waytray · 7 months
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theratqueen666sblog · 3 years
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Yup am the asshole!!! And Alina and her husband are victims of harassment and bullying even though that all I said was that there stupid for putting a slur into their show which they are.
Alina and her husband and junk are probably in their forties and twenties and I'm in my teens so we really can't compare one another.
I get that Alina and Dane are from Russia and things are different in Russia but that doesn't make it oh ok it's still a slur.
Phinlana-ll was Miss gendering me. My are protons are they/them not she/her and. My pronouns are in all caps in my TikTok Bayou so not really sure how she missed that but okay.
I did comment on junk physical appearance not entirely sure what I said but I did do that and that was shity but junk is a pro shipper soooooooo I don't really feel bad about it.
Nobody in this situation is a victim. I'm a teenager and everybody else is an adult.
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guroisan · 3 years
Hello I just wanna talk about a situation in the Metal Family fandom! (Which I don't want a big part on but something happened to a friend.)
Phinlana reposted a tiktok a friend of mines made ! And I don't wanna make things worse but this friend of mine is currently panicking from the amount of attention.
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Phinlana has been victjmizing herself this whole situation. She's a grown adult sending her white knights to defend her and Alina
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This was just supposed to state Alina's homophobia , I know the slur has changed throughout the years for them but it doesn't make it any less homophobic...it's offensive still
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Please after posting this don't bring the situation up in further post! I just wanted to talk about this, I'll still be posting metal family related stuff!
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