#up the baguette
the-bibrarian · 1 year
I see a lot of incomprehension online about our pension reform and the anger it generates in France, and what it often boils down to is "why are they so angry, 64 is plenty young to retire?"
I don't agree, but even if I did I would still oppose the reform. Here are some of the reasons why:
We already need 43 full years of work and tax contributions to be able to retire. Which means college-educated people were never going to retire at 64 anyway, let alone 62. This reform is aimed at people who start working early, mostly in low-paying jobs.
There's very little provision made in this law for hard/dangerous/manual labour.
There's no provision made for women who stop working to raise their children (51% of women already retire without a "complete career," which means they only retire on a partial pension, vs. 25% of men).
At 64, 1/3 of the poorest workers will already be dead. In France, between the richest and the poorest men, there's a 13 years gap in life expectancy.
Beyond life expectancy, at that age a lot of people (especially poorer, non-college educated) have too many health-related issues to be able to work. Not only is it cruel to ask them to work longer, if they can't work at all that's two more years to hold on with no pension
Unemployment in France is still fairly high (7%). Young people already have a hard time finding work, and this is going to make things even harder for them
Macron cut taxes on the rich and lost the country around 16 Billions € in tax revenue. Our estimated pension deficit should peak at 12 Billions worst case scenario.
While I'm on wealth redistribution (no, not soviet style, but I think there should be a cap on wealth concentration. Nobody needs to be a billionaire.): some of the massive profits of last year should go to workers and to the state to be redistributed, including to fund pensions. The state subsidized companies and corporations during the pandemic, Macron even said "no matter the cost" and spent 206 Billions € on businesses. Now he's going after the poorest workers in the country for an hypothetical 12 Billions??
Implicit in all of this is the question of systemic racism. French workers from immigrant families are already more likely to have started their careers early, to have low-paying jobs, are less likely to be college-educated, more at risk for disabilities and chronic illnesses, etc., so this is going to disproportionately affect them
This is not even touching on the fact that he didn't let lawmakers vote on it, meaning he knew he wouldn't get a majority of votes in parliament, or that 70% of the population is against this law. Pushing it through anyway is blatant authoritarianism.
TL;DR: This is only tangentially about retirement age. The reform will make life harder for people with low incomes, or with no higher education, for manual workers, for women—mothers especially, for POC, for people with disabilities or chronic conditions, etc. This is about solidarity.
Hope (sincerely) this helps.
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parlerenfleurs · 1 year
Turns out our president Emmanuel fucking Macron has spent SIXTEEN (16!) MILLIONS (!!!!!) euros in two years in polls to know what we think of him.
Talk about a wasteful narcissist!! It isn't hard to know what we think of him we aren't exactly silent about it.
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learnelle · 1 year
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Sundays are very precious to me <3 I work and study from home, so sometimes it can be hard to unwind in the same space. This is why I always take Sunday mornings off to have a long walk around my neighbourhood. (That just so happens to have free books & markets!)
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toot-toot · 6 months
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Le Roi et L'Oiseau (1980)
Les Appartements Secrets de Sa Majesté
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seth-sieben · 3 months
Hé le Tumblr français.
À compter de décembre 2023, les personnes qui changent d'état civil (pour transition ou francisation du prénom après naturalisation) sont fichées pour les 6 années à suivre, de manière accessible par la police sans qu'on sache trop sous quelles conditions.
Il ne semble pas être question de rétroactivité pour l'heure.
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dagonet · 5 months
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La Cité de la peur, une comédie familiale (1994) réal. Alain Berbérian [requested @archiduchess3]
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butchdazai · 3 months
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proustianlesbian · 6 months
je suis très contente de voir anatomie d'une chute avoir de la reconnaissance à l'étranger mais comme j'aime beaucoup swann arlaud depuis plusieurs années et i am not imune to gatekeep, du coup une partie de moi veux moins de popularité mdr (alors que le film la mérite vraiment).
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kernelongeforce · 10 months
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OH also, I fell into "some" gatcha game.
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enfoutreur-du-futur · 4 months
Je pensais pas écrire un jour une fanfiction Emmanuel Macron x Gabriel Attal, mais nous y sommes.
"Moi, premier ministre..." est en cours d'écriture.
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hatchstrange · 1 month
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Batch of 3 commissions done :
- Obrian @Antios Kalkares - Vergil from DMC for Claudine Leroy - Julius @VanVermillyon
[Commissions are still open]
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the-bibrarian · 1 year
Paris, yesterday (03/23/23). This is an excerpt from a video by journalist Amar Taoualit posted on twitter
This is what they’re doing to a peaceful, registered-with-the-proper-authorities march.
You can hear protesters shouting “children! there are children!” and “that’s my grandfather! my grandfather is on the ground!”
I think some families felt safe going because traditionally, union-backed, “registered” marches are peaceful and the riot police waits until they officially end, when only the more radical protesters are left, to attack. Not saying that is fine, but there was a tacit agreement for peace during the first hours of a protest. (That’s exactly what happened in Lyon yesterday, and there were also a few kids among protesters. It ended up being fine but it made me very anxious to see them, and it looks like I was right to worry.)
Things turned extremely violent in the night. I don’t feel like chronicling it, but suffice to say there were more that 900 fires in Paris. I don’t know what to think of the overwhelming silence from international media on the subject.
Anyway, I know that in principle we should all be able to protest and the police shouldn’t attack, and we’re supposed to be a democracy and we shouldn’t bow down to wanna-be autocrats that want to suppress our voices, etc.
La réalité c’est que pour quelques temps en tout cas, il faut laisser nos enfants à la maison, et que si vous êtes âgé, malade (asthmatique !), déjà blessé, personne handicapée, etc. il vaut peut-être mieux passer votre tour pour ces manifs-là. Il y a d’autres façons d’agir.
Notamment, je suis sûre que les syndicats ont besoin d’aide logistique et d’argent, et LFI, dont les députés sont sur le terrain, sur les piquets de grève, a certainement toujours besoin de plus de militants (j’ai pas ma carte chez eux pour être claire, mais je pense que c’est le parti qui soutient le plus sincèrement le mouvement).
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Les députés LFI Louis Boyard (au centre) et Carlos Martens Bilongo (à droite), dans une manifestation le 20 mars. Photo de @teamroscoes (merci !!)
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La député LFI Mathilde Panot au piquet de grève des éboueurs de Vitry-sur-Seine le 16 mars (photo de son twitter)
^ these are pictures of lawmakers from the leftist France Unbowed party participating in protests.
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France added in its Constitution the right of abortion and guarantees to every woman the access to this right.
It becomes the first country to explicitly do it!
Dear Simone Veil, you can be proud! We keep your legacy!
I hope one day, it would become an universal right!
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mahiloo · 10 months
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When the court palace is on fire and you're an angy little piece of shit
Edit : It lowkey looks like Navia is the one who set it on fire LMAOOOO
My art vs edit made by @Fontainedaiiy on twitter
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jaffre · 3 months
Suite à cette vidéo, je veux partager aux français de tumblr un template pour demande à France TV de faire pression sur l'UER ou de se retirer de l'eurovision. C'est une traduction (du mieux que j'ai pu, corrigez-moi si j'ai fait des erreurs) du template présenté dans la description de la vidéo. Je sais que c'est plus facile de prendre action avec un plan, alors si vous vivez en France, contactez France TV ici, remplissez le formulaire, et copiez-collez ce texte. C'est tout ce que je demande, merci.
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emiliemaria · 7 months
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Redraw of this skz pic
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