#pitié allez voir le procès goldman vraiment c'est une des meilleures description de ce que c'est d'être juif en france.
proustianlesbian · 1 year
3 movies i saw this week and why you should watch them.
(this is my 260th post but the first one i use a title for.)
i hesitated to write this in french but i choose english to be understood by more people.
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i'm starting with the first movie i have seen on monday evening with my mom : "kuolleet lehdet" by aki kaurismäki. so at first, we went there not really knowing what to expect, she had read me the summary just before we left and i almost didn't want to go. however, this movie is amazing. the cinematography and the colors are gorgeous and the characters really endearing. there are a lot of songs in finnish (both sang by characters and outside of the film) that gave this already slow and melancholic art piece several moments outside of time. what i love too is the reality of the characters, the situations : they are just two proletarian workers yet they are shown to be deserving to be the main characters. we see them working, being friendly with their colleagues, having fun with them but also facing exhaustion at the end of the day as well as being seen as negligible quantity and easily replaceable by their bosses. the relationship between the two main characters is really sweet as well as their relationships with their own friends and it shows love in a way i particularly love : there is no need to know the name of the other or to do romantic things, just being together and feeling happy with eachother is enough.
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the second film i saw on wednesday night was "anatomie d'une chute" by justine triet, it had won the palme d'or at this year's cannes festival. so my mom and i went to see it, again i didn't really know what to expect except that there was actors i love in it and that it was a trial movie also about medias and how they make people percieve things. and this prize was so deserved, every actor and actress was incredible, some scenes were so well made, especially a play with sound and image as well as what we see, what movements did the camera and what it showed us. it sometimes got so close of a documentary more than a fictional movie. i have so many thoughts about it, truly one of the best movies of the year but many people talked about it so i can't really add anything new to say. but if you can, go watch it.
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the last film i have seen this week was "le procès goldman", directed by cédric kahn. i saw it just yesterday, alone and i already knew pierre goldman's story very well, i learned about this movie in may in a french tv emission about cannes and have been really waiting to see it since. it is most certainly my favorite but for very personal reasons. the story seems very niche : it is a huis-clos, set in 1976, of the second trial of a far-left activist, son of jewish partisans from poland (and step-brother of a very popular singer, who is still the favorite personality of french people and has been so for years) who was accused of several robberies as well as the murders of two pharmacists, but if he admits the robberies, he claims his innocence for the murders. this movie is not only showing the faillures of the racist police and racist judiciary systems in france but also has very interesting conversations between the characters about being jewish and therefore racialized. but it also touches a subject that is so specific and personal, i never saw a movie talk about it : the feeling that when you come from a family that suffered and/or fought so much, you feel like no matter how much you fight, it will never be enough to live up to this history, even if you're not asked to. you feel like you never deserved to be born and live when you know what your family went through. there is a sentence he said that marked me : "i was born and died on the 22th june 1944.". to me, it is one of the best way the jewish experience in a racist society and racist country like france has ever been represented. and i really urge you, jewish or not, to go see it and especially if you are not so you can understand what it feels like a little bit more. the acting of everyone is superb, showing so well the intensity that reigns in this room, but the main actor, arieh worthalter, is phenomenal. the actors are well casted and look like their real life counterparts. the realisation is really beautiful even if there are around three or four places shown in the movie. i love how everything about the movie is simple : a basic white writing font on a black background giving us the contexte and the title, i think there is no music as well. the costumes are gorgeous too and i love how many details were put into the fabrics, patterns. i really want to meet the director to tell him how this movie made me feel so seen.
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