#platonic ptn scenarios
Commiting tax evasion with Bai yi as your ceo...
Girl... I don't even know how you got here but... You were very likely HIGHKEY scammed by miss gurl... πŸ¦—πŸ¦—πŸ¦— Yeah... Why did you apply in a shady company anyways...? But you probably was LOOKING πŸ‘€ for a job that can PAY the bills πŸ’΅πŸ’΅πŸ’΅ but spoilers, you were UNDERPAID, OVERWORKED, and most esp. Not even paid anyways... πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ So forget what I said about being paid little because girl you are not paid even once while you were working with this stink... πŸ˜‘
You decided to apply for a job position as her assistant... In Syndicate. Pooks... This should've been your first red flag, but NOPE! You were DESPERATE. For what though? 🀨 And the flyer wasn't... That great like sis... Again, another red flag... Couldn't you just... πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ’¨ away from the moment you saw the flyer? (/j I'm holding you in πŸ˜°πŸ”« point so, you didn't have a choice anyway πŸ’…) But who even reads nowadays as long as, we get PAID πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘ right? So, fast forward to you clutching your pearls and barely making it out alive to meet with the interviewer... Maam. Major red flag, the building looked run-down.
Pookie... 🀧 You didn't almost get stabbed, kidnapped, mugged, and possibly even get robbed for your kidney for this... 😭😭😭 Finally, your employer shows up in this DRIP πŸ’§, what you doing???
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Remember when I said that you have the option to say no? I didn't say anything πŸ˜‡ The thing is, you can't. You just CANT. Look me in the eye and tell me that this girl wouldn't do SHIT to you rn... Be serious, because I don't even think you're gonna walk out of the interview scot free sis... Nah uh, not at all... Sis looks like she is about to beat the SHIT out of you, and will most likely sell your organs after that... πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί Luckily, she spoke up and had that mom vibe that you almost instantaneously calm down...
After hyperventilating and K.K giving you odd looks as well... Finally you were in the "company" Yay? πŸ§β€β™€οΈ You stood there staring at the dusty ass couch and a man who looked VERY sleep-deprived. You learned that Che was their name. But why is he dressed up like he about to go for a hike...? Sighs, i don't think you'll ever get the fashion of Syndicate... You and the two held a mini staring contest like you two were Communicating, that K.K was confused at the random moment she had to snap ya'll out of it and discuss the job details... The job being, you doing all the paperwork... For 50 discoins per hour. Stink, you're screwed πŸ˜ƒ
Obviously, you were about to decline... Until finally, the CEO showed up. Sighs. You ask to yourself, was this really worth the trip and the STRUGGLE you went through? Stink cannot even bribe you with her face card because you still had to pay the billssssss 😞
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Bai yi shows up, you hear the sound of sirens and cops speaking through the megaphone. 🀑 You really thought this was going to be the las time you'll be seeing daylight, like sis you were going to JAIL. β›“β›“β›“ For existing. The three of them noticed and explains casually that this is their hideout, and no one's breached here before. You raised a brow at the statement, skeptical at how relaxed they were acting 🀨🀨🀨 Like who you fooling??? Though you can't speak for yourself when, you waltzed into Syndicate knowing DAMN well that this place was bad news... So you kept it to yourself πŸ₯°
Of course, Bai yi bribes you to stay and become Whitestone Industries assistant with a sob story that can make you cry... Except you weren't gullible enough and walked out of the door, preferring to get arrested instead, lmao 🀭🀭🀭 Sis chased you down the stairs like it was a kdrama scene, grabbing your arm and acting like this was the last time ya'll seeing each other πŸ’€ girl, you can never escape her because she's all over and like, she's a criminal, what else? πŸ€“ You ended up accepting in the end, because you wasted your time for this... Making K.K sigh in relief since she finally isn't alone with two idiots... Unless you add up to the equation then... 😢
Timeskip to a month, you and sis was WORKING. Helping them out with ✨Graphic design is my passion✨ motto since you wanted to get rid off the... Terrible... Designs that they come up with when they release an ad, flyer, or promotion post. You kinda got used to the usual, illegal work they do because why not? 😎 You already gave up in paying the bills, so why not commit tax evasion as well, right? You asked Bai yi tips on how to tax evade πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ K.K was beyond mortified at the sudden camaraderie that came after the event, making you and Bai yi besties 🀝 Friendship ended with the government πŸ’” Tax evasion is my pookie now πŸ₯°
You are being hunt down by the police as well, causing you to move to Syndicate, living with K.K, Che, and Bai yi currently. Life was good, until Bai yi kept bringing more problems than solutions everyday, causing you to become one of the MOTHER πŸ‘©β€πŸ¦° alongside with K.K, making sure the other two stay out of trouble because they're a magnet for chaos, apparently. K.K's words, not mine πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ More on that when I think of part two! An: My exam in a major subject FLOPPED. πŸ‘ŽπŸ“‰ /j, I'm overthinking so I cope with writing unserious shit to think less of it, and hopefully make the redemption in finalsssss HISSSS 🐍 RAH❗❗❗ πŸ¦… But anyways, to more UNSERIOUS, and UNHINGED shit to come!!! But also some serious ptn stuff (Like the nursing intern one)
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Anne, with a nursing student intern
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An: I had to research for this due to my limited knowledge in nursing internships as a freshman nursing student myself... Though, I am determined to explore the idea. - You decided to intern at the SALVA hospital because you are interested in learning how to treat patients with mania and to study mania itself. Unfortunately, your university is not affiliated with the hospital so you had to acquire a waiver with information of the area of affiliation (I had to dig up my copy of the nursing manual for this). No one but you was interested in interning in the hospital due to how dangerous it was, since it is located in Syndicate, a crime hotspot. You were willing to look past that due to how curious you were with Mania itself. Clinical instructors had only provided video materials and written sources of the mutation. Mania is a case that is very uncommon in the hospitals that you've interned in. Which is why you pursued the idea of treating mania patients in the hospital that specializes in treating mania patients. - You met Anne after your disastrous trip to SALVA. Syndican gangsters roam the streets, so you were already in thin ice knowing what you just got yourself into. How much risk you were taking just for you to study Mania. You start to regret coming to the hospital, but the strong urge to learn about the syndrome holds you back from backing out of the internship. You forced yourself to calm down. The 4-7-8 method. 4 seconds of breathing in, holding the breath for 7 seconds, and to exhale for 8 seconds. You look at your surroundings. Chaos surrounds the areas. Outside of the hospital, there is no sign of peace. Everyone's fighting. Whether for survival, or to rouse more disorder, this place is very different from where you live. - Anne greets you outside of the hospital, the gates to SALVA. Doctors and medical staff are on the lookout. You see patients being carried inside the gates. You feel a chill run down your spine. You aren't used to this type of setting, no one had prepared you from this, not even the clinical instructors exposed you from this unsettling reality. You feel sick to your stomach. But you held it in. You were taught to be prepared in any types of situations, that includes being able to work through this... New type of environment. I look up to the person who is in charge of looking after me, the head nurse. Anne is her name. I introduced myself to her. She gently ushers me in. - Anne guides me through the hospital, I was whiplash at the stark contrast between this setup and what I am used to. Anne notices my expression and assured me that the hospital is safe. I didn't know what she meant by that at all. I was more worried about the sanitization rather than the risk of being ambushed by the Syndican gangsters at the moment. You ask Anne how were they able to keep things aseptic and sterile in specific areas. You were able to learn how do they keep things free from any contamination with a unique type of method. Anne thanks you for interning at the hospital, they don't usually get interns due to it's reputation and how dangerous the area is. - Anne asks why you ended up specifically choosing SALVA over the affiliated hospitals your university would typically provide. You answered in earnest on how you wanted to learn and experience how to treat mania patients instead of relying through video sources and written materials that are provided. Anne is very happy at your response, assuring you that you will be learning a lot from this experience. - As we walk deeper in the hallways, the environment changes significantly. I can hear screams, wails, and pained cries of the patients. My brows furrowed. I attempt to focus on the area, which looked dusty and unclean. Anne again is able to pickup my concerned expression and explained that this is what they deal with everyday. I was not comforted. I then decided to ask permission to clean the surroundings. Anne was delighted at the idea, she offered to assist me. After that conversation, she seemed to have high approval of me.
The tour had concluded, leaving you with more questions rather than answers... Anne suggests for a break before I finally start my internship. We eat in the breakroom. Anne asks me how life in my university is like and how I ended up taking the course. I answered her queries. In return, I asked her how living in Syndicate is like. She then proceeds to tell me a story how she ended up being here, and how she was originally from Eastside. I noticed how much she mentions the doctor during our conversations about this hospital, so I bring it up to her. "Iron" was the name of the doctor, she began to tell me about Iron. Who I presume, runs SALVA hospital. Anne mentions that Iron is interested in speaking with me after she accepted my application.
I ask Anne where will I be staying. The head nurse was nervous about how I'll react knowing that the state I'll be staying in is not exactly... Desirable. I figured that my accommodation would not look comfortable for me since this is a place that is not like Eastside. So, I speak up about being fine with the living conditions as long as I am free to do whatever I wished with the place that I'll be staying in. She visibly lightens up after that. While we were eating, someone approached our table. It was Iron.
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I greet the doctor politely. To which Iron immediately asks me questions about my knowledge of Mania. I tell here what I know about Mania, and what sources that I used to learn about it. In my bookbag, there were two books about mania, a laptop containing the latest updates on Mania, documents from researchers and doctors that contained contents of Mania. Needless to say, Dr. Iron is impressed about the extent of information that I have about the mutation. I can tell with the way she is surveying the materials I brought carefully. I didn't want to be rude about asking her on how she is able to perform surgeries with an mechanical arm. In other hospitals, I was taught by both doctors and my clinical instructors about the spread of microorganisms under skin with jewelries, metals. But luckily, Iron caught my curious glances on her mechanical arm and explained sterilization techniques that she used before performing surgeries. I heave a sigh of relief knowing that the patient wouldn't be at risk for SSI (Surgical Site Infection). Both Doctor and staff nurse exchanged looks. They are impressed at how perceptive I am.
I politely ask how I may be able to help with the sterilization of the hospital to prevent further spread of infection. Anne realized that I am keen on maintaining cleanliness around the hospital. Dr. Iron, on the other hand... Mentions that cleaning takes up time, due to a high number of patients being admitted to the hospital everyday, and some incidents concerning about Syndican gangsters infiltrating the hospital... It made me realize that the idea of sanitization might be almost impossible with the influx of reoccurring issues of this Hospital. My fear had not increased at the mention of Syndican gangsters infiltrating the area. Again, Anne takes note of how I was able to quickly adapt to the environment. Making it a conversation for the doctor and her later... However, I pledged to both of them that during the duration of my internship here in SALVA, I'll make it my responsibility to disinfect the area regardless of the problems that may occur, making the doctor sigh, and told me to do whatever I want, but to follow the institution's rules and protocols. I had no trouble agreeing to her terms, it is the basic rule that student nurses are required to follow after all. Extra AN: There will be follow up chapters in regards to this, and maybe an actual fic about it with alternate routes... (I am very fixated on the idea of exploring more medical knowledge and SALVA lore at the same time, average passionate student nurse tingssss) but anyways! I'll post more, but also mix it up every now and then with the other characters. SSI btw is an infection that occurs after surgery in the part of the body where the surgery took place. Feel free to look it up for more information in regards to it. (The strong urge to cite the source and reference is sending me...🀭) TOODLES!
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