked .
“I really wanted to give you that bone fire pup, but you didn't like it.” He told you as you crawled into his arms gnawing the bone. “So I cut up some peppers and placed it in a bowl full of chunks .” You gnawed more, tail wagging. “Pepper bones, “ he kissed your head snuggling you close, smiling warmly.
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naturepunks · 4 years
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pepperbone, oldest daughter of honeypool.
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actionbookz-blog · 5 years
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People love to talk about food in Odessa. Although conversations never start precisely with food, there is always a person in a group of people, actively discussing some secrets, who suddenly recalls granny’s Black Sea sprat fritters or mother’s stuffed fish. This is a starting point of smooth transition from initial topic to food. The conversation immediately becomes hotter and gains appropriate breadth. One can hardly count the number of dishes discussed, and there are numerous superlatives used. No food in the world has ever gained so many good words, as everything that has been cooked, roasted, stewed and baked by relatives and friends of those immersed in the conversation. But a more attentive listener will spot only a couple of dozens dishes that are mentioned repeatedly with a special feeling.List of Recipes:– Boiled Baby Shrimps– Mild-Cured Herring– Vitamin Salad– Original Snack– Forshmak– Black-backed Sea Sprat Fritters– Home-Style Jacket Potato– Small Black-backed Sea Sprat Sandwiches– Eggplant Paste– Stuffed Eggs– Roasted Courgettes with Garlic and Mayonnaise– Grilled Mussels– Beet and Herring Salad– Bean Tzimmes– Baked Bell PepperBon Appetit! 🙂
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Monster prompt 14 with stain x attack dog feral hellhound reader?
****prompts for Monster Month are closed!!!filling out what i got in the beginning of the week!!!****
Monster Prompts #14 nsfw. “Whos a good boy/girl?” With Hero Killer Stain!
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Pepper Bones
He had been watching you for awhile now. These rampages you went on when your quirk took over. You grew fur on the tops of your arms and legs along with fangs and claws. You also had fire for a tail and ears. Everytime you lost control. It was kind of funny to him since you acted like a hound . You just needed a trainer.
So one cold night he trapped you in a alleyway. His hunched over posture casting a large shadow on the brick buildings that cornered you. You got down on all fours ready to strike, snarling and foaming at the mouth, Stain lifted a hand to greet you and you pounced attaching your fangs to his arm. Stain crouched down to watch you gnaw on his arm thinking nothing of it.
You growled then looked up at him then back down to bite harder and harder only to get no reaction. So you let go letting Stain pet your head. “Fussy.” He scratched your head and you bit his hand growling again. Stain rolled his eyes and cut your arm bringing the blade to his long tongue. Before you could react your body gave out and you were paralized.
“There we go.” He said wrapping up his arm and hand. “Lets get you home.”
‘Home’ was Stains run down home . You could move now and he had put a short leash on you along with a collar . The leash was tied to his table so you couldint wander or worse. He threw himself down in the chair with a plate tbat smelled of meat. Your mouth watered and you sat on your knees trying to see.
“If you can behave you have have some.” He said eating.
You were stubborn, must be the hound in you. So you sat there . Fire tail flicking and stomach growling.
“Can you talk?” He asked eating.
Oh this is gonna be fun. “No? Thats some quirk.” He pat your head expecting you to bite him but it never came. Instead you glared at him. Stain offered you some food on his fork and you ate it in a second.
“ see? Just gotta be good,my little hell hound”
It took maybe 3 weeks to get you to settle down. Stain figured out your quirk and you only activated it when you got defensive but once it was on you had a hard time controlling it. He trained you everyday. Sit, stay, roll over, suck his cock. By the fourth week you had control for the most part and liked having your quirk on. You woke Stain up with a blowjob or begging him with puppy eyes to fuck you.
Soon enough you were his partner in crime and you loved it. He gave you headpats when you killed someone and praised you. “Yes whos a good girl? “ he would say scratching your chin.
Tonight you were extra needy though. You couldint wait for him to finish eating so you pulled his zipper down with your teeth and licked his ready cock. Stain looked down and pet your head watching while he ate.
Your fire tail wagged all around as you licked up his shaft to suck on the head and move yours back and forth on it. Stain put his fork down to hold your head and spread his legs.
“Oh my good girl, whos a good girl? You are yes you are!” He teased scratching your chin while you sucked on him.
You yipped with happiness taking more of him in your mouth licking all over the shaft, being careful not to bite his dick.
Stain held your head tight cumming down your throat and picking you up sitting you on his lap to pet you. Ever since that night you never really turned your quirk off, you loved being Stains hell hound, his little fire puppy.
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