#pete brenner icons
editfandom · 11 months
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Pete Brenner - Pain Hustlers, 2023
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georgiapeach30513 · 8 months
Very controversial opinion because I know how some people feel about the Russo brothers:
Their films outside their big four marvel films : TWS, civil war, infinity war, and endgame - some are questionable. I watched cherry and I was like….are these even the same guys who did those other movies???
But. One thing I really believe, and you mentioned here before:
The Russo brothers can pull an amazing performance out of Chris E. He is their muse and they are his. it’s clear to ME that he is very probably their favorite. Even during TGM you could 1000% tell the Russos lived for Lloyd. They knew it was a six franchise so Lloyd was one and done but if they could they would have had Chris as six. And we know this.
They were able to pull something out of him rarely other directors besides bong joon ho, rian Johnson, and Danny Boyle were able to. I’m actually going to add David Yates to this because I’m still convinced Pete Brenner in PH was one of his most poignant performances of recent memory. He was underused but David got something out of him. I disagree with critics.
Anyways - back to Russos. They got Steve and Lloyd out of him. I know people poo poo the action comic book stuff because it’s not awards worthy or Martin Scorsese and Leo but seriously?
Are yall CE fans or Leo fans?
I really think people ought to start looking at the actor they Stan/fan and stop wanting to put him in a book with another actor.
Nobody knows if and or what he will do next. But I do think it’s a good sign that the Russos were able to repeatedly direct Chris into a version of himself that’s not only memorable, but iconic.
That’s why I’m totally ok if for some reason in the future, he does end up working with the Russos again.
Super super bold statement: you can call me delusional all you want but if there were a pair of directors that could actually pull an Oscar worthy performance out of CE, it would be Joe and Anthony Russo. I’m serious.
TBC, Im not saying the Russos are ever going to make any awards worthy content nor that they’ll work with Chris again or that Chris wants to do that or anything. I’m just saying, their connection is unique and mutually beneficial/special.
We do not know if Chris’ dinner with the Russos will result in a project. We don’t know what was discussed, or why they met. They are friends. But let’s assume it was work related. The next project they’re casting for isn’t even action. Let’s not forget the work the Russos did on Community. They can do some great work. I just feel in recent years they became all flash and no substance. So that Amazon project isn’t pure action. it is about cryptocurrency.
I was talking to someone this morning on discord about the whole damn comparison thing, it’s tired and old. Sebastian and Chris get compared all the time because Steve and Bucky. Sebastian clearly wants to be a critical darling. He takes risks and makes award baiting movies. That is what HE wants with HIS career. Chris wants to make more popcorn flicks. Do not come at me. There is nothing wrong with that. It is HIS career, and that is what HE wants. It’s like comparing Brad Pitt to Tom Cruise. Does Tom still have a great career? Does he make popcorn flicks? Has he pretty much stuck to popcorn flicks with some random critically praised movies? Yes. Now look at Brad’s career, early on Brad was making award baiting movies. Legends of the Fall, Seven Years In Tibet, A River Runs Through it. And he has continued to do that. But does that make either actor better or worse than the other? No, it doesn’t. Do they still have careers to this day? Yes, they do. So can we squash comparing actors to actors? Instead compare Chris work to his other work?
I get a bit annoyed that Chris continues to work with the same people all the time, but doesn’t Leo work with Scorsese all the time? I just hope whatever his next project is something he is passionate about. I hope he enjoys the time he has on set, and the people he’s working with. And I’ve got my fingers crossed for something, and I hope that the rumbles and mumbling as I’m hearing about February are true. So let’s see.
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