#plague doctor med-ler
plague-doctor-medler · 9 months
Plague Doctor Med-ler Art
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Lyesander did this amazing commission piece of Plague Doctor Med-ler! I'm so excited to share this all with you! Thanks @lyesander!
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ask-doctor-med-ler · 9 months
Welcome to Thneedville Clinic! A Walk-in provided for all your basic medical needs!
At our clinic we provide all of the following services:
• Emergency Medical Care for the Inhabitants of Thneedville
• Health-based Public Service Announcements
• How-to's, Guides, and Helpful Tips in All Things Medical and Health Related
Outside of the office, I am available to answer any personal questions (as long as they remain appropriate)
As well as give out limited personal advice (with the proper waivers filled out)
Truffula Flu Med-ler can be found at Plague Doctor Med-ler. (Truffula Flu interactions should be done there)
[Please be reminded that as a Onceler Ask Blog, any and all real medical emergencies should be directed to the nearest emergency room]
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plague-doctor-medler · 9 months
Plague Doctor Med-ler Art
I have another commission piece to share with everyone! This is one of plague doctor Med-ler (sans plague mask) from thebunnythebear, who did an amazing job!
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plague-doctor-medler · 10 months
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plague-doctor-medler · 8 months
Truffula Flu Journal
Entry # 3
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Day 5. I was able to find a key card badge, though only by digging through discarded remains in the parts of the hospital still accessible. Probably the least pleasant experience I've had to date.
Luckily that means I now have access to parts of the hospital that were previously locked. Thankfully enough of the electrical in the building still works to open doors.
I was able to find a locked storeroom, and now have a good number of useable supplies at my disposal. Hopefully they will last. Next mission: food
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plague-doctor-medler · 9 months
Truffula Flu Journal
Entry # 2
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Day 3. I have fashioned a respirator mask inside the plague doctor mask I had on display at the clinic. Hopefully wearing it will make the infected (or anyone else who might be a danger to me) second-guess considering me as a target.
Either way, wearing the mask should help keep me from catching the disease before it spreads. And hey, the aesthetic seems to match, since we're living in a modern day apocalypse.
All of this is in preparation for my trek to the abandoned hospital that I still have planned. I haven't found my badge yet, but I might still be lucky enough to find one abandoned on the premises. Either that or I'll have to find a way to break in....
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plague-doctor-medler · 10 months
Truffula Flu Journal Entry
Date: ??? (Real Date Unknown, Approx 1 yr s/p Init Outbreak)
Day 1.
It's been roughly one year since the outbreak happened. They call it the 'Truffula Flu', and it seemed very much like a flu, at first. People had mild to moderate cold and flu symptoms. Nothing I hadn't seen before. But...they didn't get better. And it turned out not to be a flu at all?
I haven't honestly heard much about what it is or how it happened. This journal is my own personal documentation. I'm not sure how much longer any of us will survive. All I know is that it's been a year, civilization has crumbled, and I'm out of medical supplies. I need to get to the abandoned hospital, but it isn't exactly safe....Damn, where did I leave my key card?
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plague-doctor-medler · 9 months
Content Poll
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