ireneross · 7 years
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Be as #beautiful as this #butterfly. Contact me 4 a #free 20 minute discovery session.What makes me stand out? When U come to me with a problem, I first explore and ask probing questions 2 find the cause of the problem. #discoverysession #rootcause #whatmakesmestandout #naturalawakeningsmag #naturalawakeningslingisland #longislandnaturally #news12longisland #mood #weight #hormones #physicalandemotional #success
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darknightslie · 7 years
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Do you ever just feel like you’ re just completely worthless and unattractive on a physical and emotional level and you’re just never good enough because there’s always someone else that overpowers you with their pretty face and personality and you just instantly back down because you feel you have literally nothing to fight against with.
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