#pichlive ultrakill
pichlive · 4 months
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got nervoys abt the waterfalt
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ultrakillinit · 2 months
"your crime is existence"
your crime is you won't get in the fucking pit
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pichlive · 9 months
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man. catholic drama queen
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pichlive · 8 months
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pichlive · 7 months
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hello my baby and
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pichlive · 7 months
v1 can slide skip on water??? other than useful to know that's... kinda cute imo
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pichlive · 8 months
rotating in my head.......... how the 'no knife vs knife' routes vary with........... the no knife leading to the princess becoming more feral at worse and knife leading to the princess being.... sharper. more precise in her cruelty, if any.
rotating it
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pichlive · 7 months
Ultrakill is… the game of All Time. I mean that part shitpost and part seriously. A lot of games I stumble upon tend to be very specific to what type of people they appeal to-- even Slay the Princess, for as much of an experience as it is, really can't appeal to everyone. Ultrakill, though, is a wonderful combination of both gameplay and experience that I think there's something in it that people won't only like, but LOVE. Both in wonderful gameplay, but also excellent atmosphere and a great story. I would even recommend it to people that usually don't like shooters.
I feel I absolutely need to talk about the gameplay first and foremost-- it fucks. Most of the mistakes I've made in Ultrakill feel like they're from my lack of skill rather than because the game is lacking in anything (… a few of the cracks in the level design do start to poke out when you begin P-ranking stuff, though). The game excellently tutorializes you through both instruction and level design, and is so satisfying to finally master-- all the videos on youtube explaining about game mechanics say enough I think! There's enough options as well that everyone can find something they like and stick to (… the coin is objectively the best and most satisfying to use tho.)
Now, if it was just great gameplay, you would think the quality of writing wouldn't matter-- many other games have had a story that's not that deep and/or straight forward with excellent gameplay. But the lore in Ultrakill is SO cool-- I always enjoy reading about any enemies I face off against to get more lore and information on the story… however, Ultrakill also displays much of its story in game-- Whenever there's voice acting it's a huge treat, props to the VA for Gabriel, he puts his ALL into it. Much of the story also comes through in gameplay moments and…
… the MUSIC. Oh my god I don't think I could gush about the music enough-- it's an iconic part of Ultrakill for a reason. I was expecting each level to have a default music, or at least every layer to-- but no, each and every layer in Ultrakill has its own unique music, all incredibly hype with the battles that happen (and at times, incredibly tense… you notice when its quiet in a game that's mostly composed of breakcore). I also feel the need to describe the sound design in this section as well-- it's SO tight and satisfying (and even a gameplay element-- like having to listen for the right time for the coins to really rack up the combos).
Basically even MORE so please play Ultrakill. I guarantee there's something in it you'll love-- from the gameplay to the characters to the music to the level design-- did I mention how gorgeous that is? Every layer is so unique, I was delightfully surprised (and a little scared) the further down I went. Game of all time. Get Ultrakilling.
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pichlive · 8 months
you know i had a thought regarding v1 having the parry arm and v2 having the crowd control arm...
like v2 was for taking care of... protestors which has its own implications
v1 i think was meant for it using someone's own weapons against them
and i feel part of why it never got used was the realization of what could happen if v1 ever-- possibly inevitably-- turned against who it was 'meant to serve'
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pichlive · 7 months
anyway lets p rank this place. i dont think it should be TOO difficult so long as i'm not falling off all over the place
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pichlive · 9 months
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really rolling out the red carpet... even the husks look really intimidating in this lighting-- and what the fuck is that up there?
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ultrakillinit · 2 months
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i hope one day we can hear the terminal sing...
granted this is gonna be at a moment that makes me sob wouldn't it.
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pichlive · 8 months
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goddamn, these level names
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pichlive · 9 months
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broken out of rage state!!!
i love that ultrakill does so many 'story told through gameplay' moments like this bc initially he was in a constant, aggressive rage state
him being broken out of it to become his previous form, combined with how much more playful/light he sounds, signals that v1 managed to now inspire something new in him that he's now enjoying
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pichlive · 8 months
lets........ checkpoint and then fuck around
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pichlive · 9 months
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i had HEARD of this thing and saw fanart but oh my god the design is super gnarly
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