#pirkum things
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its officially chilly out so that means thinking about oc halloween costumes and uh...think i got it in one, actually
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i feel like pirkum is an e-boy before e-boys were a thing
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the fact that pirkum sat down and thought about hexela, easily the worst person he has ever known. Took a deep breath, got all angry, looked like he was going to cuss her out, and just. said. “GOD I hope- I hope zhe takez a really long nap!! And iz lezz mean at the end of it!” while eating at panera. 
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Has Pirkum ever wished to be a different blood color? You know, to avoid the whole ''avoid being turned into a battery'' thing. If he could pick any color, which would he go for?
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ive never thought about it before!! cuz like
my fearz arent my fault and neither iz me being a yellowblood
therez nothing wrong with how i am itz how my cazte iz treated and really no matter what cazte i would be there would alwayz be bullzhit
i could zay tyrian but im not fit to be a leader and at the end of the day i wouldnt have met mozt of my friendz if i waznt zpecifically yellow
and if i had to pick a color?? id ztill pick thiz cuz like dude zappy powerz kick azz more than anything elze
though not az a cazte i have a zoft zpot for the color blue cuz i can like zee it 
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Pirkum, the closest thing to my trollsona, realizing that he too is polyamorous: i dont know what i expected
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uhm, Pirktyra, 20, all day every day???
Pirkum knew he would be racing the clock the second he stepped outside. The clouds were growing into a smothering grey blanket and the wind was starting to brace against him. He found himself pushing himself harder than normal: a faster jog around the block, a quicker sprint up the stairs, harder gasping as he yanked his tanktop off and threw it in his closet. He barreled into his usual outfit and took only a moment to catch his breath. A gentle tap at his window yanked his attention away- a drop of rain. "Zhit. Fuck. Zhit, zhit zhit-" he cursed, scrambling around his apartment and scooping objects into his arms; a blanket, some loose dvds, his keys. Panicked, he bolted towards the door. His phone toppled out of his arms and into a reflexive glowing orbit around him. ".....huh.""P1rkum?" Detyra yelled, muffled by her window. Pirkum was floating gently in front of her, waving and with a string of things floating around him. Detyra lifted the window with an aching creak and called out to him, "P1rkum, what are y0u d0ing?"He frowned and pointed up at the mass of grey threatening to devour the city sky. "Itz gonna zt-pbthb-" a raindrop splashed against his tongue. "Ehehe..it'z gonna ztorm. Like, any zecond. Wanna hang out?" "0h." Detyra peeked her head out the window, looking up at the clouds and then back at him. "Sure," she replied, her voice wavering almost invisibly. Pirkum beamed, and then glided into her room, along with a trail of nonsense. They were wrapped snugly under the blanket, finishing up Pacific Rim. Thunder crashed outside as rain pelted their window. Pirkum felt Detyra grip his hand tighter, and he reciprocated. As the credits rolled, Pirkum shifted towards her slightly and asked, "That waz ztill zo damn good. I brought a box zet of How It'z Made, would you wanna marathon that?"Detyra nodded, "mhm." As Pirkum got up to change the disk, Detyra yanked him back down. "N0 rem0te. 0nly cuddles." He crashed back down next to her and burst into laughter. "Fine then. Only cuddlez." He flopped his lanky arms around her and held her close. Moments of dreamy silence slipped away to the melody of the rain outside. "...P1rkum?" "Uh..yeah?""Y0u smell awful""GeE thANKZ DETYRA," his voice cracked before splintering into startled laughter. Detyra was shaking in his arms from laughing as well. Their laughter filled the room with warmth and drowned out the storm. Pirkum wiped away a tear. "...Detyra?""P1rkum y0u can't pull the same j0ke-""Nonono, no. I juzt. I love you. A whole bunch. I love you." He repeated, worried he didn't say it with enough meaning. Detyra smiled warmly,"I l0ve y0u t00, P1rk."
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Pirkum Kecohs | The Tinkerer
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep Because my dreams are bursting at the seams x
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