#perth nakhun tries norwegian snacks
imminentinertia · 11 months
I love Perth Nakhun's snack test videos (and the videos where he reads BL mangas), which is wildly out of character for me because usually video anything is so fucking slow and full of unnecessary word wasting and sound effects and stupid shit, it drives me insane. Perth is probably magical.
So now that he's tried sweets from Norway, I'm going to fucking blog my comments.
1. Stupedama Myke lakriskuler (I wrote lakriskuker first. If you know Norwegian, you get this). Stupedama (Diving Lady) is really nice entry level salty liquorice. DON'T KEEP THEM IN THE FRIDGE, PERTH. MYKE MEANS SOFT. Very pleased that he liked them, even though they were chilled and discoloured. Let's be honest, the Dutch salty liquorice he's tried is... not entry level.
2. The fans sent him Sørlandschips with Thai chili flavour bwahahahaha. Really now. Send him plain salt, they're great salted thick cut crisps. The "Thai Chili" is awful. Evil fans. Glad he didn't like them.
3. Melkehjerter has never been pronounced in a cuter way. What are you doing, Perth, how wide is your mouth to fit that lump I'm - - Okay, he likes it. That's a really sweet and bland chocolate but okay.
4. Gomp means bird's ass, for the record, but few Norwegians know. Kids like them. Perth too.
5. Omg that poor melted Stratos. Actually that's a really good but very sweet milk chocolate, aerated, and it's nice when it's intact. You'd think melting doesn't alter the taste, but it alters the experience. But how did he find mint in it?!
6. Hockeypulver is NOT entry level! It's sugar and ammonium chloride with a hint of liquorice! Poor Perth. And then he can't stop eating it, I know what that is like.
7. Straight up everyday Maarud Potetgull. Don't worry about the paprika, Perth, it's hardly there, okay he liked it. Btw potetgull is a propriety eponym in parts of Norway - to me, in my dialect area, all crisps are potetgull (often shortened to pottis).
8. Lefsegodt can't have survived the trip... Okay maybe. Congrats on the cinnamon, Perth. Sorry, no, the cinnamon isn't intense. Also, for those foreigners who know of lefse, Lefsegodt isn't that. It's thick lefse with butter, sugar and cinnamon, not thin regular lefse for savoury foods.
9. Lutti Pokémon gummies is something I've never had, so I'll just accept that Perth thinks they're chewy and fairly nice.
10. Mmmmm Smash. They're so fucking addictive. But there's hardly any chocolate left on the one Perth ate, because it's melted... Poor guy didn't get the full Smash experience.
11. Laban Seigmenn are indeed unusually soft for gummies, but were they that awful, Perth? Boo hiss.
12. Gullbrød is great. No it's not supposed to look like that. Ahaha surprise marzipan which he thought was coconut. Doesn't Australia or Thailand do marzipan? He seems completely unfamiliar with it.
13. No, that's called Kvikklunsj, love. It's basically Kit Kat, yes, so it's nice. Glad he liked it.
14. Oh, fancy crisps! From Frosta. Delicious. Very pleased he thinks it's delicious too. Pepper crisps are great.
15. Preparing to fight him about Caramel Smash, because caramel is an abomination. Did he just pronounce it ca-ma-rel? Bedtime, Perth?
16. Omg Lovehearts, I haven't had those since I was about 5 years old and starting to tire of pure sugar sweets. Neither has Perth. There's a reason why we stopped eating them. They're a tried and true heartburn medicine though, or so my friends who have been pregnant say.
17. That is not a Norwegian thing. It's a DDR thing, iirc. Hmph. Glad he didn't like Schlager Süßtafel.
18. Troika is possibly my favourite chocolate, but it's sad that it has melted and I bet he'll hate the marzipan... Okay, the faces he makes are amazing. I almost forgive him for not liking it.
19. Nero is kinda horrible, I think. Perth is adorably surprised at the liquorice, and I don't blame him for not being a fan.
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