#personal injury lawyer in houston texas
Understanding the Role of a Divorce Lawyer
Legal Expertise: A Divorce Lawyer in Huston is a legal professional specializing in family law and divorce proceedings. Their primary role is to assist clients in understanding their rights, responsibilities, and options under the law. With a deep understanding of the legal intricacies surrounding divorce, they can help their clients make informed decisions.
Objective Advice: Emotions often run high during a divorce, and decisions made in the heat of the moment can have lasting consequences. A divorce lawyer provides objective advice, helping clients separate their emotions from the legal process. This impartial perspective ensures that decisions are based on legal considerations rather than emotional reactions.
Mediation and Negotiation: Divorce lawyers are skilled negotiators, striving to reach fair and amicable settlements between parties. Through mediation, they facilitate discussions and help couples find common ground on issues such as asset division, child custody, and alimony. This collaborative approach can often lead to faster and less contentious divorces. Website: https://www.stephenlekasattorneyatlaw.com/
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Car Accident Lawyer in Houston, Texas | Injured? Get Paid, Not Played!
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Don't let a severe car accident burden you with injuries and financial strain. Reach out to Roxell Richards Injury Law Firm, home to skilled Houston Car Accident Lawyers. We're committed to securing the maximum compensation you deserve while advocating fiercely for your recovery. You may contact us 24/7 at (713) 974-0388.
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karnsandkarns12 · 27 days
Navigating Personal Injury Claims in Texas: Expertise of Houston's Injury Lawyers
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Seeking justice and compensation for personal injuries in Texas? Turn to the seasoned legal guidance of Houston's top injury lawyers. With their extensive expertise in navigating the complexities of personal injury claims, they offer dedicated support to clients across Houston and beyond. From car accidents to workplace injuries, trust in their relentless advocacy to secure the compensation you deserve. Discover how these Texas personal injury attorneys can fight for your rights and help you move forward with confidence.
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baumgartnerlawyers · 1 month
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Personal Injury Lawyer In Houston, Texas
Find the best personal injury lawyer in Houston, Texas to represent your case. Our experienced attorneys specialize in advocating for your rights and securing the compensation you deserve. Contact us now for a consultation. To know more, visit: https://baumgartnerlawyers.com/personal-injury-lawyer-houston/
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wadlerlaw · 6 months
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karnsandkarns · 1 year
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Karns & Karns Injury & Accident Attorneys is a top rated the texas personal injury attorney. You can arrange a consultation with the attorney if the testimonials are encouraging, and you are happy with how they conduct themselves.
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carcrashhouston · 2 years
Top Rated Experienced Houston Car Accident Lawyer
Car crashes are unfortunately all too common in Houston. If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident, you may be feeling overwhelmed and unsure of where to turn. Luckily, there are experienced Houston car accident lawyers who can help. Car accident lawyers have the knowledge and resources to investigate your case, gather evidence, and build a strong argument on your behalf. They will also handle all the paperwork and negotiate with insurance companies, so you can focus on healing. If you have been in a car accident, don't wait to seek legal help. Contact a Houston car accident lawyer today.
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cmzlaw · 2 years
We are dedicated to representing victims of on the job accidents occurring throughout Texas, Louisiana, and along the Gulf Coast. Working in plant or oil/gas refineries presents unique hazards. Companies who cut corners and put profits over safety will use shoddy equipment that is poorly maintained, hire unskilled or unsafe co-workers, and fail to implement basic safety policies that might help the bottom line but places the workers they depend on at serious risk. Unfortunately, it’s after a devastating injury that these unsafe practices are exposed.
Plant & Refinery Injury Attorney
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What Is the Main Role of Personal Injury Lawyers in Houston Texas?
Professional Personal Injury Lawyer In Houston Texas provide you with proven strategies that will get results for clients fighting against large insurance companies. These attorneys will fight to ensure that you receive full payment for all your financial damaged that are resulting from any type of personal injury claim.
They fight for your rights and committed to protect your rights. They have secured lots of financial compensation on behalf of victims injured by another party’s negligence or misconduct. If you or your loved ones need an experienced personal injury lawyer, you need to adopt the right mode of search that is convenient for you and providing you with the right solutions and complete support.
They provide you with the right solutions in all types of personal injury cases. They provide you support in negligence, intentional harm, and strict liability.
Personal Injury Lawyers in Houston Texas Will Assist You in Following Cases
There are different personal injury cases that come before Texas courts. Professional personal injury lawyers in Houston Texas can assist you with car/truck/motorcycle accident, slip or falls, medical malpractice, maritime injury, dog bites, premises liability, workplace accidents, freeway car accidents, multi-vehicle accidents, pedestrian accidents, bicycle accidents, refinery accidents, ATV Accidents, bus accidents, and non-subscriber injuries.Website - >>https://www.stephenlekasattorneyatlaw.com/
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Houston Personal Injury Lawyer | Injured? Get Paid, Not Played!
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Got injured in a car accident in Houston, Texas? Then you definitely need a Houston personal injury lawyer to help you with your case. As tempting as it is to want to handle your own case since it is your right to defend yourself, hiring a personal injury lawyer is crucial for maximizing your chances of a successful claim. Their legal knowledge, negotiation skills, evidence-gathering abilities, objective evaluation, and litigation representation, if required, can significantly impact the outcome of your case. Remember, it's essential to consult with a reputable personal injury lawyer as soon as possible after an accident to ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you deserve.
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Houston Car Accident Injury Lawyer: How to Get the Compensation You Deserve
You’re on your way home from work, driving through Houston in rush hour traffic. In front of you, a red light has just turned yellow and the cars in front of you are beginning to brake. Thinking that you have enough time to make it through the intersection, you go ahead and accelerate. However, just as you start moving forward again, a car to your left speeds up so fast that its tailfin clips the rear bumper of the car in front of it. Unaware that either car was going to speed up at all, you have no time to react before their car strikes yours from behind hard enough to send it spinning out of control into oncoming traffic. 
Thankfully nobody is hurt too seriously – but as both other drivers have now driven away without leaving any sort of contact details or names behind (a not uncommon habit after collisions involving uninsured motorists), leaving you with an expensive repair bill and no clear idea how you’re going to pay for it beyond selling off some personal possessions. Do these sound like events that could happen to anyone? If so, read on as our Houston car accident lawyers can help…
What to do immediately after an accident
After a car accident in Houston, the first thing to do is call the police. By doing so, you’re giving them the information, including your physical and mental state, that they need to know in order to help you and other victims.
You should also find out what damage was done to your vehicle and whether or not it’s safe to drive it home. If it’s not safe to drive, you may need to wait until the police have finished their investigation before you can go anywhere.
In addition to calling the police, you should also call your insurance company and let them know what happened. They will provide you with any necessary services as well as reimburse you for any expenses that were incurred as a result of the accident.
The two kinds of insurance you should have
There are two kinds of insurance you should have when you buy a home: one that covers your home if something happens to it, and one that protects you from being sued. 
The first kind is called “home” insurance, and it covers your home if something happens to it. 
The second kind is called “car” insurance, and it protects you from being sued if something happens to your car.
Both kinds of insurance are important because they protect you against being sued if something happens to your car. They also protect you from being sued if something happens to your home.
If you have both kinds of insurance, you can generally assume that the first type will be more likely to happen than the second type. 
But if the first type does happen, then the second type will protect you better than the first type.
So, if you want both kinds of insurance, make sure that they cover each other!
When you’re not automatically covered by your own insurance
If you’re not automatically covered by your own insurance, you have to pay for it yourself. This can be a big issue if you’re not insured at all. If you have to pay for your own health care, it could be very expensive. 
You also have to pay for all the other things that are covered by your insurance, like prescription drugs and medical equipment.
You also have to pay for any medical tests that may be required before you can even begin treatment.
If you don’t have insurance, it can be very difficult to get care that is needed. It can be very expensive to get care if you don’t have insurance.
Even if you do have insurance, it may not cover everything that is needed. Insurance companies may only cover what they think is necessary or what they think will help them make a profit.
Steps you can take right away to protect yourself
First of all, it is important to make sure that you have the right gear at the right time. If you are going to be out in the woods for a long period of time, you will need to have good gear. 
You also need to have a plan for how you are going to get there. For example, if you are going to be hiking through dense forest, then you will need to carry a lot of food and water with you. 
You also need a good pair of hiking boots. If you are going on an adventure and your feet start getting cold, then it is important that you have waterproof pants and waterproof socks with you. 
This is especially important if you are going through dense forests where there may be lots of animals around your feet.
Another thing that is important is that you know where the trail goes. If it is not obvious, then it is not worth taking any risks. Also, remember that when hiking through dense forest, it is easy to become lost or confused so don't take any chances!
Your first step: Get a police report.
Get a police report for every incident you encounter. The first step is to get a police report. This is the document that shows the police where you were and what you were doing at the time. They can also give you a description of what happened, and how it was treated.
There are many different ways to get a police report, but one of the most common is through an online service. These allow people to fill out paperwork and upload photos of what they saw, and then send them to the police department where they can be processed and recorded. 
This process can take up to 24 hours, so it's important that you have plenty of time to do it before you're going out on your first day of work.
If you're not sure how long it will take, start by making sure that everything is in order. Then go ahead and fill out your paperwork. You'll be glad you did once you have an official record on file!
What happens if the other driver was at fault?
If the other driver was at fault for a car accident, you have a few options. 
First, you can file a claim with the other driver's insurance company. This will likely be cheaper than filing a claim with your own insurance company. 
Second, you can contact your insurance provider and ask them to cover the cost of the accident. 
Third, you can hire an attorney to represent you in court. Finally, you can take your case to arbitration.
You should also contact your insurance provider and make sure they are aware of any state laws that may apply to your situation.
If all else fails, you can always file a lawsuit against the other driver with the help of an experienced attorney.
What happens if the other driver has no liability insurance?
If the other driver has no liability insurance, you have to pay for it. You can't just leave the car running unattended, and that's not a good idea. 
It's also not smart to leave your car running unattended in a parking lot while you're on your way home from work. 
And if the other driver is driving erratically, you need to slow down or stop. If they're driving erratically, they could be at fault for hitting you if you're not watching out for them. So, don't leave your car running unattended while you're on your way home from work. 
If they're driving erratically, they could be at fault for hitting you if you're not watching out for them. So, don't leave your car running unattended while you're on your way home from work.
How do you find out who is at fault and whether or not you're insured?
You can find out who is at fault and whether or not you're insured by looking at the following things:
It's important to look for red flags that could indicate that you're at fault. For example, if you're late on a bill, you may be able to find out who is responsible for the bill by looking at the dates on the bill. 
If you're injured and are unable to pay, it's also important to look for any bills that appear to be due before your injury. If you have an accident while driving and are unable to drive, it's important to check with your insurance company.
If you are in an accident and are not wearing a seat belt, it’s important to check with your insurance company first. If your insurance company doesn’t cover seat belts, they may be liable for any injuries you suffer during the accident.
You need an experienced Houston Car accident lawyer on your side
When you’re in an Car accident, it can be very difficult to get the help you need. You may be lucky enough to survive the event, but if you’re not prepared, you could end up with a damaged car that’s never the same again. That’s why it’s so important that you have an experienced Houston car accident lawyer on your side.
An experienced car accident lawyer will be able to help you through the entire process of getting your car repaired or even helping you get your vehicle towed away. They will also be able to ensure that your case is taken seriously and that your rights are protected. This is especially important if you have any injuries as it could impact your future driving ability and safety.
A good Houston car accident injury lawyer will also be able to advise you about how best to proceed in order to protect yourself and your family from any future consequences of an accident. In fact, they may even be able to advise you about how best to avoid future accidents in the future as well**.**
Source Link: Click Here
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karnsandkarns12 · 27 days
Navigating Personal Injury Claims in Texas: Expertise of Houston's Injury Lawyers
Seeking justice and compensation for personal injuries in Texas? Turn to the seasoned legal guidance of Houston's top injury lawyers. With their extensive expertise in navigating the complexities of personal injury claims, they offer dedicated support to clients across Houston and beyond. From car accidents to workplace injuries, trust in their relentless advocacy to secure the compensation you deserve. Discover how these Texas personal injury attorneys can fight for your rights and help you move forward with confidence.
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baumgartnerlawyers · 6 months
Best Personal Injury Lawyer In Houston
When you or a loved one has been seriously hurt, our experienced and compassionate Houston injury attorneys will take strong legal action against the at-fault party and the insurance companies. To maximize your compensation. Our top-rated Houston personal injury lawyers have been winning big results for families in Texas for over 35 years. To know more, watch this video and visit: https://baumgartnerlawyers.com/
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thetexasattorneys · 2 years
Personal Injury Lawyers for Wrongful Death in Car Accident
Almost 1.25 million people are killed in car accidents in the US annually. Here's why you need car accidents and personal injury lawyers in Dallas.
Some people who experience car accidents die on the spot, while some live long enough to attain medical attention but tragically succumb to injuries.
Survivors of a passenger or driver killed in a car accident often struggle to cope with their grief and don't know where to turn for support. Mainly contacting Dallas personal injury lawyers is the best support they can find in such difficult times.
This article discusses car accidents and the importance of car accident attorneys in detail.
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Negligence that causes car accidents
It is a popular misperception that car accidents are usually "accidental" and occur due to bad luck. The truth is that many car accidents are caused by another driver's recklessness, a corporation's negligence in hiring the driver, or the firm's fault that developed the vehicle or its parts. 
The following are just a few examples of sorts of negligence that can cause or contribute to car accidents:
Distracted driving incorporates texting or talking on the phone while driving, eating while driving, and being distracted by passengers in the vehicle.
Speeding, running a stop sign, dashing past a yellow light, or running a red light are all examples of breaking the law.
Driving recklessly and with a general disregard for others on the road
Driving when inebriated or incapacitated
Car accidents that cause wrongful death
Car accidents can result in wrongful death in a variety of ways. You could be involved in a car accident where one of the following parties is at fault:
Individual car drivers
When a driver acts carelessly and causes an accident that results in the death of another driver, passengers in another vehicle, or even passengers in their vehicle, that driver may be held accountable for the damages caused by the occurrence. The best injury lawyer, Dallas, can help you prove the fault of other drivers.
Drivers of Commercial Vehicles
After a deadly car accident, commercial drivers such as truck drivers, bus drivers, taxi cab drivers, and others may be held personally accountable.
In most cases, if a commercial driver is employed by a firm and acting within the scope of their employment, the company is accountable for the accident's losses.
Ridesharing Drivers
When drivers for ridesharing services like Uber and Lyft cause car accidents, they may be held accountable.
When to opt for a wrongful death attorney?
If a loved one was killed in an automobile accident, whether a driver, a passenger, a pedestrian, or a bicyclist, you must speak with an injury lawyer Dallas to know your options. 
A wrongful death claim arising from a motor vehicle incident necessitates a thorough investigation, the knowledge and skills to put the information revealed to good use, and a zealous advocate to fight for your loved one's rights. 
You are entitled to an explanation for how the incident occurred, compensation for your losses, and knowledge that will help avoid a similar tragedy from happening again.
How does a lawyer investigate for car accident claims?
When filing a claim for wrongful death caused by an automobile accident, the first step the Dallas Texas personal injury lawyers take is figuring out how the event happened. When attempting to ascertain who is at fault, gathering information from police reports, witnesses, images of the incident, and medical records are critical.
If your loved one died in a car accident caused by a drunk driver, a case could be filed against the driver and possibly even the bartender who served the motorist by the lawyer. 
If a tire blowout caused the accident, a claim might be made against the tire manufacturer or the facility that installed the tires if they intentionally sold defective tires or did not correctly install them on the vehicle.
A wrongful death car accident attorney has the knowledge and experience to analyze every detail of an automobile accident to identify who might be legally accountable for the damages you and your family have endured.
The three common types of car accidents one can experience in car collision:
Single car accident
It is a car accident in which only one car is involved. Most of these accidents are run-off-road collisions, rollovers, collisions with fallen debris, and collisions with animals. 
Vehicle rollover crashes are violent and complex. Rollover reflects the interaction of driver, vehicle, road, and environmental factors. Other factors included in a rollover crash are overspeeding, driving under the influence, and location. 
Rear-end collision
This collision happens due to the driver's inattention or distraction, panic stops, reduced traction due to road conditions, and tailgating. In this type of collision, a vehicle crashes into the other car in front of it.
To Conclude:
If you or a loved one died in a car accident, it's better to contact Dallas Personal Injury Lawyer without making any delays. 
Wrongful death attorneys understand the difficulties you and your family are suffering following the death of a loved one, and they are committed to providing you with the comprehensive legal and emotional help you require during such a difficult time.
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beardedmrbean · 28 days
A Texas attorney was shot and killed on Saturday after trying to calm an angry customer outside a McDonald's in Houston.
The victim, 46-year-old Jeffrey Limmer, was shot twice by the shooter who then fled the scene, Houston Police said, according to ABC7.
Limmer had tried to intervene to calm the customer, who was arguing with staff because he was dissatisfied with his order and wanted a refund.
The pair got into a fight that ended up outside, during which Limmer pushed the customer to the ground.
The suspect then went to his car to retrieve a gun and shot Limmer twice before driving away in an early 2000s blue Ford pickup truck, police told ABC7.
Limmer ran back into the restaurant after being shot and paramedics were called, but the attorney died of his injuries, police said, according to local outlet Click2Houston.
The incident took place at 8147 Katy Freeway around 6 p.m. on Saturday, police told the outlet.
Police have not released any further information, and it is not clear if the suspect has been arrested.
Limmer's sister, Jennifer Thomas, told ABC13 that her brother was the type of person to "do the right thing."
"Knowing Jeff, he's the one who always says, 'Calm down. It's not that big of a deal,' and divert the situation," Thomas said. "He's always wanted to fight for the little guy and do the right thing."
Thomas said that her parents were at her daughter's graduation when they received the news about his death.
"He loved fiercely his family and friends," Thomas said about her brother. "Always laughing, making jokes, and just loving life."
Limmer was an associate at Lewis Brisbois, a Houston area law firm, and primarily practiced general liability law.
Greg Monteverde, a childhood friend of Limmer's, told Fox26 that he had driven past the scene of the crime without knowing the victim was his old friend.
Monteverde said that the news was a "gut punch," and that he knew Limmer to be the type of person to intervene in such a situation.
"I thought it was brave. I respect it," Monteverde said. "I think a lot of us knew Jeff to be that type of individual. In school, he would invite somebody who wasn't the most popular student to a party or things like that."
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