#pianist on the sea s5e1-s5e2 remains unbeaten in all categories for me
potahun · 3 years
Personal Top 5 Episodes of S6 Who’s the Murderer?
I have finally managed to do a ranking of favorite eps in S6 of MXDZT. It’s the 1st season that I followed as it aired, so perhaps that influenced how I feel, but honestly I loved the entire season. Still, I definitely liked some eps more than others, so without further ado:
5. S6E6: The Mysterious Tribe
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I honestly had many doubts about this premise, but it turned out to be imaginative, out-of-the-box, subversive, thought-provoking and fun. Detectives are Sa Beining and Li Jin Ye (from an Exciting Offer2). Suspects: He Jiong, Wei Daxun, Jin Jing, Wei Chen and Wu Xin. Premise: A prehistoric, matriarchal tribe struck by famine gets visited by two men from a neighboring tribe. Murder ensues.
In the beginning, you’re not too sure how this thing is gonna go, and then as the story progresses, everything gets better and better, but also wilder and wilder. Half-way through the case, you think the production team’s either high or a genius, or both. 9/10.
4. S6E5: “Forgetting Concerns” Grocery Store
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This ep’s not as hilarious as some others, but it more than makes up for it in emotion and depth. Wei Chen is Detective, along with He Yunchen (from an Exciting Offer1). Suspects: Sa Beining, He Jiong, Da Zhangwei, Wu Xin, Zhang Xincheng. Premise: The village of “Forgetting Concerns” is known for its hot springs and a mysterious letter box, which will respond with solutions to any of your worries. The owner of a hotel in the village comes back for a visit. Murder ensues.
This ep dealt with depression and suicide (trigger warnings). It is warm, emotional, original and still has its own moments of hilarity and laughter in spite of it all. Great case and great cast. 9/10.
3. S6E9: It’s still ‘Beauty is to Blame’
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A super complex case made of smart plot points, great theme and a dash of crack. Detective Qi Wei, and Pu Yixing (aka Xiao Pu, aka MVPPP). Suspects: He Jiong, Sa Beining, Yang Rong, Wei Chen, Wei Daxun, and Qi Wei. Premise: A detective goes to investigate a famous clinic for plastic surgery, and finds a dissolved corpse in a tank, along with the fact that the clinic is waaaay dodgier than first expected.
Most complex case of the whole season, almost too complex, but it gets saved by how riveting it is and by the cast chemistry, which makes for endless hilarity. The ep explores society’s obsession with beauty. I give it 9.4/10, because I loved it thoroughly, but wouldn’t watch it on a day where I'm tired.
2. S6E10: NZND “Ding Niu” Concert
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Of course the NZND episode has to make the ranking...of course it has to. Each time NZND makes a comeback, it’s pure crack, and this is genuinely my favorite NZND of all... Wu Xin is Detective with He Yunchen. Suspects: He Jiong, Sa Beining, Bai Jingting, Zhang Xincheng, Da Zhangwei. Premise: former top boyband NZND makes a comeback concert to select their next generation boyband, and of course, murder ensues.
Some incredible plot twists, stellar jokes and a story that somehow makes perfect sense despite being concentrated crack. Shuang Bei and Bai Sa are out to kill. Amazing ep. 12/10. 
1. S6E1: Midnight Hotel, Part I
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I actually want to rate this ep. 20/10 because I just love it so much and I think I’ve watched it at least 3 times in full already... This is the only set of episodes in S6 filmed outside the studio and on location, and they rly outdid themselves on the set (not only aesthetically. srsly). Detectives are Sa Beining and Pu Yixing. Suspects: He Jiong, Bai Jingting, Yang Rong, Liu Haoran and Zhang Ruoyun. 
Premise: A private detective goes to stay the night in a remote grand hotel with his grandson and his grandson’s disciple. In this mysterious hotel that goes on curfew and lockdown at midnight because of strange sounds in the night, murder ensues. 
I cannot stress how much I love this ep. Other than the cast’s incredible chemistry and the set, the plot and its delivery are also brilliant. On-location cases like S6E1-S6E2 are great because it’s always 1 ep to solve a first murder, and then the 2nd ep to solve the mystery behind the place. S6E2 is heavy and needs multiple trigger warnings. S6E1 is lighter and a blast. It’s a cast of old players who push each others’ buttons, delving in a plot that allows them to do just that. Also, this ep will make anyone love the Sa-Pu master&disciple combo, and the ending of the ep should be immortalised. So: best case, best cast. 20/10 I love it to the moon and back. 
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