#peter went diapered sissy
peepeepants17 · 13 days
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
Busted, but it’s ok pt 1 (Powerpack story)
If there was anything better then getting the house to yourself on a Friday afternoon, Alex Powers didn't wanna know about it. with it being the summer Julie had taken Katie out for a girl's day, and Jack was hanging out with Franklin Richards over that Baxter building after his morning summer classes. Toss in Mom and Dad still at work and it meant that from 1pm till 5, Alex had the run of the house and was free to do whatever he wanted, after he did his chores. This worked out well for Alex as it went semi hand in hand with what he was planning on doing today anyways, mainly indulge in his love of being a widdle sissy baby. Humming a nursery theme as he stripped, Alex then tugged out a lock box from under his bed and noted with amusement that Jack had been trying to get into it again from the way the combo's were all messed up. "Heh, he'll never learn will he?" he giggled to himself. the lock box was a gift from Mister Parker, who had also included a DNA scan so that Jack could maybe get the numbers right, but if it wasn't Alex thumbing them in, it was useless. Clicking the box open, the young blond sissy rubbed his chin for a second, thinking over his choices. He didn't wanna use the locking panties he had today, there had been a super close call the last time and he'd had to pin himself to the roof for half a hour waiting for his dad to leave so he could go and get the key. The bonnet was also out, while it helped him look cute and he liked it, it was WAY too warm when he was doing chores and he ended up sweating like a pig. In the end he went with a light pink top with puffy shoulders that had a white lace trim on the bottom and on the sleeve, leaving his arms mostly bare for doing dishes and 3 of his princess diapers, noting that he was starting to get low and would have to get Mister Parker to order him some more. (Peter had found out about Alex's little fetish by mistake and had calmed the bawling boy down by offering to help him with it, as long as he was safe and private about it, hence the lock box.) Since he was planing on wetting himself Alex made sure to use a razor and slit slots in two of the diapers then after powdering himself up, he taped them on, making sure that the uncut diaper was on the outside. as a few finishing touches Alex took out a pink pacifier that was on a cord and put it around his neck, and then fished out a purple hair bow and clipped it in his hair before waddling over to the mirror to look at himself, mentally gushing over how bulky his diapies were. "mothers, lock up your sons~" He giggled as he posed in the mirror, striking a few poses and blowing a kiss to himself. He didn't really think about boys a lot despite what he had just said, but the outfit and the diapers had him being a little bit of a silly butt. Half prancing and half waddling, he set upon the first chore of the day, getting all the landry gathered up and starting a load, though he did pause long enough to grab his MP3 player and hooked it on his top, putting the headphones in and turning up the volume.
Jack and Franklin had been having fun, playing around the Baxter building for a hour before they MAYBE let a game of tag get a little bit carried away. Sure technically Mr.Richards lab was off limits but as jack tried to argue, boys will be boys, and he should get a better lock for the door if he wanted to keep them out. That was the argument that Jack had made for the pair, even as Franklin face palmed, apparently knowing it wasn't going to work. "And besides, it's not like that negative zone monster did THAT much damage, you and Mrs. Richards took it down with ease!" Jack finished up. "..I think you need to go home Jack." Was all the seething Reed had said, taking in the wreckage of his lab. "Well about that, my dad isn't suppose to pick me up till fiveish and sooo I'm gonna need a ride ho-" Jack started before Reed yelled at him to leave now. "I'm sorry about this, he gets really cranky about his lab getting wreaked despite it happening ALL the time." Franklin said, walking Jack out of the building. "If Uncle Ben or Johnny were home they'd drive you..as is Mom's gonna be working over time to keep my butt safe." "Eh, it's ok. I'll just remember this the next time he need the help for me." Jack said, all full of swagger. "...when exactly has he ever-" Franklin started to ask, but got cut off. "There's a first time for everything! anyways, good luck dealing with mister grumpy pants. I've got a ton of stupid homework to do anyways, gonna see if I can trick Alex into doing it for me again." Jack said and waved bye. Jack walked the first few blocks on foot, then when he was sure no was was looking he ducked into a alley and used his powers to lighten his mass and fly up into the air, deciding to take the quick way home. 'on the plus side, at least I know Alex will be doing all the chores, He always does when he's left alone, he's gonna make someone a good wife someday' Jack thought and laughed to himself, not knowing how close to the truth he might of been.
With the landry in the dryer, Alex had managed to tidy up his and jack's room, and then Julie and Katie's, taking the time to play with a few of her princess crowns before putting them back. He toyed with cleaning the living room and leaving the curtains open, always a little thrilling but decided to get the chore he least liked finally out of the way and headed for the kitchen inside to get the pile of dishes out of the way. It wasn't hard to tell this was Jack's chore normally as the pile had built up with Jack claiming they needed to 'soak' over and over. 'oh well, at least I'm coming up on the Abra block for my playlist.' Alex thought, starting the water and sorting the dishes out into piles.
Jack landed down in the back yard, no one noticing because of the tree line and resumed his normal mass. "heh, I think I'm getting faster!" he said to himself as he headed for the back door, opening it and walking in. he was about to announce that he was home when he heard a girly voice badly singing a old song and winced. No two ways about it, Alex was cleaning and had reached his Abra section of his play list. "Somebody needs to tell that boy he can NOT sing." Jack said, covering his ears. He almost let Alex just keep singing, it was clear he was in the kitchen and thus likely doing the dishes for Jack and he wasn't the type to look a gift horse in the mouth. Then Alex;s voice broke  and he squeaked out the next line and Jack decided it would almost be worth having to finish his own chore if it meant not having to listen to THAT anymore. Coming around the corner and looking into the Kitchen, he was about to shout and get his brothers attention, when he noticed just WHAT Alex was wearing. the sissy top would of been enough to make Jack laugh, but the massive pink and purple diapers really sold it, and really not helping things was the way Alex was shaking his butt back and forth. "You can dance, You can jive, Having the time of your life!" Alex was singing, eyes closed and holding a wooden mixing spoon up like it was a microphone. it would be till he was almost finished the main chorus that he'd opened his eyes. "Ooh, see that girl, Watch that scene, Digging the dancing qu- JACK!" Alex squeaked out. Jack of course couldn't let something like this go by and while the sissy had been singing, eyes closed, and turning around, he'd taken his cell phone out and had started to record. "T-Tell me your not taking pictures!" Alex whimpered, turning crimson in the face and dropping the spoon, tugging uselessly on the hem of his top, in a vain effort to cover the diapers. "Good news. I'm not." jack said, and Alex started to relax. "I'm making a video. wave hi to YouTube." in the silence that followed as Alex let out a soundless shriek, a hissing could be heard as the little sissy wet himself.
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elisaphoenix13 · 4 years
Before The Dawn Ch.3
A few months passed as Cassie made sure that Tony ate and resembled some sort of human, and in those few months, Diana had graduated from crawling to walking. Tony was fortunately there for the baby's first steps and Cassie could see how proud he was. He encouraged her to walk over the course of the rest of that day, but before that, the man had looked around with a smile. Only for it to fall. Cassie knew he instinctively started looking for Stephen but when he remembered that the sorcerer wasn't there, his mood fell for a little bit before he smiled again and held Diana's hands. The smile didn't reach his eyes after his realization but Cassie was glad he was smiling regardless.
She knew that now they would have to keep an even closer eye on Diana now that she was walking, and to both their amusement, the baby followed Cassie around like a little duckling. Dia was learning more and more words, and it made Cassie really happy when she learned the word "sissy". She was a smart baby and the little girl always showed her pictures in Peter's photo album and pointed everyone out and told her their names. Diana quickly caught on and since Tony was referring to Cassie as "sissy" and "Cassie" whenever he talked to Diana, she learned what to call her.
Now, Cassie could hear Tony giving her a bath as she drew in a blank notepad he had bought for the young girl a few weeks ago, and giggled when she heard splashing. Diana loved bath time and more often than not, by the time she was done, it looked like Tony took one too. He was doing a little better now and paying more attention to them, but Cassie still helped of course. Sometimes she even took a bath with Dia, but without Tony in the bathroom. He trusted Cassie to take care of Diana, but he also made extra sure to keep an ear out in case she called for him or if FRIDAY alerted him to a problem.
"Sissy! Sissy!" Diana screeches and Tony sighs.
"Ouch. Choosing Miss Sass over your old man?" Tony jokes.
"Sissy!" The baby says again and Cassie could hear her tiny glare.
"Alright, alright. Cassie!" Tony calls out.
The little girl giggles again and closes her notebook. "I'm coming!" She responds.
She wasn't going to join Diana in her bath today, but she would at least sit by the tub for her and fortunately it was enough for Diana. Cassie wouldn't have to sit long since Tony probably got her washed up and now she just wanted to play, but it would give Tony time to get Diana her pajamas and a clean diaper. When Cassie left her bedroom and went into Tony's bedroom and the adjoining bathroom, she grinned when Tony turned and she saw that most of the front of his shirt was soaking wet.
"Oh haha, alright. Laugh it up." He huffs and gets up with a groan. "I'm getting too old for this. We might need to make this something you're responsible for."
Cassie shrugs. "Okay."
Tony eyes her for a few moments and then moves past her as she takes his previous spot. "She's just playing now. I'll be right back." He says and then slips out of the bathroom.
While they waited, Cassie played with the bubbles with Diana and she laughed when Cassie pops one near her. It didn't take long for Tony to get back and he handed the diaper and pajamas to Cassie so he could grab a towel and haul the baby out of the tub.
"Alright piccola. Time to get dressed and go to bed." He grunts as he lifts her out and then looks at Cassie. "By the way, did you finish your homework?"
"Yup!" Cassie smiles and follows him over to his bed after pulling the plug in the tub.
"Alright. Good. You can go back to whatever you were doing now." He nods his thanks when she hands the clothes back over, and she goes back to her bedroom.
The world hadn't quite recovered from the snap yet, so for now parents or family members were homeschooling their kids (or any remaining) and Tony set up a program for her. FRIDAY helped him put together a curriculum that was acceptable for Cassie, and on the weekdays he sat down with her for a couple of hours to teach her whatever lessons were scheduled for that day. Then he would leave her to do her work for an hour before asking her to keep an eye on Diana so he could work on his current project.
He was usually only working until around dinner time and they both alternated between cooking. Tony did the more difficult dishes and Cassie was capable of the simpler ones. When Cassie cooked, she put Diana in the playpen in the living room with some toys so she didn't have to worry about her getting into trouble. When Tony did, Cassie continued watching and playing with her until dinner was ready. Whatever homework she had left, Cassie finished it after dinner since Tony was done with his project for the day.
He had made the promise to her that he wouldn't put all the responsibility of housework and watching Diana on her and he was doing a good job of keeping that promise.
Cassie decided to watch a movie in her room before bed and turned it down low when she heard Tony putting Diana in bed. He always spoke softly to her in Italian and then had FRIDAY play a lullaby playlist, and quietly left the room after making sure the monitor was on. Diana always fell asleep without a fuss on bath days...not that she was much of a fussy baby in the first place.
A few moments later, Tony opens the door a little more to check on her. "Movie before bed?"
"Alright then. We have to tend to the garden tomorrow." He says and Cassie nods.
"I think the blackberries are ready."
"I think so too. Maybe we can have pancakes with blackberry syrup tomorrow. Sound good?" Cassie nods and he starts to close the door behind him. "Goodnight Miss Sass."
Cassie was up bright and early the next morning, even before Diana, to go out and pick the fruits and vegetables that were ripe. Tony showed her when each thing was ready so she knew what to pick and what she knew needed more time to grow. By the time she was done and she carried everything back inside, Tony was putting Diana in her highchair and the baby yawned cutely and rubbed her eyes.
"How many blackberries do we have?" Tony asks and Cassie puts the basket on the counter.
"Is this enough for syrup?"
"I think so." Tony says. "How about you get the pancake batter ready and I'll make the syrup?"
"Get the princess some cereal puffs before you do will you?"
Cassie nods and grabs the baby cereal puffs from one of the lower cabinets and pours some out on Diana's tray. Dia picks one up and sticks it into her mouth as Cassie puts the container away, and then she starts pulling everything out for pancakes. Breakfast was made as Diana periodically throws a cereal puff in their direction, and they both laugh when one manages to land in the cooling syrup. Tony had just finished it when she threw the puff, and he quickly scoops it out and blows on it. Once he's sure it's cool enough for Diana, he walks over and feeds it to her and then laughs when her eyes get big.
"You like that?" He chuckles when she opens her mouth for more. "Alright. One more." He repeats the process, minus the throwing of the puff, and feeds it to her and she actually makes a satisfied hum.
"She likes blackberries." Cassie smiles and puts the last pancake on the stack and turns off the stove.
"I have a feeling that when she's older, I'm going to find her picking berries straight off the vine with her mouth stained." Tony shakes his head.
"Don't you want her to eat lots of fruit instead of candy or cookies?" Cassie asks. "Daddy said fruit is nature's candy and it's better for you."
"He was right." Tony nods. "Come on. Let's eat."
Cassie carefully carries the plate of pancakes to the table as Tony pours the syrup into a small ceramic pitcher, and then he joins her at the table after pulling Diana's chair closer to the table. The older girl hums happily once she gets her pancakes and pours the syrup on top, and Tony smiles.
"You like it too huh?"
"Can we try different syrups? Like raspberry?" She asks.
Tony nods. "If we have the fruit and there's a recipe, we can try it. Deal?"
"Deal." Cassie nods and shoves another forkful into her mouth.
"Here you go princess." Tony says as he puts some small pieces of pancake on Diana's tray for her to eat. "Thank Sissy for making breakfast."
"Ba!" Diana says around a piece of pancake and Tony rolls his eyes.
"Close enough."
They eat happily until about halfway through when Cassie looks over at Tony.
Cassie hesitates for a moment. "Can we get a pet?"
"A pet?" Tony asks once he swallows his food. "What kind of pet?"
"I don't know. Maybe like Tibbs? I liked Tibbs." She says softly. "I miss him."
"Yeah...I miss him too kiddo. He was a good lab cat." Tony pokes his fork into more pancake pieces after cutting it. "I don't have to give you the talk about how pets are a big responsibility since you already know and you help take care of Diana…" he pauses to eat his forkful and chews thoughtfully and then swallows. "I'll think about it alright?"
Cassie nods. "Okay."
His answer was honestly better than she expected. She assumed he would say no, especially after bringing up Tibbs, but he said he would think about it. Cassie was a little excited but was careful not to get her hopes up. Even if Tony decided she could only have fish, she would be happy. It would bring a little more life to the cabin and maybe that would help things feel a little more normal. There was only so much she could do with Diana or Tony. Diana was a baby and Tony had different interests, but he did occasionally humor her and watch a Disney movie with her. That was something he was used to.
"What are you working on in the garage?" Cassie asks when they finish breakfast and start cleaning up. She frowns when Tony pauses briefly. "If you don't want to talk about it, that's okay."
Tony clears his throat and shakes his head. "I...I'm working on a suit. The one I've been meaning to build for Harley." He answers quietly.
"I'm sure he'd like it." She says.
"I think so too. It's going to look a lot like mine, but I think the colors will be blue and silver instead of red and gold."
"What are you going to call it?"
Tony looks at her and then back at the dishes he's rinsing. He didn't answer at first, and she thought maybe she had gone too far with her questions, but then he said:
"I don't know yet. I don't usually name the suits until they're finished. Just in case I have to scrap them." He tells her.
"Oh. That makes sense."
"Bababurrrrr!" Diana announces loudly and slams her hands on her tray. "Sissy!"
Tony laughs. "Can you take her out and play with her while I finish up here?"
Cassie nods and looks over at Diana and giggles when she sees a smear of blackberry syrup at the corner of her mouth. "I should wipe her face first."
"Too bad she can't swim or I'd tell you to just toss her in the lake and be done with it."
Cassie looks up at him and narrows her eyes when she finds a smug grin on his face.
"You're gonna do it when she does learn aren't you?"
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thatgirlindiapers · 2 years
I have been wearing diapers and skirts and dresses my whole life even as a child I would go to school in a dress and diaper.even though I was a boy my birth certificate said girl.(doctor stewed up) so nobody questioned it not even me I thought I was a girl. When I was nine the school found out I was a boy and one thing led to another .next thing I know mom's in jail and I am in foster care where I continued to be a girl and wear diapers.nobody told foster lady anything so she let me be me.after I turned 18 I had to start wearing girls clothes at home only because I started looking like a man.. Then I started dating this girl that would turn me into her sissy with diapers as he did this the first time while I was sleeping and had no peter knowledge of my passed and I at that time had no sexual attachments to it until she got ahold of me and showed me just how much fun it could be.that was all there was to that now I was destine to wear diapers for the rest of my life..I have done so many different things in diapers don't have the guts I use to have but there was a time wh we n diapers and skirts or a short dress was what I went everywhere in.an most of the time you could see my diaper if you were walking behind me.i have had the best sex with the hottest girls just because they liked my diaper.what a life
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roarformeprettylion · 7 years
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Drill, Esther. Deal With It! A Whole New Approach to Your Body, Brain, and Life as a gURL
Duncan, Lois. Daughters of Eve
Duncan, Lois. Killing Mr. Griffin
Eleveld, Mark, ed. The Spoken Word Revolution: Slam, Hip Hop & the Poetry of a New Generation
Elish, Dan. Born Too Short: The Confessions of an Eighth-Grade Basket Case
Ellis, Elisabeth Gaynor, and Anthony Esler. World History
Ellison, Ralph. Invisible Man
Erlbach, Arlene. The Middle School Survival Guide
Ferris, Jean. Eight Seconds
Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby
Forman, Gayle. Just One Day
Franco, Betsy. You Hear Me? Poems and Writings by Teenage Boys
Frank, Anne. Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
Frank, E.R. America: A Novel
Frank, E.R. Life is Funny
Freedom Writers. The Freedom Writers Diary: How a Teacher and 150 Teens Used Writing to Change Themselves and the World Around Them
Freymann-Weyr, Garret. My Heartbeat
Friend, Natasha. Lush
Gaiman, Neil. Neverwhere
Gaines, Ernest. The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman
Garden, Nancy. Annie on My Mind
Garden, Nancy. Good Moon Rising
Gardner, John. Grendel
Giles, Gail. Shattering Glass
Glenn, Mel. Who Killed Mr. Chippendale?
Going, K.L. Fat Kid Rules the World
Golding, William. Lord of the Flies
Gould, Steven. Jumper
Gray, Heather M., and Samantha Phillips. Real Girl/Real World: Tools for Finding Your True Self
Green, John. An Abundance of Katherines
Green, John. The Fault in Our Stars
Green, John. Looking for Alaska
Green, John. Paper Towns
Greene, Bette. The Drowning of Stephan Jones
Greene, Bette. Summer of My German Solidier
Haddix, Margaret Peterson. Don’t You Dare Read This, Mrs. Dunphrey
Halpern, Julie. Get Well Soon
Hartinger, Brent. Geography Club
Hautzig, Deborah. Hey Dollface
Heller, Joseph. Catch-22
Hernandez, Gilbert. Palomar: The Heartbreak Soup Stories
Heron, Ann. Two Teenagers in Twenty
Hinton, S.E. The Outsiders
Hinton, S.E. Taming the Star Runner
Hinton, S.E. Tex
Hinton, S.E. That Was Then, This is Now
Holliday, Laurel. Children in the Holocaust and World War II: Their Secret Diaries
Holmes, Melisa, and Trish Hutchison. Hang-ups, Hook-ups, and Holding Out: Stuff You Need to Know about Your Body, Sex, and Dating
Hopkins, Ellen. Crank
Hopkins, Ellen. Identical
Horowitz, Anthony. Snakehead
Hosseini, Khaled. The Kite Runner
Howe, James. Totally Joe
Huegel, Kelly. GLBTQ: The Survival Guide for Queer and Questioning Teens
Hurston, Zora Neale. Their Eyes Were Watching God
Hurwin, Davida. Time for Dancing
Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World
Hwa, Kim Dong. The Color of Earth series
Jahn-Clough, Lisa. Me, Penelope
Johnson, Maureen. The Bermudez Triangle
Jukes, Mavis. The Guy Book: An Owner’s Manual
Kehret, Peg. Abduction!
Kenan, Randall. James Baldwin
Keyes, Daniel. Flowers for Algernon
King, Stephen. Carrie
King, Stephen. Christine
Klause, Annette Curtis. Blood and Chocolate
Klein, Norma. Beginners’ Love
Klein, Norma. Family Secrets
Klein, Norma. Just Friends
Kleinbaum, N.H. Dead Poet’s Society
Knowles, Jo (Johanna Beth). Lessons from a Dead Girl
Koertge, Ron. Arizona Kid
Koertge, Ron. The Brimstone Journals
Koerge, Ron. Where the Kissing Never Stopped
Korman, Gordon. Jake Reinvented
Kuklin, Susan. Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out
LaCour, Nina. Hold Still
Larson, Rodger. What I Know Now
Lebert, Benjamin. Crazy: A Novel
Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird
Lester, Julius. When Dad Killed Mom
Levenkron, Steven. The Best Little Girl in the World
Levithan, David. Two Boys Kissing
Lipsyte, Robert. One Fat Summer
Locker, Sari. Sari Says: The Real Dirt on Everything from Sex to School
Lockhart, E. The Boy Book: A Study of Habits and Behaviors, Plus Techniques for Taming Them
London, Jack. The Call of the Wild
Lopez, Tiffany Ana. Growing Up Chicana/o
Loux, Matthew. SideScrollers
Lyga, Barry. I Hunt Killers
Lynch, Chris. Extreme Elvin
Lynch, Chris. The Iceman
Mackler, Carolyn. The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big, Round Things
Mackler, Carolyn. Love and Other Four Letter Words
Mackler, Carolyn. Tangled
Mackler, Carolyn. Vegan Virgin Valentine
Martin, W.K. Marlene Dietrich
Martinac, Paula. k.d. lang
Mazer, Harry. The Last Mission
McBain, Ed. Alice in Jeopardy
McCormick, Patricia. Cut
McCullers, Carson. The Member of the Wedding
McKissack, Fredrick, Jr. Shooting Star
McNally, John, ed. When I Was a Loser: True Stories of (Barely) Surviving High School by Today’s Top Writers
Mead, Richelle. Vampire Academy series
Meyer, Michael, ed. Bedford Introduction to Literature
Meyer, Stephenie. Twilight series
Morrison, Toni. Beloved
Morrison, Toni. The Bluest Eye
Morrison, Toni. Song of Solomon
Mungo, Raymond. Liberace
Myers, Walter Dean. Fallen Angels
Myers, Walter Dean. Hoops
Myracle, Lauren. ttyl; ttfn; l8r g8r series
Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds. Alice series
Nix, Garth. Shade’s Children
Nixon, Joan Lowery. Whispers from the Dead
Nunokawa, Jeff. Oscar Wilde
O’Brien, Sharon. Willa Cather
O’Brien, Tim. The Things They Carried
Oates, Joyce Carol. Sexy
Ockler, Sarah. Twenty Boy Summer
Oh, Minya. Bling: Hip Hop’s Crown Jewels
Orwell, George. 1984
Parish, James Robert. Whoopi Goldberg: Her Journey from Poverty to Mega-Stardom
Park, Barbara. Mick Harte Was Here
Parks, Gordon. The Learning Tree
Paulsen, Gary. Harris and Me
Peck, Robert Newton. A Day No Pigs Would Die
Pelzer, Dave. A Child Called It
Picoult, Jodi. Nineteen Minutes
Pike, Christopher. Bury Me Deep
Pike, Christopher. Chain Letter 2
Pike, Christopher. Die Softly
Pike, Christopher. Last Act
Pike, Christopher. The Listeners
Pike, Christopher. The Lost Mind
Pike, Christopher. The Midnight Club
Pike, Christopher. Remember Me 3
Pike, Christopher. The Star Group
Pike, Christopher. Witch
Plum-Ucci, Carol. The Body of Christopher Creed
Pomeroy, Wardell. Boys and Sex
Pomeroy, Wardell. Girls and Sex
Rapp, Adam. The Buffalo Tree
Reiss, Johanna. The Upstairs Room
Rennison, Louise. Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging
Rennison, Louise. Knocked Out By My Nunga-Nungas
Rennison, Louise. On the Bright Side, I’m Now the Girlfriend of a Sex God: Further Confessions of Georgia Nicolson
Reynolds, Marilyn. Detour for Emmy
Riley, Andy. The Book of Bunny Suicides: Little Fluffy Rabbits Who Just Don’t Want to Live Anymore
Rivera, Tomas. And the Earth Did Not Devour Him
Rowell, Rainbow. Eleanor & Park
Salinger, J.D. The Catcher in the Rye
Sanchez, Alex. Rainbow Boys
Santiago, Esmeralda. When I Was Puerto Rican
Sapphire [Ramona Lofton]. Push
Satrapi, Marjane. Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood
Schouweiler, Thomas. The Devil: Opposing Viewpoints
Scott, Elizabeth. Living Dead Girl
Selzer, Adam. How to Get Suspended and Influence People
Shakespeare, William. Romeo and Juliet (No Fear Shakespeare)
Shusterman, Neal. Unwind
Sidhwa, Bapsi. Cracking India
Sittenfeld, Curtis. Prep: A Novel
Skloot, Rebecca. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
Smith, Lee. Fair and Tender Ladies
Smith, Patrick. A Land Remembered
Snyder, Jane McIntosh. Sappho
Sones, Sonya. One of Those Hideous Books Where the Moher Dies
Sones, Sonya. What My Mother Doesn’t Know
Sonnie, Amy, ed. Revolutionary Voices: A Multicultural Queer Youth Anthology
Speare, Elizabeth George. The Witch of Blackbird Pond
Spies, Karen Bornemann. Everything You Need to Know About Incest
St. Stephen’s Community House. The Little Black Book for Girlz: A Book on Healthy Sexuality
Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath
Steinbeck, John. Of Mice and Men
Stine, R.L. Double Date
Stokstad, Marilyn. Art History: Eighteenth to Twenty-First Century Art, Third Edition
Stone, Tanya Lee. A Bad Boy Can Be Good for a Girl
Srasser, Todd. Give a Boy a Gun
Summers, Courtney. Some Girls Are
Tarbox, Katherine. A Girl’s Life Online
Taylor, Mildred D. Mississippi Bridge
Touchette, Charleen. It Stops With Me: Memoir of a Canuck Girl
Trueman, Terry. Stuck in Neutral
Twain, Mark [Samuel L. Clemens]. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Twain, Mark [Samuel L. Clemens]. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
von Ziegesar, Cecily. Gossip Girl series
Walker, Alice. The Color Purple
Walker, Kate. Peter
Watkins, Yoko. So Far From the Bamboo Grove
Wersba, Barbara. Whistle Me Home
Williams-Garcia, Rita. Like Sisters on the Homefront
Wittlinger, Ellen. Sandpiper
Wolfe, Daniel. T.E. Lawrence
Wolff, Tobias. This Boy’s Life: A Memoir
Wood, Maryrose. Sex Kittens and Horn Dawgs Fall in Love
Wright, Richard. Native Son
WritersCorps. Paint Me Like I Am: Teen Poems
Zindel, Paul. The Pigman
Zwerman, Gilda. Martina Navratilova
The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger
The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck
To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee
The Color Purple, by Alice Walker
Ulysses, by James Joyce
Beloved, by Toni Morrison
The Lord of the Flies, by William Golding
1984, by George Orwell
Lolita, by Vladmir Nabokov
Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck
Catch-22, by Joseph Heller
Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley
Animal Farm, by George Orwell
The Sun Also Rises, by Ernest Hemingway
As I Lay Dying, by William Faulkner
A Farewell to Arms, by Ernest Hemingway
Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston
Invisible Man, by Ralph Ellison
Song of Solomon, by Toni Morrison
Gone with the Wind, by Margaret Mitchell
Native Son, by Richard Wright
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, by Ken Kesey
Slaughterhouse-Five, by Kurt Vonnegut
For Whom the Bell Tolls, by Ernest Hemingway
The Call of the Wild, by Jack London
Go Tell it on the Mountain, by James Baldwin
All the King's Men, by Robert Penn Warren
The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair
Lady Chatterley's Lover, by D.H. Lawrence
A Clockwork Orange, by Anthony Burgess
The Awakening, by Kate Chopin
In Cold Blood, by Truman Capote
The Satanic Verses, by Salman Rushdie
Sophie's Choice, by William Styron
 Sons and Lovers, by D.H. Lawrence
Cat's Cradle, by Kurt Vonnegut
A Separate Peace, by John Knowles
Naked Lunch, by William S. Burroughs
Brideshead Revisited, by Evelyn Waugh
Women in Love, by D.H. Lawrence
The Naked and the Dead, by Norman Mailer
Tropic of Cancer, by Henry Miller
An American Tragedy, by Theodore Dreiser
Rabbit, Run, by John Updike
Source: http://www.ala.org/advocacy/bbooks/frequentlychallengedbooks
6 notes · View notes
sissypennysstuff · 2 months
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Peter Went loves being on show for you all
58 notes · View notes
sissypennysstuff · 7 months
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Peter Went posing!
101 notes · View notes
sissypennysstuff · 6 months
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Sissy baby Peter Went
53 notes · View notes
sissypennysstuff · 6 months
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Peter Went is a dirty sissy!
53 notes · View notes
sissypennysstuff · 10 months
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Peter Went needs a diaper check please!
46 notes · View notes
sissypennysstuff · 10 months
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Oh dear this sissy schoolgirl is showing why she NEEDS her diapers
33 notes · View notes
sissypennysstuff · 10 months
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Peter Went loves his thick nappies. See how happy he looks!
38 notes · View notes
sissypennysstuff · 10 months
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Peter Went showing off again
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sissypennysstuff · 8 months
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13 notes · View notes
sissypennysstuff · 7 months
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8 notes · View notes