Regulus downed the remainder of his Daisyroot Draught and eyed the bottom of his empty goblet, which was not the ideal view. Making his way through the vibrantly coloured robes and somewhat drunken laughter, he arrived at the refreshment table. Sifting through the various types of liquor, he eventually grasped the bottle he’d been searching for and refilled his drink.
Taking a long swig, he looked around for a new source of entertainment. Fortunately, he found one rather quickly in the form of a person nearby. Taking in their masque outfit, he eventually frowned. “For the life of me, I cannot figure what you’re supposed to be.”
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frgttnx · 1 year
rabastan !!
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       rabastan  appeared  to  materialize  from  the  shadows   ,   a  halfway-filled  scotch  glass  somehow  already  in  his  grasp   .   the  professors  were  unbothered  by  this  act  of  defiance  because  the  alcohol  was  charmed  to  mirror  that  of  their  very  own  punch   .   he  was  sneaky   ;   not  a  snake   ,   but  a  man   ,   though  much  smarter  in  his  not  so  humble  opinion   .    his  slight  addiction  to  booze  aside  ,   rabastan  had  very  little  reason  to  be  sad  that  evening   .   he  considered  the  anonymity  a  drug   ,   and  he  was  high  off  of  it   .  as  a  result   ,   the  edges  of  his  lips  curled  upward  in  a  subtle  smile  as  he  glanced  around   ,   shoulder  nonchalantly  resting  against  a  wall   .
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opasnosts · 1 year
slughorn was known to be quite charismatic, even more so, he was well respected among the pureblood familes. what did this have to do with anything? amelia needed to have his approval. it would benifit her in the long run with her parents. hence her attendance to this masquerade. the blonde would have never done this out of her own volition. as a child she’d had enough of these type of gatherings. 
the witch had one mission tonight. to stay low.it should be easy enough. she had been standing in a corner by herself since her arrival. people watching, amelia never minded being alone. even though she was by herself, there was this ominous feeling in the pit of her stomach. paranoia? was she being watched? walking around would ease the tension, she thought. taking a step foward, she felt an arm pull her to the side. “what-” 
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ofphyrric · 1 year
lily !
her dress was too tight, her shoes were too tall, her hair pulled back too tightly. she couldn’t stop fidgeting with her mask. as badly as lily wanted to enjoy the masque, every fiber of her body was screaming to remind her she did not belong. 
fighting the urge to swipe a bottle of something strong and go back to bed, she found herself watching one of the performed scenes with a bit too much intensity. “it’s rather gory for a children’s story, isn’t it?”
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transfigvred · 1 year
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               “  i  wouldn’t  go  in  there  at  the  MOMENT  ,  ”  emma  spoke  up  ,  hardly  bothering  to  glance  at  the  person  who  was  about  to  enter  the  washroom  by  the  punch  bowl  she  was  currently  ladling  herself  a  cup  of  .  “  unless  you’re  trying  to  see  a  pirate  FAIL  to  satisfy  a  ‘  sexy  ’  house  elf  ,  then  by  all  means  ,  be  my  guest  .  i  must  confess  ,  i  AM  curious  to  know  whether  the  masks  stayed  on  ,  ”  she  mused  ,  pulling  a  tiny  crystal  flask  from  where  it  had  been  tucked  against  her  thigh  and  adding  a  generous  ,  strong-smelling  helping  to  her  cup  before  taking  a  drink  .
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ofcommonrooms · 1 year
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teetering on her sky-high shoes, narcissa navigated the crowded room easily. chin held high, she took a small sip of her champagne - dainty, girly, appropriate. druella would be so proud. and what was narcissa if not a revolving door of actions that would make her mother proud? beaming at the person approaching her, she slid a few of her loose hairs over her shoulder. "alright, alright, what do you smell?," she asked, giggling as she realized the question might not make much sense without an ounce of context. "the pearls! i had them soaked in amortentia - aphrodite!," she gushed, gesturing to herself. "so - what does it smell like to you?"
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veritaserumxpotion · 1 year
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Julien grinned as he made his way around. He loved the character he put into his costume there were a few others who definitely had a fun costume but so many of the guys were just in suits and masks and it was a bit of a snoozefest. Maybe he wanted to hit on a freddy mercury look alike. Either way he was going to have fun and find the best looking boys to snog. “Now now you don’t want to drink that. There’s spiked punch in the back that’s probably more firewhiskey than juice.
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occllumency · 1 year
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𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒐   —   as a demon;   𝒆𝒗𝒂𝒏   —   as a raven;   𝒈𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒂   —   as a lunar moth;   𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒐   —   as pan. 
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petrifyhq · 2 years
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the castle has had over a month to settle down following the unfortunate fate darius hedgeflower  &  andrea fawcett found themselves in the morning after the illicit gryffindor victory party;   and settle it did,  in a way.   the monster that’s plagued hogwarts for two years seemed to have returned to its usual habits   —   as startling as it was to see three students petrified in the month of september alone,  it did not forespell the unknown monster ramping up its attacks even more.  the rest of september finished with a whimper,  and october was as calm as it could be,  when the halls buzzed with chatter of slughorn’s impending halloween masque.  
the event has only been held since he took up the role of headmaster,  but it’s fast become a date students are sure to circle on their calendars.   say what you will about the man,  but he knows how to throw a party.   half traditional masque,  half masquerade party,  slughorn has yearly arranged for members of hogwarts’ very own drama club to wander a spectacularly decorated great hall in costume  &  masks,  performing scenes and vignettes from his chosen play at random through the crowd.   half the fun of the night?   well,  when slughorn yearly encouraged everyone else to come in masks  &  costumes   —   to keep their identities concealed.   the party itself was a treat;   the trick was that slughorn turned the night into a game,  where it’s every attendee’s mission to solve the riddle of the year’s play before the final scene signaled that the night is over.   
this year,  he had the hall decorated in gothic splendor;   lit only by candlelight,  the night was thrown into high relief.  as was tradition,  only students were were of-age were allowed to attend the masque.   slughorn knew well the stress all living in the castle were under,  so he wished to present his students with a chance to drink and let loose.   there was just one rule for all this fun:   don’t leave the great hall. 
and our relaunch is underway with this new event!   the halloween masque is set exclusively in the great hall on halloween night   —   so  friday, october 31st, 1980.   given the expected business of the holiday season this event is going to run a little longer  &  is currently set to last two weeks ooc through friday  december 30th.  if you want,  feel free to make a post describing or showing your characters’ mask  &  costume!  you can post all event specific posts and starters in the petrifymasque tag. 
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amortentiaxpotion · 1 year
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Violet didn’t always enjoy spending time out of the library and partying but she couldn’t lie and say this wasn’t a fun night for once. Especially with everyone being masked and having a reason to not know her or her sister. It felt freeing almost as she could move around and actually be herself for once. “I’m quite surprised how much of a fun event Slughorn was able to pull off.” she said 
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frgttnx · 1 year
immy !!
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      “   i’m  in  a  perpetual  state  of  disappointment   ,   ”   immy  mused  as  she  lifted  a  drink  to  her  lips    .   “    i  wouldn’t  take  it  personally  .   ”   the  young  witch  had  a  penchant  for  business   ;   it  was  practically  an  extension  of  herself  .  she  was  gifted   ,   smart   ,   and  funny  (  or  so  she  liked  to  think   )  .  she  had  strong  opinions  about  war   ,   foreign  trade  and  policies  ,  and  history  .   but  this  man   ?   the  one  who  zeroed  in  on  her  within  minutes  of  her  arrival    ?    well   ,  he  had  strong  opinions  about  himself   .   and  apparently   ,     he  also  had  strong  opinions  about  her         this  made  obvious  by  the  whispered  ‘   bitch   ’  that  slipped  from  his  lips  as  he  walked  off   .   with  a  breathless  laugh  ,   immy  shook  her  head  and  took  another  sip   .
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ofphyrric · 1 year
bellatrix !
bellatrix didn’t want to come to the masque, but you can’t always get what you want. 
yes, it was a waste of time. no, there wasn’t anyone new to meet (she already knew everyone worth knowing at hogwarts, of course). but even bella wasn’t unmoved by the giddiness of girls getting ready, the clouds of tulle and hairspray and snuck-in firewhiskey in the dormitories before. she even gave a self-satisfied grin when she caught a glimpse of herself and her sisters in a mirror on the way over- head and shoulders above the rest. just as they should be. 
she’d found a spot at the top of the stairs with a good vantage point to examine the room. with her feathered dress, she probably looked like a vulture circling for prey. “well, not i suppose not everyone is suited for formalwear.”
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frgttnx · 1 year
doc !!
      “    excuse  you   ,   this  was  supposed  to  be  my  secluded  corner  in  the  dark    …   thank  you  very  much   .   ”
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opasnosts · 1 year
brown hues took in the masquerade before them. she had to admit, even if slughorn could be a bit of a pompous arse, he knew how to throw a ball. everything shined,twirled and spun perfectly. it was almost eerie, too perfect.the witch was never interested in such ideal things. it made her skin crawl.
the brunette walked about as she kept taking everything in, lily had said an hour. she could do that, though what could she do to pass the time?  her eyes landed on the overflowing options of beverages. oh, maybe this could be fun.
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ofcommonrooms · 1 year
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narcissa black attending the halloween masque as ...
featuring ... a dress hand-stoned with over 17,000 pearls - Aphrodite's stone of choice ( and an excuse to wear those shoes )
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ofcommonrooms · 1 year
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zara zabini attending the halloween masque as...
" what ?? a little too on the nose ? "
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