#picking all the characters who'll IMMEDIATELY dunk on Vezz today
ratasum · 1 year
Hey Zatte, tell me about Zaige!
(love Zanthe I mean @wall-legion )
Ask one of my ocs a question about a different oc of mine
She sniffs indignantly, folding her arms.
"Zaige was an extraordinary overseer and very well respected in the Inquest. Theta-9 never got a visit from the Ethics Committee while he was in charge.
More than that, though, he taught me everything I know about how to run a lab efficiently. I was working as a liquidator before, and when I had to take over Theta-9, I had everything I needed to do well in the position.
Of course, we both grew up together in the Inquest, and we made certain never to disappoint our father. Zaige took after him a great deal- his intelligence and ruthlessness and all.
It's just a pity he became so enamored with a second rate researcher like Vezz. But he never did have good taste in men."
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