#pinetrees-in-water:masky asks
hiiii, can you do Tim/masky as a father figure to emo/scene kid teenagers??? C:
Oh my god of course!! This is so wholesome, as an emo myself and former scene kid I approve of the Dad Tim/Masky agenda <3
◇Masky/Tim Wright as a father figure to emo/scene teenagers◇
-He never thought of himself as the fatherly type considering all his addictions and his past with the Operator, but he found out that he WANTED to try his best to be a role model after meeting these kids.
-Actively doesn't abuse any substances around the kids as he doesn't wanna normalize it for them.
-He is so supportive. (Even if he can be a little aloof sometimes)
-Tim listens to some emo bands (I think he'd like Good Charlotte and Three Days Grace most) but overall never got super into the style side of the subculture.
-So he's completely facinated when the kids show up with racoon tail hair and gel spikes, hed seen kids back when he was a teenager with the style and is a little amazed kids are still dressing like that.
-If any other kids were bullying his kids he'd scare them, Tim's an intimidating man normally so him appearing behind them or yelling usually does the trick.
-Now if any adults decided to be dicks.....
-He wants to be a good influence and despises what the Operator made him do in the past so nothing TOO bad would happen but they'll certainly get a bit "roughed up".
-Gets the kids old 2000s magazines to go through so they can learn more about what the subculture was like at its peak.
-Tim would absolutely dig up all his old CDs for ANYTHING relevant and play them on car rides. He struggles sometimes when the nightmares or intrusive thoughts hit hard so sometimes a car ride with loud music and singibg teens is just what he needs.
-Road trips and stops by Gas station fast food places are a VERY common occurrence.
-Asks them to do his eyeliner (It becomes a regular occurrence since it hides his bags a bit and he pulls it off VERY well)
-Cannot dye hair, will offer to help if the kids are struggling but its a bad idea.
-Constantly reminds the kids to wear heat protectant when straightening their hair, will even buy them wigs if their hair is getting too damaged.
- "You can't dye your hair green if you have no hair left kid"
-Fucking despises shopping because of the crowds. He's been wearing the same old jackets for forever because "They work".
-Despite this he'll still try and come along for the kids, maybe stand a little suspiciously in a corner of the shop until they're all done.
-Takes the kids out to all the concerts in the area (mostly sneaks them in ngl hes not a bad influence but hes not the best one either)
-Likes how colorful scene clothing can be but does not get all the memes and subculture norms, dude doesn't have a social media.
-"What is XD and :3?"
-Asked if Invader Zim was a rat as a joke, this was followed up with all the kids and Tim binging all the episodes with the kids (he ended up enjoying it).
-The more time he spends with them, unknowingly he starts to see them as his own :)
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