#pidge:\ file \ ooc
sylvabled · 3 years
i’ve genuinely thought about coming back but 
we’ll see LMAO
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qvakearchive · 8 years
fun fact about me: i’ve named almost all my pets after disney characters or characters from other movies / media that i love :///
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ghosty-schnibibit · 6 years
late liveblog for a late ep lol :P
i actually had to listen to this in two parts. i started it yesterday night around seven and was interrupted by my mom wanting to talk over skype for about three hours, after which i fell alseep lol. posting this right before i’m leaving my apartment to go see incredibles 2! here we go! ^u^
"the longest day in literary history" i think you're forgetting how long crystal kingdom lasted irl griffin
oh no :(
aubrey my baby
...did they actually get t-shirts?????
"double-o-downer" c l i n t
oh fuck, that ain't good D:
holy shit i didn’t even notice travis dipping into the magnus voice, i thought it was just him talking lol
i am also very worried about mama, poor barclay :(
what is an arnold palmer? oh, thank you trav
if your map of kepler looks anything like your map of refuge i'm sure it will be wonderful griffin
barclay wtf does that mean?????
"i'm still figuring out the idioms!" aww baby
i cannot tell if this is in character duck not wanting to show the list or ooc justin not knowing what locations they have as options and trying to prompt griffin to tell him
okay, it's ooc then lmao
"dessert is super sweet so it's got two s's" i am legit going to use that to help me remember how to spell that
i fucking love this bit omg
duck my baby i love you so much
i'm just imagining aubrey just staring at these two dumbasses like "wft are we doing here"
this final battle is sounding so promising
some what barclay???
oh that sounds fucking cool
these names are getting more chug-and-squeeze esque by the second
NO! NO!!! THAT IS A BAD, BAD NAME CLINT!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!
i'm screaming this is gonna be so dumb and i love it
"i just remembered my many connections in public works" duck ilu
"this show has gone wildly off the rails" yes but in the best way
ned the bait guy lol
"i actually have an idea" "don't kill him" "alright then i have another idea" clint loves making his characters try to kill npcs doesn't he
"wE got ThIs?" ned ilu
oh snap, i thought that was gonna be the ad break
i am... worried for how this is gonna go
oooh no. this ain't great for ned.
how much research did clint do for this? damn this sounds super convincing
does ned actually have this picture? did ned actually go to ohio state???
ned what is your angle here????? NED WHY ARE YOU SHOWING OFF YOUR STOLEN GOODS TO A COP!?!
oooh this is interesting :o
ned what the heck
i love the dynamic between these two, so chill
every time griffin talks about sylvain as a life source i get mad atlantis vibes, i can't help it, that movie was my childhood
well that's... ominous
god this is making me want to go to water country usa, i haven't been since i was 16 and its super close now that i live in williamsburg
"no idea is bad, it just wasn't good" a u b r e y
good plan, like this plan
"well. shit." aubrey is a child of my own heart
yikes these are some bad rolls today boys
aww, this is cute
"that's worse in some ways" holy shit
... does duck have the gettysburg address memorized???
i love duck so much
we are never gonna learn ducks real name are we
aaah, that's why it was a day late, e3
my mind jumped straight to angus when griffin said "the softest dream of the sweetest child"
oooooh this sounds cool
ned the theatre guy
ned wtf are you doing??? NED WTF?????
that's... terrifying
oooh there's that good but creepy music 0n0
i want ned to teach me how to drive
jesus everyone's rolling beans today
oooh, that's a good word
thank you for saving me a google there griffin 
well that was depressing :T
given the fact that it stopped and entire river i don't think that's gonna be an issue for it aubrey 
yikes, what's up with todd?
oh god its the locker puzzle again
this is... this is gonna be bad
yay! first good role of the ep!
this sounds so cool :o
nice! lots of good info!
oh great, this is bad
"it is, i say horrified"  
oh jeez, i feel like that's gonna be an issue later
duck... duck you cannot bs this girl. she knows too much.
duck you are madlibsing this alibi so hard
i love you duck holy shit
duck newton, my baby boy, this is so dumb, i love you
oooh snap, this isn't good
final thoughts: i’m so excited for the final battle! the setting they’ve set up sounds so cool and i can’t wait to see how everything plays out. also there were so funny many moments in this that really reminded me of the humor from the later balance arcs and got my nostalgia going, i love these good good boys :)
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itaedahq-blog · 5 years
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Fox Mae, un nuevo año comienza y con eso, un sinfín de oportunidades. Queremos comentarte que tus datos han sido revisados por nuestro equipo docente y que tu solicitud para ser parte de nosotros ha sido por fin aceptada. Así, anhelamos que encuentres aquello que persigues, así como también una nueva meta o propósito junto a tus demás compañeros. Esperamos que dentro de nuestros muros experimentes emociones que se creían inexistentes y conozcas la dicha de los aplausos.  
¡Pidge! Gracias por la muestra de interés en nuestro proyecto, esperamos que tu tiempo con nosotros sea agradable. Recordamos que a partir de este momento, cuentas con 24 horas para enviar tu cuenta.
datos ooc / generales.
pseudónimo: pidge.
pronombres: femeninos.
edad: veintiuno.
país: venezuela.
nivel de actividad: cinco a ocho, dependiendo de los cortes eléctricos.
datos ic / básicos.
faceclaim: mark lee.
nombre: fox mae.
fecha de nacimiento: 28/06/1999.
orientación sexual y romántica: queer.
ocupación: trabaja en el funny land arcade.
cursos electivos: canto lírico.
datos ic / entrevista personal.
¿cómo te describirías a ti mismo y cómo te describen los demás?
“¿puedo escribirlo?— ¿no? oh, es que es una pregunta difícil.” lleva manos al cuello y fija mirada en el techo. “no sé cómo los demás me ven, no es algo que haya querido o sentido necesario preguntar, pero personalmente me considero una persona muy tranquila. sí, me gusta jugar y bromear cuando se genera la oportunidad, pero de resto soy eso. tranquilo.” regresa atención a su entrevistador. “siento demasiado, lo voy a confesar, y sé que es un problema, porque soy fácil de abrumar. igual depende del momento— a veces funciono bien bajo presión, y otras— pues, otras no tanto."
¿por qué te interesa inscribirte en itaewon drama academy?
"las clases impartidas me llaman la atención y los horarios encajan con mi turno laboral— es una buena opción para alguien que no cuenta con mucho tiempo para hacer algo más. no hay mucha explicación bajo mi elección: me gusta el concepto, es lo que estoy buscando, el horario concuerda con mis horas libres, entonces, ¿por qué no?"
¿tienes alguna experiencia en el mundo de las artes escénicas?
"¿cuenta cuándo invitamos a todos nuestros amigos del vecindario y hacíamos nuestro propio concierto en la calle? porque eso es exactamente lo que sucedió. les dijimos que se trataba de una fiesta y nuestros padres no tenían ni idea. caos pasó, como estaba destinado, pero al menos pudieron comprar dulces para ofrecer.”
¿cómo es tu situación familiar?, ¿por qué no cuentas algún suceso relevante en tu vida?
“somos una familia enorme; cuatro hermanos, mis padres, la abuela y mis tíos con su hija viviendo, la mayor parte del tiempo, en el mismo domicilio. sé cómo se ve, vale, un montón de gente todo el tiempo en un espacio puede ser demasiado pero nos acostumbramos bastante rápido. la casa se siente cálida, llena y se ve vivida. juro que aún hay marcas de los crayones de mi tía cuando estaba pequeña en las paredes de la sala, tras el sillón. para nosotros es cómodo estar así, porque uno jamás se siente realmente solo, y si pasa—” como suele sucederle a él, “sólo hay que prestar atención y se escuchan los tacones de mi madre al bajar las escaleras, mi padre en el taller, mis hermanos con sus intentos de formar una banda de rock— en fin. están ahí, y es lo importante.
recuerdo la primera celebración que pasamos así, juntos, luego de que con mis padres nos viniéramos de nueva zelanda; la mesa no parecía tener fin, todos ayudando a cocinar, mis hermanos tocando alguna canción, mi prima intentando tararearla— por primera vez nos sentí una familia de verdad, unida, y es algo que no quiero dejar de sentir nunca.”
datos ic / extras.
• sus padres eran grandes fanáticos de x files, y por eso su nombre deriva del personaje favorito de su madre. aunque no hay certeza que su inclinación a creer en críptidos, sucesos paranormales y en la vida más allá del planeta tenga que ver con eso, a él particularmente le gusta pensar que sí.
• los videojuegos, por otro lado, también son su mundo. ready player one es su libro favorito y la película la ha visto, mínimo veinte veces desde que se estrenó.
• tiene dinosaurios de peluche, y no le avergüenza. (¿jurassic park? sus películas favoritas. sin duda).
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chew-ie-blog · 7 years
Tomodachi Life HCs
Because I’ve been addicted with this game for a while, here are some HCs about how I imagine the Voltron cast would play.
Most normal player of the bunch.
Likes to “punish” characters by feeding them bad food.
Gets offended when his look-alike doesn’t like his favorite food.
Most interested in love problems.
Tried to hook up his look-alike with Allura’s Mii.
Most of his Miis wear ridiculous costumes/hats.
Enjoys giving Miis OOC catchphrases/song lyrics.
Loves the rap battles and Tomodachi Quest.
Has his Miis sit down and starts humming, “Sit down, be humble.”
Also likes to turn them around and sing, “Turn around.”
Models Miis off people in his real life and characters from his favorite shows/books.
Attached to all of his Miis. Has all kids move into their own apartment.
Has a couple with 9 kids; half of his islanders are just kids from couples.
Maxed out on the 100 islanders limit.
Doesn’t have the heart to tell an islander not to go through with a confession/proposal, even if he doesn’t ship it.
Gives his look-alike all of the interiors.
Spends a lot of time playing with islanders and participating in events (e.g. photo shoot, quirky questions).
Each time Lance feeds Hunk’s Mii a bad food, Hunk retaliates by giving Lance’s Mii a bad outfit.
The ultimate collector. Set up a SpotPass hotspot to collect all items. Pissed that Nintendo stopped releasing new SP items.
Plays fairly methodically:
Prioritizes on feeding a Mii all entrees -> appetizers -> desserts -> drinks.
Tries not to miss the Morning/Afternoon/Evening market.
Tries to listen to news at the same time each day (e.g. morning 8am, evening 11pm).
Evens out personality types (e.g. 10 people in each group).
If a couple hooks up that she doesn’t like, she changes the appearance/identity of the Miis to suit her ships.
Pampers and spends the most money on Miis modeled after her family (Matt and her parents).
Wants to experience everything the game has to offer. For instance, she left a married couple fighting to see what would happen the next day.
Sends all the kids off to travel.
Played the Miitopia demo and is excited to connect her TomoLife file to it when it comes out.
Has a personal goal to give each Mii a unique outfit and interior. Spends most of her time gifting Miis new clothes.
Had her look-alike dye her hair 10 times and changes her look-alike’s hairstyle on a weekly basis.
Loves to talk about what her Miis did to other people, often to Coran or her mice.
Created a Mii after each mouse.
Solves all problems; became an expert at the minigames.
Gives her Miis a lot of items (e.g. travel tickets, cameras, frying pans).
Doesn’t have his own game; plays along on Allura’s file. Gives Allura’s Miis ridiculous outfits/interiors.
Lance tried to convince him to hook up Allura’s look-alike and Lance’s Mii on her file.
Doesn’t really get the game; spends most of his time flicking food at the Miis and laughing at their shocked expressions.
Loves the news reports (that Allura neglects).
Also finds the songs amusing.
Takes the compatibility tester too seriously.
Makes really ugly Miis.
Perpetually confused; spent ten minutes petting a Mii that was upset from a fight to try and calm them down.
Doesn’t understand the rankings, like the vitality one.
Horrible at the proposal/baby minigames.
A couple went back to being “just friends” when he clicked on the fountain, and he was really sad about that.
Gives his Miis the same food over and over again.
“You have to give them different foods!”
“But their all-time favorite is Barbecue.”
Gives a Mii the cold medicine when their stomach hurts.
Hoarder. Refuses to sell anything. Has x71 toilet papers.
Miis all look the same, except for ones he received from QR codes.
Was surprised that hair dye washed off after a bath.
Clicks on every. single. dream. when he’s playing at nighttime. Has so many straw hats.
Changes Miis back into their default, single-color outfits.
Not that invested in the game, but the other Paladins seem to enjoy it, and he likes playing along.
Superb at Tomodachi Quest. Lance looks up to him.
Tried to hook up Miis of the same gender and was disappointed when Pidge told him that was impossible.
For some reason, none of his couples have wanted kids yet.
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sylvabled · 4 years
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happy birthday to lance, the love of pidge’s life!   ( picrew )
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sylvabled · 3 years
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sylvabled · 4 years
hey y’all, i’m seriously considering just making this blog a source for my muse aesthetics, an archive for all of my drabbles and hcs. i don’t think i can handle threads on here anymore because of the massive shit done that ruined it. any threads done here will be semi-literate, if any at all. discord is my main source of rping nowadays. if any mutuals wish to add me and haven’t already, please add me.  
this isn’t really a goodbye, more like a i’ll see you somewhere else. tumblr has run it’s course in terms of rp communities, and it’s time for me to leave it on the back burner. i’ve had so many good memories here, but i’ve honestly gotten bored even logging on. continuing to publish out replies with half-assed effort doesn’t seem right to me, and it wouldn’t be fair to any of my rp partners and mutuals. i’d love for them to see me put real effort somewhere else. so hopefully, i’ll see some of y’all on discord! 
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sylvabled · 4 years
i barely have enough room on my computer for the screencaps for the first two seasons so i won’t be making icons for awhile. i’ll just be reusing old ones and if not that, then none at all. until i have a better storage thing for my laptop, this will be my life!!
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sylvabled · 4 years
ok so i saw a tweet the other day from the let’s voltron podcast here
do i even dare have hope lmao
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sylvabled · 4 years
remembering i have a 17 GB folder of voltron screenshots that i still need to make icons from
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sylvabled · 5 years
i’m cleaning out probably like 2+ weeks of likes from this blog to reblog on to my personal and my multi and i’m moving to a new place so uh 
stay tuned folks
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sylvabled · 4 years
absolutely no one:
me: y’know crossover ships are fucking great-
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sylvabled · 4 years
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so my fc had an event and one of the things was a cosplay contest and ... i made a glamour for pidge
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sylvabled · 4 years
i mean... i GUESS i’ll get used to the clunky text ...
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sylvabled · 5 years
pidge loves her gay big bro takashi shirogane
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