#pierce pennywhistle
shirtlesssammy · 5 years
7x14: Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
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Send in the clowns (much to San’s utter horror)
Our intrepid hero, Sam Winchester runs down a dark alley away from CLOWNS. And honestly, I can’t blame him. They are scary! A couple corner him in an abandoned warehouse while he mutters, "If it bleeds, you can kill it."
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60:00:00 Earlier
Dean battles the germs of a phone booth to talk with Frank. He’s got, as Sam puts it, “dick on Dick”. Sam has a potential new case though, and since Dean’s just coming off of his Amazon baby mama drama, he swears this time there will be “No bars. No booze – no hot chicks of any kind.”
Wichita, Kansas
At the morgue they’re presented with a corpse covered in red boils. Apparently a Giant Pacific octopus did this to the man, in Kansas. The coroner surmises that someone staged the hickies and then bled the victim dry. “So what are we looking for? An octovamp? A vamptopus?” Dean wonders to Sam later.
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They head to talk with the victim’s widow.
They ask her all the routine questions and she tells them they should talk to Stacy, the nanny. She was with him the night he died. The boys discuss why the wife would summon such an excessive monster while they leave the house. Dean heads to interview the “naughty nanny” while Sam stays to check out the wife’s house after she's gone.
At Stacy’s, Dean learns pretty quickly that the nanny mainly dealt with Deborah and that Stacy was working late because Brian was working late. It was their daughter Kelly’s birthday and the party was at Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie and Brian showed up for 5 minutes while Deborah didn’t show up at all. Another kid told Kelly that her parents didn’t love her. Dean asks the usual questions and Stacy admits that Kelly’s afraid there’s a monster in her closet.
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Dean later calls Sam to see if he can interview the daughter. Sam gets in a brief conversation with Kelly where she tells him that she tried to warn her dad that the monster would get him before her mom calls her back inside.
At night, a man in a bathrobe runs for his life away from a galloping horse. He jumps a fence and rests a beat against the fence only to have a golden spire pierce his chest. He falls over dead while the camera pans over the fence to reveal a majestic unicorn. It’s horn is glistening blood and as it turns and speeds away, rainbows shoot out of its butt. (This REALLY has is it all.)
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Sam’s battling the clowns. He tries shooting one of the clowns but his gun only shoots glitter.
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The clowns continue to laugh and mock him, and then start laying punches.
36:36:08 Earlier
Dean inspects the unicorn murder. After asking the victim’s wife some questions about their son, he learns that the father and son were at a friend’s birthday party. Dean calls Sam and asks if he remembers Plucky Pennywhistle’s. Sam’s face goes blank and he say, “No.” He quickly counters that when he admits that he hated them as a kid. Dean would dump him to go “trolling for chicks.” Dean made a connection to the place and the murders though and suggests Sam check out the local Plucky’s while he talks to the latest vic’s son. Sam hastily suggests he interview the kid. Dean laughs and wonders if this is about Sam’s “clown thing.” Sam weakly denies this, but Dean sees right through him and advises him, “If it bleeds, you can kill it” before hanging up.
Sam heads inside to face his nightmare.
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(I’m sorry, but what’s with the skeletor clown in the front? How much fun did Jerry Wanek and Co. have this week?) He sees a frazzled mom working while trying to convince her son to just “stay sane for three more hours.” He sees a wall of “Draw your worst fear... Plucky will make your fear disappear” drawings. The manager, Jean, finds Sam. He asks about the drawings and she gives him the explanation that it’s supposed to help kids cope with their fears, otherwise they can affect kids well into their adulthood (*cough* SAMMY *cough*). Sam asks about the latest kid’s story and the manager tells him that the dad threw a fit about leaving early.
Sam is then approached by a skittish maintenance worker who tells him to come back after closing.
At the motel, Sam fills Dean in on the mean parent trend and the worst fear drawings.
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Dean has some war flashbacks to fighting leprechauns. Dean then shows Sam what the boy drew --a unicorn impaling his father.
At Plucky’s, just as Saul, the maintenance man, is leaving for the day, Jean tells him that a kid puked in the ball pit. It’s gonna need a complete sanitization. And I’m sorry, but why are you waiting to tell him at the end of the day?! I’m side eyeing you HARD, Jean.
Saul is next in the ball pit, sucking the balls up one at a time (seems a tad inefficient, but then I have no clue how those places are cleaned. Probably aren’t --so, gross.) The camera pans behind him, Jaws-esque music starts, Saul cries out and reaches for his leg. His hand comes away bloody.
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He’s then sucked under the balls. Welp.
Sam and Dean arrive to find the cops taking away the body.
*Classic Dialog Alert*
DEAN: Cops have a theory?
SAM: Yeah, they think the ball washer did it.
DEAN: The what?
SAM: The... ball washer.
DEAN: The what?
SAM: The ball –
Dean shows Sam the victim and they both agree that it was a shark bite. Dean knows a bit more due to his excessive Shark Week research. They head inside the darkened Plucky’s.
Inside, they stop by the wall of worst fear drawings. Sam notices that the shark drawing is missing this time. “Dractopus. Seabiscuit the impaler. Land shark – what's next?” Dean asks. (Seabiscuit the Impaler is my wrestling name.)
The next morning the waitress, Libby, pulls up to Plucky’s with her son Tyler. They’re both tense - the mom is late for work and the kid’s irritated and on his own to catch the bus. As they part grouchily, the camera zooms in on his drawing: a giant killer robot shooting laser eyes. Um. HERE FOR THIS.
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Back in the present, Sam continues to get the glitter kicked out of him by the two killer clowns. (I find them far more annoying than frightening.) The only thing more aggravating than a villain with a smug grin is one with a grating chuckle.
Back in the past, Sam and Dean toss out theories. It’s time to put the hammer down on the investigation. Dean is SUPER excited to be given the job of the creepy loner dude hanging out at Plucky’s while Sam plays Fed. (But also, he really is?)
At Plucky’s, chaos reigns. It’s full of kids and the bloody murder ball pit is “roped off” for the day. Yikes. Dean spots a kid walk by playing with a giant slinky and suddenly all thoughts of the investigation leave him.
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And immediately Dean WANTSES THE SLINKY. (Please imagine that I’ve just written eight tons of meta about Dean’s missed childhood wrought by his father and later, by himself.)
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He asks to buy one at the prize counter, but the chirpy clerk tells him that he has to earn it - he can’t just buy one of the prizes. Dean heads off to ski-ball his way to giant slinky glory.
Meanwhile, Sam interrogates Jean about the guy’s death, spooking her and sending her running from Plucky’s. Dean demonstrates his adult priorities, ditching ski-ball to stalk his quarry. He discovers Jean’s terrible secret. She’s unwinding with a quick joint behind the building. So… not really a criminal magical mastermind.
Sam moves on to the cheerful clerk. “Special agent? Wow!” he says excitedly, while reading Sam’s business card. Sam scowls at Mister Sunshine-and-Light and amps up his bad-cop routine.
While Sam snarls at suspects, Dean teams up with Tyler to properly police the correct game-play of ski-ball. They bond over it and the kid’s mom arrives with a plate of greasy pizza for his dinner. Dean tells the frustrated kid to cut his mom some slack. His dad “hauled him places” too. (I mean, crime scenes, crappy motels, and monster dens, but sure.)
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Dean notices Tyler’s killer robot drawing but before he has a chance to comment on it, the lion-costumed guy Sam was interrogating splits. After a harrowing chase set to 70’s style cop-show-music Dean pins him down. The guy sort of confesses to manufacturing meth in the past, but is also PRETTY SURE he hasn’t been using kids’ nightmares to kill people. (He sounds a little uncertain on that last point.) He mentions a sub-basement of the building with creepy sounds coming up from the boiler room near the vents. Well, we know that only good things happen in boiler rooms.
They head back to Plucky’s. Inside, Libby loses her cool. It’s time to leave but her son resists - someone stole his killer robot drawing. Dean immediately hones in on that. Awww yeah KILLER ROBOT TIME. (In a subplot, Dean communicates nonverbally with Tyler, encouraging him to communicate better with his mom, who in turn communicates better with her son. I’m glad we were all here to share this after school special.)
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The sub-basement is eight levels of creepy, stacked with crap and featuring an open pit of flame. “Well, that’s perfectly normal,” Dean comments. And...yeah. The boiler room does appear to be problematic. Posted up on the wall are kid drawings and on tables, occult books. Dean examines a book and finds the missing robot drawing. He turns to find the chirpy clerk, Howard, training a gun on him. He orders Dean to drop his gun.
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Dean compliments him on his magical prowess. It’s gotta take some serious mojo to make a unicorn. “There's power in fear,” Howard tells him. “And when a child draws what he's afraid of, a little of that mojo ends up on the page.” All of his victims deserved what they got, Howard maintains. He’s targeting Libby for sure, but tonight’s not the night for killer robots. Instead, his current target is Sam-the-Fed.
Cue the clowns!
Now that our timeline has nearly caught up, Sam stalks Libby and Tyler back to their house, only to be confronted by a creepy clown. Nooooooo!
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While Sam gets beaten by evil clowns, Dean discovers that Howard is angry that he lost the management job to Jean. He’s deranged, and thinks all the kids are better off without various parents in their lives. Oh, and he’s got some fun buried trauma of his own. His brother drowned while his parents ignored (or didn’t take seriously) his cries for them to help.
Dean chucks Howard’s old drawing of the drowning into the magical fire, plus a clown statuette, and suddenly a drowned child appears, looking vengeful. Howard whimpers pleas for mercy to no avail. Before Dean’s astonished eyes, the clerk drowns in front of the phantom of his dead brother. Y I K E S. Destroyed by his own fear, anger, and guilt. (Looks directly into the camera.)
Elsewhere, Sam’s about to get clown sandwiched when they explode into harmless glitter bombs.
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Later, Sam pulls up to meet Dean. When he gets out, we see that he’s absolutely covered in glitter (and, apparently, seltzer from the clowns’ flowers).
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Dean just about dies laughing at the sight. He then apologizes for “psychologically scarring” Sam, and ditching him when they were kids. Hey, all’s forgiven. Sam pulls out a present for Dean - a giant slinky!!!!
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Dean is overjoyed. He gets out a gift for Sam as well - a clown doll.
Er. Thanks, Dean. Sam treats it with the appropriate reverence and gratitude.
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Everybody Loves a Quote:
So we got dick on dick?
You spawn a monster baby, see how quick you want to dive back in the pool.
If it bleeds, you can kill it.
So now unicorns are evil?
A whole week of sharks.
Watch out for evil lunch ladies.
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mariacallous · 5 years
Ethel’s confidence had grown, and her performance gained in rhythm, color, and bite. To Marge, she caught something that eluded a number of the other Dolly’s: she could play not only Dolly Levi but Dolly Gallagher, the Irish colleen who had married a Jewish man.
“This steamroller suddenly happened to the show,” recalled Marcia Lewis, who played Ernestina Money. “We went from the littlest audiences you could imagine in the St. James Theatre to absolute pandemonium around the block. Ethel taught me how to plant. I used to watch her so closely, and she would find where she wanted to stand - which of course was dead center down front - and you could almost feel her roots being put down through the floor. She looked to the left and the right and the balcony, but that spot man had her there, and that’s where she stayed.”
When Ethel unveiled her Dolly at the St. James Theatre on March 30, 1970, the audience was in a frenzy of anticipation. The moment she made her entrance, pulling down the newspaper she is reading as the trolley car chugs onstage, the entire crowd jumped to its feet for a prolonged ovation. They were all standing again when, in Dolly’s famous red gown and plumed hat, she appeared at the top of the Harmonia Gardens staircase just before launching into “Hello, Dolly!” John Montgomery and David Evans were the two actors positioned at the bottom of the staircase as she descended, singing the number. “She came down the steps and they just wouldn’t stop,” Montgomery remembered. “David Evans was across from me, and we were looking at each other. I was trembling, and David started crying. As the number got going, they screamed and applauded all through it.”
The title number, in fact, played beautifully into the sentiment attached to the occasion; many of the lines were weighted with double meaning. When Ethel sang “IT’S SO NICE TO BE BACK HOME WHERE I BELONG!” the audience erupted into cheers for more than a minute. They had the same response to similar lines, such as “DOLLY WILL NEVER GO AWAY AGAIN!” and “TOMORROW WILL BE BRIGHTER THAN THE GOOD OLD DAYS!” at which the orchestra had to come to a full stop, waiting for the applause to subside.
There was a third standing ovation for her at the finale, one that went on and on. In between, all her numbers were greeted with such ecstatic cheers that some of the opening-night critics complained that they couldn’t make out all the words. Both of the new numbers, especially “Love, Look in My Window,” were enormous hits with the audience; they would have the distinction of being the last songs Ethel would introduce. Taking Lucia Victor’s advice, Ethel smiled while she sang “Love, Look in My Window,” so as to ease the tear-jerking nature of the song. But anyone, friend or fan, who knew of the heartbreak Ethel had experienced in the last decade could hardly have helped being moved to tears when she sang:
Love, look in my window,
Love, knock on my door,
It’s years since you called on me.
How I would love hearing your laughter once more
So if you should ever be in the neighborhood ...
The New York Times responded to Ethel’s return by writing her a series of love letters. Walter Kerr called her voice “exactly as trumpet-clean, exactly as pennywhistle-piercing, exactly as Wurlitzer-wonderful as it always was. Right from the first notes, the first words...you know it’s all still there, dustproof, rustproof, off and aloft and ringing”
Ethel’s presence in Dolly! was like a transfusion for the sagging show.
Describing Ethel Merman taking on Hello, Dolly! 6 years after she had been offered the role when it was first created, in Brian Kellow’s Ethel Merman: A Life
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naivepets · 3 years
How and When to Use a Dog Whistle | Dog Training Tips
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What effect do dog whistles have on dogs?
The dog whistle was invented in 1876 by Sir Francis Galton. The master use was to test the stove of human hearing, but Galton quickly discovered that our furred friends had an amazing ability to hear high gear pitched sounds up to 45,000Hz ( frequency range for humans is about 18,000Hz ). therefore, it is important to note that these whistles are NOT silent. They emit a tone of around 35,000Hz, which is indiscernible to humans, but piercing to a cad. It besides has the ability to travel identical large distances, which makes it a great cock for hunting or herding dogs. however, to a andiron, this whistle is nothing more than an unconditional stimulation . It cannot cure barking, howling, or excitement simply by using it. You calm have to condition train the andiron to respond to it using classical and/or operant condition !
Reading: How and When to Use a Dog Whistle | Dog Training Tips
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Are they suitable for training a dog? Why or why not?
A andiron pennywhistle can be a capital education joyride for a dog , if used properly. It is extremely distinct, silent to others, and the high frequency can not be well replicated. As a consequence, hunt, herd, and police dogs are normally trained using a pennywhistle. The reasoning behind it is that this high frequency it emits can travel far greater distances than a voice, and is less likely to scare wildlife or alarm humans. Although the whistle is desirable for training a pawl , it is useless without association. If you blow the pennywhistle and expect your pawl to stop bark or to come, you will be highly defeated !
Are dog whistles more effective for certain types of training than others (e.g. control barking vs. getting them to sit)?
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A cad whistle can be used in a variety of different ways. It is most normally paired with recall trail, as it is more discrete and discreet than a human ’ sulfur voice. however, the frump whistle can be used to stop bark, train basic obedience, or even modify specific behaviors. Remember: without proper training, the dog whistle is just another sound in the world. Just like with early sounds, they will become desensitize to it and learn to ignore it over time, if not used by rights !
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What tips do you have for whistle training a dog?
The number one tip off when working with pawl whistles is to not use them excessively frequently ! If you abuse this training tool, it will become completely ineffective and cause discomfort for your dog.
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If you are trying to train your andiron to stop bark, blow the whistle and wait for your dog to re-focus on you. Once you have gotten their care from blowing the whistle, follow up immediately with the desired instruction ( in this character, we would say “ placid ! ” ). Remember, this whistle is used to get their attention, but then it is your job to use your calm assertive energy, body language, and articulation to tell them precisely what you want .
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After you have given the hope instruction, wait a few seconds to see if the dog will repeat the negative demeanor. If they do, blow the whistle again and repeat your command with more energy and volume. Once your dog is silent for a few seconds, follow up with a bridge and positive reinforcement (in this case, we would say “YES! Good boy quiet!”). It is crucial to keep rehearsing this behavior, so that your frank associates the whistle with not barking. Over time, you can phase out the verbal command and just use the whistle ! This is because you have practiced adequate times with blowing the whistle and saying “ quietly ”, that your andiron associates the whistle with no bark !
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source : https://blog.naivepets.com Category : Dog
source https://blog.naivepets.com/do-dog-whistles-work-1645690767
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