#play boy in bangalore
r-ando-m-w-rite-r · 1 year
Mornings on the Dropship
Just a little short story of how I think early morning games would be like.
“Who dares challenge the great Mirage next?” 
Mirage stood beside a corner booth, arms wide and chest puffed, gloating. Crypto sat behind him at the table, his head propped up by his fist in defeat. He had let him win a simple game of arm wrestle just so he wouldn’t deflate on the spot, and now watching the outcome, he wished he had never even agreed to play. He watched his chaotic companion warily as he let out one of his iconic laughs. “No one volunteers?” he said victoriously.
It was dead quiet on the dropship. Tired, annoyed, impatient eyes glared holes into the obnoxious Legend, and after realizing this, Mirage’s smile disappeared. He flopped his arms down in disappointment. “Damn, rough crowd.”
“No one would wanna challenge you anyway, Elliot.” Bangalore said from the left side of the ship. She was focused upon sharpening her blade, but she picked up the weapon, turning it in the faint light above her. She seemed mesmerized by it’s tinted surface. She dropped the hand with the weapon then to her side before looking up at the confused Legend, raising her voice slightly when she realized the attention of the ship was now focused upon her. “You’re too weak of an opponent.” She stopped to think for a moment before finishing her line. “Well, at least for most of us in here.”
Mirage’s mouth dropped open, flabbergasted and seemingly offended. Crypto’s eyes narrowed, focusing in on the now-smirking Legend. Newcastle, who was reclining on a sofa beside Bangalore, piped up. “Hey buddy, might wanna close that piehole of yours before your jaw hits the floor.” There were a few chuckles that resounded around the medium-sized space. Mirage, who was still standing, snapped his mouth shut, the tips of his ears reddening.
“Hey bro, not cool.” he whined out. “You all are just chickens anyways, you’re too scared of losing and would rather throw out insults than get physical.” The room went silent quick, and multiple heads whipped around to look at the two. Bangalore leaned forward, elbows on her knees, and squinted at the Legend, who shrunk ever so slightly under her gaze. Newcastle pursed his lips but didn’t seem to react otherwise.
“Ay, let’s not get too rowdy before the match fellas.” Fuse chimed out from a spot near the front. He was leaning up against one of the metal walls of the dropship, Bloodhound hovering close by. The hunter shifted from foot to foot, obviously uncomfortable with so many eyes aimed in his direction. When she heard this, Mad Maggie, who was seated near the front beside two Syndicate guards, rolled her eyes hard. Some gave her looks, others just shrugged. 
“He’s right.” Seer acknowledged from his seat at a table near the middle of the room. Rampart and Gibraltar sat with him, taking swigs of their coffees. Or that’s at least what they told everybody it was, even though the substance in the mugs smelled strongly of alcohol up close. “Now’s not the time to be hurtful. It will come soon.” He went quiet just as soon as he had spoken, and his words seemed to untense the ship as a whole. 
It wasn’t long, however, before the overhead speakers came on announcing the dropship’s arrival to the map. It had seemed like ages since departure, and Legends were already on their feet, anxiously checking monitors and finding out who would be on who’s team. Obviously everyone was itching to get off the ship. Mirage growled as he stood, Crypto already up. “Why is everyone always so grumpy?” he muttered. Octane had been quickly passing by as he had blurted the comment out, and the boy glanced warily at the trickster before continuing on.
However, Crypto responded with a shrug and a sigh. “Who knows, Elliot, its not like we’re in a bloodsport.” He held back his chuckle at his own joke as Mirage frowned. “Maybe they just didn’t have their morning coffee or something.” Mirage took a second to take in what he had said. Not having the patience for the slow guy, Crypto sighed again and walked off in search of his teammates. Mirage glared at his back, obviously not appreciative of the snark comment once he finally understood his meaning. “Smartass.” he muttered, rubbing the back of his head and following after him.
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Birthday Decoration Fun and Creative Ideas at Home
Birthdays mark joyous milestones, infusing our lives with happiness and delight. Whether it's a milestone like your child's 1st or 2nd birthday, or a celebration for a friend, family, or spouse member, birthday decorations play a crucial role in setting the mood for the party. Decorating your home with backdrops, garlands, latex party balloons, and more can turn any space into a festive and memorable environment. This article will explore various kids birthday decoration -DecorSpree ideas you can quickly implement at home, creating cherished moments for your loved ones.
1. Backdrop Extravaganza:
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Consider a themed background featuring their favorite characters or interests if it's a kid's birthday. For a touch of elegance, opt for a floral or balloon backdrop.
2. Garland Galore:
Garlands are versatile and add a festive touch to any celebration. Make DIY garlands using paper, felt, or artificial flowers. You can drape them along walls and doorways or hang them above the dining table for a charming effect. Mixing and matching colors can create a cheerful and vibrant ambiance.
3. Latex Party Balloons:
Balloons are an indispensable part of any birthday celebration. Decorate your home with an array of latex party balloons in various colors and sizes. Use helium balloons to create floating displays, fill them with air, and arrange them creatively around the room. You can even write personalized messages on the balloons to make the birthday boy or girl feel extra special.
4. A Family Affair:
Involve the entire family in the decoration process. Let mom, dad, daughter, son, husband, wife, and friends come together to create a memorable birthday surprise. Engaging in this delightful bonding activity adds to the fun. It infuses the celebration with more profound meaning and heartfelt emotions.
5. Milestone Celebrations:
For a child's 1st birthday, opt for adorable decorations with soft colors. For a 2nd birthday, go for vibrant and bright decorations that reflect the child's growing personality.
6. Balloon Decoration at Home:
Balloons are the life of the party, and you can only have a few of them. Fill the living room, kid's room, or terrace with colorful balloons to create a festive atmosphere. You can use balloon bouquets, balloon arches, or even balloon centerpieces for the dining table.
7. Party All Night:
Add a touch of magic with LED balloons for a birthday celebration that goes into the night. These balloons have built-in lights that create a mesmerizing glow, perfect for an enchanting night party.
8. Celebrate with Friends:
Surprise your friend with a birthday bash they will remember. Arrange a surprise party at home with personalized decorations and their favorite treats. Balloon decoration near me services can help you plan and execute the perfect surprise.
9. Balloon Decoration Services in Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, Bangalore, Faridabad, Ghaziabad:
Suppose you need more time or need professional assistance. In that case, many balloon decoration services operate in major cities like Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, Bangalore, Faridabad, and Ghaziabad. These services offer many options to suit your theme and preferences, making your birthday decoration hassle-free.
10. Terrace Delight:
For a unique celebration, take the party to the terrace. Decorate the outdoor space with balloons and garlands, and enjoy a birthday celebration under the open sky.
In conclusion, birthday decorations at home can be a delightful experience for everyone involved. Plan a fantastic birthday decoration, and create beautiful memories with your loved ones.
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johnmiller222 · 10 months
Birthday Decoration Fun and Creative Ideas at Home
Birthdays mark joyous milestones, infusing our lives with joy and delight. Whether it's a milestone like your child's 1st or 2nd birthday, or a celebration for a spouse, family, or friend member, birthday decorations play a crucial role in setting the mood for the party. Decorating your home with backdrops, garlands, latex party balloons, and more can turn any space into a memorable and festive environment. This article will explore various birthday decoration ideas you can quickly implement at home, creating cherished moments for your loved ones.
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1. Backdrop Extravaganza:
A stunning backdrop can instantly transform any room into a party wonderland. You can create a backdrop using colorful streamers, frills, and glittery decorations. Consider a themed background featuring their favorite characters or interests if it's a kid's birthday. For a touch of elegance, opt for a floral or balloon backdrop. The options are limitless, and the impact is significant.
2. Garland Galore:
Garlands are versatile and add a festive touch to any celebration. Make DIY garlands using paper, felt, or artificial flowers. You can drape them along walls and doorways or hang them above the dining table for a charming effect. Mixing and matching colors can create a cheerful and vibrant ambiance.
3. Latex Party Balloons:
Balloons are an indispensable part of any birthday celebration. You can even write personalized messages on the balloons to make the birthday boy or girl feel extra special.
4. A Family Affair:
Involve the entire family in the decoration process. Let mom, dad, daughter, son, husband, wife, and friends come together to create a memorable birthday surprise.
5. Milestone Celebrations:
For a child's 1st birthday, opt for adorable decorations with soft colors. For a 2nd birthday, go for vibrant and bright decorations that reflect the child's growing personality.
6. Balloon Decoration at Home:
Balloons are the life of the party, and you can only have a few of them. Fill the living room, kid's room, or terrace with colorful balloons to create a festive atmosphere. You can use balloon bouquets, balloon arches, or even balloon centerpieces for the dining table.
7. Party All Night:
Add a touch of magic with LED balloons for a birthday celebration that goes into the night. These balloons have built-in lights that create a mesmerizing glow, perfect for an enchanting night party.
8. Celebrate with Friends:
Surprise your friend with a birthday bash they will remember. Arrange a surprise party at home with personalized decorations and their favorite treats. Balloon decoration near me services can help you plan and execute the perfect surprise.
9. Balloon Decoration Services in Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, Bangalore, Faridabad, Ghaziabad:
Suppose you need more time or need professional assistance. Because case, many balloon decoration services operate in major cities like Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, Bangalore, Faridabad, and Ghaziabad. These services offer many options to suit your theme and preferences, making your birthday decoration hassle-free.
10. Terrace Delight:
For a unique celebration, take the party to the terrace. Decorate the outdoor space with balloons and garlands, and enjoy a birthday celebration under the open sky.
In conclusion, birthday decorations at home can be a delightful experience for everyone involved. You can transform any space into a joyful and festive atmosphere with backdrops, garlands, latex party balloons, and a little creativity. Whether it's a kid's room, living room, or terrace, the key is personalizing the decorations to suit the birthday person's tastes and preferences. Plan a fantastic birthday decoration, and create beautiful memories with your loved ones. Happy birthday!
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the-goddess-711 · 1 year
Dating- Shating
Last fifteen days have been an overwhelming journey. I met 5 different men and went on six dates and it has been a journey of mixed emotions. The first date I went on, I didn’t have any expectations and it went as a lot of fun- like a friend to hang out with. Sure we didn’t exchange numbers or connect again, because we both knew that we met to have a good fun time. 
 I was smitten by the second date because of his mannerisms and his interest in me, which fizzled out quickly like soda on a summer day. They give and then they take it all. He was hot because I thought he was (dumbass pheromones), then realised dude had below average intelligence and wore crocs and ankle length jeans and texted like a fish. I know I deserve better so I walked out. Dude messaged like he was all in the first two days, then withdrew like an ATM thereafter. I asked once, then figured he was just disinterested, and I knew my worth better than standing around and waiting for someone who had an EQ of a carrot. Never invest in such energy which only takes away from you. Women, have so much to give, give it someone who will also give back to you in abundance.
The third date was good, but dude just rushed his tongue in my mouth and i drove to the closest bakery to just throw up. We flirted, we walked and we had the best time, but I expected him to understand when I said we can only kiss on the cheek and not force himself in such a manner. 
Next date was fun, what a sweet kiss on the cheek too, but dude was a loser who dumped my friend after their engagement and didn’t think it important to tell me when I mentioned about my engagement being called off; dick move? Dick move! He wailed about how his ex-cheated on and played the victim card.  Having gone through something similar, I knew better than going out with this guy and unmatched with him. 
My next date was a total “steal”, dude bragged about having learnt his sex moves from a friend who consulted a prostitute. He was a step closer to calling himself the sex god because of how girls have confessed they want to marry him, after one “wonderful time” in bed. He wouldn’t shut up about living or travelling to the USA and literally had no interest in me or my profession or my life. He was sure as hell interested in my ex and why we called off nine years; "but why?" I ended up paying the dinner bill, because my shrimp was expensive, and he bad mouthed all his dates for whom he paid. I had to make this dude understand that dating a neurosurgeon like him was still a liability and girls deserve better than an arrogant loser who bragged about his sex moves on the first date. He described himself as charismatic and I tried really hard to be mesmerized by his PUMA jacket in Bangalore’s 36 degree humidity and his narcissistic ass dragging me around Bangalore Streets like we were on a mission. 
Dating is exhausting. The mind games you play with these boys takes me back to High School. Why do boys never graduate from the idea of chasing and being chased? You like a girl? Tell her and commit to it and take it forward from there. Where are the real men with real feelings and real intentions? Everyone is just so afraid of being vulnerable and showing their true side and having their feelings exposed. Why? So what if that one girl broke your heart years ago, learn from it and heal yourself and move on. You boys have caused more damage to women, who actually heal from the trauma and know what they want and put themselves out there. You play juvenile games and try to manipulate them into having some mindless animal sex and pretend like you are the stud? If you want to ultimately marry the girl your mumma shows you, should I show her your hinge profile and your unsolicited dick pictures? Maybe it would help her find a daughter in law in process within your backward community, based on her son’s preference and the asthetics of his dick.
Dating is a mess. Boys are a mess. Real men with real feeling and intention are either gay or taken or are busy with the wrong girl, paying her bills and obsessing over while she cheats on them. Work on yourself boys. Behind that fuckboi persona that you all put up, is a sensitive lad who once could love and most importantly wants to be loved. Your love doesn’t come from sexual gratification and playing mind games, it comes from owning up to your flaws, working on your issues and showing up. By the time boys translate this process,  they are in their 30s; the beautiful lush of hair has disappeared, and lack of sunscreen and skin care starts showing on their not so flawless skin and the attractive career and other attributes of your personality are mostly generic to women.  Women by this time are far out of your league and you will ultimately have to settle for what you find. Women could have multiple toys and name one after you and have the best time of their lives, without subjecting themselves to your stress and situationships. I am not hating on men here, I am hating on the process that men pick up to deal with their romantic lives and the collateral damage that they cause on the women they choose to be with. We cannot validate your sex moves or play your hot and cold texting games, we can simply return your love and affection if it comes from a genuine place and make life easier, especially in this chaotic world. 
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gigolojobsmumbai · 1 year
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ies10 · 21 hours
APS College of Engineering: Comprehensive Overview
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Located in Bangalore, Karnataka, APS College of Engineering is one of the most reputed institutes in the field of technical education. Known for its commitment to quality education and holistic development, the college has carved a niche for itself in the competitive landscape of technical institutions. In this blog, we explore various aspects of APS College of Engineering and elaborate on why it is an excellent choice for aspiring engineers.
History and Heritage:
Established in 1997, APS College of Engineering runs under the aegis of APS Educational Trust. Established with a vision of promoting quality education, the trust has earned a strong reputation in the state of Karnataka over the years. Over the years, APS College of Engineering has grown significantly and expanded its infrastructure and academic services to meet the changing needs of the engineering sector.
Academic Programs:
APS College of Engineering offers a diverse range of Bachelor's and Master's degree programs. The college is affiliated with Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) and is recognized by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). The most important Bachelor's degree programs are:
Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) in Computer Science and Engineering
B.E. in Electrical and Communication Engineering
Ph.D. in Civil Engineering
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering
Ph.D. in Information Science and Engineering
For postgraduate students, the college offers Master of Technology (M.Tech) programs in various specializations as well as MBA programs tailored to the needs of students interested in pursuing management education.
Faculty and Teaching Methods: 
The faculty of APS College of Engineering comprises highly qualified and experienced professionals who are committed to imparting quality education. The teaching methodology focuses on combining theoretical knowledge with practical application. The college uses modern teaching materials like multimedia tools and promotes interactive learning through workshops, seminars, and guest lectures.
Infrastructure and Facilities:
The college has a vast campus equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. The serene environment promotes learning and personal growth.
Labs are equipped with the latest technology and equipment to enable students to gain practical experience in their fields. This practical experience is crucial to develop technical competencies.
The Central Library houses an extensive collection of books, journals, and digital resources. This is an invaluable resource for students and faculty and supports research and academic activities.
APS College of Engineering provides comfortable hostels for boys and girls. The hostels are equipped with modern facilities and ensure a safe and homely environment for students from different parts of the country.
Placement and Career Development:
APS College of Engineering's Placement Centre plays a vital role in the career development of students. The position actively collaborates with leading companies to facilitate the placement of students on campus. Regular training like soft skills training, mock interviews, aptitude tests, etc. are conducted to prepare students for the recruitment process.
Over the years, the college has boasted of a high placement rate with many students gaining placement in reputed companies. Companies from various sectors like IT, manufacturing, consulting, etc. visit the campus for recruitment drives.
Research and Development:
APS College of Engineering emphasizes research and innovation. The college encourages faculty and students to participate in research activities and provides them with the necessary support and resources. Collaborative research projects with industries and academic institutions are also encouraged to foster a culture of innovation and knowledge creation.
Extra-curricular Activities:
The college believes in the holistic development of its students and offers a wealth of extra-curricular activities. Various clubs and organizations like cultural clubs, technical clubs, sports clubs, etc. provide opportunities for students to pursue their interests and showcase their talents.
Technical Festivals:
Technical festivals and competitions are held regularly to provide students with a platform to apply their technical knowledge and creativity. These events not only promote learning but also instill a spirit of teamwork and innovation.
Cultural Events:
Cultural events and festivals are celebrated with fervor and reflect the vibrant campus life. These events provide a break from academic rigor and promote cultural diversity and harmony among students.
Alumni Network:
The alumni network of APS College of Engineering is strong and active. Alumni play a vital role in mentoring current students, providing industry insights, and facilitating networking opportunities. The college regularly organizes alumni gatherings and events to strengthen this bond and leverage the collective experience of its alumni.
Community Involvement and Social Responsibility:
APS College of Engineering is committed to social responsibility and community engagement. Various community service programs and social initiatives are undertaken to contribute to the welfare of society. Students are encouraged to participate in these activities, which develop a sense of social responsibility and ethical values.
APS College of Engineering stands out as a premier educational institute that imparts quality technical education and all-round development. With robust academic programs, state-of-the-art infrastructure, dedicated faculty, and strong industry connectivity, the college offers aspiring engineers an excellent platform to build their careers. Emphasis on research, extracurricular activities, and social responsibility further enriches the student experience, making APS College of Engineering the preferred choice for engineering education in Bangalore.
Whether you are an aspiring student, a parent, or an education enthusiast, APS College of Engineering not only focuses on academic excellence but also ensures a nurturing environment that prepares students to become well-rounded professionals ready to face global challenges.
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avishka · 24 days
Elevating Holistic Development: The Significance of Boys' Boarding Schools in Bengaluru
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In the bustling city of Bengaluru, where innovation and progress thrive, lies a pivotal component in the educational landscape: boys' boarding schools.
These institutions, steeped in tradition yet embracing modernity, play a vital role in nurturing the holistic development of young minds.
Let's delve into the significance of Boys Boarding Schools in Bengaluru and their impact on shaping well-rounded individuals.
Academic Excellence
Boys' boarding schools in Bengaluru are renowned for their academic rigor and excellence.
Institutions like Bishop Cotton Boys' School and The Cathedral High School have a rich legacy of producing scholars who excel not only in academics but also in various fields.
Their comprehensive curriculum, coupled with dedicated faculty, fosters intellectual curiosity and critical thinking skills, laying a strong foundation for future success.
Character Building
Beyond academics, boarding schools prioritize character development. Living in a close-knit community, boys learn the values of respect, responsibility, and resilience.
They engage in various co-curricular activities, such as sports, arts, and community service, instilling leadership qualities and empathy.
Mallya Aditi International School and Treamis World School are exemplary in this aspect, emphasizing holistic growth through a balanced approach to education.
Cultural Exposure 
Bengaluru, known for its cultural diversity, offers a unique backdrop for boys' boarding schools.
Students from different backgrounds come together, creating a melting pot of ideas and perspectives.
Exposure to diverse cultures, languages, and traditions broadens their horizons, fostering tolerance and global awareness.
The International School Bangalore (TISB) and Indus International School are pioneers in providing a multicultural learning environment, preparing students for a globalized world.
Personalized Attention
One of the hallmarks of boarding schools is personalized attention. With smaller class sizes and dedicated mentors, boys receive individualized support and guidance.
Teachers not only impart knowledge but also serve as mentors and role models, nurturing each student's unique talents and interests.
Schools like Greenwood High and National Public School (NPS) emphasize the importance of holistic development through personalized care and attention.
Lifelong Friendships
The bonds formed in boarding schools often last a lifetime. Living and learning together, boys develop deep friendships based on shared experiences and mutual respect.
These friendships not only enrich their school years but also provide a strong support network in the years to come.
Institutions like Jain International Residential School and Treamis World School foster a sense of camaraderie and belonging, creating a home away from home for their students.
In conclusion, Boys' Boarding Schools in Bengaluru play a crucial role in shaping the next generation of leaders, thinkers, and innovators.
Through a holistic approach to education, they cultivate academic excellence, character development, cultural awareness, personalized attention, and lifelong friendships.
Institutions like Bishop Cotton Boys' School, Mallya Aditi International School, The International School Bangalore (TISB), and Greenwood High exemplify the values of Boys' Boarding Schools in Bengaluru, preparing students not only for academic success but also for a fulfilling and meaningful life beyond the classroom.
Whether it's the pursuit of knowledge or the forging of lifelong friendships, boys' boarding schools in Bengaluru provide an enriching environment where young minds flourish and thrive.
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sudhanshu-bhatt · 2 months
History of Boys' Education in Bangalore
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Bangalore's educational tapestry extends far back, with boys' schools playing a significant role in shaping the city's intellectual landscape. Let's delve into the rich history of these institutions.
Early Seeds: The 19th Century
The 19th century witnessed the establishment of the first prominent boys' schools in Bangalore. In 1841, plans were laid for a Catholic High School, eventually taking concrete form in 1854 as St. Joseph's Boys' High School. This school, along with St. John's High School established in the same year, catered to the educational needs of European and Eurasian boys.
Expansion and Diversification (1860s-1900s)
The latter half of the 19th century saw a surge in boys' schools. In 1865, Bishop Cotton Boys' School opened its doors, offering education to boys of limited means. This period also saw the establishment of prominent institutions like Baldwin Boys' High School (1880) and Clarence High School (1914). These schools not only provided academic rigor but also emphasized moral character and social responsibility in young men.
Focus on National Identity (Early 20th Century)
As the Indian independence movement gained momentum, boys' schools began incorporating elements of national identity into their curriculum. Schools like St. Joseph's Indian High School (established in 1904) catered specifically to Indian students, fostering a sense of national pride alongside academic pursuits.
Evolving Landscape (Post-Independence)
Following India's independence in 1947, boys' schools continued to adapt and evolve. The establishment of the Bangalore Military School (1946) offered a specialized educational path for boys interested in a military career. Meanwhile, existing schools embraced a more holistic approach, integrating extracurricular activities like sports and performing arts into the curriculum.
Legacy and the Future
Boys' schools in Bangalore have a rich legacy of providing quality education and shaping well-rounded young men. They continue to adapt to meet the demands of a changing world, offering a unique educational environment that fosters academic excellence, leadership skills, and strong male bonds.
Additional Points of Interest:
The architectural heritage of many boys' schools in Bangalore is noteworthy, with some buildings showcasing colonial-era design elements.
These schools have produced a distinguished alumni base, including prominent figures in business, politics, and the arts.
The debate on single-sex education versus co-educational settings remains a topic of discussion, with boys' schools continuing to offer a distinctive educational approach.
By exploring the history of boys' education in Bangalore, we gain a deeper appreciation for the enduring role these institutions have played in shaping the city's intellectual and social fabric.
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ipl24 · 2 months
#IPL 2024: Alan Walker Congratulates Virat Kohli For Becoming Father Once Again, Video Goes Viral - WATCH | Cricket News #TATAIPL #IPL24
#IPL24 # Virat Kohli, the renowned cricketer who previously played for Royal Challengers Bangalore, welcomed a baby boy just before the Indian Premier League 2024. He opted to skip the entire Test series against England to be by his wife Anushka Sharma’s side for the birth of their child. Norwegian DJ and music producer Alan Walker, present at the Bengaluru event for the RCB unboxing, extended…
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wodogle · 3 months
Making Memories: The Essential Guide to Birthday Entertainment Services
Birthdays are special occasions that mark milestones in our lives. Whether it's a child's first birthday or a grandparent's 90th, celebrations bring joy, laughter, and cherished memories. One of the key elements of any successful birthday celebration is entertainment. From clowns to magicians, bounce houses to live music, birthday entertainment services play a pivotal role in creating unforgettable experiences. In this guide, we explore the world of birthday entertainment services and how they can elevate your next celebration.
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Diverse Offerings: Birthday entertainment services encompass a wide array of offerings to suit every age group and preference. For children's parties, options like face painting, balloon twisting, and interactive games are popular choices. Magicians and puppet shows bring a sense of wonder and excitement, captivating young audiences with their illusions and storytelling. For teenagers and adults, DJs, photo booths, and karaoke setups offer opportunities for fun and bonding.
Tailored Experiences: One of the greatest advantages of birthday entertainment services is their ability to tailor experiences to suit specific themes and preferences. Whether it's a princess-themed party for a little girl or a superhero extravaganza for a young boy, entertainers can adapt their performances and activities to match the chosen theme. This personalization adds a unique touch to the celebration, making it truly memorable for the guest of honor and their guests.
Professional Expertise: Engaging the services of professional entertainers ensures a seamless and enjoyable experience for both hosts and guests. Experienced entertainers are skilled at engaging diverse audiences, maintaining energy levels, and ensuring everyone feels included and entertained. Moreover, they bring a level of professionalism that can alleviate stress for hosts, allowing them to relax and enjoy the festivities knowing that the entertainment is in capable hands.
Interactive Engagement: The best birthday entertainment services prioritize interactive engagement, encouraging guests to participate and be part of the fun. Interactive activities foster a sense of camaraderie among attendees, breaking the ice and facilitating social interaction. Whether it's a dance-off, a scavenger hunt, or a collaborative art project, interactive entertainment keeps guests engaged and creates lasting memories of shared experiences.
Safety and Reliability: In today's world, safety is paramount, especially when hosting events with children. Reputable birthday entertainment services prioritize safety protocols, ensuring that equipment is well-maintained, venues are secure, and performers are properly trained. Additionally, reliable entertainers adhere to schedules, arrive punctually, and communicate effectively with hosts to ensure smooth coordination on the day of the event.
Memorable Moments: Ultimately, the goal of Birthday Party Entertainers In Bangalore is to create moments that will be cherished for years to come. Whether it's the delighted expression on a child's face as they watch a magician perform, the laughter shared by friends as they dance the night away, or the heartwarming speeches delivered during milestone celebrations, these moments become treasured memories that endure long after the confetti has settled.
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bignewsupdates · 14 years
Swamis and Scandals
Swami Paramhansa Nityanand: The founder of the Nityanand mission, which claims to have 1,000 branches across 33 countries, has been untraceable since certain Tamil TV channels recently aired a video which allegedly shows him in a compromising position with a Tamil actress. Nityanand, who has ashrams in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Puducherry, hails from Tamil Nadu and has a sprawling ashram in Bidadi, 30 km from Bangalore. He claims to lead a worldwide movement for meditation and peace. Lenin Karuppan, a former disciple, has said that he shot the video to expose the swami. Lenin has alleged that his life has been under threat from the swami, adding that he also suspected foul play behind the death of a woman inmate a year ago. In the complaint filed with Chennai City Police Commissioner T Rajendran, Lenin, who claimed to be an inmate of the ashram in Bangalore since 2006, said the swami used to lure young women devotees claiming that he was the reincarnation of Lord Krishna.
Anup Kumar Sahay: A self-proclaimed godman in Ghaziabad, he was booked on Sunday for abducting his cousin. According to a complaint filed by Subha Srivastava, mother of the victim, the accused along with his brother Ashok Kumar Sahay abducted her daughter Priyanka Srivastava on February 15. The self-proclaimed godman has been booked under sections 363, 313 and 366 of the IPC which pertain to kidnapping and forcing a woman to undergo abortion without her will.
Kripaluji Maharaj: Ram Kripal Tripathi aka Kripaluji Maharaj, at whose ashram near Pratapgarh in UP 63 people died in a stampede last week, was charged with kidnapping and rape in two cases in Nagpur in 1991. He was acquitted after the witnesses turned hostile. He was arrested in 2007 after a Guyanese woman in South Trinidad filed a rape case against him.
Sant Swami Bhimanand Ji Maharaj Chitrakoot Wale: Shiv Murti Dwivedi alias Sant Swami Bhimanand Ji Maharaj Chitrakoot Wale (39), a self-styled godman, was arrested by the Delhi Police last month on charges of operating a high-profile sex racket involving former airhostesses and students.
Asaram Bapu: Two minor boys of the Asaram Ashram-run gurukul in Ahmedabad were found dead in the Sabarmati riverbed two days after they mysteriously went missing from the gurukul in February 2008. The police booked Asaram Bapu in a criminal case pertaining to attempt to murder last year in December on the basis of a complaint filed by Raju Chandak, a former disciple of Asaram. Chandak was shot at by two persons on December 5 and he sustained injuries on his chest and shoulders. Chandak alleged that he was targeted at the behest of Asaram, as he had testified before the D K Trivedi Commission probing into the death of the two boys.
Jayendra Saraswati: The influential Kanchi math Shankaracharya was arrested by the Tamil Nadu Police in Mehboobnagar in Andhra Pradesh in November 2004 in connection with the murder of a former accountant of the math.
Santosh Madhavan: The temple priest-turned-astrologer wanted by the Interpol – was arrested in Alappuzha in May 2008. Apart from a Rs 50 lakh fraud case that has a Dubai-based businesswoman as the complainant, Madhavan, who had turned himself into Swami Amritachaitanya presiding over a posh ashram and flaunting high connections in the state’s political circle and the bureaucracy, was also charged with raping a 15-year-old girl repeatedly.
Premananda: Also known as Trichy Sai Baba, he was awarded life imprisonment in 1994 for two terms on the charges of multiple criminal offences including rape and murder. Premananda, who reportedly had powerful supporters in the AIADMK, had not only raped many of the inmates of his ashram at Trichy but also carried out crude medical terminations of some of the consequent pregnancies with the help of a couple of associates. He was also charged with the murder of an engineer who had opposed the nefarious activities at the ashram.
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aashisheyeish · 5 months
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It was cold November, as soon as he woke up his mother who was on her 30s told him that his was coming. 'Hurry up Bhuwan, he may already have arrived in city. Go and pick him up' mother told the boy. Bhuwan is 11 years old. He woke up scratching his eyes and belly. There was fog that morning. He picked up the old by cycle that his father had left. He sprinted his bicycle towards the city road. His hand were freezing in that cold but the sense that he is seeing his father after two years, imagining gifts his father had bought for his made his heart warm as he sprinted more. 'Can't you see your eyes' the motorcycle guy shouted at him. ' I'm so sorry Dai' the boy said. He had crashed his cycle with the motorbike. First tyre of his bicycle went flat due to crash. He searched the market and couldn't found him. People were still staring at him. He thought for a second 'Maybe father is already home by Auto'. He paddled his cycle towards home. 'Dhog gare dady' bhuwan said. 'Bhaggemaani bhayes' his father blessed him. The house was filled with happiness and joy. His little sister about 6 years old asked on excitement 'Malai k lyaaidinu bhayo dady'. 'Chhori lai luga chha' father said as he handled his luggase to Bhuwan. 'Haat dhunu dady ma khaana paskhinxu' mother said. Bhuwan and his sister were searching there gits on each of the luggage. 'Yo ta malai thulo hunxa ni kaabaata leraw aaunu bhayo' bhuwan said to his father.
'Kathmandu ko dai ko chhora ko ho talai hunxa ki bhaneraw lyaaideko' his father told him. Bhuwan was happy that beacause he was wearing Denim jacket for the first time.  He had also a old calculator with alphabets on them. He had never seen those on his entire life. He was amazed and happy. He used to bring the calculator to show it to his friends. He had made more friends in his school more than he could before all because  of the calculator. He liked the coconut oil and Dates his father brought from Bangalore.
Bhuwan study in class 3. He ...enjoy playing marble, post card with pictures of wrestler
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contentone3 · 6 months
The Unsung Heroes: Office Boy Services and Their Vital Role in Workplace Efficiency    
Office Boy Services play a crucial role in maintaining the smooth functioning of an office environment, ensuring that the professional atmosphere remains conducive to productivity. In this article, we explore the myriad ways in which office boy services contribute to a seamless work environment.
1. First Impressions Matter:
Imagine entering an office where the reception area is cluttered, and the ambiance lacks the tidiness that reflects professionalism. An office boy is often the first point of contact for visitors and clients, responsible for maintaining a clean and organized reception area. From arranging magazines to ensuring that the entrance is spotless, the Office Boy Services in Bannerghatta road ,Bangalore contributes to creating a positive first impression.
2. Administrative Support:
Office boys are the unsung heroes behind the scenes, handling various administrative tasks that might not be directly related to a specific job title. From handling courier services to managing the mailroom, their contributions are integral to the daily operations of an office. This support allows other employees to focus on their core responsibilities without being bogged down by peripheral tasks.
3. Refreshments and Break Areas:
A well-maintained break area is essential for employee well-being. Office Boy Services in Bommasandra, Bangalore   often take charge of ensuring that the kitchen and break areas are stocked with essentials. Whether it's making sure there's an ample supply of coffee, tea, or snacks, their attention to these details contributes to a positive workplace culture and promotes employee satisfaction.
4. Time Management:
Efficient time management is a hallmark of a successful office, and office boys contribute significantly to this aspect. From scheduling cleaning services to organizing meeting rooms, they play a pivotal role in optimizing the use of time and resources within the office.
5. Multitasking Masters:
Office boys are adept at wearing multiple hats. Whether it's setting up for a meeting, helping with minor technical issues, or assisting with office events, their versatility is an asset to the overall functionality of the workplace.
6. Inventory Management:
Maintaining and managing office supplies is a task that requires attention to detail. From monitoring stock levels to placing orders, office boys ensure that the office is always equipped with the necessary supplies, preventing disruptions to daily operations.
7. Security and Safety:
Office boys often serve as the eyes and ears of the office, monitoring who enters and exits the premises. Their presence adds an extra layer of security, contributing to the safety of employees and the overall workplace environment.
In conclusion, while office boy services may go unnoticed in the grand scheme of a corporate setting, their contributions are indispensable. From creating a welcoming environment to ensuring the efficient flow of daily operations, the role of an office boy is far-reaching. As businesses strive for optimal productivity and a positive work culture, acknowledging and appreciating the importance of office boy services is a step towards achieving these goals.
8. Event Coordination and Support:
Office boys often play a pivotal role in organizing and facilitating office events. Whether it's a team-building activity, a celebration, or an important client meeting, these individuals are instrumental in the smooth execution of such events. They assist in setting up venues, arranging necessary materials, and ensuring that everything runs seamlessly, allowing employees to focus on the event itself rather than logistical details.
9. Environmentally Conscious Practices:
In the era of increased environmental awareness, Office Boy Services in Bommasandra,       Bangalore  can contribute to sustainable practices within the workplace. They can implement eco-friendly initiatives such as proper waste disposal, recycling programs, and energy conservation measures. By taking charge of these initiatives, office boys actively contribute to the corporate social responsibility efforts of the organization.
10. Flexibility and Adaptability:
One of the standout qualities of office boys is their flexibility and adaptability. They are often called upon to handle unforeseen situations or urgent tasks that may arise during the workday. Their ability to navigate such situations with composure and efficiency ensures that the office environment remains dynamic and responsive to the needs of the business.
11. Employee Well-being:
Beyond the physical aspects of office maintenance, office boys also play a role in promoting a positive workplace culture that prioritizes employee well-being. They may be the go-to person for minor grievances, creating a supportive atmosphere by addressing concerns promptly. In doing so, they contribute to a harmonious work environment that fosters employee satisfaction and loyalty.
12. Language and Cultural Bridge:
In multicultural workplaces, office boys often become invaluable assets in bridging language and cultural gaps. They may act as liaisons between employees from diverse backgrounds, facilitating communication and understanding. This role contributes to a harmonious workplace where everyone feels included and valued.
13. Upholding Professionalism:
The attire, demeanor, and conduct of an office boy can significantly impact the overall professionalism of the workplace. Their commitment to upholding high standards of professionalism sets a positive example for other employees, creating an environment where everyone takes pride in their work and surroundings.
14. Health and Safety Compliance:
Office Boy Service in Bannerghatta road are often responsible for ensuring that the workplace adheres to health and safety regulations. This includes regular checks for fire safety equipment, emergency exit accessibility, and overall workplace hygiene. Their diligence in these matters contributes to a safe and secure working environment for all employees.
In essence, office boy services extend far beyond the stereotypical tasks associated with the role. These individuals are integral to the fabric of a well-functioning, professional workplace. By recognizing and valuing their diverse contributions, businesses can foster a culture that appreciates every role, no matter how seemingly minor, in the pursuit of organizational success.
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elementscelebrate · 8 months
Create the Best Birthday Memories with an Indoor Birthday Photoshoot 
Every passing year in life is worth celebrating, and what better way to do the same than arranging an indoor birthday photoshoot? Celebrating your birthday with a photoshoot will help you preserve memories of your loved ones and family while cherishing how great you looked on one of your birthdays. You can share the special pictures on your social media or keep them for yourself. Now, there are several creative and fun ways to photograph a birthday indoors, and here we will be looking at them.
Go for a BTS
Why not arrange a home birthday photoshoot where you capture behind-the-scenes stills of baking the birthday cake, arranging party decorations and setting up the balloons? This will create some of the most stunning images of the birthday girl or boy and the ones involved in making the event a grand success.
Playing in the Pool
This is the perfect indoor birthday photoshoot idea for the summer. The bright blue pool, shining drink glasses, colourful pool rings and other accessories will make your photos contrasting and joyful.
Family Portraits
Get ready with the best indoor birthday outfit ideas and involve every family member in your birthday photoshoot by arranging for a family portrait together. This will have you experiencing and cherishing moments where you have all the important people in your life in one frame. Bring in cousins, parents, grandparents and friends for the photo session. You can even take pictures of different generations in matching outfits.
Simply Smash It!
Who says that an indoor cake smash photoshoot is just for the one-year-olds? Even teenagers and middle-aged individuals can break the mould and the cake to capture fun photos on their birthdays. However, follow the cake smash photo session rule of getting family and friends to adorn the birthday girl or boy with the smashed cake.
Hopefully, this selection of indoor birthday photoshoot ideas will get your creative juices flowing. Remember that there are no golden rules for a birthday photo session. So, feel free to think outside the box and capture memorable pictures of you and your loved ones.
Prepare to enter a world where your birthday is not just a day but a captivating visual tale!  At Elements, the most sensational photoshoot locations await to transform your special day into a photographic wonderland. Envision being surrounded by naturally enchanting photoshoot backdrops that effortlessly enhance the beauty of your celebration.  Each venue in Coimbatore, Bangalore, Chennai, and Hyderabad is a portrait of its own, a canvas where your memories come to life.
What sets Elements apart is their attention to detail!  From impeccable décor to an array of whimsical props, every element is thoughtfully curated to add that perfect touch of magic to your photoshoot. Your moments will be a symphony of joy and creativity!  Book now and let the lens capture the essence of your celebration. 
Embark on this visual journey at Elements Celebrate and let your birthday tale unfold amidst the enchanting ambience of Elements.
How can I create a cosy and inviting indoor atmosphere for a birthday photoshoot?
For cosy indoor birthday photography, bring fresh plants and flowers, accessorise accent tables, layer in throw blankets and pillows, and display fresh vegetables and fruits on kitchen counters for a pop of colour and streamlining your open shelves.
Are there specific backdrops or backgrounds that work well for indoor shoots?
Yes, cotton fabric backdrops and white backgrounds work best for indoor shoots. White backdrops are best for creating high-key and clean-looking portraits. Even the drawing room or bedroom backdrop looks sleek and classic, provided you arrange everything discreetly to appear their best in the photos.  
What kind of lighting should I use for an indoor birthday photoshoot?
Always opt for natural lighting for an indoor birthday photoshoot. Light coming through doorways, windows, and skylights are the best to click lovely indoor pictures. Open the doors and raise the blinds to allow more natural light to illuminate the subject. You can even mix strobe and continuous lighting in studios to frame shots. 
Do you have ideas for indoor birthday photoshoot props and decorations?
The best decorations and props for indoor birthday photoshoots include: – Table confetti – Balloons – Flowers – Plants – Curling ribbons – Bubble machine – Smoke bombs – Mirror – Crystal ball – Light wand – String lights
What poses and angles are suitable for indoor birthday photography?
Shooting straight from the waist level is best for interior photographs. Shooting from a standing position is not recommended as it may result in a downward angle. Conversely, avoid the angled perspective if you are emphasising décor and furniture. Good poses for indoor birthday photography include carrying the cake and showing it off, blowing the candle pose and posing with a flower setup and giant balloon.
What are some advantages of choosing an indoor photoshoot venue for a birthday celebration?
Indoor photoshoot sessions are more intimate than outdoor shoots. If you are looking for a cosy and warm family environment on your birthday, an indoor birthday photoshoot is the right choice. You need not worry about the weather spoiling your photoshoot while ensuring complete privacy, comfort and convenience.
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avishka · 1 month
Enhancing Education: The Role of Extracurricular Activities in Boarding Schools in Bengaluru
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Boarding schools in Bengaluru have long been recognized for their academic excellence, but their commitment to holistic education extends far beyond the classroom.
Extracurricular activities play a pivotal role in shaping well-rounded individuals, and in the context of Bengaluru, they hold even greater significance.
In this article, we delve into the importance of extracurricular activities in boarding schools in Bengaluru and how they contribute to the overall development of students.
Fostering Social Skills and Cultural Awareness
Boarding schools in Bengaluru provide a unique environment where students from diverse backgrounds come together.
Engaging in extracurricular activities such as debates, cultural festivals, and community service projects enables students to interact with peers from varied cultures and social strata.
Schools like Bishop Cotton Boys' School and Bishop Cotton Girls' School organize inter-house competitions and cultural events that promote camaraderie and cross-cultural understanding among students.
Building Leadership and Teamwork
Participation in sports teams, student councils, and clubs cultivates essential leadership and teamwork skills among students.
Institutions like The International School Bangalore (TISB) and Greenwood High International School offer a wide array of extracurricular options, including sports like cricket, football, and basketball, as well as clubs focusing on entrepreneurship, coding, and environmental conservation.
Through these activities, students learn to collaborate, communicate effectively, and take on leadership roles, preparing them for future success in various endeavors.
Promoting Physical Health and Well-being
In a digital age where sedentary lifestyles are prevalent, boarding schools in Bengaluru emphasize the importance of physical activity through sports and outdoor recreational activities.
Institutions like Jain International Residential School and Inventure Academy provide state-of-the-art sports facilities and encourage students to participate in activities like swimming, tennis, and yoga.
Engaging in regular physical exercise not only promotes physical fitness but also enhances mental well-being, leading to overall better academic performance.
Nurturing Creative Expression and Talent
Extracurricular activities offer students a platform to explore and showcase their creative talents.
Schools like Mallya Aditi International School and Indus International School organize annual arts festivals, musical concerts, and drama productions, providing students with opportunities to express themselves artistically.
Whether it's painting, music, dance, or theater, these activities foster creativity, self-confidence, and self-expression, essential qualities for personal and professional growth.
Enhancing Time Management and Discipline
Balancing academics with extracurricular commitments teaches students valuable time management and discipline skills.
The rigorous schedule of boarding schools in Bengaluru instills a sense of responsibility and accountability among students, as they learn to prioritize tasks and manage their time effectively.
Institutions like National Academy For Learning (NAFL) and The Valley School encourage students to maintain a healthy balance between academic studies and extracurricular pursuits, preparing them for the challenges of higher education and beyond.
Extracurricular activities are an integral part of the educational experience in boarding schools in Bengaluru.
They not only complement academic learning but also contribute significantly to the overall development of students. By fostering social skills, leadership abilities, physical health, creative expression, and time management skills, these activities prepare students to excel in all aspects of their lives.
Boarding schools in Bengaluru, with their diverse offerings and holistic approach to education, stand out as beacons of excellence in nurturing well-rounded individuals poised for success in the global arena.
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sunilification · 9 months
The Wishing Tree
“It is wrong to have an ideal view of the world. That's where the mischief starts. That's where everything starts unravelling”. V.S.Naipaul, Magic Seeds #naipaul
I am afraid this is a lengthy post, but one that is quite close to my heart. I suppose growing up in India, one is exposed to the essence of this story in one or the other form. I came across this story, in this particular form, in my early 20s. It was quoted by Huston Smith in The World’s Religions – a handy mustard coloured book I had picked up at the old Sapna Book Stall, Bangalore. Smith had quoted a story by Christopher Isherwood which in turn was based on an Indian fable that summarizes the soul’s coming of age in the universe.
Around other distractions, it took me a while to track down the original Isherwood book: Vedanta for the Western World, but I had been captivated enough by the story to pursue it.
I present a version of the story, one that I have heavily edited and changed to keep it more relevant and less abstract. So what follows is not the original version. I had put up the Huston Smith Reference on my blogsite long back. I will crosspost this story on my blog as well.
Also, I have shared and spoken about this with many a friends during watering sessions in the past or late night philosophy discussions, so some of you may find it familiar.
I have left the ending as I wanted. But few readers may find it abrupt and may struggle with the ending, I am happy to clarify but I would first encourage you to imagine the ending yourself.
I had been meaning to post this for a while but could not sustain the attention to finish it. I am so glad I have managed to do it now, though I am sure I will edit this draft again.
Thank you.
For those who may feel like sharing it, I have left the post public.
Reference: KalpaVriksha from Sanskrit, Kalpa means to imagine ( Wish) and Vriksha is Tree.
The Wishing Tree:
An old man seated on a lawn with a group of children around him tells them the magic tree - Kalpavriksha - that fulfils all the wishes requested of it.
“If you speak to it and tell it a wish; or if you lie down under it and think, or even dream, then that wish will be granted.” The old man proceeds to tell them that he once obtained such a tree and planted it in his garden. “ In fact,” he tells them with a smile, pointing at a tree over there “that is the Kalpavriksha over there.”
The children don’t believe him. They think the old man is just joking, telling fibs. They go back to playing.
After a couple of days, it so happens that during another session of play, the ball gets lost in the woods. The children go out looking for the ball and after a long frenetic search are unable to find it.
During the search one of the boys comes to the area near the Kalpavriksha; he remembers the old man’s story. He half-heartedly wants to check the story – mostly out of curiosity. Once underneath the tree he thinks of and wishes for the ball, and gazing at the gigantic tree, he waits in anticipation; after a seemingly long wait there is nothing. Inwardly mocking the old man he starts walking back to his friends, only to find the ball a couple of feet away. He is not sure if it the same ball that he had been playing with or a different, perhaps a new one. He is just happy for having found the ball. He rushes back to his friends and they all resume playing. Later, he shares the story of his encounter with the tree- with his friends. They have a hearty laugh at the boy’s and the old man’s expense.
But deep down, something is borne, an idea is seeded. Everyone is struck with a curiosity to check whether the story of this mysterious tree is actually true? One by one, over a period of time, mostly on their own, the children go and make wishes before the tree. Typically small, trivial wishes. I want a doll says one girl; I want a chocolate says another. But nothing happens immediately. Over time, they realise wishes they made before the Kalpavriksha, do come true - in its own time and in its own way. For the girl who wanted a pink doll, her distant uncle on a visit to her family had brought her a doll. Likewise, a neighbour hands a big bar of chocolate (her favourite) to the girl who had wished for it. Slowly children understand that the Wishing Tree does indeed possess special powers, and that the story of the old man is indeed true.
Naturally children rush to the tree and begin to shower it with requests. New clothes, balloons, candies, toys etc. The Kalpavriksha grants them indiscriminately. The only thing it cannot give and has no interest in giving is advice. Children are happy and grateful that they have access to the Kalpavriksha – they now can get anything they want. Anything and everything they want.
Years pass, children grow up, so do the wishes. The wishes become more elaborate and intricate. Can you please make sure Dad agrees to send me to the new school summer camp? Can I have the new iPad instead of the Ukulele for my forthcoming birthday? The Kalpavriskha continues to give, no questions asked, no conditions applied. As the wishes are being fulfilled by the Kalpavriksha, children are content with life and the world. Life seems simple – just wish before the tree, have the wish fulfilled and be happy.
But then desire is an endless ocean. In this mighty ocean, wishes continue to follow one another like never ending waves. Meanwhile, the great Kalpavriksha is the other side of the ocean - the shore, endless as the ocean itself, it continues to give whatever is asked of it.
With passing time and their wishes being assuredly fulfilled by the great wishing tree, the children are evermore happy and satisfied. As they grow, they assimilate ideas and values from the world, which they gradually learn to incorporate into their wishes. The wishes turn grander and overtly longer term, and some of the wishes are not even their own anymore but borrowed from others. One boy wishes for a new fashionable bicycle, but on seeing that his friend has managed to get a better and bigger bicycle, he now covets his friend’s bicycle. The next day he goes before the tree and wishes for the bicycle - just like that of his friend. And the tree gives, unconditionally.
The Tree gradually becomes a part of the children’s life. It is taken for granted. Everyone slowly begin forgetting it and start believing they themselves were instrumental in realising their wishes. I mean, after all, who conceived and made those wishes before the Tree? With time the wishes become more protracted, relative and complex. The children’s world constantly gets defined by thinking about bigger and grander wishes, and what others are wishing for etc. Thus wishes slowly turn into plans and wants.
Children grow and turn into men and women; with their being under the influence of biology, they all now seem to want better and attractive bodies. They seek and wish for better partners. But better? What is better?? Some want better looking partners, whilst a few insist on traits - sense of humor! Whilst others want rich partners ( it’s just easy that way ) whilst others seek compatible ones ( in fact it’s easier that way ). Thus the wishes are not simple anymore, simple is now beneath the young men and women, their wishes become more elaborate and well thought-out. Wishes become wants. Wants over time become desires and sustained desire turns into ambition.
With time the children have now grown into independent adults and unlike when they were children, they do not want their wishes to be fulfilled instantly, they now look for the grandest of the wishes that can be fulfilled only with ever increasing difficulty. They all want to be better. They want better jobs, and better family. Better sons and daughters, better friends and property. Some insist on better cars and bigger houses that they can present before their other better friends; some covet fame, while a few insist on travelling the world, and a few others want to be fit and ageless. But despite all, the men and women realise they are not as happy as they once were - as children playing together with just a ball on a summer evening, casting their long shadows against the light of the setting sun. They cannot forget the lightness in their beings in this ancient happiness. But Time doesn’t turn, they can’t go back. The well-etched memory of this happiness makes them seek more and more, not only for themselves, but also for their children. They start wishing in more creative and more competitive ways before the Kalpavriksha.
The Tree though, ceaseless and gracious, continues to grant all their wishes – though the wishes have now grown as big as the tree itself with hundreds of branches – plans, wants, goals, desires, aspirations, ambitions, burrowing one into other, branching out one after another, deeper and longer, unbound and timeless into all eternity.
However, all the diverse wishes eventually come to be either of the two: more wealth and more power. Wealth buys more, and power influences many. But neither can assure the happiness they seek; some figure this out, many don’t. But they justify their lives in strange fallacies, and convince themselves of their choices in multiple ways. Quite simply all of them overlook that throughout their lives, they are so used to wishing before the Kalpavriksha that they simply do not know what else to do.
Thus the world rolls.
There was one child from the original group however, who did not spend his years skipping from one wish to other, rolling from one desire to another. For from the first day he had thought long and hard; for years he had seen his friends wishing before the tree and found the whole cyclical exercise incredibly interesting and amusing. The more he saw and thought about it, the closer he got to comprehend the real nature of both the Wish and the Wishing Tree. His friends found him ‘a little odd’, then ‘a little strange’. “Why does he not wish?” they simply didn’t know. Finally, they settled with ‘mad’. It is easier to avoid someone if you believe he is mad.
The boy, now a man, in fact was far from being mad. “A Wish is not free, it comes at a cost. It is always linked to the promise of another wish. And a wish that is fulfilled creates an illusion of both propriety and agency” he told himself. He understood it was like breath, how inspiration ushers expiration and vice versa, wishing would couple him with another wish and so on so forth. He would be bound to wishing into infinity.
And what about this magical tree? The tree, yes. It was not just the pretty magic tree of the old man’s story. He understood the tree did not exist to grant the foolish wishes of children and men- it was both unspeakably terrible and grand. It offered meaning. He saw it was his father and his mother. Its roots held the universe together, and its branches reached beyond the stars. Before the beginning it had been – and would be, always.
The man had seen the machinations of worldly gratifications, their ephemeral nature and the consequences. “A man, himself, is nothing in this world” he avered. “To be a man is to keep on wishing, keep on asking”. “But, can I find an entity or a premise that I can wish for just once, so that I do not need to wish or ask again?” After many years of trying to answer this question, one evening, the solution came to him. He smiled to himself. He had figured it out. It had been so simple all along.
He walked before the grand giving tree and made his exceptional wish.
The Tree gladly granted his wish.
And the man never wished again for all eternity.
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