#physiology of attic fantoms
sithisreadingcorner ยท 9 months
Hii I am here for September tarot readings.
My identifier: Kโค๏ธ
DOB: 18-09-2000
I moving out due to study purposes. So my question is what experiences or opportunities would I gain from this new phase of my life. It does not need to be only related to my studies just want to know about my overall experiences like personal, friends or love anything you can pick.
Thank you so much!
Hello K, and welcome! Happy birthday! ๐Ÿฅฐ I hope you had a wonderful birthday celebration! Let's see what the cards have to say.
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page of wands. queen of bombs reversed. seven of wands [Sneak under their noses. Stun with immense panache.] SAVOIRE FAIRE the wild hunt reversed JESTER: "You gain 10,000 XP, or you can draw two additional cards beyond your declared draws."
If I had to pinpoint what area of your life this reading is about, I would tentatively say "social life" but what I really mean is that this is a lesson to be learned generally from dealing with people, and will probably permeate every facet of your life. In your new life, your horizons will open up, and with that, you will encounter a lot of behaviors that you have never before. I think that before this, your world has been a little bit black and white, and everything was divided into categories of good or bad. I don't know if you personally agree with this or not but at least that's how you were taught the world works. What you will find, is that the reality you are about to face is a little bit complex than that. The thing is, that most people are not really fundamentally good or evil, though they are capable of both of these things, but they are all a little bit "selfish" in the sense that they are trying to protect themselves and look out for their own interest to a degree. Some of them will be nice to you because they want something out of you, and some of them will hurt you because they don't know any better, and MOST of them will not do this with like an outright, deep seated malice, but they will do it regardless.
The thing is, that I don't really wanna sow seeds of paranoia or anything, because that's not what the reading is about. I think being a LITTLE cautious of things that sound too good to be true, can be a good takeaway from this reading, but it's not the most important one. The focus here, should be on your boundaries. You cannot be too shy protecting your own self interest either, because no one will do that for you. I think that maybe you are a little bit afraid to say no and draw lines in the sand, or maybe you think that saying yes to everything makes you a good person... and I think you can do these things to an extent to your liking, but be aware, that while most people won't exploit this in big and flashy ways, most people WILL chip away at it sort of testing how much they can get from you. Pay attention to how much of yourself you are giving to people, and where that goes. You need to - and you will - move on to a stage of life where your understanding of people's motivations will increase, but only if you are paying attention. Luckily, you seem like a very observant person, and I think you will understand quickly. I think all you need to really internalize is that most people's motivations are not simply to be a good or bad person. Be smart, and don't be shy to occasionally ask: What's in it for me? And by that I mean not just material goods - attention, energy, love, everything. Don't let the scales go too much out of balance, because it will happen at your detriment.
I pulled you a fortune cookie and it says: "The heart will show you the right way, and the brain tries to override it." What also seems to me from the cards, is that you have good intuition, but you ignore it a lot of the time. This might take a little practice to master, but try to listen to it more at a level of caution that you feel comfortable, and see where it takes you. Also, do a lot of things that make you happy, and not things that you think will make you look a certain type of way. Now is your time.
september readings (4 of 8)
tips? ๐Ÿ’—
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