filmdiagnostic · 3 years
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Ms. White Light★★½
Death is as natural and profound as birth. However, the process of saying goodbye is a highly complex experience for everyone, especially the dying.
During these emotional end of days, grief counsellors come in to help with the process. Here is where Alex (Roberta Colindrez) come in. She is one of the few extraordinarily gifted counsellors who instantly connect with her clients, despite the lack of social skills with the living herself.
Alex is also conflicted with her job as a grief counsellor, internally judging why some relatives can't be there for their dying loved ones. Hence, needing her services instead. But also, at the same time, she knows she is very good at what she does and sees it as her ultimate purpose in life.
Ms White Light is a philosophical film about life and death. It's a thought-provoking story about how we spend our time here on earth. Although the film has excellent potential with a fascinating concept, everyone can relate. It lacks substance in its delivery and script. There is a build-up of momentum that never quite gets a breakthrough. Thus, making it slightly unengaging and uninteresting. On top of that, the romance needed more chemistry and appeared unnatural, not entirely helpful to the film. 
Altogether, a potentially transcendent film with a unique story to tell. Nevertheless, a great film requires a sweeping script, making it most memorable.
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