#picard is smart
stellarred · 2 years
I've occasionally wondered what would've happened in, let's say, All Good Things, if Picard did NOT solve Q's puzzle. What if Picard--despite Q's omnipotent help in whichever way he could help, just couldn't get the lesson to sink in?
Now narratively speaking, Picard *has* to pass Q's tests. Picard triumphs, saves humanity, and proves he can overcome the problem. Of course. But what if in AGT, for example, the lightbulb in Jean-Luc's head just doesn't come on?
*Cue the snickering and finger-pointing in the Q Continuum*
Can you imagine the criticism Q would've received back in the Continuum? The Q doubted Picard's abilities, and "didn't think he had it in him," and Picard still failed in spite of Q's personal help.
Q would've been disappointed, but he would've still loved Picard.
What do you think Q would've done if Picard couldn't solve the puzzle? Would he have asked the Continuum for an extension (of time)? A do-over?
This would be hard for Q, because if Q wants Picard to ascend to join the Continuum at some point, and his Favorite just totally bombed on his face trying to meet a challenge... 🙄😖
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harrykim · 7 months
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I hope that you can sense, as fully as any human has ever felt anything, how happy I am to have my friend back.
Star Trek: Picard | Star Trek: Nemesis | Quote | ID in ALT
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tailoring-hearts · 3 months
Sometimes I think I desperately want a star trek show or movie or something that revisits ds9 and what they're doing now....and then I think about how none of the new shows can seem to quite capture the....the vibes. The atmosphere (the film cameras and lack of advanced technology tbh) of the older shows and I just sigh and realize I don't actually want anything about ds9
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remholder · 1 year
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and hugh is missing because hes dead lol
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catboyelimgarak · 2 years
Shaw is like a guy who was isekai’d into Star Trek and thus the only one who see’s how crazy the whole Enterprise crew is. And I love him for that.
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star trek tng s5e5 disaster would be such a beautiful name for a babygirl btw
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inthesurf · 1 year
Wesley Crusher was a nepo baby
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overseer-picard · 2 years
The commentary from Jonathan Frakes and Marina Sirtis on the Blu-ray version of "Insurrection" is genuinely one of the funniest things I've listened to.
Highlights include:
Marina openly admitting she hasn't watched the movie since the premiere and constantly asking things like "What's that? What's he doing? What's happening?" and Jonathan just patiently explaining the entire plot to her.
“And I played Commander Riker, Picard’s big Willy.” -Jonathan introducing himself
*regarding the non-regular actors in alien makeup* Jonathan: “They didn’t know what they signed up for.” Marina: “I know, poor things.”
constant dragging of their costars throughout.
Marina: “Who’s idea was it that Patrick sing?” Jonathan: “Michael Pillar (writer)” Marina: “Really? Had he ever HEARD Patrick sing?”
"Patrick managed to get his shirt open again, he's got his guns out."- Jonathan
*regarding Worf's Klingon pimple* Marina: "What is that pimple on his face?" Jonathan: "It's a gorch, Marina! Listen to the dialogue!"
Calling Picard "Cappy", Brent Spiner "Brento", Worf "Big, dumb, stupid Worf", and F. Murray Abraham "Fmurr"
"Lookin' a little shiny there, Patrick. Was it a hot day?"- Marina
*silently watching the Son'a ship fly through space* Marina: "...Well that's not the Enterprise."
*regarding Data* “He’s so smart. He knows things.”- Jonathan
*watching Data emerge from a lake* Marina: "Why's his hair dry?" Jonathan: "He's an android." Marina: "Why's his costume dry?" Jonathan: "He's an android."
Jonathan, groaning in disgust at a scene with some children: "This is cloying."
Wheezing fits of laughter throughout
If you need a hefty dose of serotonin injected directly into your brain, I highly suggest watching this. Plus, if you listen closely, there are even some interesting tidbits about the production of the movie.
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wrathkitty · 3 months
Story/Series Masterlist
Hellooo! Thanks for stumbling onto this. My fandoms primarily are The Mandalorian and Star Trek: TNG, but there's also The Last of Us, Avengers, Portal 2, and The Good Place. I try to stick as closely to the original source material as possible, I know the canon and the characters, and probably throw in more Easter eggs and other blink-and-you'll-miss-it references than I should.
If you're one for strong and snarky Readers/OFCs (here there be swearing), slow burns (envision a glacier), angst (it's a good kind of pain), and humor (lulz), then this is probably a good place to come waste some time. 👻
* Current works in progress *
Short Debts Make Long Friends - (The Mandalorian; Din Djarin/Reader)
An over-educated, underpaid millennial finally gets to go on her first adventure. 1.6k kudos on Ao3. POV Mando and Reader.
Why Don't You Sit Right Down and Stay Awhile - One-shots from "Short Debts" that admittedly are the walking definition of 'crack treated seriously'
- Can Your Helmet Play Elevator Music? - Oh, This is Much Worse- ...It was a Custom Piece
Completed stories:
Hello, My Dear - (Star Trek: TNG; Reader/Q)
Stories of the life and times of Q and his mortal more-than-just-a-friend, Ensign Reader. Because being omnipotent doesn’t mean a thing when it comes to relationships. POV Q and Reader.
As Q Like It - One-shots from "Hello, My Dear," which primarily remain within in TNG but also wander into Voyager and other territories, but none beyond the Neutral Zone
- Shoo, Q! - TNG; Lower Decks; POV Ensign - Does the Other Party In This Scenario Go By Some Form of Epithet, Identification, or Nomenclature? - TNG; POV Data - You Have Three Choices - TNG; POV Q - That Wasn't the Actual Question - TNG; POV Reader - Do I Always Have to Have a Reason to Stop By? - TNG; POV Reader - I Haven't the Vaguest Idea of What You're Talking About - TNG, POV Q - Silver Q - Picard, POV Q
To My Brother, Thor, Whom I Slept With - (Avengers; Loki & Thor)
One-shots about the shenanigans of a young Loki and Thor, and why the young princes of Asgard are the best birth control ever. Primarily Loki's POV, but also occasionally POV Odin and Frigga regretting their choices)
- Great Aunt Snotra's Funeral- A Midnight Lesson in the Current Events of Midgard - The People vs. The Brothers Odinson, or That Time Loki Thought It Was a Bright Idea to Appear on Daytime TV - One Flew Over the Ravens' Nest (Even the Gods Can Be - Psychoanalyzed)
Come Downstairs and Say Hello - (Portal 2; Chell/Wheatley)
With Wheatley in tow, Chell might as well write "DISPENSE PRODUCT HERE" on her shirt and throw herself in front of a turret...but she can't leave him behind, either. POV Chell, Wheatley, and GLaDOS.
Other works in progress that I don't have the heart to admit to myself are probably on permanent hiatus:
Bang, Zoom, Straight to the Moon - (The Last of Us; Joel/OFC)
Joel has been more than happy to let Ellie sabotage his love life since their arrival in Jackson, but all bets are off after she learns that the town’s most recent arrival is a former astronaut. The new gal is smart, single, pretty, and good with a gun. And she’s gone to mother *fucking* space. Joel POV.
Lucky Denver Mint - (Logan Lucky; Clyde Logan/OFC)
The stars over Boone County never looked brighter than the night a pretty astrophysicist walked into Clyde Logan’s bar. Clyde POV.
The Sleazy Place - (The Good Place)
The possibility of Michael never making into the Good Place is why Janet [literally] reassemble the Soul Squad - and what they owe Michael is why Eleanor doesn't hesitate to team up with her friends one last time to try and save their favorite former fire-squid. Eleanor POV. ...She just needs to finish that margarita first.
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renthebarbarian · 3 months
The virgin Picard “the youths have been infected with a woke mind virus and only the oldheads can save the day” versus the chad Prodigy “wow these kids are really smart and they could teach us a thing or two”
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annakie · 3 months
Okay so I just finished season 2 of Prodigy.
I woke up early this morning and got a few episodes in.
I WFH so I worked all morning getting shit done, and then watched at lunch, and then my normal Monday afternoon work is work that can easily be done while multitasking watching things, so I actually got a ton of work done while watching straight through the afternoon and finished the last 5 or so episodes after work/dinner.
I posted a few posts today with some thoughts but hey let's make it more coherent.
Heavy spoilers!
I loved this season so, so much from start to finish. It somehow never felt like there was a lull. Every episode either did something interesting or pushed the story forward in an important way.
So many shows do that "one story in a long season" thing and the show really suffers for it in the middle, especially. But I, personally, never felt that, even when they were taking diversions like getting Zero a body, that and the Tribble episodes might have been the "slowest" and still, I really enjoyed those.
Digging deep into the tropes and finding something new.
And the arc actually came together so well and nothing felt forced. It was a complex arc, too. So many moving parts, and it would have been easy to lose some threads and let things drop, but it actually felt like every element was important and it all tied together nicely.
They did a great job giving recaps where needed to reinforce what was going on in the storyline and why they were doing what they were doing, which was appreciated. I never felt lost. No arc felt like it dragged on too long.
Everyone got their moments to shine. Some of the characters had more of an arc in the season, like Zero, and some had less, like Jankum, but no one felt left behind from the main cast. I think it would have been easy, especially with adding in a new major character to the group, Ma'jel, but they really made her fit in. I especially love that they used Wesley to help cement her part in the group.
And yeah, the cast was huge. Seven main "kids" now. Janeway, Chakotay, Wesley, and the Doctor all felt like main cast throughout the season, plus Ascencia, Dreadnok, Ilthuran, Tysess and Noum... the cast is huge but everyone had a place. With 20 episodes they had some time to breathe, and I loved that.
The kids each had a lesson to learn, something to contribute. Gwyn was at the center of it all even more than last year, but she's such a fantastic character that holds the story up so well.
Of course there's a contrivance in things like... them not getting thrown in the brig in the first couple of episodes, and the fact that the ending was something allowed at all when they literally just said because of the Synth attack on Mars ships were in short supply but I mean, all easy to overlook in the name of the Story needs to happen. None of it really bothered me.
But as much as I love the kids, what they did with the legacy adult characters this season meant the most to me.
The Doctor fit right into this show, and was such a great inclusion. Still the same egotistical but loveable hologram. It was so good to have him back. And that scene with him and Holo-Janeway was adorable. I was glad to see that their rights weren't affected in the Synth attack -- at least not yet!?
I don't know if ANYONE would expect Wesley Crusher. That hit me in the face like a ton of bricks, seeing Wes again, and it was amazing. He's now been in Picard, Lower Decks and now Prodigy and every time I'm just delighted to see him.
But this was definitely his best re-appearance so far. A Wesley Crusher at his full Traveler powers. He was so smart, and funny, and a little manic with his big brain running at a thousand miles an hour. It really felt like this was what Wesley always had the potential to be, a real logical progression in the best way from the Wes we saw at the end of TNG. Space, Time and Thought all coming together and he had awesome magical powers to go along with it.
I was hoping after his initial two episodes that he'd be back! They dropped some decent hints about it, and they mentioned him almost every episode while he was gone, so having him in the final handful of episodes was amazing. And it seems like he might have a place in the future of the show, if we get that future! (and GOD I hope so.)
But my absolute favorite part was the MOST unexpected. I was hoping we'd get to see a bit of him calling Beverly. But then the hug, he went and saw her and Wil's voice breaking when he said Hi to her and gave her the hug broke me, and I cried.
Then, holy shit, they closed the loop on that burning question so many of us had at the end of Picard S3, if Wesley ever met Jack. Wes met his brother, and spent time with Beverly, and that meant so much to me.
It's crazy that the ending of this season tied up loose ends from other shows, and integrated those shows into the universe with fewer seams. It was amazing.
And as great as all of everything else was... I just want to be more coherent about Janeway and Chakotay.
Not going to lie -- the fact that there wasn't a kiss, or an obvious love confession did sting a little, but what we got was so, so good, and it was enough.
I do get it -- this is a kid's show and as much as we love them and how important they were to the season, this show is about the kids and not J/C as much as some of us are watching for J/C reasons. I'm not mad about it.
We got fed. More than Voyager.
You'd have to be blind to not admit that there was love there, on both sides. They never gave up on each other, they both looked forward to that reunion, they were terrified of losing each other again but did their duty. There was a little tiny bit of hand holding and quite a bit of touching. It's enough, it's canon enough for those of us who have been shipping it since Season 1 of Voyager.
And like I said in that previous post, they did so much more for Chakotay than Voyager did. This post summed it up better than I could. This season took two of the most maligned and neglected characters from their initial iterations -- Wesley and Chakotay -- and not only did them justice but made them the best versions of themselves. I felt like I was seeing the Chakotay from the Beyer novels on screen, the character he always should have been.
His relationship with Dal was an unexpected delight and I very much hope that in season 3 that mentorship continues.
I need more of that Chakotay. I need more of Janeway and Chakotay together. I just need so much more of this show.
I love every Trek. Yes, even that one that isn't that popular, or that other one that people forget exists. But this was without a doubt one of my favorite seasons of any Trek ever.
I'm so mad at Paramount's treatment of this show.
I'm so glad that Netflix stepped in and let us get this one.
I need at least one more season, y'all.
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ussjellyfish · 2 months
Beverly Crusher and Tilly for the character ask?
Beverly Crusher
How I feel about this character
Beverly was a formative part of my youth and my Star Trek watching. She was intimidating when I was a child because she was so pretty and she knew so many things. I don't think she got enough screen time or character development on TNG (no one really did other than Data and Picard). I wish she had more episodes. When she has something to do, she is so interesting. I love how smart she is, how kind she is (it made doctors less intimidating when I was a kid), how she has hobbies in theater and dance, and she's a great mom.
I adore her. She's one of my favorite characters ever because she has flaws and she works through them and Gates plays her so well.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Kathryn Janeway!! They've met now (thanks Prodigy!) and they'd be adorable. They're both so dedicated and also such cute dorks in their free time. They'd love holonovels and dancing together, and also be really adorable power admirals together. I particularly love them getting together in the Prodigy/Picard timeline because there's something really lovely about finding love later in life and that contentment.
Also Jean-Luc Picard, sometimes, he often annoys me (especially in ST: Picard) and then I struggle with my shipper googles. They had this really gorgeous trust in each other and comfort in TNG, where they loved each other, and maybe it wasn't romantic, but they were there for each other. I don't like what ST Picard did to their relationship.
I have a soft spot for Deanna Troi and Beverly too, they're just so lovely together.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Will Riker. I love how they're so supportive of each other. They seem to really get each other, and there's a great trust there. (might be the actors, they're not given much to work with).
My unpopular opinion about this character
I feel like the writers did her a disservice in ST Picard. I don't know if anyone in the writers room had ever been a single parent, but it is very very hard, especially without any support system. I can sort of work with Beverly didn't want to tell Jean-Luc about Jack (I think this name is so bizarre, but okay) but cutting out everyone, Will and Deanna especially doesn't make sense to me. She didn't get to meet their kids, and help with with Thaddeus, or even experience that grief together, and she didn't get to meet Geordi's wife or his kids, and she went through so much alone.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Beverly and Kathryn get together and raise Jack together. That sounds fun. They had really great chemistry in their two minutes together.
Sylvia Tilly
How I feel about this character
She loves math! She's a teacher!! She's so smart and funny and goofy and she's a teacher. I love that for her. I adore her and the journey she's been on and she's just a glorious being.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
No one really? I understand where the Tilly/Michael and Tilly/Rayner shippers are coming from, but I don't really ship either pairing.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Michael! Her relationships with Michael is so lovely and deep and it grows and changes, they're so good for each other. I adore their friendship so much.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I love her being a teacher. (I don't know if that's unpopular). It's such a nice move for her, and when she wanted to be a cpatain, I was all for it, but guiding others is something she's so good at. I love seeing her with the cadets and Adira and I'm so excited to get more of her in the Academy show.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I'd like to have someone I ship her with. (Ideally a woman because I love femslash, but anyone would be fun).
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astoriachef · 6 months
It’s weird, and I’m not sure how to articulate this, but I think the character of Captain Rayner is something of an…olive branch to a certain type of fan. The older, whiter, male-r side of the Trek fandom (not me) has been super critical of Discovery, probably because they’re worried that Trek has passed them by (sometimes me). It would have been easy for the Discovery team to make Rayner a spite character, make him an arrogant, witless jackass, a parody of the haters. Instead, they make him a competent smart, captain who’s admittedly never spent a single second with a ship’s counselor. Kind of impulsive, can’t and won’t play politics, but steady in a crisis, and committed to his mission. More importantly, they make Captain Burnham recognize his better traits and invite him to be her number one. Am I crazy, or is the show saying to that part of the of the fandom, “We’re not changing who we are, but you still have value to the franchise. And you can come aboard, if you want.”
I hope I’m not reading too much into this. The Discovery cast and crew definitely see the type to take the high road, in the face of online static. And even though I already liked Discovery, What they’re doing with Rayner gives me one more thing to like about it. I feel welcomed by the show, and I’d like to think that’s intentional.
That, or the just saw how popular Shaw was on Picard S3, and said, “We gotta get one of those.”
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yourbuerokrat2 · 2 months
Asking again sorry but. Anything related to the cchipollo/technicolordreamss (my art acc) qcard romcom au
I am so happy and honored to get a request from one of the creators of this AU.
Q was in his office. Q was late in his office. Not something particularly uncommon considering he tended to start his work later than he should which in turn caused him to end it later than he should as well. But tonight he was doing so for.. reasons.
Reasons that may also cause him to be in a good mood as he went through various paragraphs and precedents that would be useful for his case and everything he could find on the company he once had as a client.
Because today Jean-Luc Picard told Q that he needed him. Well, he actually said that he needed Qs help but Qs memory and imagination was easily able to ignore that last addition.
Considering that during one of their previous meetings in the bar which thanks to the bartendress had not gone as well as Q had hoped for Picard told him to leave him alone and to stop stalking ('stalking' is such an ugly word and in Qs opinion did not really fit what he was doing. Q was merely doing some research. Personal research) him or else Q would have to deal with another legal matter of his own, today was really an almost perfect day.
Than the door to his office opened.
'I came right back into town as soon as I heard the news. '
And his day was just a little bit ruined. Not entirely because Picard still asked him for help but it just got a little bit worse than it orginally had been.
'What news, Quint?'
Small talk had never been something really taught or appreciated in the family. Why waste time with trivial things when one could get to business right away?
Looking up from his computer, there was one of the few family members that somehow still insisted on talking with Q every now and again. Cousin Quint. And as his previous comment had suggested, he really had just arrived into town, as the outfit he was currently sporting was more fitting to a vacation on the sunny side of France somewhere in the Provence (Q was already looking forward to the potential reality of spending one of his next vacations with Picard there if or rather when they finally got together) than what was usually worn in a lawyers office.
'That you seem to have lost your head over an ex-marine currently teaching archaelogy of all things' and while Quint said that, he strode across the room and before Q knew what was happening, Q2 had taken the smart phone lying on his desk away.
Quint had the audacity to laugh as he held it out of Qs reach and looked at it.
'Oh my, does he know that you have him as your screen saver or do you want me to show him?'
Seeing Qs unimpressed face, Q2 gave him back his phone.
'How do you know about...?'
'Jean-Luc Picard? Oh don't play dumb, Q. You know that there are no such things as secrets within the Quinn family. And you were not even trying to hide it with the way you gave away your full name when registring to look through the birth records of France in order to find out more about your little paramour.'
Quints attention went from Q to the various paperwork and the computer screen.
'I have also heard that a very close friend of what by the extent of your research I assume is supposed to be the next Mr. Quinn is in dire need of legal defense against a corporation you are all too familiar with.
Not that I am here to help with that, after all I specialized in family law'
the comment from Q came out annoyed and almost mechanic because he has heard the joke ever since they went to law school together.
'so you can get the most of your inheritance'
A laugh from Quint. 'so I can get the most of my inheritance'
Q2 continued to look at the files spread out on the table and his smile turned into a grin.
'But it seems like they are already getting the help they need anyway.'
Q, who if the roles were reversed would not act all that differently, found himself even more annoyed than usual by his cousins presence and commentary.
'What's it to you?'
'What it's to me? I have complained about the cases you take ever since you left law school and you have asked me 'what it's to me'?
Do you have any idea of what it's like to have a law firm under the name Quinn in this place. I get the fathers, the workers you screwed over and every time I give someone my business card they ask me if I am that corrupt lawyer they have heard so much about. So for you of all people to grow soft' Quint gave a genuine laughter, clearly enjoying the entirer situation 'is certainly a pleasant thing for me.'
'I am not growing soft.'
'Oh and what do you call this?'
'Making an investment'
'Making an enemy out of one of your best paying clients all 'in the name of love' is an investment'
'Into my future, yes.'
"Whatever you say, softie. Oh I am sorry, mon tendre.'
And just as quick and as unwelcome as Q2 had arrived as quickly as he had vanished.
Tried to take the whole 'Q2 hates that he has apologize to other species he meets because of Qs treatment to them and that he actually approved of Qs change of heart and self sacrifice' into the AU. Personally I hc that while he is still a bit of a jerk he is one of the.. nicer Q one can come across.
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defconprime · 7 months
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Star Trek: Lower Decks - "All In A Sea Of Wonders"
Boimler wants to run a holodeck Dixon Hill program because he heard Captain Picard does and Mariner makes fun of him, leading them to create a super smart Dracula, ulp! It's really funny and well done and feels like a real episode of the show.
(Where to place: During the Second Season, sometime after An Embarrassment of Dooplers.)
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croc-odette · 1 year
the way it took less episodes for tng to begin to humanize the borg the most inhuman trek villains who were actively built up as literally like faceless drones there wasnt much of an ethical implication about killing but literally their second appearance in best of both worlds already trying to imagine what it would be like to be a borg drone from picards perspective and next they show up in i borg where its like ok we take the normal star trek approach of seeing every living being as worthwhile and not inherently monstrous and so on that was fewer episodes than what theyre doing with the gorn its like crazy
Even just from a style perspective, the borg spent a few episodes like ‘oh no, scary!’ And then bc that would have been boring to just keep doing, they started to do eps like ‘what if we captured a borg, could we ethically send it back with a disease to kill all of them’ or even just some pure drama of ‘what if captain picard…. BECAME a borg???’ And then an episode following up on the guilt of that. And even then, I was surprised how few tng episodes were about the borg. Snw is hamstrung by having half the eps in a season, but instead of really packing new stuff in, they keep wasting time on ‘what if we had cool guns to kill gorn monsters with’. Which while fun or silly in its own self-aware genre, feels really out of place and boring in Star Trek.
I think it also is just an incoherent view of the gorn as a species. They’re instinct-driven violent predators with no intelligence; but they’re also smart enough to build ships and space suits? They’re cannibalistic, but they’re also able to work together to command ships. They’re animals who are just trying to eat; but actually they’re intelligent enough to be ‘pure evil’. It’s whatever is convenient in the moment to justify unexamined thrill in murdering them.
If they were animals with instinctive behavior, then I think the Star Trek precedent would be: let’s defend ourselves and get the fuck out of here, but also these are just animals trying to survive and reproduce (ie: picard wouldn’t develop a bloodthirsty vengeful hatred against all bears if a bear killed a crew member). There is no ethical behavior behind animals eating and surviving. A wasp is kind of gross when it reproduces by injecting its eggs into another insect, but it’s not ‘evil’.
But that would mean the gorn wouldn’t be intelligent enough to have spaceships, which creates the convenient problem that our brave heroes HAVE to keep killing them without debate bc the gorn are able to pursue them! So somehow the gorn are smart enough to build spaceships capable of pursuing starfleet ships. They are smart enough for their actions to be considered ‘evil’. But not smart enough to be considered a race with a culture or intellect.
I’ve already talked about how the ep where they say the gorn block telepathy, meaning spock can’t talk to them, is a deliberate way of writing off diplomacy as a possibility. Those nasty gorn are just so mean and violent (and capable enough) that they block telepathy! It’s their fault! Which prevents a devil in the dark Horta solution, and allows the show to shrug and keep using guns as a solution.
I say all of this crap not because I really care about the integrity of the gorn. Who cares, it’s a fun alien. But in a franchise that wants to claim political awareness and goodness, its unsettling to dissect repeated writing choices over and over again (not just about the gorn) that support classic conservative and jingoistic talking points. “The enemy isn’t human or even intelligent, it’s an animal operating on base instincts; except when it’s so smart it can outwit our brave soldiers. And when you kill them, you can ENJOY killing them, because it’s one more dead enemy.”
The borg, changelings, jem hedar, Klingons, romulans— they were handled, some more than others, in ways that should invite criticism and skepticism about the intentions of the show. But they were humanized and explored further than ‘excuse to hand everyone an assault rifle and swat armor.’ A new show would ideally be improving or challenging past shows’ failures or missteps, not taking a huge step back. The gorn problem is even more glaring because it’s a sharp and bleak turn from the themes of trek shows that precede SNW, and from the actual episode the gorn come from.
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