#pissy that bathtime is over
h0ney-bee · 1 year
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Moss 🌿🪴🍂
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cryscendo · 9 months
au+trope+prompt game, Klaine:
“you have the emotional capacity of a brick.”
I'm so sorry about the last one, but I'm curious to see how you fix it :)
thank you so much for the ask! unfortunately, i lost the original prompt a bit in writing this. I wanted to leave the dynamic pretty open-ended so sorry if it’s a little off. hope you enjoy regardless!!
Word Count: 777
fic can be read under the cut!
Kurt has decided that he is going to kill Rachel Berry.
He’s never been one to consider murder as an option before, but it does feel appropriate that Rachel should be his first.
“Are you serious, Rachel?” Kurt asks in exasperation. He had agreed to babysit his nephews so that his step-brother and his wife could go on a date night. However, he should have figured that Rachel always had ulterior motives.
“It’ll be fine, Kurt! Your nephew really wanted to spend time with his Uncle Kurt and Uncle Blaine. Just this once, I promise!” Uncle Blaine? Since when did Blaine get upgraded to uncle? Before Kurt had a chance to argue, Rachel prattled on. “Make sure Chester gets his bath and is in bed by 8:30. Thanks, babe, you’re the best!” She kissed Kurt on the cheek before quickly heading towards the door. “C’mon, Finn!”
Finn followed behind Rachel silently, but not without directing an apologetic look towards Kurt. God, Finn, you pushover.
Once the couple was out the door, Kurt stared at the door, hoping to burn a hole in the wood through sheer agitation alone.
“So, are you just gonna stand there and look pissy or are you gonna help me babysit?”
And there was Blaine. He was sitting on the couch through the entirety of Kurt’s interaction with Rachel, but Kurt had been resolutely not looking at him.
“This is a bad idea.”
“Sure is,” Blaine agreed, and even that irritated Kurt. Finally looking over towards Blaine, Kurt saw his ex-boyfriend holding his nephew in his arms. Kurt heaved a sigh and eventually sat down next to Blaine on the couch, careful to leave an acceptable amount of distance between the two of them.
“Two people aren’t needed to watch one kid.”
“Then leave,” Blaine stated evenly. This took Kurt by surprise by how easily Blaine said that to him. “You can either do that or get over yourself for one night.”
Though Kurt appeared he wanted to argue, he simply shook his head dismissively. He didn’t want to deal with this, but at the very least, he could tell that Blaine didn’t want to either. But it was just one night. He could do this. Sure, he and Blaine aren’t on the best of terms, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t handle one night with him. Even if the only reason they’re spending any amount of time together is because of Rachel and her incessant scheming.
The evening went on about as Kurt anticipated that it may: casual bickering between the two paired with taking care of his nephew. Bathtime was relatively painless, aside from the fact that Blaine was insistent on playing in the water with Chester, therefore getting water everywhere that Kurt had no doubt he would have to be the one to clean up.
Eventually, once Chester was put down for bed, Kurt and Blaine sat down in the silent living room, on opposite ends of the couch once more. Despite his nephew being an incredibly well-behaved kid, Kurt cannot imagine taking care of a child every single day. He’s honestly amazed that Finn and Rachel can do it. He sighed, only this time not from frustration, but from exhaustion.
“Wasn’t so bad, now was it?” Blaine finally spoke up, his voice carrying none of the bite from earlier in the evening. He must’ve been just as tired as Kurt was.
“Could’ve been worse, I guess.”
Blaine huffed a laugh that was without humor. “Sometimes, Kurt, you have the emotional capacity of a brick.”
At this, Kurt felt a bit indignant. “That’s hilarious coming from you.” Truly, as if Blaine has any right to be casting stones in the emotional availability department.
“I’m serious. You have so much you wanna say, I can tell. Just say it.” Blaine caught Kurt’s attention with that statement. “Look, I know that we didn’t break up on the best of terms, but come on. We’ve got to communicate better than this. Much as you may hate it, our lives are still going to be interconnected. No amount of arguing is going to change that.”
“Are you saying that you don’t hate it?”
“Seeing you from time to time? I can certainly think of worse things.” 
Before Kurt could respond, Chester started to cry in the other room. “I got him,” Kurt said as he stood, ready to be away from this conversation. Blaine didn’t try to stop him, so Kurt left him to check on his nephew. Though not without thinking about what Blaine was implying. Does Blaine want to still spend time with Kurt?
It was all too much, too soon.
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