#personally the idea that hikaru and 'hikaru' would look different grown up makes me insane thanks
entertext · 1 year
HGSN Vol 3 Q&A
Rough translation by me
Q. I'd like to know what kind of person is Yoshiki and 'Hikaru's type.
A. Yoshiki's type is "someone who has aspects he can look up to", and before his death, Hikaru's was "healthy-looking and big-boobed". 'Hikaru' doesn't have that kind of concept, so he doesn't understand what "his type" means.
Q. What do Yoshiki and Hikaru usually order at Amerika?
A. Mostly spaghetti-type dishes. They'll eat dinner at home too after eating at Amerika together
Q. After becoming 'Hikaru', would his hair, body, and nails stop growing? If he doesn't grow physically, the people around him will notice eventually, but since it's unknown territory that the real Hikaru will never go through, I'm curious if he can imitate that part
A. Even after becoming 'Hikaru', his hair, body, and nails will keep growing and he'll grow up physically. However, I think the way Hikaru would look if he lived and grew up would be a little different from the way that 'Hikaru' who replaced him would look when he grew up.
Q. Why is Yoshiki older than everyone else?
A. Yoshiki's birthday is April 20th and Hikaru's birthday is March 20th of the next year, so in Japan they'd be in the same school year. They differ by nearly a whole year, so when they were younger, Yoshiki would grow up earlier, but now that's not really the case anymore
Q. Yoshiki-kun doesn't seem to be the type that makes friends on his own, so I want to know how he started doing things with Asako-chan and the others.
A. Yoshiki, Hikaru, Asako, and Yuuki were all in the same middle school together, and because that school had relatively few students, they naturally became friendly regardless of gender. Maki became friends starting from high school, and he joined up due to Hikaru pulling him in.
Q. I'd like to know Maki, Asako, and Yuuki's full names
A. Maki Yuuta, Yamagishi Asako, and Tadokoro Yuuki
Q. Why does Hikaru call his parents "Otoyan" and "Okayan" but Yoshiki call his parents "Tousan" and "Kaasan"?
A. Although they're both from the same village, Yoshiki's mother is from Tokyo and doesn't have an accent, so naturally they differ.
Q. Hikaru wears his wristwatch on his right hand, so does that mean he's left-handed?
A. Hikaru is right-handed, but he wears a left-handed watch. It was a present from his father, but since his father's personality is rough around the edges, he bought a left-handed watch by mistake and gave it as a present.
Q. Please tell me what Yoshiki and Hikaru ('Hikaru')'s shoe sizes are.
A. Right now, Hikaru's ('Hikaru's) is 26cm and Yoshiki's is 27.5cm.
Q. Why does 'Hikaru' "feel good" when a hand is put into his body? And I wonder, is that "feel good" meant in a pleasure way or a relaxing way?
A. Personally, I think people feel pleasure when they fulfill instinctual cravings, and for 'Hikaru' who is inhuman, taking things inside his body is instinctual. The parts of 'Hikaru' that differ the most from humans are the instincts, so in that regard he has feelings that humans can't understand.
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hitachiincest · 25 days
for that scene with the script (when renge becomes their manager initially) in the manga and anime are actually different. in the anime, Kao and Hika are complaining about how Kao is the pitcher as you pointed out, but in the manga, as I mentioned earlier, they complain about how they were drenched in the rain, and then afterwards, Haruhi, Mori, and Hani were teasing the script, (sorry for repeating this… gahhh ;; that while it seems Hikaru is the one that leads, it’s the more mature Kaoru that drives the action, and then they were like “we work that way,” and “so what’s the diff?” just to clear that up :) but like i said, i do get why ppl do make Kao the princess and everything, but still, they’re not all about that metaphor (in the manga, there was none of that metaphor anyways) and it sounds personal, but for me it’s hard not to get peeved bc Kao is like that on occasions, and he’s not all delicate and uwu like how people make him out to be (and for the fanarts, trust me, they do exist) but sometimes i just wish people would make them cross dress together (they always have, together in the manga especially) like as alices, the witch, in their childhood, for the lobelia girls and everything. doesn’t help the fact that Kao’s hair is slightly longer post canon… ;; like, there’s so much hikakao content, but nowhere near as enough as kaohika… again, i’m so srry for prolonging this (this was an excuse to vent lol), just am glad to see someone with a similar way of thinking <3 i hope it wouldn’t be bother if we could talk more abt the twins on occasions? like dynamics, plot ideas n stuff?
ohhh I see.. that's quite a difference, huh. also I'm surprised that hikaru would allow himself 2 even mention that he's p vulnerable. I wonder why they made that change in the anime. also ehhh?! such a big part of anime!kaoru wasn't even originally in his canon?! that feels insane... did they add it to create more angst I wonder...... has it all been a lie... orz /j I do still like the metaphor tho but I'm also a bit of an angst whore so it appeals to me specifically ghsjnd
for fics at least maybe they don't have them both crossdress bc that's a bit unconventional most of the time. for smut (& i guess r18 art) at least. tho double crossdressing sounds like a treat to me lol but its p rare/a niche (& i see why. unless its specifically lingerie) & for most they prefer one or the other w typically the sub dolled up so.. alas to our poor martyral boy.. orz orz in just general arts tho, most definitely they should both be in cute dresses. less of a niche. matching cute coords. them doing each other's makeup. Peak. i think if they did grown up versions of their blue & pink kid coords they would be so pretty.
post-canon kaoru mention spotted uryaahhh he's cute.. I remember he's, like, a fashion designer (cuuute) & grew out his hair n was adorable... from my memory anyways. guys w slightly long hair my beloved.
im sure there's more kaohika stuff out there if one looks! the eng sphere might be leaning toward hikakao but typically the jp fanbase tends to be a bit more Based. so long as one can access photo translate ya could probably find a trove on somewhere like pixiv! unless u specifically wish it was more popular in the eng sphere & alas can't help ya there.. ¯\_(;w;)_/¯
ah... ur free to spitball thoughts in my inbox when it's open I guess if u want & I'll reply if I can but im not much of a socializer + ouran isnt 1 of my main interests, despite my love for it, so i dont think id be able to contribute much other than a thumbs up anyway ^^;;
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Ouran High School Host Club REVIEW:
Hello there, everybody. My name is JoyofCrimeArt and welcome to the first cartoon review in my month long "Deviant-cember." event. For those of you who don't know every Friday for the rest of December I will be posting a new cartoon review, because I really enjoy making these reviews and hopefully you really enjoy reading them. Plus why not make something extra for the month of December. I mean all of those Youtubers are doing it. Anyway, I think I've gotten a bit off track, it's review time!  So a couple months ago my little brother decided to randomly pick a show off of Netflix and start watching it. After he saw the first episode he decided to ask me if I was interested in watching it with him. This show was none other than the 2006 anime series "Ouran High School Host Club!"
For those who are unaware, "Ouran High School Host" is an anime series produced by Studio Bones and based on the long running manga by Bisco Hartori. This manga series seems to be pretty big in Japan as this series not only got an anime adaptation but also a live action series that aired on the Japanese version of TBS. And THAT series was apparently popular enough to warrant a live action film based on the series to be created. I didn't even know that Japan even had any live action shows! Like what!? Man, what will those Japanese people think of next...  Anyway Ouran High School Host Club is a comedy anime that pokes fun at the Shojo genre of anime and manga. The Shojo genre seems to be defined as, quote "Them anime's where people don't spend all of there time powering up, fighting, and blowing stuff up." I didn't even know that Japan even had any anime like that! Like what!? Man, what will those Japanese people think of next...All jokes aside Shojo is apparently anime that is mainly targeted mainly at teenage girls. I've never seen any other "Shojo" anime before this but if this parody series in indication I would guess it features a lot of roses, fancy outfits, and flamboyant men. But enough background information, let's talk about the series plot!  The series focuses on Haruhi Fujinoka, a first year high school student who is attending the illustrious private school Ouran Academy on scholarship. (SIDE NOTE: the show makes a big deal about, even though we actually only see our main characters actually DOING schoolwork in like two episodes out of the twenty six. And even in those episodes all we see are characters do is like a fitness exam and planning a school fair. Like does anybody actually do like, math and stuff at this school? Like, I know this show is about an after school club and all, but dang! Okay tangent over.) Everything is going well until Haruhi accidentally walks into the room of the Ouran High School Host Club. Now, I know what you may be wondering if you aren't Japanese or haven't seen this show before, "What is a host club?" Now, I'm not going to say that I'm an expert on the subject or anything but based on my limited research a host club is basically a less sexual and gender flipped version of a Hooters. There basically bars or clubs that feature attractive men who's job is to charm and flirt with female customers. This show takes that idea and just puts it into a high school and removes the alcohol. Haruhi accidentally knocks over a vase that belongs to the club and, since this is a precious private school owned entirely by rich people, the vase is valued at 8,000,000 yen, or a about 70,561 dollars American (give or take inflation. Thanks Google!) And thus, Haruhi is forced to work at the host club in order to pay off her debt but, shocking twist, Haruhi is actually a girl! Wah Wah Wah! So now Haruhi has to disguise herself as a man in order to work of her debt to the host club, and many shenanigans ensue!
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(You know that the vase is going to break because they have an arrow pointing at it for the entire scene before Haruhi breaks it. It's because the show thinks that if there wasn't an arrow pointing at the vase, we might forget that the vase is important.)  So let's talk about the members of the host club. First we have Haruhi. She's smart, hardworking, and independent to a fault. She acts as the straight man of the group and honestly she serves that role perfectly. Her default emotion ninety percent of the time seems to just be "indifference," and I mean that in the best possible way. Her deadpan attitude acts as a perfect foil for the other members of the host club. That being said it's not like she's a static character, as she does show emotion when a scene calls for it. Without Haruhi down to earth attitude the show would not work at all, as without it the show would just become to zany. You really need that voice of reason character to balance out the wackiness, even in a show as silly as this. Also, while I don't know how much this applies in the Japanese version her American voice actress, Caitlin Glass, does an excellent job delivering her lines as this character. Also yes, I did watch this show dubbed and not subbed and that is because I am a FILTHY CASUAL PLEBE!  Next we have Tamaki, the leader and co founder of the host club. Tamaki is very much the dumb but beautiful type of character. He's self absorbed, though it seems to come less from a place of ego and more from just a place of ignorance. And despite him being so self absorbed he isn't selfish. He is shown to be a kind person who cares deeply about helping people, which does keep him likable. Tamaki is just such a passionate character it's hard for you as the viewer to not get as passionate as he is. He has a crush on Haruhi, which is obvious to everybody except himself. Many episodes focus on him trying to impress her, or focusing on his jealousy of anybody else who wants to get close to Haruhi, leading to many comedic situations. The obvious irony here is that Tamaki is in love with the only girl in the school who isn't madly in love with him. Like for real, every other girl in the school just melts in his hand, except for Haruhi. This is something I simply do not get, Tamaki is a doofus. I just don't see the attraction.
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I mean sure he's attractive, I guess! What with that shaggy blond hair, and those deep blue eyes...that look like two glistening pools of water in the moonlight. And he does have a sort of innocent boyish charm to him...and those luscious, kissable lips....I-Ugh, what was I talking about again? Oh yeah, the review! Hehe, um...Where was I again?    Also in the dub Tamaki is voiced by none other then Vic Mignogna. Most people would probably recognize him as Eric Elric from "Full Metal Alchemist" but the role that I most recognize him from is Uncle Qrow from "RWBY." QROW IS TAMAKI GUYS! I WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO TAKE QROW SERIOUSLY AGAIN!
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Then we have Kyouya, the other co-founder of the host club. He's in charge of all of the planning and actual day to day running of the host club. He also acts as a straight man for the group, though not as much as Haruhi. He's cold and calculated, being in the club more business reasons as oppose to Tamaki who does it in order to make women happy. He's an excellent foil for Tamaki and an excellent tool for exposition for the writers, because he always does extensive background checks on literally every character in the series because, well, he's kinda a creep. Though in all serious he is a good character, especially as we get to learn more about him and get past his calculating exterior, as we learn he truly does have a soft side.  Then we have twins Hikaru and Karou, who are in the club in order to appeal to guest who attracted to a certain, specific, type of yaoi....And this has gotten weird already if you get what I'm saying. Though to be fair it is left a bit vague how much of there "brotherly love." is real and how much is just an act for there clients. They are mischievous and overall pretty awful people overall, doing really jerky things pretty much just for the fun of it. Luckily they do get character development over time that fixes this a little, but yeah. They look completely identical to each other and act pretty much the same for the first half of the series too. There's even an episode where the dye there hair differently so it'd be easier to tell them apart.
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(...I think this how Akira Toriyama got his inspiration for the "Future Trunks Arc" of Dragonball Super.)  They do however start to divulge more in the second half with Hikaru being more rash and more of a jerk while Karou being a bit kinder and more sensitive. But don't worry, if you think that that's the last of the awkward and possibly unfortunate implications this show presents, you'd be way off-  -Cause we also have Honey! He's a seventeen year old who's whole gimmick is that he both looks and acts like a five year old...God damn it, Japan. Okay to be fair the girls in the host club don't seem to actually seem to be "attracted" to him per say, they seem to just like to fangirl over how cute he is. So at least there's that. Honey is the cute one of the host club, who loves naps, stuffed animals, and cakes. While the anime gives no explanation on why Honey looks and acts the way he does the creator of the original manga gives one, and it's the dumbest answer ever. Bisco Hatori has jokes the reason Honey looks and acts so young is because Honey was born on February 29th, and thus only ages every four years. Well played Hatori, well played.  There's also the host club manager, Renge. Now according to Tvtropes at least, she's kinda a base breaker character, meaning people either love her or hate her. I personally love her, but I totally understand how people might find her annoying. She's doesn't really serve much purpose to most of the plot, probably because she was only in one chapter of the manga. She's an insane Otaku who's only real purpose is to be genre savvy. She also always rises from the grown on a platform powered by a powerful motor. Even when there outside or something. Don't ask, there is no explanation.
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...Oh, there's also Mori. Yup. Mori's was definitely there too.
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here are some other characters, like Nekozawa, Haruhi's dad, and Zuka club but I don't want to go into all of those characters here. I don't want to spoil the entire show. Oh! I almost forget everybody's favorite side character, John Cena Senpai!
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(All credit to twitter.com/thaniasenpai for the original tweet/joke.)  If there was one word that I would use to describe this show it would be "farcical." This is a really frickin' silly, especially in the first half. There's lots of yelling, over exaggerated facial expressions, and even some fourth wall jokes. Also this show has this weird thing with banana peels. Like y'know how in most slapstick comedies you'll see a character eating a banana, and then they'll drop the peel and later on some character will slip on it. This show just skips the set up and just has them slipping on the peel from the get go. The banana peels seem to just, kinda spawn. It's really kooky. The comedy is definitely over the top, but it's a really fun kind of over the top that I found to be very enjoyable personally. When your "Alice and Wonderland" episode of your show is actually one of the more serious episodes, I think it says something about the tone of your story.
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(Example of Kooky.)  About half way through the series the show starts to change in tone slightly. The show still remains goofy all the way through, (That image above me is actually a shot from one of the last scenes of the last episode.) but we start to get some more serious episodes mixed in with the silly ones, or episodes that have both silly and serious elements to them. We start to get more backstory on the various members of the host club and it's actually pretty effective the majority of the time. It's really weird because you wouldn't expect the show to go off in that direction but I think it's good that it did. They know not to ever make things get to heavy and give us just enough drama to be drawn into the story a bit more without substituting the shows original appeal, which is the comedy. We see the characters open up and develop as time goes on, becoming more complex and interesting.  Honestly after watching all twenty six episodes of this show I didn't really have much to complain about. The only problems the show has is that the jokes don't always land and some of the unfortunate implications. And I don't just mean the stuff I mentioned earlier with Honey and the twins. When you get right down to it a lot of the host clubs antics, if placed in a less comedic setting would be a lot more creepy. Like how Tamaki claims himself as Haruhi's "Daddy." and tries to stop her from having any romantic relationship with someone else, and is kinda forcing Haruhi into his weird love club until she starts to actually start enjoying the club, almost like stockholm syndrome. Now obviously that's not the implication we're suppose to take away from all of this, as the show's tounge and cheek attitude prevents any of this stuff from getting too weird, and the bond between Haruhi and the members of the host club are genuine, I'm just saying that there's an great darker and edgier horror movie in here waiting to be made!  So in conclusion is Ouran High School Host Club the greatest anime ever made? Yes. IN YOUR FACE "Hayao Miyazaki!" No, while Ouran High School Host Club may not be the greatest anime ever made by any stretch, I found it surprisingly enjoyable. It has great characters, good comedy, and a surprisingly well told and heart warming story. I think a lot of the parody and and some of the weird implications the series would work a bit better if I know more Japanese culture and the shojo genre, but regardless I do think it's a good show that is worth watching. This show will not be for everybody. It's comedy may be seen as "too goofy" for some, some of the implications might be a bit squicky for some people, and some people may not be able to get over how flamboyant and cheesy it is. But if your willing to look past all of that, and your just in the mood for a silly, nonsensical farce featuring a lot over the top characters, a lot of yaoi overtones, and a lot, and I mean a lot of roses, Ouran Highschool Host Club might just be the show to give you all of that, plus maybe a little bit more. While the show is no longer available on Netflix it is still available on Hulu both subbed and dubbed. You can also watch the series on Funimation.com for free, or buy the series on DVD and blu-ray. Check if the show sounds interesting to you maybe check it out. It'll most likely be time well spent.  So that's my review of Ouran High School Host Club. Have you seen the show? What do you think of it? Feel free to tell me your thoughts in the comments down bellow. Even if you disagree with my opinion I'd love to hear yours. Feel free to fav, follow and comment on this post if you liked the review. And don't forget to come back next week for the second review in my multi-part "Deviant-cember." where I'll be talking about the 1992 Holiday "classic" Frosty Returns. See you guys then and have a great day.
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(And here we have Tamaki, about to break through Wall Maria, releasing the titans onto the citizens of the Shiganshina District.) (I do not own any of the images or videos in this review all credit goes to there original owners.)
https://www.deviantart.com/joyofcrimeart/journal/Ouran-High-School-Host-Club-REVIEW-650271772 DA Link
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