#phaya and tharn talking about tharn's parents
chinzhilla · 4 months
all the family stuff in ep 10 makes me sooooo fond but also sad for how short-lived it is
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silverraes · 6 months
10 BL Boys I Want Carnally
10 BL Boys That Make Me Feel Things™
(not sexual, not romantic but a secret third thing)
okay so I wasn't exactly tagged in this but I saw several people doing this and I'll take just about any excuse to scream about my favorite characters so I'm just going to very sneakily join in on this trend 👀
there is absolutely no ranking to these bc I couldn't rank them if I wanted to
(also I changed the name a little bc my ace ass is literally physically incapable of wanting anyone carnally but I still have lots of thoughts lmao)
1) Tharn (The Sign)
I mean. is literally anyone surprised that this is where we're starting?
he's the nicest person out there. he can kick your ass if he wants to. he lost his parents at a young age and is absolutely convinced that everyone he loves is doomed to die and he keeps seeing visions of people dying and he's told again and again that those he has wronged in a past life - which he doesn't even remember - are still out to get him and yet he has so much kindness left for the world??
also he can be such a little shit and knows exactly how to tease Phaya back I love him so goddamn much.
(also that mole-)
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2) Kim (Kinnporsche)
was he also on my characters I'd hit with my car list? maybe. and what about it.
I love him so much. he's such a badass but he's such a loser. famous singer who falls for a fan he was supposed to be investigating but is too emotionally constipated to admit it. badass son of a mafia family who can kick ass but only if he wants to. who does it like him honestly
(it also helps that he's played by just about the prettiest man alive)
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3) Babe (Pit Babe)
did I start watching this show ironically? yes. is every mention of alphas and mpreg and that mama/papa thing hitting me like a brick and causing me 9000 psychic damage every single time? also yes. did I absolutely fall in love with the show and just about every character in it? you bet your fucking ass I did.
but I especially love Babe. he's just so babygirl. special alpha man who has to act tough and strong but just wants to be babied by his dumbass loser (affectionate) alpha boyfriend. like, he's actually so goddamn soft?? I love him.
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4) Guy (Bake Me Please)
I think we all knew this was coming. I was literally gushing about him for half of the episodes. Guy my beloved. that show did not deserve you.
he spends the entire show supporting his crush's every decision and trying to make sure he's okay literally how could you not love this man
(yes he was a petty bitch for like 5 minutes there but he immediately apologized for it the next episode. properly. unlike certain other people-)
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5) Sprite (Twins)
he's so himbo coded. himbo of all himbos. the himboest. not a brain cell in that head. he's my little dumbass I love him.
he deserves so much better than what he's being put through. someone please just love and support him for who he is. and also take him away from that family
(please talk to your boyfriend tho I am begging)
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6) Wei Wuxian (The Untamed)
MY BELOVED. I could write essays about him. he's such a great character I love him so fucking much. if you ever had to bear witness to me talking about him.. I am so sorry.
sassy emo bitch with a flute and a tragic backstory who's seen as evil by just about everyone but only ever had the best intentions. absolute fucking dumbass. kicks ass. always smiling despite the circumstances. loves his siblings so damn much. doomed by the narrative. what more could you possibly ask for
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7) Zhou Zishu (Word of Honor)
I'm trying so damn hard to keep this list to one character per show and it really took me a while to decide if I wanted to include him or Wen Kexing but ultimately it was Zhou Zishu for me
just.. god. him. assassin sect leader just trying to retire who keeps getting dragged into the biggest bullshit but doesn't really mind bc the bullshit comes with a mysterious pretty man. also that whole god damn nail thing. I have so many thoughts and feelings about that but this post would get too long if I got started on those-
(also actually pulling the "I'm literally dying" card to get out of chores is so fucking valid of him. more characters should do that)
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8) Milk (Choco Milk Shake)
he is quite fucking literally a reincarnated cat, of course I love him. I could list reasons for why I love him but it would be the exact same reasons just about every cat person on earth lists for why they love cats so. but here's a quick summary, just in case:
petty. dramatic. knocks over glasses. silently loves you so fucking much.
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9) Tew (My Dear Gangster Oppa)
I really did not expect to love him this much? greenest of green flags (except for the plot line we shall not talk about). can and will kill people and is fine with it (seriously it is so refreshing to see a mafia character not having a huge moral dilemma about being in the mafia). both a badass mafia man and a gamer guy who doesn't know how to talk to people and is absolutely whipped for his gamer bf.
also scars make a person just about 110x more attractive I don't make the rules. even if the scars are weird and yellow, it's the thought that counts.
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10) Tian (A Tale of Thousand Stars)
I? love him??
I just love how he sets out to do something for someone he didn't even know because he feels like this person deserves that much at least and how he ends up genuinely loving and caring for those kids and the village and this inner conflict he's having the entire time but hiding oh so well and how he actually calls out his parents on their rich people bs and-
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tagging everyone who reads this far and wants to do it. seriously. I mean it. if you want to do this, please go ahead and say I tagged you. I love reading everyone's thoughts.
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bengiyo · 6 months
The Sign Ep 3 Stray Thoughts
Last week, the Hardy Boys failed at subterfuge and stealth and had their asses summarily handed to them. After passing their training, they decided to celebrate. Everyone is shipping Tharn and Phaya, and the mystical stuff between them is compelling. We left at Heng's character appearing while Tharn is asleep.
Why is this doctor answering questions like a hobbit?
I know what Yai meant about them all showing together in training, but I want to see what Phaya imagined.
Dr. Chalathorn is clearly trying to antagonize Phaya.
So Phaya's grandmother has a favorite.
I'm very much into this grandmother believing Phaya and letting him figure out this dream stuff.
I wanna meet Yai's wife!
I've only had Sand for a few minutes, but I love her.
The dynamic with the abbot feels lived in.
Good thing the abbot is here to clear up the met as kids drama.
Ah, we did confirm again that Tharn lost his parents when he was young and wanted to stay with the abbot because he didn't want anything else to happen to his grandmother.
What in the level 0 quest is this from the abbot??
What's the counter on how many times Tharn has saved Phaya now?
This boy has been answering the call of the sea his whole life just to drown? What in the Lord Byron is wrong with him.
The mythology in this show is a bit over my head, but the idea that the abbot knows what faction is involved is intriguing.
This festival looks really cool. I gotta do some research after this episode.
So it seems like Tharn was a naga in a past life and had a relationship with Phaya in that life?
Love the grandmother telling Sand to pinch Yai for her too.
I love the way Sand talks to Tharn. They feel close.
Babe and Billy are really good together.
Did we already leave Nonkai??
Whoa, Tharn. I see you.
I do love a good erotic fight scene.
I'm glad it's the same instructor who gets to be their team leader now.
And now we've transitioned into the Criminal Minds part of the show.
I really enjoyed this episode, even if like 30+ minutes felt like a tourism montage. I like that so many people already know what's going on and we have a sense of some of the building stakes. I like the pace at which we learn about the fantastical, and I like that Phaya and Tharn know that they like each other. This is a solid Saturday show.
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lutawolf · 6 months
The Sign Commentary Review Ep 4
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We start off with a bang, staring at a woman's scared face. Ah, she's being interrogated by Phaya. Okay, so the whole investigation is a bit triggering for me, so I'm watching, but my only commentary is if he sexually assaulted someone and then is being victimized himself. Well, I'm okay with that.
Yai and Sand! Yai is such a drama king and I adore him for it.
Oh, someone is still playing hard to get. And apparently that is not limited to just Tharn, but also Thong. The way Phaya grabs Tharn and drags him is cute.
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This just looks yummy! Haha! The way Phaya is getting annoyed about Tharn talking about the case is hilarious considering how one tracked mind he used to be. Now he is just trying to go on a date with his baby and Tharn is drawing a line. Business only.
Who is this woman that Tharn has bumped into. She's wearing Naga jewelry.
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"Your life is short. You were supposed to be dead since when you were young. But your parents gave you to the Abbot... To extend your life and try to change your destiny. That’s why you’re still alive today. But young man, I warn you. You must look out for those whom you’ve wronged in the past life. They are very near. They are coming to take your life."
I love how Tharn's face says, tell me shit I don't already know, lady. She then turns to warn Phaya who had been doing an amazing job of looking like he wasn't there. He's like, I just want to eat. Why won't anyone let me eat!
Woman disappeared. Just poof. But then we see her and she is clearly Naga.
Phaya are you really concerned about Tharn or are you trying to get in his room? Him thinking over what the woman said and it's matching the Abbott. And to be honest, it matches with what he wants, soooo...
Oh, Tharn has a vision of Phaya getting stabbed right when we hear the doorbell, which we all know is Phaya. His excuse is his bike isn't working. You're a cop dude and that's the best you could come up with. I hope you at least let granny know.
I love the way Phaya pushes the envelope and always causes Tharn to back up. These two are hilarious. I really enjoy the clearly macho humor thrown in. I enjoy shows where one love interest isn't macho, but this girl likes variety and is enjoying the different nuances to this show.
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Poor confused Tharn. What wait, is this real? It has a dream like quality. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn, good dream Tharn. Go back to sleep! Go back to sleep and finish it!
Haha! The dream got you so rattle Tharn it has you covering up Phaya with a pillow!!! Damn, his picture cracked. Which means someone is secretly watching him. That's not creepy at all.
Yes, Tharn, let's go back over that dream. *Nods head in pleased mode.* Haha, the way Tharn jumped back when Phaya took off that towel. What I find hilarious is that Phaya wore the towel when he clearly had that on underneath. Tease much Phaya.
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I think this smile says it all. He did not stick his finger in the yoke! That's it, throw him out! Yeah, stick it in your mouth like you're a sexy bitch, but Tharn and I are on the same page. Phaya's face clearly saying that this did not go according to his plan.
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🤣🤣🤣 Poor Phaya was trying to hard to bring sexy back and gets this instead. 🤣🤣🤣 He probably woke to those pillows covering his crotch and came to the sensible conclusion that with a little push he could have Tharn. He's just not as smooth as our baby is, klutzy.
Phaya, just take the enjoyment out of it that you can. Tharn cleaning up the ketchup for you. Tharn's solution to this whole mess. "Just go to work naked!" I can absolutely get behind this. Like literally... hahaha. These two coconuts are hilarious.
This dumbass, oh look, the bike is fixed. Magic! 🤣🤣🤣 Yai, God, I love Yai. He's just asking some innocent questions that Tharn is trying to cover up. Which Phaya is not having. He has been walking perfectly fine, but when he hears Yai, he starts yanking at the pants and acting dramatic. Then, when Yai ask HIM an innocent question, he tells him the pants are Tharn's.
Which leads to this beautiful interaction.
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OMG... Apparently the pants were really too small. Hahaha!
Wait, doesn't that girl look familiar. Isn't that the Naga lady?
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Maybe not, maybe just similar looking. Either way, Phaya catches the significance of the conversation and goes to ask them abut the influencer. They've got a clue now!
Woot! I love all the strong females. Mayris is a hoot. Here comes Phaya sparing no feelings. I suspect Singh. With absolutely nothing to go by as yet.
He sees the future, though, not the past. Hmm. Tharn only had a seconds warning, now they are stuck and Phaya is running after the fire starter.
Tharn picks up Phaya getting stabbed. Gets them unstuck somehow with a chair. And is now going after Phaya.
Phaya, you are once again saved by Tharn. Why is Tharn playing doctor to Phaya instead of medical staff? I mean, he got hit in the head. I know he is hard-headed, but I'm just saying. Phaya being short-tempered and so confused about Tharn acting like he cares when he usually doesn't. Then Mayris reading the room and having fun with it. 🤣🤣🤣
Sneaky Phaya listening to the convo.
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Tharn's face says it all.
Who is Dao... I'm sure this won't cause misunderstandings at all. Oh, I called it. Tharn is jelly! So jelly! Yai don't look happy either. You fucked up, Phaya. Hahaha! Of course, Yai is also going to take the opportunity to poke the sore spot.
Revenge has shown up in the face of Dr. Chalothon. OMG, that was so classic and yet still Beautiful. Chalothon asks Tharn if he is hungry and if he wants to eat before going home. Tharn looks right at Phaya as he says yes. Phaya has his priorities in order though and chases after them. But not smart enough to clear up the misunderstanding. Oh goody, when we incorrectly diagnose Schizophrenia without any data. Schizophrenia exists on a scale, the more extreme cases that refuse medication can be a danger whether to themselves or others depend on environmental factors. Also, Schizophrenia isn't as common as people think. On a global scale, it's 1 out of 300 people. 1 out 3 Schizophrenics can successfully get treated and recover enough to live independently. Ahh, there we go, he is using it to point fingers at Phaya.
Nobody told the good doctor this. You fell for that Phaya???
Aww, Tharn was so happy to see Phaya, but Phaya is not happy.
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So much excitement about finding genitals. Oh, they might have found him. I'm not holding my breath yet.
Phaya looking at Cap while everyone else is looking at Tharn...
Ahhh, please let the scene in the preview not be a dream! Woot! Can't wait!
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gillyweedgrl · 5 months
Give this man an award!
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I am fully convinced that Dr Chalothon is the cause of all the bad things that have happened in the series so far:
Phaya’s near drowning when they were kids
Tharn’s parents accident
The recent murders
The death of the officer they’re all talking about
Kun Montree and his shady business
Art/Kao and that whole mess
Phaya’s sudden short fuse, especially where it involves Tharn
Some of this is pure speculation of course but come on. Just look at his FACE!
That’s one shady MoFo if ever I saw one and Heng is so good at expressing Chaloton’s villainous nature.
Combines with a great script and some wicked cinematography, he’s doing such an amazing job at bringing this almost comical villainy to life and I’m loving every second of it.
Sorry for the shitty gifs, I’m at work so on mobile and I know they stink but I’ll try and replace them later with something better.
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timotey · 6 months
Ficlet: An Odd Thing (Crossing Mind)
The Sign. Phaya/Tharn. A What-If. Unbeta’d.
Phaya can’t believe it never occurred to him to ask.
(I have no idea if this will be a "thing" or not. Ergo, a ficlet.)
It’s ten o’clock in the evening and Phaya is driving Tharn home again. Outside it is dark, neon lights along the street a kaleidoscope of color, while inside the car it’s cozy and quiet. They’re both tired after a long day in the field and the silence they share is companionable. 
It’s become a routine, Phaya driving Tharn home, even when he doesn’t spend the night. Which is happening less and less often these days. So rarely actually that a big portion of his wardrobe somehow migrated to Tharn’s flat. 
Phaya is quite amused by that, mainly because he still sleeps on the couch. If he told anyone, they wouldn’t believe him. Sometimes he wonders at himself. What is he actually doing? He’s courted many people in the past but he’s never tried so hard.
Phaya slowly rolls to a stop at a red light. And as he stares at it, leaning against the steering wheel and lost in his thoughts, an odd thing crosses his mind, out of nowhere. 
Looking to the side, at Tharn’s face drowning in shadows, and says, “Can I ask you something?”
Tharn looks at him; the way his eyes glitter in the dim light mesmerizes Phaya. “Yes?” Tharn replies cautiously, wary of possible mischief.
“Do you even have a driver’s license?” Phaya asks, slightly bewildered because he can’t believe it never occurred to him to ask. Huh. “I mean, don’t take it the wrong way, I don’t mind driving you, at all, frankly just the opposite, it’s just… I’ve never actually seen you drive. Not once.”
Furrowing his brows a little, Tharn replies, “Of course I have a driver’s license. They would’ve hardly offered me this job if I didn't, would they?” But he sounds more guarded than annoyed which seems rather curious to Phaya.
The light changes to green and Phaya shifts gears, moving their car along with a throng of others. “So… you just don’t. Drive, I mean,” he says, throwing a quick sideways glance at Tharn.
Who turns away, towards the passenger side window, hiding, as he replies quietly, “Yeah, I just don’t.” 
There’s something odd in his voice. It makes Phaya frown. But he keeps quiet, paying attention to the heavy traffic, until the next red light. Only when the car stops again, the engine humming softly in the background, does he turn back to Tharn. Who’s still fixedly staring out of the window.
“Will you tell me why?” Phaya asks and he does it in a gentle voice, sensing that he stumbled upon something sensitive.
Tharn doesn’t respond for a while, hands clenched into tight fists in his lap the only outward sign of his distress. Phaya’s frown deepens and he wants to reach out and rest his hand on Tharn’s to calm him down, but the column of cars starts moving again.
It’s when he shifts his attention back to the traffic that Tharn finally answers in a voice barely above whisper, “My parents died in a car crash when I was little.”
Phaya shoots him an intense look and curses the lights that are now all green, green, green as if to spite him. So he keeps quiet, his eyes on the road, his hands on the steering wheel. And he waits for Tharn to continue. Or not. Because Phaya won’t press this issue if Tharn doesn’t feel like talking about it.
But it seems that Tharn does, at least somewhat. Staring out of the window, at the brightly lit storefronts slipping by, he says quietly, “I was in the car with them. A truck ran a light or maybe a stop sign, I don’t remember anymore, and hit us in the middle of an intersection. I do remember the noise, though, it was horrible, and how our car lurched and turned over. I was there, with them, while they were dying. I couldn’t move, I could only watch.”
Tharn falls silent and Phaya risks a glance at him again. Tharn’s now very tense, almost trembling, and Phaya sees him swallow hard before he finishes with, “And that’s why I don’t drive. Not when I don’t have to.”
A red light again and Phaya stops the car. He turns to Tharn whose face is still averted, carefully concealed. And Phaya’s heart aches for him.
Slowly, Phaya reaches out and covers Tharn’s hand with his own. He gently pries his fist open and laces their fingers together; Tharn’s are cold and shaking, his own warm and firm. “Alright,” he says softly and tenderly. “Alright, Tharn…”
And though Tharn doesn’t look at him, though he doesn’t let Phaya truly see him in that moment, he nonetheless squeezes Phaya’s hand back, acknowledging what’s being freely given: support and warmth and affection. They’re his for the taking, should he need them.
They hold hands until the light changes again. They don’t talk about it anymore.
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 5 months
Ok, a) can we talk about how wonderful it is to have a lead who tells his love everything he's learned right away (after the banging, of course)
and b) CUDDLES!!!
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Aw, dammit, spoke too soon. Abbot! I don't like this!
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Damn, this is a gorgeous shot.
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This show does intimacy so incredibly well. This whole scene was just *chef's kiss*.
Ooh, is Slow Motion going to go full snake man by the end of this?
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Fun fact, all of my Yai screenshots are named some version of "Yai Best" because he is, in fact, the absolute best.
You know, it just hit me how brutal this really was for the grandmother - because if Phaya's parents are gone, that means she's already experienced losing a child. And then Phaya almost dying as a child, and then almost dying again here, and then disappearing...this poor woman!
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Also, I adore the look she gives him when he says he was worried she wouldn't approve of him dating a guy. The words were sweet, but this first look is definitely a "you dumbass child".
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Lmao, Yai! He definitely has a "congrats on the sex" cake stashed away for Tharn.
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Lol, something that will always cross all cultural boundaries - how people react to free food.
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Anyone else thinking that Chart was actually recruited by Akk, after he flunked the special unit training, to go undercover?
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Didn't they say at some point that the spider gang was made up of ex-cops? It would be the perfect setup to get someone infiltrated.
Poor Akk. He's been doing this for so long, and having to be so careful, and now all these young guys are coming in like "why did you not tell meeeeee". Dudes.
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A+ Grandma bonding.
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I also like that we're getting little moments with Tharn & Nee.
Ok, this may seem like a really little thing, but after eons of shows where characters like this are shown as oblivious to danger, I love that she immediately picks up that something is wrong with the new cops.
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*snort* that is some terrible evidence planting dude.
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(I know it doesn't matter, because of the corrupt cops who will push the case through as a suicide, it just makes me laugh)
Ok, I know this is a serious moment, but goddamn Yai is so hot like this.
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Ooh, it's all going down in Nongkai next time!
Time to break out the wings Phaya!
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nthngtoseehere-blog · 6 months
I've been poking around The Sign hashtag and have some thoughts about some things people are talking about.
Tharn hitting Phaya: imho, deserved and understandable, and in-character. Firstly, we've already seen Tharn go after someone in defense of someone else: Chart, when Chart was about to kill Phaya in ep 1 - 2. In this situation Phaya was not about to kill the Dr, no. But Phaya had just attacked Dr, shoved him up against a concrete post and then hit him, during which Tharn was unable to get out of the car to help - that had to be scary. And then he finally gets out and Phaya starts dragging him away, will not let him go, is basically acting like a goddamn lunatic. Tharn is trained to fight. So he fights. He has to hit the guy he might be half in love with just to get him to fucking *stop.* That is not Tharn's fault, and it's not out of character. It was a shitshow, Tharn reacted appropriately for someone who is not a wilting flower.
The crime part of the show is going no where and is a distraction from the rest of the story: WHAT. We just found out that Lt Tam's death may have been a cover-up and that such cover-ups are an actual problem tied to a person in power - who also was responsible for keeping Songyod out of jail - AND the cover-up problem has been tied to Tharn's parents' deaths (speculatively, by Singh). That's the opposite of going no where and being unrelated.
ACAB: the show is too hooya about the righteousness of police. I agree, and it has been the only part of the show that I don't like. EXCEPT things are maybe getting interesting on that point. I'm not saying this will turn out to be a show about how the justice system sucks, and the boys will be disillusioned. But you know, it might. We've had Thongtai say "the cops failed the SA victims." Sure Inspector Akk yelled at him, but he didn't deny it, he said that they have to believe that the system can make a difference. And now we're finding out that Akk is explicitly going against orders and having his team - who he knows from experience will do what they think is right even if the rules tell them not to - investigate Lt Tam's death. This seems less "all cops are perfect" and more "the system can be corrupted, and the good cops have to fight that." Still an idealized approach to justice, but this *is* a show where romance includes stuck pants zippers and accidental face-plant kissing. And Khem.
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mikuni14 · 6 months
The Sign - Ep 11 of DOOM
No, it's not a mistake, it was the famous episode 11 of fucking DOOM. Traditionally, in episode 6, we should have had their first kiss! That's the law! 😤
Look, I don't even mind their another fight, especially since it's technically possible to explain what's going on. What I didn't like was the EXECUTION of all this and how Tharn was portrayed in this episode: as a dick and as an idiot. Tharn's anger could be explained because Phaya was pushy, agitated, and aggressive. Why Tharn keeps rejecting Phaya could also be explained, because we learned that not only his parents died, but also his first love. But why is Tharn in this episode simply so awful, stupid, out of character, inconsistent with his previous behavior??? Literally in the previous episode, Tharn goes out of his way to clear up the misunderstanding, doesn't hold a grudge at all, spends time with Phaya, lets him sleep over at his place, tries to protect Phaya, talks to the abbot about him and the Dr. Chokeanddiealready, and the abbot CLEARLY tells him what he should do, and when Phaya annoys him and Tharn swings at him as if he wants to hit him (like earlier in the scenes when he's angry with Yai), he… stops himself and just smacks him lightly in the arm. He's also downright sweet with Phaya, whether he wants it or not 🥰 And in this episode, Tharn is just plain terrible towards Phaya, ignores him in an unpleasant way, treats him icily. This punch was also completely unnecessary, Tharn is a grown man, a trained cop, and he completely screwed up the situation. He is unable to handle Phaya, and instead of de-escalating the situation, he only makes it worse. What further pissed me off was that Tharn never once stopped to think WHY Phaya is like this, to analyze what Phaya was saying to him, he just goes back to his old method of gaslighting Phaya and then states that he doesn't want to see him and this is the end of the matter for him (while previously Tharn was visibly concerned about Phaya's behavior and pressed for a resolution to the conflict). What is even more incomprehensible to me is that their situation is unique AND THARN KNOWS IT, both of them have strange dreams, visions, both of them are aware of the strange connection between them. Phaya wanted to talk to him about it, warned him about the dangers, and Tharn simply ignored it all, pushing Phaya away. It was horrible and also inconsistent with Tharn's caring and forgiving nature. He never once wondered why Phaya was so agitated, why he was so angry at Dr. ChallengeacceptedIwillkillyoumotherfucker. Even Yai literally told him why Phaya was like that, and Tharn still ignored it. What I don't like is how harsh Tharn is towards Phaya, but as soon as his "rival" shows up, Tharn acts like a jealous, hurt boyfriend, secretly staring at Phaya and his "girlfriend" having a great time. (Making a cockblock out of this nice girl was funny the first time, but it's tiring the second time. Just... stop.) There's this trope I HATE: The Evil Rival makes The Not-So-Smart Girl trust him and not The Good Handsome Guy, the audience cheers for The Handsome Guy and sighs in annoyance at how Blind and Stupid The Girl is. The Girl is in trouble because of The Bad Rival, The Handsome Dude saves her , she realizes that she misjudged him, throws herself on his neck and APOLOGIZES to him for not believing him "I was so Stupid and Blind and you are so Smart and Handsome, what would I do without you". 🤮 And I'm afraid that's where the plot of The Sign goes. That they will make a stereotypical Dumb Girl of my Tharn.
So far, Tharn had rejected Phaya too, but this was more like an exciting dance and Phaya was never hurt by it. Besides, even though Tharn "rejected" Phaya, the series provided us with a lot of content, a lot of great scenes of them. There was ZERO quality content in this episode, the episode simply did not spark joy.
What did I like?
Phaya/Nee relationship. It was 10/10. There are often sibling scenes in series that I know weren't written by someone who has siblings. Phaya and his sister's conversations and their behavior was 100% real 😊
Yai is a best friend, a brother, a supporter, someone you can always count on. If only Tharn would listen to him just once 😭
I was so happy when The Sign dropped a potential lesbian couple out of nowhere, the show just keeps on giving
Cat! A cat with its tail raised, which means it's happy! 🥰
Tharn with a magic aura. Did Phaya actually see this?
beautiful Garuda/Wansarat scenes. I've already criticized this episode enough, so I won't bother with my strongly worded opinion about this pathetic montage of seconds-long scenes and focus only on the pretty 😄
Khem and Tonghtai, their love scene was so… free, unstaged, with the wardrobe malfunctions, with them being silly and goofy, so… real and absolutely hilarious 👍👍👍
*takes a deep breath* Phaya Tharn has been giving us 200% so far, in this episode we got a measly 2% on which I somehow have to survive until the next episode. Which probably promises to be even worse, because we will get more of Tharn's TRÄUMA, oh joy. So I plan on feeling sorry for myself at the end of this year and wallow in self-pity because The Sign was mean to me 😭😤 (passing 🍹 🍹around)
Edit: oh! I also liked that Phaya's sister looks more like a Tharn's twin actually lol
Edit2: I'm guessing that "I promise, that from now on I'll always listen to everything you say" doesn't extend to Tharn 😑 I need more 🍹
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spicyvampire · 4 months
So I was thinking about your amazing post about Tharn, Doc, and Phaya. You thought that Tharn would have become a doc/nurse or something in the healing profession (which I completely agree with) if not for trauma. Which got me thinking about Doc Slowmotion and why he became a doctor of all things? Surely there would have been an easier job that would have allowed him access to Tharn's life. I think he took thought Tharn would become a doc or something like that which would have put him in perfect position to mentor and support Tharn. But instead Tharn took a hard left to becoming a cop straight to Phaya so Doc was like "fine I will be a doc that helps with cop cases?!?" I don't know if this made sense but wanted to share and thank you for your long detailed post. It was a great read and spot on.
Thank you, and I'm guessing that you are referencing to this post so I kinda have 2 answers for this I'll put them under keep reading too i'm sure they might get long again
Before watching the whole show, I thought Dr Snake was a therapist to manipulate Tharn, like Tharn's parents died in an accident he survived at a young age, and at some point he was gonna need therapy for this, so at first I thought he went in there to keep being ahead of the narrative and have a prime view on everything going on Tharn wise what better way to make sure the one you want does exactly what u want by being literally being there to pick his brain when you need to? (honestly such an Hannibal move, that's why I keep saying this man got his PhD at Hannibal Lecter's school of psychiatry)
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But this way of seeing this was always a bit fuelled by the fact that I wasn't sure if Snake, PhD was actually in love with Tharn, which frankly I stopped wondering when even the Abbot said it
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I was like okay he does love Tharn, like so much he doesn't care what happens to his soul if he keep trying to play shoot the bird, I think doctor snake genuinely love this reincarnation of Wansarut a lot so much that it does change his motivations in the end (will talk about it in the post I'll make about it) so it might less be about manipulation and more about a good way to just be there and know everything going on first hand and honestly just care for Tharn
But what you said about him being Tharn's mentor is also an interesting take on what I said in my post, cuz yes I said Tharn would make more sense in the medical field because his soul is one of a healer and protector but I was also kinda flirting with the mediator aspect of him, and while yes I was thinking paramedic, doctor, er nurse or plain nurse, therapist would make just so much sense too cuz like let's just think about the way Tharn interact with every suspect on this show, it's always so compassionate, understanding and full of empathy, he is just always so emotionally intelligent like more than the rest of the Scooby Doo gang (like the only other one that comes close but maybe a not Tharn level I feel might be Thongthai) Remember Art situation with his ex Kao?
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Tharn had such an accurate read on the man and it wasn't only cuz of his visions, after the interrogation Phaya was like why do you think Art didn't have anything to do with Kao's disappearrence and this (!!!!) was Tharn's answer
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Not only was this an accurate read on Art's very confusing emotional state, but also he knew exactly what Art was feeling not only because of his vision but because of his emotional intelligence and also
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He understands Art not only because of his good read on the man but also what he is saying is like exactly what Tharn is living with Phaya, they both love each other, they know they love each other, but they cannot be together, it's why Ioved this part of Art's case, because you can literally see Tharn's emotional intelligence and make clear parallels between that case and what PhayaTharn are living
Also the fact that he immediatly ask to free Art after they find out he probably didn't cause Kao to disappear, he is the only one to do it
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So yeah I think seeing Wansarut's whole character description of being a healer/a protector/a mediator, Doctor Snake might have thought he would become a therapist and put himself there to be Tharn's mentor, and he would have been right, Tharn would have made an excellent therapist (or social worker), but got fucked up because well Tharn's life kinda changed direction when his parents got murdered in that car accident, but still decided to stayed there because by that time, he was friend enough with Tharn for it to not be weird to still be there even when Tharn stopped seeing him as a therapist (this also work with the whole ahead of the game part tbh)
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And helping on cop case was probably a coincidence cuz I'm not sure if he knew that Art was going to have a relapse (but again I wouldn't put it past him to have provoked that to insert himself in the cop atmosphere, Hannibal style)
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djeterg19 · 6 months
Chapter 22 a mix of the case and some other very interesting things
The next day the team heads back out to the forest for their investigation. The Captain and Singh blended with the reporters. Khem, Chart, Yai, and Phaya secretly infiltrated the mine area. Chart leads the way since he's familiar with the territory. They find an abandoned building that they think belongs to the mining operation. They sweep the building but there's no one there. There are large oil barrels they start moving. Phaya and Yai check the upstairs and find the kidnapped children. They evacuate the children and call an ambulance.
Chart finds a weird lump of branches and asks for help moving them. There's a blue tarp that emits a rotten smell. Chart wants to look but Phaya says they need to wait for CSI. Yai says they will be there any moment. They don't know why they would murder someone and leave the body right there. Chart recognizes him as Mr. Morti's secretary.
Tharn stayed home as ordered and means to ask Chalotorn what he was arguing with Phaya about. Tharn asks where Chalotorn is but his mom wants him to eat first. He's not hungry and wants to go meet the doctor. She acts suspicious and asks how she knows the doctor. Tharn remembers the first time they met. He was in the monks cell crying and Chalotorn tries to convince him to come back to Chiang Mai with them. The mom explained Chalotorn is the son of an acquaintance. Tharn asks if she left anything out but she doesn't answer. He says he'll just ask the doctor. The grandmother says it's time to explain. The mom says he's come to reclaim a past commitment. She tells him to go talk to the doctor. Tharn says he will but when they are done he wants her to explain why she separated from his father.
Tharn finds Chalotorn by the lotus pond. He says that shaman meddled in things that are not his. Tharn is suddenly very cold and can't breathe. He's about to pass out when the doctor grabs him. Chalotorn says in the old days Tharn wouldn't be so weak but he's not the same. Tharn says you aren't human are you? The doctor says he's not. He's here to follow Tharn back. Back to where Tharn asks. Back to stay with him by the commitment that Tharn gave in a past life but the family refused. They were willing to do everything for Tharn. Tharn is shocked that Chalotorn is responsible for everything that happened with his parents. He's extremely angry. He clenches both fists so hard they shake and asks why he did this? Just to take him back with him?
Chalotorn says they did it to repay Tharn for karma in a previous life. He cannot interfere with others karma only those interwoven in his karma. Tharn asks if Phaya is involved too and the doctor coldly says yes him and three others. Tharn flashes to the doctor who gave him stitches. Chalotorn says because of them he wants to take Tharn back with him because Tharn is too good for this world. Tharn says he has no right to decide that for him. This angers Chalotorn and everything gets very cold. Tharn softens his tone and says he's sorry that he can't honor the commitment he made but could he let go of the past and stay in the present instead?
Chalotorn says it's easy for Tharn who doesn't remember the past to say that. But Chalotorn was released from confinement thinking Tharn would be living a blissful life because of his beautiful soul but he's not because he has to protect and die for Phaya. That he's watched Tharn die over and over again and he can't stand it anymore. That's why he wants to bring him back. That he won't allow it to repeat again. And then he transforms into his Naga form. Tharn realizes this is the creature Phaya saw in the river. The doctor confirms it was him and that if Tharn hadn't interfered they would already be together.
Tharn doesn't completely understand but can't stop crying. He feels overwhelming sorrow and can hardly breathe. Chalotorn transforms into his golden form and asks if Tharn remembers a necklace from their former life. Tharn tries to get away because it makes him feel terror. Chalotorn says Tharn can only return with him three more times. Tharn realizes he's trying to transform him back into a Naga. Tharn tries to escape but he can't move. Suddenly there's a gust of wind and a Garuda appears and knocks him off his feet. It's Dr. Ticharuj. He tells Tharn to go back to the house. That his mother can save him. Tharn watches as they fight until Ticharuj yells at him to go.
He runs but thinks he's dreaming because he sees Darawan until he realizes she came with Ticharuj. His mom hugs him apologizing because she didn't think Chalotorn would hurt him. He tells her to not be so hard on herself. He asks Darawan why they are here. Phaya sent a photo of the mark from Tharn's back. As soon as Ticharuj saw it they left immediately. Darawan has other news as well.
The case has hit a dead end. The full autopsy hasn't been done yet but the secretary was strangled. Motri insists he's innocent. Chart is disbelieving. They do explore the possibility that the secretary was murdered to make Motri more suspicious. The Captain assigns each person a suspect to look into. Yai asks Thongthai to look into the gunman with tattoos that was in the tent who killed Tharn's dad. Thongthai asks for all the info and then wants to know why he should find this man. He explains and asks Thongthai to keep it hush hush.
Chart is angry again. Khem asked what's up and Chart says he just wants the case to end quickly. Khem asks what happened to his arm which looks scratched. Chart says it was a tree scrape. The Captain isn't sure about Chart. Singh mentions that Chart does meet the criteria for a behavioral issue. The Captain thinks he may have killed the secretary to frame Motri.
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mostotherthings · 4 months
I... like The Sign. A lot.
And maybe I'm the only person who doesn't think that Episode 11 has that amount of plot holes and Episode 11 does not make Tharn stupid (if he's stupid, ALL the characters are stupid- OK maybe that's a decent point too)
There are comments out there that I thought about that seem a bit harsh to the characters in the show.
Not all characters know what's going on (even our main characters)
maybe some personal points to note about me - I am Asian and live in an Asian country (but not Thai), and my religion involves icons (lots of Gods that take care of different things in our lives), similar to Thai Buddhism. Someone close to me was once part of the uniformed services in an Asian country
For Phaya's grandma, Paranee and Dujdao to say things like, "maybe he shouldn't be a policeman, maybe he should quit", these are conversations I heard every single day previously. In our society where your choice of a job affects you and your family's status/pov of other's towards you (in good or bad ways), your relatives are always going to have opinions of what you do, period. Even if you turn 50, 60. Your sibling is going to be the one with beef. Oh, and your friends judge you too, especially those who see you like family. (A good partner is a lawyer, doctor. Your partner is a policeman/fireman? Isn't that dangerous?)
A death of a family member at young age changes everything about you. Tharn has a loving grandmother, but he made complaints to his dad before they died, and this sticks with you. "Our last conversation ended badly and after that he died". Some people's natural response is to stop talking much or stop expressing opinions. I've heard it many times at funerals, "I should have been better to him before he died- I should have listened - We should have been nicer and more understanding- I should have been here in time to see him for one last time". Hindsight is always 20/20, no? I would think that Tharn's singular desire to be part of elite police forces is to solve his parents' mystery and right the "wrong" he did before they died. He really cannot believe that doing this let him meet Phaya.
Tharn meets Chalothon at a young age. This guy, whatever kind of doctor he is, has placed himself into Tharn's life from young and made himself the "perfect big brother". There's no reason for Tharn to be suspicious until he overhears the conversation the Abbot and Phaya have at the grave. I'm sure his mind has been trying to justify Chalothon's behaviour, but at this point, he doesn't know the seriousness of Chalothon's desire until the fall off the cliff and Chalothon's real face. You can't underestimate how sly people are, and how they're able to keep a benevolent presence in front of others while actually they are just, bad people. (ok but a psy doctor, doing drug tests is ???? but i take it on the logic that Tharn knows Chalothon who will know a good doctors, who can take care of these for him. This is basically how I found the person who installed air conditioners in my house- someone i knew, knows someone reliable who does that kind of work)
Grandma and the Abbot, in not telling Tharn abt Chalothon, did it to protect him. So yes, you can say, that's not protecting him. in context, Gods can do whatever they want. We have Gods that protect our household, our health, wealth, etc etc. Our is a system of good karma means a continued good and smooth life. God don't always come in to solve our problems or show the way- Gods can punish us if we do the wrong thing. When I was young my school arranged a trip to a "theme park" that had laid out the punishments you would receive if you break precepts or disobey your parents/elders. There's 18 stages of hell, each for the level of "crime" that you did. It was 3D to me, suddenly. And let's not forget about reincarnation too! After we get punished, our souls renew and what we become (an animal, what kind of animal, a human, a rich or poor human), depends on the karma we achieve in this lifetime. When we say, "in my next life, I hope to see you again"- we mean it. When we have a bad relationship with someone, we often say offhand "that person's so bad to me because I owe him a debt from a previous lifetime"
So our fear of Gods, our fear of breaking the precepts, especially if you grew up in households like Phaya's or Tharns, or you are an Abbot like Luang Por, is there. So if I were Grandma, terrified seeing this snake God in the house looking to take away the only family member I have left in my life, I will try to keep him away, but I won't say anything to Tharn. The Gods are listening. If my Tharn knew about this, would Chalothon not even give me the time I have now, to be with this person I love?
Since Episode 3, when they established the Naga lore, I had a feeling that this is not going to be easy for international fans to understand. But I didn't expect the amount of "stupid Phaya" and "stupid Tharn" to come out of the last few episodes. (I mean, by all means, the police procedure is the part we HAVE to be making fun of, but generally I've grown up with television series that sort of ignore real life to "create plot points" so I've grown a tolerance). Coupled with how generally "being gay" is still something that we don't always share with people, even if they are family, that's what the show has kind of built itself on.
Phaya and Tharn are not communicating well because they believe their silence will save the other. The Abbot and Grandma are both keeping quiet because they understand the power of the Gods, and how if they slip up, Tharn can be taken away from them. There's also an urgency in Wawisa's warning "if Tharn is taken away this time, there will be no return" (this has no Lore that I know if, but i go along with it coz it is a "PLOT POINT"). Even Akk, almost sworn brother of Tharn, has decided to keep silent- losing Tharn, means letting Tharn's father down. He's already lost people to this investigation (Tharn's Dad, that Lt in the beginning sorry forgot his name, and now maybe even Chart). To lose his almost adoptive's father's son- that's unimaginable to him too.
The key to a good relationship is communication, but the fear of losing someone may also cause you to hide things from them. This is human nature, so in this aspect, I feel the drama is very real.
In Episode 11, Phaya asked Tharn to let go because he doesn't want Tharn to die. In the next, Tharn will let go (leave), because he doesn't want Phaya (and everyone else) to die. A God's threat cannot be ignored easily. We want him to fight, but Tharn is already frightened. What if he fights, and everyone dies? He can't ask everyone to make that sacrifice for him. Someone (his parents) have already died.
For a first time director, A has been amazing to me. It also shows that he was/still is an acting teacher on set- every choice, every expression, every movement he has asked the actors to do, has been done with great thought and deliberation. And Babe- he still needs work, but so far, he has been very good. and Billy as Phaya, he fights with Tharn, he complains and whines, he makes some laughs, and I personally feel he's improved a lot since SCOY.
So even if they bomb the last episode (lol, yeah that threat is still there), I have found the Sign enjoyable and a series that's becoming close to my heart because it aligns with me and my personal beliefs.
Lol, I don't even know why I'm saying all this and even if I'm making sense but I have just got to let it out. Maybe I just wanted to share my opinion, that Episode 11 isn't really all that bad.
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lutawolf · 7 months
The Sign Commentary Review Ep 2 part 3 & 4
"Are you filming an MV or what? It’s time for bed." "I was just pondering about something." "Does a person like you have anything to ponder about?" "I have a question that needed an answer." "Oh, you’re quite serious, aren’t you?"
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"I do. The Abbot often told me about it. That what we did in our past life will affect us in this life." "Like what people said, Everything happens for a reason. There’s no coincidence. It happens because it has already been destined by something called…" "Commitment" "Yeah."
"You were born into this family of yours, and surrounded by your friends… Because you might have had some commitment with those people in the past life."
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"What if it’s true? What did you promise me? Is that why you’re always there to rescue me? That’s the question that I need to know an answer. What’s the reason behind this?"
I just really loved all that. It moved me, but this show wouldn't be what it is without the humor. "In the past life, I was probably a rich and kind-hearted man who liked to rescue cows like you from the slaughterhouse." "Asshole. Or you were probably a caring wife who always took a great care of a good-looking hubby like me." "I see. This is what a handsome cow looks like."
They talk about the exam and Phaya wants to know what Tharn plans on doing after he passes. Tharn says he'll do what he always wanted to, but then calls Phaya noisy for asking what that is.
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They pass and thank the Captain. My favorite part though was how Khem was left hanging.
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No handshake for you. 😂😂😂 We then see Tharn calling his grandmother to tell her that he passed, and the next stop was finding out about his parent's death.
Ahhh, the flirting. I love the way they flirt. It's so cute!
"Tharn. Can I borrow your phone?" "Phone?" "Yeah. That’s my number." "But I didn’t ask." 🤣🤣🤣 "But I want you to have it. Are you stalking me?"
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Then Phaya sneaks a picture, and I'm so fucking giddy over this cuteness.
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"Why didn’t you tell me first so that I could pose for it?" "You already look nice. I like it." I think I mentioned before that Phaya is not hiding his feelings for Tharn. Tharn is the reserved one, but he seems to be sucked into Phaya's gravitational pull.
Phaya tells Tharn that he is saving his name as Bolster, so a cuddle pillow. 🤣🤣🤣
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"Think of it as returning the favor for always helping me." "No need."
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Ahhh, these two! Phaya knows that Tharn likes him, and he'll happily move all the obstacles. Alas, the brother interrupts the flirt feast. Ohhh, we get one last flirt before Phaya leaves to pack. "I'll call you. Bolster."
That smile that Tharn gives to Phaya's back. So fucking adorable! Yai noticed it too. AHAHAHA. He picked up on the nickname too. "You like him, don't you?" Which Tharn absolutely refutes in a high, squeaky voice. "He's annoying. Why would I like him?" "Just tell me honestly if you like him. I’m going to help protect him too." Why does he need to protect him??? I think we are going to finally get some much-needed info. "Tharn, I really hope you’d find that someone you like. And be with someone you love." Brother just wants him to have a love like he has with his girl.
"I thought you already know… That if I love someone, that person will die." Well, shit, that's fucking deep. I'm afraid you are already shit out of luck, baby boy. Probably why you see him so much in your visions, cause you fell long ago.
"I don't want anyone to die because of me."
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"We have a week to rest before starting our work at the unit. Let’s go party, shall we?" "Yai and I have to go back to Nong Khai province." "You’re from Nong Khai?" The way Phaya says that, I smell a story there. There is something. "So, do we have to go to Nong Khai? You seem interested in him a lot." 🤣🤣🤣 Love it!
I actually really love this next part, but I will apologize for the not so great photo. I tried to get a better one without luck.
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Why do I like this? Because it's like a mile marker. You know, like what you see on the roads in the US, that give you an indication of the exit coming up. So by context clues, we know Phaya isn't a player. The opportunity has been there, but he doesn't play. And he's been heavily flirting with Tharn. Okay Luta, what does this mean then? It means he is interested but not yet invested. He is not in love. Which means we should catch when he in fact does fall in love.
Hahah I called it you guys!!!
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"Listen, I’m telling you right here... I only have eyes for the one I love."
"If I love anyone… I’ll never…" Anyone else think this was for Tharn's benefit? Especially with the way his eyes cut to him. But then the phone rings. It's a girl, whole calling picture is gorgeous. All the guys but Tharn tease him. Phaya walks off to take the call.
Tharn goes up to the bar to order five beer, and another guest orders next to him. Oat is clearly making a play for Tharn.
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Just look at how uncomfortable Tharn looks. Every female knows what this look means in a bar.
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I literally fucking cheered at this next part. If I didn't already love Phaya, I love him more.
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He really said. Um no, you are not buying my guy a drink. He has taken stamped on him, please take note. I think Tharn would have been appreciative, except he clearly caught the possessiveness. Hence, him shaking Phaya's hand off his shoulder. "Who’s this?" "I’m Oat."
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Phaya is an unapologetic asshole and I appreciate that. With claim staked, he swoops Tharn away.
Then Phaya gets talked into going up on stage and singing. My boy is clearly singing to Tharn.
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Oh no, not spin the bottle again! Yai is trying to get his ass kicked. He really is. He asked Tharn if he has anyone he likes right now. I love that when he takes the shot, Phaya says, "What a waste." These assholes, said affectionately. "What’s your type? Is it someone around here?" They don't even get a chance to ask anymore. Tharn just starts upending the drinks. Finally, Phaya puts a stop to it. Ahhh, Tharn is so drunk. Now they are moving on to Phaya, but I got news for them, Phaya isn't that easily embarrassed. "If you can pick anyone in this table to go home with you, whom will you choose?"
While Tharn was too drunk to appreciate Phaya's response. I am not, and I appreciated all of it, thank you very much.
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When Tharn goes to get sick, Phaya grabs him and takes him to the restroom to help sober him up. He helps him drink some water and then splashes water in his face. Which Tharn clearly didn't appreciate. Not that any drunk person would.
OMG the flirting! Why do I enjoy their flirting so much! "You really like for bugging me." "Get off me." "No. I’m not going to let you go. I’ll hold on to you tight. You, evil jellyfish." "Are you sure? This jellyfish’s sting is very painful. It will go directly to your heart." This is when Tharn starts splashing Phaya, backing him up till his back is against the stall while saying, "The heart, the heart, the heart." "Stop it. You’re like a baby when you’re drunk." Tharn kisses Phaya on the check!!! So cute!!! Which shocks Phaya.
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We get some very seductive carcasses after that. I mean, nothing R-rated, but it got my heart beat going. As Tharn runs his hand down Phaya's throat to his chest, he takes note of the necklace that Phaya is wearing. While Tharn is trying to get a closer look, Phaya gives a sweet kiss to the forehead and then asks him what is wrong.
Ahhh! I knew it! They have a past together!!! "Where did you get this necklace from?" "This amulet?" "It’s the same." "Same as what?" "Same as the amulet that I had given to a boy." "You had given a boy an amulet like this? "Yeah." "When? Where? Tell me more about it." "It was when…" "Yes?" "When…" Then Tharn passes out. "Hey, wake up. Talk to me first."
I"m dead. Brother walks in. Almost walks out thinking they are doing something but then when all is sorted has Phaya bent over with Tharn on his back. God, I love Tharn's brother so much.
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"Where are you taking me?" "Your place." "Go back and get Yai too. I don’t want to sleep alone." Yup, Yai knows his brother. "I’ll stay with you."
Damn! We're having a whole SCOY reunion. Not complaining. Great actors.  Dr. Chalothorn needs to hurry up and takes his hands off, though. For a boy not yet in love, he sure is jelly.
Ahhh the next previews got me excited! Hurry up and get here. This is so good. Hope you enjoyed the commentary as much as I had fun making it! 💜💜💜
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timotey · 5 months
Ficlet: Hey, Brother
The Sign. Yai & Tharn. Future fic. Unbeta'd.
He knows better than to ignore a plea like this.
(I took a scene from the book and rewrote it to fit the drama, how I wish it would go. But since I don't think they will use this plot point... a fic!)
They got them!
They got them and they’re almost at their cars and Yai cannot wait to tell Tharn that they caught the guy who had his parents killed, Montri and his whole gang. He knows that Phaya and Tharn are in the woods around here somewhere, they got separated at one point and the two of them went their own way, and he knows that Tharn will be disappointed that he wasn’t there to arrest the guy personally but Yai did it for him and he really can’t wait to see Tharn’s face when–
It happens unexpectedly, catching him completely off guard.
Yai is just reaching for the car door when he feels a stabbing pain in his head, right behind his right eye, and then a strange numbness that fills him and makes everything go away. It feels like being enveloped in a bubble and then, suddenly, he’s somewhere else, back at the art exhibition and–
Phaya, smiling, laughing, in the circle of his family and friends.
Yai and Tharn at the window, looking out at him, talking.
“If you’re afraid for his safety, I’ll help you protect him.”
“I’ll help you protect him.”
“Protect him.”
“Protect… him…”
"Protect him, Yai."
Yai’s knees buckle and he almost throws up his breakfast and yesterday’s dinner too, just for good measure. Then it’s over, whatever it was, he’s back in the woods and everything is back to normal, he just feels… empty. Hollowed out. As if something that was there just a moment ago were gone now. It’s a horrible feeling, like being incomplete.
He knows about Tharn’s visions, how they usually feel to him - he asked and Tharn told him - so he knows better than to ignore this, a warning like this… a plea like this.
Pulling out his cellphone, he dials up Tharn’s number.
“The number you’re calling–”
“Shit,” Yai snaps, drawing everyone’s attention. “Shit, shit, shit, fuck!”
The next best thing: Phaya. The phone keeps ringing.
“Yai?” Khem asks, closing the car door softly and coming closer, the others at his heels.
Yai raises his hand, asking him to wait. “Come on, come on, come on!”
The call connects.
“Phaya?” Yai blurts out urgently. “Is Tharn there with you? Please, tell me he’s with you! I just had the weirdest thing happen to me and–”
“He’s gone,” Phaya cuts in very quietly.
Yai freezes, his face turning pale. “What…?” he whispers.
“That bastard took him, Yai!” Phaya says, voice full of fury and pain and despair, brittle and breaking at the end. “He just took him away. I promised Tharn I wouldn’t let it happen, that I wouldn’t let that fucking lizard get his hands on him, I promised I would protect him… and I failed, Yai. I failed him.”
Yai sucks in a harsh breath. “Alright, calm down. Tell me what’s going on. What happened? Who took Tharn?”
But it’s like Phaya isn’t listening, he still keeps talking as if Yai didn’t say a word. “But I’ll find him, I swear. Even if I have to rip the world open to get to him, I will. He won’t keep Tharn away from me, not as long as I’m breathing!”
And then the phone falls silent. Phaya hanged up.
“Fuck!” Yai yells, dialing Phaya’s number again but this time, it just keeps ringing and ringing.
“Yai? What’s going on?” Thongtai asks anxiously, he and the others in a circle around Yai, looking worried.
“Dammit!” Yai hangs up. “Sing, can you trace Phaya’s call? If so, then do it. Someone took Tharn and Phaya’s livid. We need to find them, now!”
Then Yai turns to the commander of the SWAT team that helped them catch Montri and his goons. Montri… suddenly the guy doesn’t matter at all. “Take them,” he points with his thumb at their prisoners, “back to Captain Assawawaisoon. Tell him we’re going back into the woods. Someone took one of ours!”
His team nods grimly, reloading their guns and getting ready to head back out. And Yai...
With his heart in his throat, Yai thinks, Dammit, Tharn. Brother, where are you?!
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djeterg19 · 6 months
Ok chapter 11 is the last one about the first case so let's go!
The team is getting ready to interrogate the two forensic officers they caught. They aren't able to find the last victim so they suspect they are too late. They think it's odd that Narong only took three days off for his sister's funeral. I'm not entirely sure how long it takes in Thailand but yeah that's a very short leave. Hell even my job gives 5 days bereavement. Singh is nervous about something. He knows something isn't right. They've been searching the suspect and victims homes but have found nothing. Singh tells them the crime scene is somewhere else.
Everyone starts rushing off. Tharn goes off alone and doesn't answer Phaya's calls. Phaya jumps in front of Yai's car to get him to stop and jumps in. Tharn has had one of his visions apparently. Khem wants to know why he rushed off and Yai and Phaya share a look knowing why. They take off following Tharn.
They arrive at a burning farmhouse. Tharn has already run off towards the house and Phaya chases after. There are a bunch of young kids in the backyard burning the house. Tharn grabs the torch and Phaya finds a tap and a bucket to put out the fire. The kids look nervous so Tharn tries to reassure them he's there to help but one girl starts crying. They don't want to go to jail. Tharn says he's there to help but they wanted to finish the mission. What mission? Apparently their friend is trapped in the house next door who would be released if they burned the house by a certain time. Tharn guesses the kids are more than 5 or 6 years old. They were playing a game called hero where they did missions and the last one was burning the house to save their friend. Tharn can't believe Narong would use such small children for his evil plans.
Khem and Yai are helping Phaya with the fire when they hear the sirens from fire trucks. Tharn asks Khem to watch the children as he goes to the house next door. It's chained and padlocked. Tharn shoots the lock and finds the last child asleep on the couch. There's a fan to keep him cool and crumbs from snacks on the table. The little boy doesn't wake up so Tharn checks his pulse. He's alive but has been drugged. Tharn takes him to the ambulance. Parents start arriving to check on their children.
Khem asks Tharn how he knew and Tharn makes excuses about presuming. The team is called back to the office. Tharn tries to talk to Phaya but he walks off and goes back with Khem and Yai instead. Tharn is frustrated that Phaya won't tell him what's wrong.
Back at the office, they are interrogating Narong. Vit has confessed everything about helping Narong with the kidnapping and torture. Narong goes from not being worried to upset and crying as they explain that they stopped the fire before the last body could be burnt. He asks what about his sister. The department ruined everything for him. Narong thinks back on happier days with his sister. How she was going to a job interview the day she was attacked but he couldn't pick her up. That he heard the call of the assault and realized it was his sister. How she blamed him for not being there when she needed him. Being upset that the perpetrator was only given 10 years and that he couldn't do any more to make sure he never hurt anyone else.
Narong confesses he forced Vit to help him. The little boy in the house is Vit's little brother. So Vit went along to make sure that Narong wouldn't hurt him. Narong gives a similar speech to the show but asking Singh if he thinks this job makes him a hero. That they all know why the rapist got his sentence reduced. They start leaving everyone knowing that Narong is right but not wanting to talk about it.
Tharn goes to see Narong at his cell. He wants to tell him what he heard from the voice. That she wished him to live a good life. Narong chuckles and says he sounds like he's talked to his sister. Tharn continues telling Narong that she got her first class honor for her brother. That she didn't really blame him for what happened that day. That he was always her hero. Phaya had been listening and smiled and left before Tharn knew he was there.
Tharn finishes and turns to leave. He asks the voice he's been hearing if they were satisfied. He didn't get a response other than a soft breeze by his ear before it faded away.
We cut to Phaya's house. He's exhausted and takes a shower. He throws himself on the bed ready to sleep. But he hears a voice calling Mr. Phaya and he asks who is calling can't they see he's sleeping. The voice says I am in your thoughts. How could I not know what you are thinking?
Phaya opens his eyes and sees a woman. He sits upright realizing it's Vanvisa. He asks why she's there. She says did you forget what I promised you. She says she's there to walk him through his past life memories. She taps his forehead and sinks into a meditative state knowing she must hurry because "he" has started to realize she's sneaking out to visit Phaya.
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