#pet food shops in mauritius
shophar12 · 5 months
Petfood Supplier Mauritius | H.A Ramtoola & Sons Ltd
Your one-stop store for the greatest pet food in Mauritius is H.A Ramtoola & Sons Ltd. Our premium goods, affordable costs, and top-notch customer support will guarantee that your pet is content and well-fed. Shop with us right now.
Petfood Supplier Mauritius
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anah24 · 1 year
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spencersawkward · 3 years
mgg fluff!!! like maybe a super cute romantic date where you both dress up or something like that 🥺
I’ve been writing so much smut the idea of writing a scenario without sex is actually feeling foreign rn WOW lmao ok this was fun to write. here’s some fancy-date pure fluff for you, babe!
summary: Matthew takes reader out for a fancy dinner, and the two make the most of their evening together. 
word count: 2.1k
content warnings: none! short but sweet. 
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I swipe the glossy red shade over my lower lip, touching up my makeup before we head out tonight. despite the fact that we’ve been dating for a few months now, the idea of Matthew taking me out to eat-- really taking me out-- is making me positively giddy.
capping the tube and doing a quick once-over in the mirror, I admire the dress I’m wearing. it’s new, something I may or may not have splurged on after work today. it’s a creamy, inky shade, the color of pitch with an open back that I would normally never deign to wear. but something about it, the way the fabric sits against my shoulder blades, makes me confident.
after fluffing up my hair a little, I move into the living room to join my boyfriend. he’s fixing one of his monogrammed cuff links, and he looks up at the sound of my footsteps.
his eyes run over me, the bloom of my mouth and the dress, and he smiles dreamily, not saying anything. my stomach is overflowing with butterflies as I look at him in his suit, so well-dressed. we stare at each other for a moment.
“so?” I grin, walking over to him and running my hands up his chest. “how do I look?”
“you...” his gaze flickers to my pout, then my form. “you’re an angel.”
I reach up and am about to kiss his cheek when I remember that I’ve got lipstick on. “I’ll kiss you later.”
“that’s fine,” he sighs, then takes my hand and spins me around in front of him. “I’m still in shock from how beautiful you are!” he says the last few words in his stupid monster voice, reaching out and tickling my sides while he pulls me into him.
“Matthew!” I squeal, trying to breathe through the laughter. he knows I’m especially ticklish. once he finally relents, I look up at him with a huge smile on my face. sometimes I feel like I’m dreaming with him.
“we’re gonna be late, baby.” he tugs on my earlobe playfully before taking my hand again and leading me into the entryway so we can put our coats on. winter is just starting, dusting the sidewalks with fluffy snow and blowing wind in our faces as we start walking to the car. he holds the door open, as usual, and before long, we’re off to the restaurant.
even though Matthew is a bit of a reckless driver, I trust him. I’ve never told him this, but I love the way he places his hand on the back of my seat and turns around to assess the road behind him before he pulls out. something about it makes my blood warm up. he catches me looking, smiles and asks if I’m okay.
I’m fucking fabulous.
the restaurant is way fancier than I even imagined: cavernous ceilings that drip with chandeliers and walls covered in expensive-looking art. velvet curtains cover the windows, creating a wine-red ambiance of jazz and gentle conversation.
I must look dumb just staring at everything, but Matthew goes to the maitre d’ and gets our reservation ready. we never go on dates this fancy; most of the time, we stay in and binge watch old movies or play board games or just talk. he said he wanted to treat me, though, so I’m more than happy to go along with it.
part of me feels slightly out-of-place as the host leads us to a secluded table, walking past rich-looking couples or groups of people who appear to be socialites. as much as I wish I could blend in with this crowd, I keep worrying that I’m going to trip or somehow break something. elegant situations tend to make me especially clumsy.
once we’re seated and handed our menus, the host leaves us to talk.
“wow.” my eyebrows raise as I check out the options. Matthew looks up.
“this place is fancy.” the corners of my mouth tug upwards. some of the items are in French, which makes the process even harder to untangle.
“too much?” he’s a bit wary as he asks, like he’s afraid I don’t like it.
“no, no.” I laugh. “I’m just impressed.”
“you wanna get a bottle of wine?” he asks softly, grabbing the wine menu. I nod.
“sounds good.” I think for a second. “do you happen to speak French?”
“dónde está el baño?” he jokes. before I can stop myself, I reach over the table and hit his arm, both of us laughing. it must be a bit too loud, because a couple people around us turn their heads. I settle back in my seat.
“that wasn’t funny.” I’m giggling.
“I wish I knew French.” he muses, still perusing the wine selection. I sigh.
“honestly, me, too. very sophisticated.”
“are we supposed to pair our wine with our food?” he whispers over the table.
“you think I know the protocol for this kind of place?” I hiss back.
“you know, what? who cares?” he sets down the menu and gives me a resigned smile. Matthew has always been uninhibited, and him deciding to just go with the flow gives me a warm feeling in my tummy. it’s one of the most attractive things about him, in my opinion.  
when the waiter comes to take our orders, Matthew and I just get a merlot and filet mignon, both of us starving. in the meantime, we talk about his day and my day and he tells a funny story about his friend. somehow, he and I always have the best conversations, even if they’re about nothing at all.
literally you could ask us to discuss paint drying and we’d find a way to laugh about it.
“I was thinking... I’m gonna have a vacation soon,” he trails off, the antique ring on his pinky finger clinking against his wine glass. “maybe we could go somewhere?”
“somewhere like...?” I gesture for him to keep talking. he grins.
“you can decide. as long as it’s fun.”
“what? no, you can’t put that pressure on me, Matthew.” I laugh. there are so many places I want to see, and places that I know he wants to see, that I don’t wanna pick the wrong place.
“why not?”
“well, let’s do this,” I sit up more, resting my elbows on the table. the candle in the middle of the table flickers, casting his features in a pretty glow. “you list some places you’d like to visit, and if there’s some overlap, we’ll do that.”
“okay.” he rubs his hands together, then starts to think about it. I wait patiently, sip my wine and start to imagine how many possibilities there are for us. hiking along mountain trails, zip-lining through rainforests. if I’m being honest, I kind of just want to relax.
he breaks my train of thought as soon as he begins to tack off places.
“we could go to Costa Rica, or Croatia, or Mauritius... the Azores...”
“oooh, you know, I’ve heard the Azores are absolutely gorgeous.” my eyes sparkle as I think about the little islands. “and they’ve got these super nice hot springs, too.”
“private hot springs?” he asks me over the rim of his glass. my spine tingles with the implication.
“you wanna fuck in a hot spring?” I almost laugh. he reaches across the table and twines his fingers with mine, thumb rubbing over the back of my hand softly.
“I wanna do it on every continent.” he winks, then pulls away as our food arrives. I try to suppress the heat rushing to my cheeks and regain my composure even though my entire nervous system feels like it’s short-circuiting at the thought.
I try to put those images out of my mind before we thank the waiter, and then we’re staring down at the plates in front of us with surprise. the portions are ridiculously small-- mignon usually isn’t that big, but it’s such a fancy-restaurant-move.
Matthew and I start to giggle to ourselves, picking up our forks and eating. I’m not upset or anything; it’s sort of funny. instead, we share asparagus and dig into the meal.
“do you think they’ll be mad at us for laughing at the nickel-sized food?” I question. it’s really tasty, to be fair, but I have to take small bites so as not to mess up my lipstick.
“for the amount they’re charging, they’re probably the ones laughing.” he replies. I snort, reach up, and he high-fives me.
“that was good.” I concede.
“thanks,” he smiles, wipes his mouth with a napkin before focusing back on me. “so, back to the topic at hand-- are we going to the Azores?”
“only if you want to.” I smile.
“I’m the one that suggested it.”
“okay, then. I guess it’s settled.” I shrug. we set our forks down, done with our food already after about twenty minutes. we start to talk logistics and things we want to do there, excitement building in my stomach the whole time. I love spending time with Matthew-- having him all to myself for a couple weeks sounds like literal paradise.
he looks so pretty right now, too, with his glasses and fluffy hair and the ever-present smile. everything about him exudes positive energy, and I’ll never get over that sensation. I just can’t believe how lucky I am.
“I have an urgent question.” he tells me suddenly, completely serious. I straighten up and frown at him.
“do you think we can get ice cream? somewhere else?” he asks. I make a face at the way he set me up for suspense, but the relief is overwhelming and my stomach still isn’t full from the small filet. I nod quickly.
he gets the waiter’s attention, pays, and before I know it, we’re walking back to the car.
“thank you.” I nudge his shoulder with my own, both of us bundled up in our coats. he leans down to kiss the top of my head before wrapping his arm around me.
“of course, darling.”
I like his little pet names, how he says them with the kind of sweetness that nearly rots my teeth. even if Matthew didn’t tell me he loved me every day, I would be able to tell just from the way he speaks. like I’m the only girl in the world.
we end up driving to a small ice cream shop by our home, a place that we always visit during the summer if it gets hot and we want sugar. there’s almost nobody inside and we look sort of absurd in our fancy attire, but when I get to the counter to order, I let loose.
salted caramel with oreo crumbles in a waffle cone, piled high. he gets chocolate fudge and we lick at our confections while he pays. it’s so yummy, hitting the spot in a way that a small slice of steak just couldn’t. even though it’s winter, ice cream is always good.
“is my lipstick all gone?” I grin, looking up from my cone to ask. we go to sit in the back room of the shop, which is completely empty.
“mostly, but there’s a little bit...” he grabs my face across the table and guides me to him, sliding his tongue over my lower lip and pulling away to smirk. “got it.”
“uh huh.” I chuckle.
“you taste sweet.”
“you wanna lick?” I offer my cone and he nods, trying it before offering me his own.
“literally how is ice cream so good?” I ask as we go back to our treats. music from the 50′s is playing over the speakers, delightfully saccharine as we just enjoy each other’s presence.
“no idea. but I love the person who invented it.” he says dreamily. “also, sorry about tonight. I know it was kind of a bust.”
“what?” I stop eating for a second. “Matthew, that wan’t a bust!”
“the portions were so small.” he can’t get over this. I snicker to myself.
“sure, but I had a great time.”
“are you sure? I can plan something else special for us.” he gives me puppy dog eyes, afraid that I’m disappointed. I could never be disappointed by a date with him.
“don’t worry about that. let me do the work next time.” I shrug.
“like I’ll make an itinerary for our trip. that way you don’t have to stress about activities.”
“you and your itineraries.” he shakes his head slowly, but he’s laughing.
“have they ever failed?” I ask, then tap my finger to my ear as if daring him to reply. when he just smirks in response, I get smug. “that’s what I thought.”
“I love you.” the words come out of nowhere, a heavy sentiment for a light-hearted conversation. every time he says it, I feel it. that deep, burning adoration in my bones. I admire him for a moment.
“I love you, too.”
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mkgtravel · 3 years
Interesting National Symbols From Around the World
National symbols play an important role in a country’s global identity. Not only do they represent the ideals, tastes, or history of a nation, but they also create a sense of community for the population. Around the world, different emblems like animals, foods, drinks, dances, flowers, and trees are chosen as national symbols in an attempt to define the country as a whole.
Sometimes these symbols are decided upon by the sovereign state as a way to create a cultural sense of unity. Other times, a country’s symbol is chosen by default, and while it may not bear official status, it represents the nation nonetheless. Either way, the result is a wide variety of national emblems that range from surprising to mystical.
Unicorn (Scotland)
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Visit Scotland and it’s likely you’ll notice an abundance of unicorns displayed throughout the country. This is because the mythical creature is Scotland's national animal. You can find unicorns depicted on castles, fountains, cathedrals, coins, and even tombs. According to Scottish legend, the unicorn is both pure and powerful, and almost impossible to tame. King William I chose the unicorn for the royal coat of arms in the 12th century, as did King James VI of Scotland in 1603, and it has been a national symbol ever since.
Tikka Masala (England)
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A plate of fish and chips likely comes to mind when you think of traditional English fare, but the country’s favorite dish has roots on another continent. Tikka masala, a flavorful curry that most often features chicken, is equally beloved across the country. Purported to be “a true British national dish,” tikka masala was introduced to the nation by British citizens of Indian descent. The dish is a popular take-out item and considered to be the ultimate British comfort food.
Gumboot (South Africa)
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All you need to perform South Africa’s gumboot dance is a sense of rhythm and a pair of Wellington boots. The national dance began as a form of communication between Black miners during apartheid — all of whom wore tall rubber boots in flooded working conditions. Verbal communication between workers was restricted, which prompted the miners to “speak” to each other by slapping and stomping their boots. These movements eventually transformed into the gumboot dance, which now serves as a visual representation of the nation’s oppressive history as well as its work towards reconciliation.
Oak Tree (United States)
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The majestic bald eagle is widely known as a symbol of the U.S., but there is another national emblem that is just as stately — the oak tree. The mighty oak was voted the national tree of the U.S. by the Arbor Day Foundation in 2004. Selected over 21 other North American species such as maple, redwood, and pine, the oak was chosen because of the strength it represents, as well as its ability to grow from a tiny acorn into a powerful tree.
  Kumis (Mongolia)
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Kumis, the national drink of Mongolia, is a fermented beverage enjoyed by many throughout the nation. Although the drink is traditionally brewed with the milk of a mare, kumis can also be made from cow’s milk. Known for its slightly acidic flavor, the dairy beverage becomes carbonated during the fermentation process. It also has a relatively low alcohol content, which can range from one to three percent, and is most often served chilled.
  Quadrille (Jamaica)
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Originally a formal dance performed in court, the quadrille was first brought to Jamaica by Europeans. Over time, enslaved people adopted the quadrille for themselves, morphing the traditional dance into three new varieties: the contra, the ballroom, and the camp style. Of all three, the camp style is the most lively interpretation. This Afro-Jamaican version of the formal quadrille still employs partner dancing, but requires more rhythmic hip swings and footwork.
 Dodo Bird (Mauritius)
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The dodo bird has been extinct for centuries, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be celebrated. Native to the island nation of Mauritius, this large bird vanished from Earth in the 17th century. Since it couldn’t fly and had little fear of humans, the pigeon-like creature was easily caught by Dutch sailors for dinner — a repeated event that eventually led to its demise. As the national symbol of Mauritius, the dodo bird is still celebrated in spirit, and its image is found in shops throughout the country.
 Palm Wine (Malaysia)
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Palm wine, also called toddy, has long been a traditional drink of Malaysia, with roots dating back to 1886. Named for the tree from which it is procured, palm wine is extracted from the unopened flower of a budding palm fruit. After it’s tapped, the liquid sits for 48 hours so that it naturally ferments and becomes alcoholic. It can be consumed chilled or at room temperature and is often mixed with stout beer, fresh chilies, or onions.
 Guinea Pig (Peru)
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Although the cute, furry creature is beloved as a pet elsewhere around the world, the guinea pig is actually considered to be a delicacy in Peru called cuy — and is most often found on a dinner plate. Served since Incan times, roasted guinea pig is a popular dish enjoyed throughout this South American country.
 Caesar Cocktail (Canada)
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You won’t find a Bloody Mary on a menu in Canada. Instead, you’ll find a very similar substitute — the Caesar. Similar to a Bloody Mary, a Caesar cocktail contains vodka, tomato juice, hot sauce, and Worcestershire sauce. However, the addition of clamato juice, which is made from clams, is the secret ingredient that transforms it into the national drink of Canada. The drink is beloved by many and said to be a hangover cure. Canada even celebrates National Caesar Day annually in May.
Century Egg (China)
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Although the process doesn’t take 100 years as the name implies, making century eggs is certainly time consuming. This Chinese egg dish has been around for centuries, ever since a farmer found a naturally preserved duck egg in the mud and decided to try it as a snack. Today, century eggs are soaked in a solution of clay, salt, and ash for weeks. The result is the national dish, a blackened egg with a jelly yolk that is eaten by itself or with the addition of pickled ginger.
 Palo de Mayo (Nicaragua)
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Palo de Mayo is a vibrant, colorful tribute to the African goddess of fertility. The Afro-Caribbean dance is most often performed at the Palo de Mayo Festival, a four-week event that takes place in Bluefields, Nicaragua, throughout May. The high-tempo dance is often performed in brightly colored costumes to celebrate the vibrancy of the Caribbean culture, while also welcoming spring and the possibility of new life
  Spiral Aloe (Lesotho)
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A tiny country located within the borders of South Africa, Lesotho is home to the Maluti Mountains, the only place in the world where spiral aloe grows. This rare plant thrives in thin, rocky soil and blooms pink and red flowers during spring and summer. Named for its mesmerizing spiral shape, this variety of aloe is endangered and therefore illegal to harvest, but beautiful to behold.
 Gallic Rooster (France)
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National symbols play an important role in a country’s global identity. Not only do they represent the ideals, tastes, or history of a nation, but they also create a sense of community for the population. Around the world, different emblems like animals, foods, drinks, dances, flowers, and trees are chosen as national symbols in an attempt to define the country as a whole.
Sometimes these symbols are decided upon by the sovereign state as a way to create a cultural sense of unity. Other times, a country’s symbol is chosen by default, and while it may not bear official status, it represents the nation nonetheless. Either way, the result is a wide variety of national emblems that range from surprising to mystical.
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
how do you typically introduce yourself in online settings? i never talk to strangers online anymore. tbh i haven’t in the last ten years. what do you think will bring on the end of the world? nuclear war, global warming, black hole, etc. global warming. do you believe in the death penalty? we don’t have that here so i’m not sure. have you ever done role play? no i haven’t lol. my boyfriend and i would not be able to take each other seriously. have you ever/would you ever do anal? no and probably not. it would take a lot of discussion to convince me.
what’s more important- length or width? why? eh, i don’t really have a preference. do you talk dirty during sex? not often. lol. what was your first orgasm like? is it bad that i don’t remember lol. i’m sure it was amazing though. do you own any hair extensions from hot topic? nope. 7-11, sheetz, wawa, or starbucks? starbucks. what do you want to name your kids? i have no idea yet. when the time comes i’ll plan. do you personally know any authors? no. kissed someone within a day of having a bf/gf? no. have you ever kept it a secret from someone that you liked them? basically my high school life. have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker? nah. is there anyone you would date on your facebook friend list? i’m already dating him. ever been swimming in a lake or river? yeah a lake i’m pretty sure. first time you kissed the last person you kissed? 2009 lol. have you ever broken someone’s heart? i don’t think so. ever had a near death experience? not really. as a kid i thought it was. when was the last time you held someone’s hand? today. can you play guitar hero? haven’t played in years. who is someone you know that can play the piano well? my cousin. he’s a whiz. who is the best dancer you know? angel. name a time you thought you were going to die? wasn’t this just asked? have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head? yup. do you know your neighbors? not that well. i know them enough by first names i guess.
how do you feel about interracial couples? i’m all for it. i’m all for any adult couples. what restaurant do you think has the best french fries? umm mcdonalds. who’s your best guy friend? my boyfriend tbh. do you like fruit roll ups? no. i’d hate when they’d get stuck to my teeth. what’s the worse type of weather in your opinion? hot with hot wind. do you have a kindle or ipad or neither? kindle. growing up, did you see your cousins often? yes but they were older. around what time do you usually eat dinner? 7-8pm. do you like carrots more if they’re raw, or cooked? cooked. did you play with legos as a kid? yes!! which bothers you more… spelling mistakes or bad grammar? i couldn’t choose... they’re both terrible. spelling mistakes i guess since i never capitilize my survey answers lol. is there a food that you love the taste of, but makes you feel sick? milk, cheese, all dairy products. which did you discover first, myspace or facebook? myspace, duh. have you ever turned to drinking or smoking to solve a problem? no. i guess i’ve smoked after i’ve gone through a stressful situation but it never solved my problem. if you HAD to get a piercing (not ears) what would you get? ugh. nose again i guess. what do you wish you had more knowledge about? world issues. have you ever dealt with a divorce or parents fighting or any kind of abuse at home? my parents separated after one big verbal fight. so that was kinda hard to to process, it was out of nowhere. do you drink more apple or orange juice? neither.
do you think relationships are hard? they honestly shouldn’t be. but every relationship will go through tough times. what is your favorite pop-tart flavor? none. ever had the ‘birds and the bees’ talk with your parents? not properly. do you think you have to be skinny in order to be beautiful? no. would you ever get gauged ears? hell no. have you ever been in a school talent show? what for? i was in a dance group lol. so lameeeee.
have you ever dated someone you met online? nope. are you a competitive person? only if i know i have a chance in winning haha. do you believe in aliens? i wouldn’t be surprised. but i’ll believe it when i see it.
do you like dancing? nah. where are you from? sydney. how much more social are you when you’re drunk? about the same... i just get louder. if you had to be named after one of the 50 states, which would it be? dakota. what’s your favorite form of exercise? cross trainer. do you like guacamole? looooove. do you consider yourself sexually open minded? for my personal tastes, not really. for everyone else, hell yeah.
how do you feel about porn? idk, i’m a bit weird about it. some scenes are really degrading. who was your hottest ex? no exes. do you want/have kids? no. someday! has anyone ever told you that they wanted to marry you? yes. do/did you have to wear a uniform to your high school? yes. what’s your favorite flavor of iced tea? peach or mango. have you ever been to a casino? if so, which one(s)? yes. all over the damn world. all over australia, london, barcelona, monaco, venice, brussels, berlin, prague, vegas, toronto, vancouver, montreal, manila, singapore, mauritius etc. my boyfriend and i always like visiting them even though we don’t play big haha. do you love or hate olives? haaaate. have you ever visited a sex shop? yes. do you like the name cindy for a girl? nope. how many sets of keys do you have for your house? one for every member of my family plus a spare set. do you know anyone who has parkinson’s disease? yes. how many cousins do you have? what are their names? man too many. have you ever ridden a bicycle through a busy city? no. do you use instagram? how often do you post there? i look on it everyday. don’t post that often. what’s your favorite brand of beer? i hate beer. i prefer ciders instead. do you like writing? how often do you write? never. i should just to get my mind going. what’s your favorite place to get pizza? domino’s! has there ever been a fire inside your house? tell me the story. no. have you ever had a scary encounter with a wild animal? no. how many piercings do you have? four. do you own any sports bras? where’d you get them from? yes. bonds. what’s the most expensive restaurant you’ve ever eaten at? quay and momofuku. who was the last person to tell you that you were beautiful/cute/good-looking? are you attracted to that person too? my boyfriend. and yes. has anyone ever called you stuck-up? no. when is the next birthday in your household and whose is it? my sister’s, next friday. what color are your father’s eyes? brown. in winter, would you rather wear a jacket or hoodie? jacket. have you ever voluntarily read the bible? i have before. how much is gas where you live? $1.47 a litre. what a joke. do you have any gay friends? yes. do you like the state you live in? i guess. who is your favorite person to watch on youtube? jkparty. how often would you say you take naps? usually on my days off when i have nothing to do. have you ever played bejeweled? yes. does your mom have a facebook? yes. have you ever been bitten by a rat? no. why do you not wash off your makeup on some nights? i never do that. it’s so bad for the skin. does blueberry syrup sound good to you, right now? no. did you get lucky on prom night? no. have you ever fallen for your ex’s best friend? no. last song you had stuck in your head? i forgot. did you ever spill something and actually cry over it? no. do you think that everyone is capable of love? ummm. i’d like to think so but probably not. do you believe in astrology? if you mean just horoscopes, then no. if you had to wear a hat for the rest of your life, what would it be? a cap that suits my head. would you rather have a musical alarm clock or a regular one? regular. when you were little, what was your favorite game? tekken or the sims. do you prefer to wrap gifts or use gift bags? gift bags, let’s be real. wrapping gifts look prettier though. do you own a trenchcoat? yes. are you currently in a smoking environment? no. if a stranger smiles at you, do you smile back? yes. have you ever known a guy who caused a lot of drama? lmao yes. have you ever taken care of a drunk friend? yes. what’s your opinion on people who go hunting for sport? tbh it’s not a big thing here so i don’t have that much knowledge on it. have you ever gone in a sauna? yes. i hate it. out of these colors, which appeals most to you: orange, blue, or green? blue. do you believe in finders keepers in most situations? no. has anyone in your family fought in any of the wars? not that i know of. would you make any changes to your current bedroom? i’d love to but cbf. what animal have you always wanted as a pet but couldn’t have? panda. do you own many pairs of shorts? yes. is there a certain song you like to head bang to? no. who was or will be the maid of honor/best man in your wedding? i’m not sure yet. possibly my sister. what is your favorite lunch meat? ham. do you still have your tonsils? i do. red or pink? pink! do you have a special talent? eh, idk. where were you born? sydney, aus. do you own any clothes you wouldn’t wear in front of your mother?  no. what do you think the hardest part of surviving is?   just the pain of it. do you know anyone with a lazy eye? yep. can you remember your parents’ birthdays? yes, of course. what piercing do you like most on the opposite sex? tbh, none. what brand of hair dye do you prefer to use? haven’t dyed my hair in years. are you any good at applying make up? i’d like to think so but i have a lot more to improve on. are you currently wearing any hair accessories? which ones? no. do you like potato chips? not really. unless there’s dip. gold or silver? white gold. is there an animal that creeps you out? cockroaches. have you ever seen northern lights? no, it’s on my bucket list! do your parents smoke? no. is your favorite animal endangered? possibly actually. how old is your best friend?  26. if there was a large spider in your room, would you stay in the room? hell no, i’d kill it first. what color is your cell phone? black. do you take vitamins daily?  no. what’s one thing you hate about your best friend? he’s never on time. be honest: do you illegally download music? no, i just use apple music now. what’s the worst crime someone can commit? rape and murder. you’re painting your room. what color do you choose? turquoise. what dog breed is the cutest ever? corgi. are cherries delicious? no. have you ever experienced a tornado? nope. how about a flood? yes but i was overseas. i just stayed in. do you or have you ever owned a pair of light up shoes? sure, as a kid. what is a current goal you’re trying to achieve? get out of my job now. is there something that you thought you would’ve outgrown/gotten over by now, but haven’t? nope. how often do you “draw a blank” mentally? a lot nowadays. i need to read again or do something to get my brain working lol. have you ever played the sims?   yes. is your current hair color your natural hair color?   yes. can you run a mile in under 7 minutes?   no lol. do you have your license?   yes. have you ever sleep walked?   no. where was your first job?   at a new age crystal store haha. it was cool. do you remember your second grade teacher’s name?   mrs. la scala. what do you like on your sundaes?   bananas, walnuts, caramel syrup. have you been blessed with the ability to cook and/or bake?   i have the ability, i’m just not the best.
have you gained more than 5 lbs within the past year?   yes.
do you want kids at some point?   i do. are you lactose intolerant?   yes. do you believe in abstaining from sex until marriage?   personal choice. for me personally, no. what is your sexual orientation?     heterosexual. have you ever bought clothing online?   yes, i prefer it. do you think shakespeare is difficult to read?   at times, yes. do you play solitaire in the computer?   no, i don’t have it. have you ever received nude pictures from someone?   yes. admit it: you had a neopets account.   yuuuup. is there a pet in the room with you right now?   no. how weight conscious are you?   very. is there anyone else with you right now?   nope. have you ever been accused of cheating?   nope. have you ever taken a train?   yes. is being thin really all that great?   who knows. have you ever been to a night club?   yes. does any accent annoy you?   not really. someone’s voice can annoy me more than an accent. what’s worse: crocs or uggs?   crocs lol. but they’re comfy as hell. do you feel awkward when a stranger sits next to you?   only if there’s other seats available lol. do you have any taylor swift songs on your ipod?   no. do you want your tongue or belly button pierced?   no. do you hate it when people smoke around you?   sometimes. what is your blood-type?   no idea. are you donating your organs?   idk how to choose that? do you sleep on your side, stomach or back?   stomach. have you ever been a fan of ‘n sync?   no. i liked bsb more. do you know anyone that has/had cancer?   yes. were you a big jump roper back in the day?   hell yes. has a boy/girl ever cheated on their boyfriend/girlfriend for you?   no. do you like chinese food?   i have to be in the mood for it, but yes! do long distance relationships work?   they can but it takes the same amount of effort from both parties to make it work. how do you like your eggs?   scrambled. mcdonald’s or burger king?   bk.
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foodforyourbody · 5 years
via RSS feed - SEOCheckOut 230000 PLR Articles Packages Over 180 + Categories & 1,120+ Niches This article is perfect for you as marketers, website owners, bloggers, freelance writers and other online professionals to get high quality content ever needed. 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niabia04-blog · 6 years
One of the first trips we took in London was a visit to the British History Museum. I’m not one for history or museums, but it was a good experience for me to learn a bit about  the place I was visiting. I never want to be the blissfully ignorant traveler who knows literally nothing about the places she visits and the people and culture of the place. While at the museum I learned that the Roman Emperor Claudius invaded Britain in AD43, and by AD100 England, Wales, and some of Scotland had been conquered. Romans introduced many things to Britain. They built roads, towns and villas. They established Latin as the official language and introduced their way of law and money. Farm and produce were being sold according to a standardized system of weights and measure. They introduced a way of measurements of volume, length, width, etc. Many people in the Roman Empire were united through trade, military service, or administration of government. Although Latin was the official language, many others spoke Greek, Hebrew, Palmyrene, and Coptic. The Romans withdrew from Britain in AD410.
Again, though I’m not a huge fan of history or museums that have to do with history, I did enjoy the ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh’ moments of walking through the greek sculptures and artwork. I also enjoyed looking at the armor of the Roman-British Legionary soldiers, the coinage, and the weaponry.
The most impactful experience that I’ve encountered here in London thus far happened upon us accidentally. A few friends and I decided to go out to Central London to shop and visit a pizza place we had went the the previous night. While out, we stumbled upon Trafalgar Square where we decided to stop for drinks. Enjoying a large glass of cold rose lemonade and appreciating such a lovely view of waterfalls, sunshine, and laughter, I was distracted by posters and signs that displayed disturbing words and hideous pictures. It caught my attention because of the bold contrast between the immediate scene before my eyes and the one that was being portrayed on the huge signs. It was a protest. I took a closer look and noticed that all of the protesters were black and brown people, so at this point they had my full attention. I started to read the posters: “British government has stolen our land, resources, and self respect,” “Give us our identity back,””British government is waiting for a generation to die.” The protesters had set camp on the Square. They had tents, foods, sleeping bags; it was clear that the protest was meant to last more than a day. I started to wonder how so many people could just walk past them with no regard for their struggle. Even a few of the girls I was with seemed to be very unbothered by the protest. Nonetheless, I decided to walk over and ask exactly what the protest was about. Of course America was apart of the problem, disappointed but not surprised. So here was the problem: The protesters were from a British Island called Chagos Island. According to Jean Paul France, leader of the protest/movement, Britain had invaded their island several decades ago to take advantage of and capitalize off of their resources: their rare fish, spices, and herbs. In the 1960s, British government made a deal with Americans to lease the island so that America could have a military base to keep an eye on the Soviets, since it was the height of the Cold War. America ordered the islands to be evicted and the Chagos people were forced to leave. “We were threatened with being shot, bombed and to be starved if we did not leave our islands. Our dogs/pets were gassed in front of our own eyes. Meanwhile, food stores on the island were allowed to deplete in order to pressure us to leave.” France was a second generation islander. He told us how after being displaced they were forced to live in the slums of Mauritius and Seychelles. Americans demolished everything on their island to make room for 4,000 troops, 2 runways and 30 warships. Forced to live in poverty, drug abuse and alcoholism made its way into their communities. France talked about how many of the people are malnourished because they were so used to eating the food from the island and British food doesn’t compare in terms of taste or nutrients. Before their forced eviction in 1968, the island was full of life: they had a school, a hospital, and a church.
    Somehow we happened upon a subject where I was able to explain to him about the gentrification of black urban neighborhoods and the displacement of already impoverished black people into worser situations. France was taken back. He explained to me that they knew about slavery and segregation in the US, but they didn’t understand our modern day struggles with the US government as black Americans. Lauren started to go into detail about how our taxes are higher in black urban areas with higher rates of poverty and our insurance, especially health insurance, is almost nonexistent. I started to make a lot of connections to their struggles and ours. I couldn’t understand why it seemed that Black people are literally being exploited and mistreated all over the world. And sometimes it does feel like we are the only race of people that have to carry a burden of perpetual hatred and scorn from every other race of people. I try not to think about it. Its enough to have to carry the weight of my individual problems and those concerning my immediate family; I don’t also need to bear the weight of the community of black people as a whole.
    On a lighter note, a few nights later we went to go see Othello at Shakespeare’s Globe near the London Eye. I was extremely excited to see Othello because I’ve always loved Shakespeare. Ever since we began reading Shakespeare in early high school, I’ve been a fan. While others fell asleep during class and slobbered on their playbooks, I’d be wide awake, extremely attentive during the readings, and asking the teacher if I could take the book home to analyze what we discussed in class and read ahead for the next day. In Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit, the youth organization for singing and acting that I did for 5 years throughout late middle and high school, we did a decent amount of Shakespeare plays including Richard III, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Tempest, and Much Ado About Nothing. As long as I understand the context of the play beforehand, I can watch it live. If not, I get lost in the language and it is very difficult for me to concentrate. As a fellow artist and thespian, I have to say that the actors that played in Othello the night we saw it were superb actors. I can usually can spot a bad actor from a mile away. I was completely captivated at almost every moment during the play. Lauren and I were thinking about leaving early because our feet and backs were on fire from standing up the whole day, and then through the entirety of the play (except the intermission) but the actors in the play were so amazing and their portrayal of the story was done so well we did not want to leave. As hungry, tired, and achy as we were we decided to stay and watch the play in its entirety because we enjoyed it that much.
    Overall, my experience in London was amazing. The nightlife was like nothing I’ve ever experienced. We went out basically every night. London was where all the girls on the trip really got to know each other for the first time and we all started to bond as a group. It was nice actually getting to know the people I’ve been in a cohort with for a year. I was definitely sad to leave London. I was getting used to the personalities and tendencies of my roommates and flatmates, and having family meals that we cooked for eachother. I was definitely going to miss going out almost every night and always finding something new to get into. My friends and I spent out last night in London at The Port House, which was a very nice bar restaurant that we had found not too far from Trafalgar Square where we split three courses and very good wine for a total of 30 pounds. London was where we learned to budget for eating out because we always had groceries in our fridge. Oxford was our next destination. Our standards were high since London had been so good to us.
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Leading Manufacturer & Exporter of Printing Inks - Flow Ink & Coatings Private Limited
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About Flow Ink & Coatings Private Limited
Flow Ink & Coatings Private Limited  (FICPL) is one of the leading manufacturers and exporters of liquid printing  inks in India. We offer a wide array of liquid printing inks which includes Polyester Inks, Gravure Printing Inks, Flexo Printing Inks, Bopp Inks, Offset  Inks, HDPE Woven Sacks Inks, Lacquers, and Water Based Flexo Inks.
FICPL is an ISO 9001-2008 certified company. We have an advanced infrastructure, fully capable technical team and an  inquisitive R&D Department which works constantly on improving our product  range as well as discovering new processing techniques.
Our  Infrastructure
Our factory is spread over an area 45000 sq.ft. We have installed production  capacity of 3000 Metric Tonnes per Annum. But, to cater the increasing demands  of our global clients, we have intensified the production capacity by 2000  Metric Tonnes. We undertake production using machineries of latest technology.  We also have a highly developed quality control and testing laboratory, so that  we can supply supreme grade printing inks to our well-regarded customers across  the globe. We ensure safety of our employees, and thus, we have designed  factory which is dust-free and safety-prone with proper ventilation. We   supplies our goods with professional packaging to all our clients be it on  domestic or international level. Our experienced logistics department maintains  accurate documentation to make the export procedure a hassle-free task. As a  consequence, we become successful exporter and we supplies our products to  countries like Dubai, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, Ghana, Uganda, Mauritius, and   Bangladesh.
Our Mission
Our  mission is to cater our customers by providing unmatched quality of printing  inks & technical services. We understand the customer’s specific requirements  for application, compactness, performance and trouble-free operation, to  achieve total customer satisfaction.
We believe in keeping our  customers satisfied by serving them best quality products and timely service to  develop and sustain a long term relationship.
Our Product Line and their Applications:
Reverse Printing Inks
Reverse printing inks are  popularly used for printing on BOPP Films.
They are apt for high performance laminates printing.
They are suitable for printing on  HDPE/HDPP Woven Sack.
They are used for printing on PVC  shrinkable films and for packaging labels.
Water Based Inks
Water based printing inks are used for general packaging printing such as shopping bags, bread wrappers etc.
They are formulated for printing  on Metalized BOPP/PET and they are also used for printing on laminated pouches.
They are also used for printing on  textile, polythene, etc.
Surface Printing Inks
It is used for offset printing on  light weight paper and board substrates.
Surface Printing Ink is applied for printing   text  or images on books, magazines, posters, paper gift wraps, etc.
Solvent Based Inks
Solvent based inks are formulated  for medium performance laminates.
They are suitable for printing  applications which requires deep freezing properties such as milk and food  packs.
They are formulated with high  gloss properties, which is essential for printing on shopping Bags and flexible  packaging.
Flow Ink & Coatings Private Limited adopts   Customer-Centric approach. And, we conduct our business in an ethical manner,  and supplies quality products at competitive rates to satisfy demands of our  valuable clients at the optimum level, throughout the world.
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hugolaborde824-blog · 7 years
Maldives And also Mauritius Top Two Indian Ocean Places For Holiday.
The Holiday is the greatest time for you to spending your opportunity along with your family and friends, shopping for Christmas time, enjoying soccer video games through a warm fire, and also dining out in impressive restaurants. The design presents the 90th special day from elite Englishwoman Miss Sophie, who holds a festivity supper each year for her buddies Mr Pomeroy, Mr Winterbottom, Sir Toby as well as Admiral von Schneider. Whether you are at a company meal or even enjoying dinner at some from your region dining establishments along with your family, proper bistro etiquette is important to hold yourself the right way at your next dining option. A few hydrangea come into a white colored pitcher or a galvanized bucket appears great if the practice session dinner is actually fairly laid-back. Address the staying spot as you will a fluid spill, along with well-maintained water and paper towels. Organizing simple and easy dinner tips for every evening beforehand thereby assists you to cut down on the behavior from dining in a restaurant poor prepackaged food which at last makes health concerns. Supper may develop prior to or even after the outside tasks, and also may be one thing as basic as pizza in the house. HABT also possesses a really good mix from sales in between salads, hamburgers and also club sandwiches, and also has one-half from its own sales in the course of dinner, which is actually a terrific asset considering that customers typically spend extra at supper in comparison to lunch time.
The meal is gotten in touch with Dirty Pet dog's Dinner, which is composed of sausage, cooked grains, potato chips (fries) and also sausages. He's thinking about how to deal with a problem and also listed here you are actually only irritating him through all of a sudden profaning to him. For those that wish to install these 2014 thanksgiving holiday flicks for kids from http://time4sport.info/ YouTube, MacX YouTube Downloader uses you the very best option and install these splendid thanksgiving holiday flicks coming from YouTube free of charge, in order that you can easily see them along with your kids offline while readying Thanksgiving dishes or having dinner at table without fretting sluggish rate system or erratic connection. Include attractive as well as relaxed walking footwears or shoes, more spruced up shoes for dinner and also get-togethers, and also sporting activity or even aerobic shoes. You could position napkins on the dinner plate or you could place them on the left (where your other tableware are actually. Whatever selections a man makes, he should make certain the underclothes he picks is actually very clean and also in good shape - certainly not tattered, worn away or filled with gaps. Saturday Evening Live producer Lorne Michaels and his partner Alice show up for a condition dinner for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Thursday, March 10, 2016, at the White Home in Washington. Costs, grow older 5, is given the everyday activity of having washes to the washing (or clean basket). Just as that is with your oven, you are going to rarely must spend additional time for a large tidy. Select the one that will absolutely make your dinner even more appealing for yourself, family or friends for exclusive celebrations or just a routine dinner in the house.
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zerowastehome · 7 years
Africa: More than a speaking tour, a dream come true!
When I come back from any trip, my (secondhand) smartphone’s storage maxed out with photos, I like to wait a couple of weeks before going through them. With a rested mind and digested memories, I always seem to read my photographs with a different eye.
But this time is different.
Looking at the pictures that I took in May of my speaking tour in South Africa and Mauritius, does not change my point of view at all:  Every second of my trip felt like a dream as I lived it. And when I look at my photos today, it still feels like one! 
Let me show you what I mean…
With a two-day journey from San Francisco to South Africa forcing me to a 7 hour layover in Frankfurt, I saw this as a wonderful opportunity to give a talk in Germany (making the most of my trip lowers my carbon footprint but more on that at later). With the help of FES (Frankfurt’s waste disposal agency), the owners of the unpackaged shop Gramm Genau had organized a full house event. 
I hopped back on the plane for another transcontinental flight. Since I refuse in-flight meals (I carry a sandwich in my cloth bag), I arrived in Johannesburg starving, but happy to find snacks in bulk in the terminal!
I opted for nuts and the local jerky.
Once in Cape Town, my stay was hosted by Hotel Verde, dubbed Africa’s greenest hotel. While I wish they offered composting receptacles in their rooms for my orange peel, and a room key other than plastic, other sustainable practices definitely stood out.
The next morning,  a strenuous hike took me to the top of Table Mountain: I was surprised to see not only my first dassie
but also a very good sorting system of bins, including compost!
After an abseil down,
I participated in a couple of radio interviews, my favorite being with Afro Daddy, who said “Dang, your family’s trash is smaller than my hair!” LOL
When I arrived at Ocean View House, tears flooded my eyes: This place is amazing.
They had composting and they gave me a suite with a koi pond all to myself for Pete’s sake!
A walk and dinner on the beach and I was ready for some zzz’s.
The next morning, after a 5am rise for a TV interview, I headed to the Two Oceans Aquarium to be greeted by no other than a rescued penguin who fought his way out of the water, to hop on my lap and demand to be petted -just like Zizou, minus the water ;-). 
The setting for my talk, which was sponsored by Rethink the Bag that night, was one of the best I have experienced. And it will be hard to beat!
The following day, I took a sightseeing tour with a couple acquaintances,
past some (more) penguins,
and some baboons,
all the way to Cape Point.
A few hours later, I arrived in Plettenberg Bay and met Rhian, the unstoppable force behind Eco Atlas, who took the responsibility of organizing the amazing stays and sponsored transportation of this tour.
She also put together a very successful event that night. I have never felt as much positive energy and prospects from an audience as I did there.
Sadly, a few weeks after my visit, raging fires devastated the area and displaced thousands, many of them were probably present at my event. My prayers goes out to all those that have been affected by this tragedy. May it give you the force to come together, stronger than ever before.
After a restful night gracefully hosted by the Cornerway House,
Rhian took me on a walk
to Robberg peninsula with her family.
Then it was time to say goodbye,
for Plett Air Safaris had offered to take me to my next stop…
A stay hosted by Kwandwe Private Game Reserve!
As I sat contemplating the view, tears of gratitude filled my eyes again. I just wish I could have shared this with Scott!
But I dried my tears of joy, and went for a safari, past the white rhinos…
and the elephants,
ending the day with an alfresco cocktail as the sun went down.
After an early game drive,
it was time to leave. And leaving this place is not easy…
but I could not wait to get to Durban and meet Colleen, the icon of zero waste in South Africa, the woman behind A Life Lived Simply blog and this amazing tour! Inspired by our lifestyle, she has been able to also reduce her household’s trash to a jar and she shows that zero waste is possible there too. Meeting her was like visiting a sister: We had never met in person but it’s as if we had known each other our whole lives.
After giving a well attended talk at Durban Botanic Gardens,
she gave me a tour of Food Lovers Market, where she grocery shops. 
I sure was impressed with the bulk selection…
from jerky
to cookies
I found myself with bulk envy!
There was even a bread slicer available for customers.
But Colleen was not yet done with me: the next day, she treated me to a sunrise snorkel,
and then a microflight over Ballito.
Right up my alley!
We ended the morning ordering the most deceivingly wasteful drink I have ever seen (something, I would typically refuse, but this one deserved a picture and a fight),
On the right: drink as shown on the menu. On the left: what was served, i.e, two coasters, 2 synthetic tea bags, 1 box! – And I am working on getting this changed!
but the good memories take over the bad ones… I arrived in Johannesburg and met another angel: Noleen at Food and Trees for Africa,
And then, in the township of Alex, I met Mamvi.
She is supported by FTFA to grow fruits and veggies, and I got to plant a tree with her!
It was another full house and late night for my talk that day.
Nonetheless, I was eager to wake up in the wee hours, for my third attempt at ballooning (my two other tries in California got cancelled for various reasons). And this time around, I was not disappointed. 
The ride was, as you can imagine, breathtaking!
After saying goodbye to the zebras, 
I flew, nose and mouth covered (they spray insecticide down the whole length of the aisle),
to Mauritius… but with these blue waters calling my name,
I could not resist going snorkeling
and litter picking.
Compared with other beaches that I have cleaned up around the world, this ones was surprisingly trash free. I credit it to the locals maintaining them, but also to the fact that many of the drinks on the island are sold in returnables.
Finally, I met Vanessa of ThinkBox, who, with Mauritius Commercial Bank MCB, 
organized by biggest event so far, with an audience of 1700 people! Not bad for an island and the conclusion of a tour!
The next day, it was time to start heading home.
But Noleen had a surprise reserved for my 5 hr layover back in Johannesburg: She drove me to the Emthonjeni Community Center of the township of Zandspruit to meet the staff of its very special swap shop.
It’s a place where residents like this man,
can bring recyclables that they’ve picked up in the streets
and get credits to can spend towards clothes and household items.
What a wonderful incentive to reduce litter and provide necessities to those in need!
What also caught my eye in this part of town is the beautiful presentation of the loose food sold on the sidewalks.
From potatoes to tomatoes
to onions.
Time was running out as my flight home was approaching, but Noleen had yet another stop up her sleeve: no #zerowastetoursa tour would be complete without a visit to the local recycling center! And it did not disappoint: they pretty much sort as many types of material as my munipality in California does!
They take metal and glass,
and they even mulch!
In a corner, I also found cardboard binders… Had I had room in my carry-on, I would definitely have picked up a couple for my boys: Perfect for back-to-school!
Rest assured, I take none of this fantasy for granted. I am aware of how blessed I am to have been able to forge such amazing relationships throughout the world with the spreading of zero waste. And it keeps surprising me how big and wide the zero waste lifestyle movement is spreading. 
Thank you, thank you to the amazing sponsors of this tour, thank you for giving me the gift of experience: incredible adventures and dear human interactions. My life has forever been enriched by your generosity. And so I hope, others’ will also be, for you having brought my talks to them. 
Thank you:
And last but not least, thank you to the generous donors of the Durban event who have allowed for the offsetting of this entire tour!
from Africa: More than a speaking tour, a dream come true!
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shophar12 · 6 months
Petfood Supplier Mauritius | H.A Ramtoola & Sons Ltd
Your one-stop store for the greatest pet food in Mauritius is H.A Ramtoola & Sons Ltd. Our premium goods, affordable costs, and top-notch customer support will guarantee that your pet is content and well-fed. Shop with us right now.
Petfood Supplier Mauritius
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shophar12 · 6 months
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Your one-stop store for the greatest pet food in Mauritius is H.A Ramtoola & Sons Ltd. Our premium goods, affordable costs, and top-notch customer support will guarantee that your pet is content and well-fed. Shop with us right now.
Petfood Supplier Mauritius
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zerowastehome · 7 years
Africa: More than a speaking tour, a dream come true!
  When I come back from any trip, my (secondhand) smartphone’s storage maxed out with photos, I like to wait a couple of weeks before going through them. With a rested mind and digested memories, I always seem to read my photographs with a different eye.
But this time is different: Looking at the pictures that I took in May of my speaking tour in South Africa and Mauritius, does not change my point of view at all:  Every second of my trip felt like a dream as I lived it. And when I look at my photos today, it still feels like one! 
But wait, let me show you what I mean…
With a two-day journey from San Francisco to South Africa forcing me to a 7 hour layover in Frankfurt, I saw this as a wonderful opportunity to give a talk in Germany (making the most of my trip lowers my carbon footprint but more on that at later). With the help of FES (Frankfurt’s waste disposal agency), the owners of the unpackaged shop Gramm Genau had organized a house packed event. 
I hopped back on the plane for another transcontinental flight. Since I refuse in-flight meals (I carry a sandwich in my cloth bag), I arrived in Johannesburg starving, but happy to find snacks in bulk in the terminal!
I opted for nuts and the local jerky.
Once in Cape Town, my stay was hosted by Hotel Verde, dubbed Africa’s greenest hotel. While I wish they offered composting receptacles in their rooms and a room key other than plastic, other sustainable practices definitely stood out.
The next morning,  a strenuous hike took me to the top of Table Mountain: I was surprised to see not only my first dassie
but also a very good sorting system of bins, including compost!
After an abseil down,
I participated in a couple of in studio interviews, my favorite being with Afro Daddy, who said “Dang, your family’s trash is smaller than my hair!” LOL
When I arrived at Ocean View House, tears flooded my eyes: This place is amazing.
They had composting and they gave me a suite with a koi pond all to myself for Pete’s sake!
A walk and dinner on the beach and I was ready for some zzz’s.
The next morning, after a 5am rise for a TV interview, I headed to the Two Oceans Aquarium to be greeted by no other than a rescued penguin who fought his way out of the water, to hop on my lap and demand to be petted -just like Zizou, minus the water ;-). 
The setting for my talk, which was sponsored by Rethink the Bag that night, was one of the best I have experienced. And it will be hard to beat!
The following day, I took a sightseeing tour with a couple acquaintances,
past some (more) penguins,
and some baboons,
all the way to Cape Point.
A few hours later, I arrived in Plettenberg Bay and met Ryan, the unstoppable force behind Eco Atlas, who took the responsibility of organizing the amazing stays and sponsored transportation of this tour.
She also put together a very successful event that night. I have never felt as much positive energy and prospects from an audience as I did there.
Sadly, a few weeks after my visit, raging fires devastated the area and displaced thousands, many of them were probably present at my event. My prayers goes out to all those that have been affected by this tragedy. May it give you the force to come together, stronger than ever before.
After a restful night gracefully hosted by the Cornerway House,
Rhian took me on a walk
  to Robberg peninsula with her family
Then it was time to say goodbye,
for Plett Air Safaris had offered to take me to my next stop…
A stay hosted by Kwandwe Private Game Reserve!
As I sat contemplating the view, tears of gratitude filled my eyes again. I just wish I could have shared this with Scott!
But I dried my tears of joy, and went for a safari, past the white rhinos…
and the elephants,
ending the day with an alfresco cocktail as the sun went down.
After an early game drive,
it was time to leave. And leaving this place is not easy…
but I could not wait to get to Durban and meet Colleen, the icon of zero waste in South Africa, the woman behind A Life Lived Simply blog and this amazing tour! Inspired by our lifestyle, she has been able to also reduce her household’s trash to a jar and she shows that zero waste is possible there too. Meeting her was like meeting a sister: We had never met in person but it’s as if we had known each other our whole lives.
After giving a well attended talk at Durban Botanic Gardens,
she gave me a tour of Food Lovers Market, where she grocery shops. 
I sure was impressed with the bulk selection…
from jerky
to cookies
I found myself with bulk envy!
There was even a bread slicer available for customers.
But Colleen was not yet done with me: the next day, she treated me to a sunrise snorkel,
and a then a microflight over Ballito
and I loved it!
We ended the morning ordering the most deceivingly wasteful drink I have ever seen (something, I would typically refuse, but this one deserved a picture and a fight),
On the right: drink as shown on the menu. On the left: what was served, i.e, two coasters, 2 synthetic tea bags, 1 box!
but the good memories take over the bad ones… I arrived in Johannesburg and met another angel: Noleen at Food and Trees for Africa,
And then, in the township of Alex, I met Mamvi.
She is supported by FTFA to grow fruits and veggies and I got to plant a tree with her!
It was another full house and late night for my talk that day.
Nonetheless, I was eager to wake up in the wee hours, for my third attempt at ballooning (my two other tries in California got cancelled for various reasons). And this time around, I was not disappointed. 
The ride was, as you can imagine, amazing!
After saying goodbye to the zebras, 
I flew, nose and mouth covered (they spray insecticide down the whole length of the aisle),
to Mauritius… but with these blue waters calling my name,
I could not resist going snorkeling
and litter picking.
Compared with other beaches that I have cleaned up around the world, this ones was surprisingly trash free. I credit it to the the locals picking up litter but also the fact that the island reuses bottles for many of their drinks
Finally, I met Vanessa of ThinkBox, who, with Mauritius Commercial Bank MCB, 
organized by biggest event so far, with an audience of 1700 people! Not bad for an island and the conclusion of a tour!
The next day, it was time to start heading home.
But Noleen had a surprise reserved for my 5 hr layover back in Johannesburg: She drove me to the Emthonjeni Community Center of the township of Zandspruit to meet the staff of its very special swap shop.
It’s a place where residents like this man,
can bring recyclables that they’ve picked up in the streets
to get credits that they can spend towards clothes and household items.
What a wonderful incentive to reduce litter and provide necessities to those in need!
What also caught my eye in this part of town is the beautiful presentation of the loose food sold on the street.
From potatoes to tomatoes
to onions.
Time was running out as my flight home was approaching, but Noleen had yet another stop up her sleeve: no #zerowastetoursa tour would be complete without a visit to the local recycling center! And it did not disappoint, as they pretty much sort as many types of material as my munipality in California does! They take metal and glass,
and they even mulch!
In a corner, I also found cardboard binders… had I had room in my carry-on, I would definitely have picked up a couple: Perfect for back-to-school!
Rest assured, I take none of this fantasy for granted. I am aware of how blessed I am to have been able to forge such amazing relationships throughout the world with the spreading of zero waste. And it keeps surprising how big and wide the zero waste lifestyle has spread. 
Thank you, thank you to the amazing sponsors of this tour, thank you for giving me the gift of experience: incredible adventures and dear human interactions. My life has forever been enriched by your generosity. And so I hope, other’s will be too by you having brought my talks to them. 
Thank you:
And last but not least, thank you to the generous donors of the Durban event who have allowed us to offset this entire tour!
  from Africa: More than a speaking tour, a dream come true!
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