#perservance can just be stubborness; andrew
sixsoulsinhiding · 2 years
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sixsoulsinhiding · 2 years
*A tiny orange rugrat with a paper crown bites Andy's hand. Your wallet is gone, but your pockets are now full of smarties apparently. You've been... robbed?
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Andy's ugly sobbing. "Am I gonna turn into an underfell?"
*... Andy shut up before an anon makes that true
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sixsoulsinhiding · 2 years
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* "You're all so ugly. Ugly and short."
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sixsoulsinhiding · 2 years
Underfell you say? >:3c
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"Those guys are so ugly, it'd be my 13th reason if I turn into one!"
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"What? Is it like werewolves? One bit you and now you're gonna be one?"
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"I don't know how those things are made man!"
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sixsoulsinhiding · 2 years
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* Back germs and dirt!
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* Who would you like to see first?
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sixsoulsinhiding · 2 years
🔫 🔫 draw. Another. Andy rew.
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He's fake sobbing.
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"Don't shoot. Is this what you wanted, you sick art fiend?"
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sixsoulsinhiding · 2 years
A very very very important question for Everyone! If you could give yourself any physical monster/fantasy trait (like fangs, claws, wings, etc-) what would you choose?
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* Drew you a picture
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"A zombies undead powers!! That way I'd be dead and scare people."
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"Fangs. Strike fear into my enemies! Rawr."
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* He's thought. So hard about this. For so long.
"I would steal a vampires ability to heal. In most myths unless it's due to one of their fatal weaknesses they heal at an astonishing rate. It puts every other monster to SHAME. S H A M E. Vampires in some myths can also use their blood to heal other vampires. I would also steal that."
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"Haha vampire teeth go brrrrr."
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"That too."
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"None! They're not too cool for me."
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"Ogres strength, I think."
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sixsoulsinhiding · 2 years
What is your sexuality Andy?
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"I don't think it's appropriate to ask minors that." He admits. "I like girls. I have confusing thoughts about guys and androgynous people. Take that how you will because I can't figure it out."
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sixsoulsinhiding · 2 years
YOU are gay
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".... I prefer, 'not straight'."
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"Mmm. I'm just comfortable with who I am."
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"Only a lil."
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sixsoulsinhiding · 2 years
Sir don't lie to yourself
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"How! Rude!"
* You damaged his ego.
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sixsoulsinhiding · 2 years
How Andy draws Danny makes me think.... Danny, what race are you?
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"Huh? Andy draws me?"
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"Not important!"
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"Uhhh. Mom mom was Blasian, and my dad was mixed, but he always said his dad was French? So, I guess I'm mixed? I dunno. Why's it matter?"
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sixsoulsinhiding · 2 years
You just casually draw Danny?
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"I casually draw a lot of things." He shrugs. "Why do you ask?"
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sixsoulsinhiding · 2 years
📔- For a secret sketchbook they keep (Bonus: Share a sketch or doodle within it!) - Andy?
Secrets meme!
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"Ugh, it's not even done, but whatever. Here you go."
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sixsoulsinhiding · 2 years
Wait- You guys didn't see that static person? Or hear them?
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"Did you finally have your last breakdown, Anon?"
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* Briar shakes his head
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* Jessi is avoiding eye contact, boots are interesting, y'know?
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She smiles, looking you in the eyes. "Nope, not a thing."
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"What happ'n? Was I supposed to pay attention?"
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sixsoulsinhiding · 2 years
👁👄👁.....what is going o n
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* You're filled with confusion.
"Nothing. You were just like, talking to a wall for a few minutes there Nonnie. You good?"
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"... can I leave yet."
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sixsoulsinhiding · 2 years
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"Why are they talking about cannibalism...?" Briar whispers to Andy.
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"I don't know. I don't know. But if you slooooowly look away we won't have to deal with it."
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